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Vaccinia virus encodes two protein kinases (B1 and F10) and a dual-specificity phosphatase (VH1), suggesting that phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of substrates on serine/threonine and tyrosine residues are important in regulating diverse aspects of the viral life cycle. Using a recombinant in which expression of the H1 phosphatase can be regulated experimentally (vindH1), we have previously demonstrated that repression of H1 leads to the maturation of noninfectious virions that contain several hyperphosphorylated substrates (K. Liu et al., J. Virol. 69:7823-7834). In this report, we demonstrate that among these is a 25-kDa protein that is phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in H1-deficient virions and can be dephosphorylated by recombinant H1. We demonstrate that the 25-kDa phosphoprotein represents the product of the A17 gene and that A17 is phosphorylated on serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues during infection. Detection of phosphotyrosine within A17 is abrogated when Tyr(203) (but not Tyr(3), Tyr(6), or Tyr(7)) is mutated to phenylalanine, suggesting strongly that this amino acid is the site of tyrosine phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of A17 fails to occur during nonpermissive infections performed with temperature-sensitive mutants defective in the F10 kinase. Our data suggest that this enzyme, which was initially characterized as a serine/threonine kinase, might in fact have dual specificity. This hypothesis is strengthened by the observation that Escherichia coli induced to express F10 contain multiple proteins which are recognized by antiphosphotyrosine antiserum. This study presents the first evidence for phosphotyrosine signaling during vaccinia virus infection and implicates the F10 kinase and the H1 phosphatase as the dual-specificity enzymes that direct this cycle of reversible phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) adsorb to ice crystals and inhibit their growth, leading to non-colligative freezing point depression. Crops like spring wheat, that are highly susceptible to frost damage, can potentially be made frost tolerant by expressing AFPs in the cytoplasm and apoplast where ice recrystallisation leads to cellular damage. The protein sequence for HPLC-6 α-helical antifreeze protein from winter flounder was rationally redesigned after removing the prosequences in the native protein. Wheat nuclear gene preferred amino acid codons were used to synthesize a recombinant antifreeze gene, rAFPI. Antifreeze protein was targeted to the apoplast using a Murine leader peptide sequence from the mAb24 light chain or retained in the endoplasmic reticulum using C-terminus KDEL sequence. The coding sequences were placed downstream of the rice Actin promoter and Actin-1 intron and upstream of the nopaline synthase terminator in the plant expression vectors. Transgenic wheat lines were generated through micro projectile bombardment of immature embryos of spring wheat cultivar Seri 82. Levels of antifreeze protein in the transgenic lines without any targeting peptide were low (0.06–0.07%). The apoplast-targeted protein reached a level of 1.61% of total soluble protein, 90% of which was present in the apoplast. ER-retained protein accumulated in the cells at levels up to 0.65% of total soluble proteins. Transgenic wheat line T-8 with apoplast-targeted antifreeze protein exhibited the highest levels of antifreeze activity and provided significant freezing protection even at temperatures as low as −7°C.  相似文献   
In the present study, an ayurvedic medicinal plant, Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb .) Miq . commonly known as ‘Kadamb’ was explored for its potential against oxidative stress and cancer. The fractions namely AC‐4 and ACALK (alkaloid rich fraction) were isolated from A. cadamba leaves by employing two different isolation methods and evaluated for their in vitro antioxidant and antiproliferative activity. The structure of the isolated AC‐4 was characterized tentatively as dihydrocadambine by using various spectroscopic techniques such as ESI‐QTOF‐MS, 1H‐ and 13C‐NMR, DEPT, COSY, HMQC, and HMBC. Results of various antioxidant assays viz. 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), ABTS cation radical, superoxide anion radical scavenging, and plasmid nicking assay demonstrated that both the fractions viz. AC‐4 and ACALK possess ability to scavenge DPPH, ABTS radicals and effectively protected plasmid pBR322 DNA from damage caused by hydroxyl radicals. Further, when both fractions were evaluated for their potential to suppress growth of HeLa and COLO 205 cells, only ACALK fraction showed antiproliferative effects. ACALK exhibited GI50 of 205.98 and 99.54 μg/ml in HeLa and COLO 205 cell lines, respectively. Results of Hoechst staining in cervical carcinoma (HeLa) cells confirmed that ACALK induced cell death in HeLa cells via apoptotic mode. Both the fractions also inhibited COX‐2 enzyme activity.  相似文献   
