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Anton Mader 《Planta》1929,8(5):742-790
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 18 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   
Genetic markers, genealogies and biogeographic patterns in the cladocera   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cladoceran crustaceans are an important component of zooplankton in a wide range of freshwater habitats. Although the ecological characteristics of several cladoceran species have been well studied, biogeographical studies have been hampered by problematic taxonomic affiliations. However, recently developed molecular techniques, provide a powerful tool to subject aquatic taxa to comparative analyses. Here we highlight recent molecular approaches in aquatic ecology by presenting a simple method of DNA preparation and PCR amplification of the mitochondrial DNA (16S rDNA) in species from nine different families within the cladocera. On a broad taxonomic scale, sequence analysis of this mtDNA fragment has been used to produce the first molecular based phylogeny of the cladocera. This analysis clustered the cladoceran families in a fashion similar to that suggested by previous systematic classifications. In a more detailed analysis of the family Daphniidae, nuclear randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), mitochondrial restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and morphological analyses were combined to identify species and interspecific hybrids within the Daphnia galeata species complex across 50 lakes in 13 European countries and one lake in Africa. The study revealed interspecific hybridization and backcrossing between some taxa (D. cucullata and D. galeata) to be widespread, and species and hybrids to frequently occur in sympatry. Genetic, as well as morphological information, suggests the occurrence of D. hyalina outside the Holarctic.  相似文献   
Six steers (3/4 Charolais×1/4 Brahman) (mean body weight 314±27 kg) and six spayed heifers (3/5 Shorthorn×2/5 Red Angus) (mean body weight 478±30 kg) were used to determine the effects of climatic conditions and hormone growth promotants (HGP) on respiration rate (RR; breaths/min), pulse rate (beats/min), rectal temperature (RT; °C), and heat production (HP; kJ). Cattle were exposed to the following climatic conditions prior to implantation with a HGP and then again 12 days after implantation: 2 days of thermoneutral conditions (TNL) [21.9±0.9°C ambient temperature (TA) and 61.7±22.1% relative humidity (RH)] then 2 days of hot conditions [HOT; 29.2±4°C (TA) and 78.3±13.2% (RH)], then TNL for 3 days and then 2 days of cold conditions [COLD; 17.6±0.9°C (TA) and 63.4±1.8% (RH); cattle were wet during this treatment]. The HGP implants used were: estrogenic implant (E), trenbolone acetate implant (TBA), or both (ET). Both prior to and following administration of HGP, RRs were lower (P<0.05) on cold days and greater (P<0.05) on hot days compared to TNL. On hot days, RTs, were 0.62°C higher after compared to before implanting. Across all conditions, RTs were >0.5°C greater (P<0.05) for E cattle than for TBA or ET cattle. On cold days, RTs of steers were >0.8°C higher than for the heifers, while under TNL and HOT, RTs of steers were 0.2–0.35°C higher than those of heifers. Prior to implantation, HP per hour and per unit of metabolic body weight was higher (P<0.05) for cattle exposed to hot conditions, when compared to HP on cold days. After implantation, HP was greater (P<0.05) on hot days than on cold days. Under TNL, ET cattle had the lowest HP and greatest feed intake. On hot days, E cattle had the lowest HP, and the highest RT; therefore, if the potential exists for cattle death from heat episodes, the use of either TBA or ET may be preferred. Under cold conditions HP was similar among implant groups.  相似文献   
Triepel  J.  Mader  J.  Weindl  A.  Heinrich  D.  Forssmann  W. G.  Metz  J. 《Histochemistry and cell biology》1984,81(6):509-516
Summary The occurrence and distribution of neurotensin-immunoreactive (NT-IR) perikarya was studied in the central nervous system of the guinea pig using a newly raised antibody (KN 1). Numerous NT-IR perikarya were found in the nuclei amygdaloidei, nuclei septi interventriculare, hypothalamus, nucleus parafascicularis thalami, substantia grisea centralis mesencephali, ventral medulla oblongata, nucleus solitarius and spinal cord. The distribution of NT-IR perikarya was similar to that previously described in the rat and monkey. In the gyrus cinguli, hippocampus and nucleus olfactorius, though, no NT-IR neurons were detected in this investigation. Additional immunoreactive perikarya, however, were observed in areas of the ventral medulla oblongata, namely