The present investigation was carried out with an objective of evaluating genetic diversity in brinjal (Solanum melongena) using DNA markers. A total of 38 brinjal accessions including one wild-species, Solanum sisymbrifolium were characterized using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAP D) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) techniques. Out of 45 primers employed to generate RAPD profiles, reproducible patterns were obtained with 32 primers and 30 (93.7%) of these detected polymorphism. A total of 149 bands were obtained, out of which 108 (72.4%) were polymorphic. AFLP analysis was carried out using four primer combinations. Each of these primers was highly polymorphic. Out of 253 fragments amplified from these four primer combinations, 237 (93.6%) were polymorphic. The extent of pair-wise similarity ranged from 0.264 to 0.946 with a mean of 0.787 in RAPD, in contrast to a range of 0.103 to 0.847 with a mean of 0.434 in AFLP. The wild species clustered separately from the brinjal genotypes. In the dendrogram constructed separately using RAPD and AFLP markers, the brinjal genotypes were grouped into clusters and sub-clusters, and the varieties released by IARI remained together on both the dendrograms. All the 30 RAPD primers in combination and each of the four primer pairs in AFLP could distinguish the brinjal accessions from each other. AFLP was thus found to be more efficient than RAPD in estimation of genetic diversity and differentiation of varieties in brinjal.  相似文献   
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP), a chromatin-bound enzyme, is activated by cell oxidative stress. Because oxidative stress is also considered a main component of angiotensin II-mediated cell signaling, it was postulated that PARP could be a downstream target of angiotensin II-induced signaling leading to cardiac hypertrophy. To determine a role of PARP in angiotensin II-induced hypertrophy, we infused angiotensin II into wild-type (PARP(+/+)) and PARP-deficient mice. Angiotensin II infusion significantly increased heart weight-to-tibia length ratio, myocyte cross-sectional area, and interstitial fibrosis in PARP(+/+) but not in PARP(-/-) mice. To confirm these results, we analyzed the effect of angiotensin II in primary cultures of cardiomyocytes. When compared with PARP(-/-) cardiomyocytes, angiotensin II (1 microM) treatment significantly increased protein synthesis in PARP(+/+) myocytes, as measured by (3)H-leucine incorporation into total cell protein. Angiotensin II-mediated hypertrophy of myocytes was accompanied with increased poly-ADP-ribosylation of nuclear proteins and depletion of cellular NAD content. When cells were treated with cell death-inducing doses of angiotensin II (10-20 microM), robust myocyte cell death was observed in PARP(+/+) but not in PARP(-/-) myocytes. This type of cell death was blocked by repletion of cellular NAD levels as well as by activation of the longevity factor Sir2alpha deacetylase, indicating that PARP induction and subsequent depletion of NAD levels are the sequence of events causing angiotensin II-mediated cardiomyocyte cell death. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that PARP is a nuclear integrator of angiotensin II-mediated cell signaling contributing to cardiac hypertrophy and suggest that this could be a novel therapeutic target for the management of heart failure.  相似文献   
Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is essential for rapid induction of cellular responses to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). In this study, we mapped a nuclear localization signal (NLS), 385KRKK388, within the amino terminus of ATM and demonstrate its recognition by the conventional nuclear import receptor, the importin alpha1/beta1 heterodimer. Although mutation of this NLS resulted in green fluorescent protein (GFP) x ATM(NLSm) localizing predominantly within the cytoplasm, small amounts of nuclear GFP x ATM(NLSm) were still sufficient to elicit a DNA damage response. Insertion of an heterologous nuclear export signal between GFP and ATM(NLSm) resulted in complete cytoplasmic localization of ATM, concomitantly reducing the level of substrate phosphorylation and increasing radiosensitivity, which indicates a functional requirement for ATM nuclear localization. Interestingly, the carboxyl-terminal half of ATM, containing the kinase domain, which localizes to the cytoplasm, could not autophosphorylate itself or phosphorylate substrates, nor could it correct radiosensitivity in response to DSBs even when targeted to the nucleus by insertion of an exogenous NLS, demonstrating that the ATM amino terminus is required for optimal ATM function. Moreover, we have shown that the recruitment/retention of ATM at DSBs requires its kinase activity because a kinase-dead mutant of GFP x ATM failed to form damage-induced foci. Using deletion mutation analysis we mapped a domain in ATM (amino acids 5-224) required for its association with chromatin, which may target ATM to sites of DNA damage. Combined, these data indicate that the amino terminus of ATM is crucial not only for nuclear localization but also for chromatin association, thereby facilitating the kinase activity of ATM in vivo.  相似文献   