in the nucleus paragigantocellularis, nucleus retrofacialis and nucleus raphe obscurus.The relevance of the NT-IR perikarya within the ventral medulla oblongata is discussed with respect to other neuropeptides, which are found in this area, and to cardiovascular regulation.Abbreviations abl nucleus amygdaloideus basalis lateralis - abm nucleus amygdaloideus basalis medialis - acc nucleus amygdaloideus centralis - aco nucleus amygdaloideus corticalis - ahp area posterior hypothalami - ala nucleus amygdaloideus lateralis anterior - alp nucleus amygdaloideus lateralis posterior - ame nucleus amygdaloideus medialis - atv area tegmentalis ventralis - bst nucleus proprius striae terminalis - CA commissura anterior - CC corpus callosum - cgld corpus geniculatum laterale dorsale - cglv corpus geniculatum laterale ventrale - cgm corpus geniculatum mediale - CHO chiasma opticum - CI capsula interna - co nucleus commissuralis - cod nucleus cochlearis dorsalis - cp nucleus caudatus/Putamen - cs colliculus superior - cu nucleus cuneatus - dmh nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami - DP decussatio pyramidum - em eminentia mediana - ent cortex entorhinalis - epi epiphysis - FLM fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - fm nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami pars filiformis - FX fornix - gd gyrus dentatus - gp globus pallidus - gr nucleus gracilis - hl nucleus habenulae lateralis - hm nucleus habenulae medialis - hpe hippocampus - ift nucleus infratrigeminalis - io oliva inferior - ip nucleus interpeduncularis - LM lemniscus medialis - MT tractus mamillo-thalamicus - na nucleus arcuatus - nls nucleus lateralis septi - nms nucleus medialis septi - npca nucleus proprius commissurae anterioris - ns nucleus solitarius - n III nucleus nervi oculomotorii - nt V nucleus tractus spinalis nervi trigemini - ntm nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini - osc organum subcommissurale - P tractus cortico-spinalis - PC pedunculus cerebri - PCI pedunculus cerebellaris inferior - pir cortex piriformis - pol area praeoptica lateralis - pom area praeoptica medialis - prt area praetectalis - pt nucleus parataenialis - pvh nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami - pvt nucleus paraventricularis thalami - r nucleus ruber - re nucleus reuniens - rgi nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis - rl nucleus reticularis lateralis - rm nucleus raphe magnus - ro nucleus raphe obscurus - rp nucleus raphe pallidus - rpc nucleus reticularis parvocellularis - rpgc nucleus reticularis paragigantocellularis - sch nucleus suprachiasmaticus - SM stria medullaris thalami - snc substantia nigra compacta - snl substantia nigra lateralis - snr substantia nigra reticularis - ST stria terminalis - tad nucleus anterior dorsalis thalami - tam nucleus anterior medialis thalami - tav nucleus anterior ventralis thalami - tbl nucleus tuberolateralis - tc nucleus centralis thalami - tl nucleus lateralis thalami - tmd nucleus medialis dorsalis thalami - TO tractus opticus - TOL tractus olfactorium lateralis - tpo nucleus posterior thalami - tr nucleus reticularis thalami - trs nucleus triangularis septi - TS tractus solitarius - TS V tractus spinalis nervi trigemini - tvl nucleus ventrolateralis thalami - vmh nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami - vh ventral horn, Columna anterior - zi zona incerta Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG) SFB 90, Carvas  相似文献   
Hans J. Rurainski  Gerhard Mader 《BBA》1977,461(3):489-499
Concurrent measurements of P-700 turnover and the reduction of K3Fe(CN)6 revealed an identical relative quantum yield for both reactions in isolated pea chloroplasts as well as chloroplast particles from wild type Scenedesmus. On the other hand, chloroplast particles of wild type Scenedesmus showed the same relative quantum yield for the Hill reaction as those of the P-700-free mutant No. 8, indicating that P-700 is not required for ferricyanide reduction.Several metal ions, such as Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+ and K+ stimulated the reduction of K3Fe(CN)6. In short wavelength light, the stimulation was a function of light intensity, varying in magnitude from an approximate doubling of the yield in low intensities to only a slight increase at light saturation. P-700 was totally unaffected by the cations.The effect of the metal salts was abolished in the presence of uncouplers of photophosphorylation.The data reconcile several divergent results concerning the effect of divalent cations on the reduction of ferricyanide which have been reported in the recent literature. On the whole the experiments suggest that the Hill acceptor can be reduced at two sites. The stimulation of the Hill reaction by metal ions is proposed to be due to an activation of Photosystem II and a more efficient utilization of quanta at the expense of radiationless de-excitation.  相似文献   