We developed a new instrumental method by which human melanoma cells (LU1205) are sonoporated via radiation pressures exerted by highly-confined ultrasonic waves produced by high lateral-resolution ultrasonic micro-transducer arrays (UMTAs). The method enables cellular-level site-specific sonoporation within the cell monolayer due to UMTAs and can be applicable in the delivery of drugs and gene products in cellular assays. In this method, cells are seeded on the biochip that employs UMTAs for high spatial resolution and specificity. UMTAs are driven by 30-MHz sinusoidal signals and the resulting radiation pressures induce sonoporation in the targeted cells. The sonoporation degree and the effective lateral resolution of UMTAs are determined by performing fluorescent microscopy and analysis of carboxylic-acid-derivatized CdSe/ZnS quantum dots passively transported into the cells. Models representing the transducer-generated ultrasound radiation pressure, the ultrasound-inflicted cell membrane wound, and the transmembrane transport through the wound are developed to determine the ultrasound-pressure-dependent wound size and enhanced cellular uptake of nanoparticles. Model-based calculations show that the effective wound size and cellular uptake of nanoparticles increase linearly with increasing ultrasound pressure (i.e., at applied radiation pressures of 0.21, 0.29, and 0.40 MPa, the ultrasound-induced initial effective wound radii are 150, 460, and 650 nm, respectively, and the post-sonoporation intracellular quantum-dot concentrations are 7.8, 22.8, and 29.9 nM, respectively) and the threshold pressure required to induce sonoporation in LU1205 cells is ~0.12 MPa.  相似文献   
The S-type lectin galectin-9 binds to the negative regulatory molecule Tim-3 on T cells and induces their apoptotic deletion or functional inactivation. We investigated whether galectin-9/Tim-3 interactions contribute to the deletion and exhaustion of the antiviral T cell response in chronic hepatitis B virus infection (CHB). We found Tim-3 to be expressed on a higher percentage of CD4 and CD8 T cells from patients with CHB than healthy controls (p<0.0001) and to be enriched on activated T cells and those infiltrating the HBV-infected liver. Direct ex vivo examination of virus-specific CD8 T cells binding HLA-A2/peptide multimers revealed that Tim-3 was more highly upregulated on HBV-specific CD8 T cells than CMV-specific CD8 T cells or the global CD8 T cell population in patients with CHB (p<0.001) or than on HBV-specific CD8 after resolution of infection. T cells expressing Tim-3 had an impaired ability to produce IFN-γ and TNF-α upon recognition of HBV-peptides and were susceptible to galectin-9-triggered cell death in vitro. Galectin-9 was detectable at increased concentrations in the sera of patients with active CHB-related liver inflammation (p = 0.02) and was strongly expressed by Kupffer cells within the liver sinusoidal network. Tim-3 blockade resulted in enhanced expansion of HBV-specific CD8 T cells able to produce cytokines and mediate cytotoxicity in vitro. Blocking PD-1 in combination with Tim-3 enhanced the number of patients from whom functional antiviral responses could be recovered and/or the strength of responses, indicating that these co-inhibitory molecules play a non-redundant role in driving T cell exhaustion in CHB. Patients taking antivirals able to potently suppress HBV viraemia continued to express Tim-3 on their T cells and respond to Tim-3 blockade. In summary, both Tim-3 and galectin-9 are increased in CHB and may contribute to the inhibition and deletion of T cells as they infiltrate the HBV-infected liver.  相似文献   
The co-ordinated regulation of oncogenes along with miRNAs play crucial role in carcinogenesis. In retinoblastoma (RB), several miRNAs are known to be differentially expressed. Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) gene is involved in many epithelial cancers including, retinoblastoma (RB) tumorigenesis. EpCAM silencing effectively reduces the oncogenic miR-17-92 cluster. In order to investigate whether EpCAM has wider effect as an inducer or silencer of miRNAs, we performed a global microRNA expression profile in EpCAM siRNA knockdown Y79 cells. MicroRNA profiling in EpCAM silenced Y79 cells showed seventy-three significantly up regulated and thirty-six down regulated miRNAs. A subset of these miRNAs was also validated in tumors. Functional studies on Y79 and WERI-Rb-1 cells transfected with antagomirs against two miRNAs of miR-181c and miR-130b showed striking changes in tumor cell properties in RB cells. Treatment with anti-miR-181c and miR-130b showed significant decrease in cell viability and cell invasion. Increase in caspase-3 level was noticed in antagomir transfected cell lines indicating the induction of apoptosis. Possible genes altered by EpCAM influenced microRNAs were predicted by bioinformatic tools. Many of these belong to pathways implicated in cancer. The study shows significant influence of EpCAM on global microRNA expression. EpCAM regulated miR-181c and miR-130b may play significant roles in RB progression. EpCAM based targeted therapies may reduce carcinogenesis through several miRNAs and target genes.  相似文献   
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