Agricultural management and vegetation complexity affect arthropod diversity and may alter trophic interactions between predators and their prey. Web-building spiders are abundant generalist predators and important natural enemies of pests. We analyzed how management intensity (tillage, cutting of the vegetation, grazing by cattle, and synthetic and organic inputs) and vegetation complexity (plant species richness, vegetation height, coverage, and density) affect rarefied richness and composition of web-building spiders and their prey with respect to prey availability and aphid predation in 12 habitats, ranging from an uncut fallow to a conventionally managed maize field. Spiders and prey from webs were collected manually and the potential prey were quantified using sticky traps. The species richness of web-building spiders and the order richness of prey increased with plant diversity and vegetation coverage. Prey order richness was lower at tilled compared to no-till sites. Hemipterans (primarily aphids) were overrepresented, while dipterans, hymenopterans, and thysanopterans were underrepresented in webs compared to sticky traps. The per spider capture efficiency for aphids was higher at tilled than at no-till sites and decreased with vegetation complexity. After accounting for local densities, 1.8 times more aphids were captured at uncut compared to cut sites. Our results emphasize the functional role of web-building spiders in aphid predation, but suggest negative effects of cutting or harvesting. We conclude that reduced management intensity and increased vegetation complexity help to conserve local invertebrate diversity, and that web-building spiders at sites under low management intensity (e.g., semi-natural habitats) contribute to aphid suppression at the landscape scale.  相似文献   
Subaerial parts of Leontodon rosani (Ten.) DC. collected in the South Italian Basilicata region yielded four new hypocretenolides, 11β,13-dihydro-15-hydroxyhypocretenolide (2), 15-hydroxyhypocretenolide (3), 11β,13-dihydro-15-hydroxyhypocretenolide-β-glucopyranoside (4), and 15-hydroxyhypocretenolide-β-glucopyranoside (5). Structure elucidations were based on MS experiments and extensive one- and two-dimensional NMR experiments. None of the isolated compounds showed any activity in an in vitro acetylcholinesterase inhibition assay. The chemosystematic impact of the occurrence of hypocretenolides in L. rosani is discussed with regards to the supposed allotetraploid origin of the title species. Moreover, HPLC retention times and online mass signals for all currently known hypocretenolide derivatives are described to ease future studies screening for this rare group of natural products.  相似文献   
SMYD2 is a lysine methyltransferase that catalyzes the monomethylation of several protein substrates including p53. SMYD2 is overexpressed in a significant percentage of esophageal squamous primary carcinomas, and that overexpression correlates with poor patient survival. However, the mechanism(s) by which SMYD2 promotes oncogenesis is not understood. A small molecule probe for SMYD2 would allow for the pharmacological dissection of this biology. In this report, we disclose LLY-507, a cell-active, potent small molecule inhibitor of SMYD2. LLY-507 is >100-fold selective for SMYD2 over a broad range of methyltransferase and non-methyltransferase targets. A 1.63-Å resolution crystal structure of SMYD2 in complex with LLY-507 shows the inhibitor binding in the substrate peptide binding pocket. LLY-507 is active in cells as measured by reduction of SMYD2-induced monomethylation of p53 Lys370 at submicromolar concentrations. We used LLY-507 to further test other potential roles of SMYD2. Mass spectrometry-based proteomics showed that cellular global histone methylation levels were not significantly affected by SMYD2 inhibition with LLY-507, and subcellular fractionation studies indicate that SMYD2 is primarily cytoplasmic, suggesting that SMYD2 targets a very small subset of histones at specific chromatin loci and/or non-histone substrates. Breast and liver cancers were identified through in silico data mining as tumor types that display amplification and/or overexpression of SMYD2. LLY-507 inhibited the proliferation of several esophageal, liver, and breast cancer cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. These findings suggest that LLY-507 serves as a valuable chemical probe to aid in the dissection of SMYD2 function in cancer and other biological processes.  相似文献   
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