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Prior to the advent of genetic engineering in the mouse, the rat was the model of choice for investigating the etiology of cancer. Now, recent advances in the manipulation of the rat genome, combined with a growing recognition of the physiological differences between mice and rats, have reignited interest in the rat as a model of human cancer. Two recently developed rat models, the polyposis in the rat colon (Pirc) and Kyoto Apc Delta (KAD) strains, each carry mutations in the intestinal-cancer-associated adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) gene. In contrast to mouse models carrying Apc mutations, in which cancers develop mainly in the small intestine rather than in the colon and there is no gender bias, these rat models exhibit colonic predisposition and gender-specific susceptibility, as seen in human colon cancer. The rat also provides other experimental resources as a model organism that are not provided by the mouse: the structure of its chromosomes facilitates the analysis of genomic events, the size of its colon permits longitudinal analysis of tumor growth, and the size of biological samples from the animal facilitates multiplexed molecular analyses of the tumor and its host. Thus, the underlying biology and experimental resources of these rat models provide important avenues for investigation. We anticipate that advances in disease modeling in the rat will synergize with resources that are being developed in the mouse to provide a deeper understanding of human colon cancer.KEY WORDS: APC, Allelic series, Animal models, Colorectal cancer  相似文献   
We have conducted a genetic analysis of the region flanking the 68C glue gene cluster in Drosophila melanogaster by isolating lethal and semilethal mutations uncovered by deficiencies which span this region. Three different mutagens were used: ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), ethyl nitrosourea (ENU) and diepoxybutane (DEB). In the region from 68A3 to 68C11, 64 lethal, semilethal, and visible mutations were recovered. These include alleles of 13 new lethal complementation groups, as well as new alleles of rotated, low xanthine dehydrogenase, lethal(3)517 and lethal(3)B76. Six new visible mutations from within this region were recovered on the basis of their reduced viability; all proved to be semiviable alleles of lethal complementation groups. No significant differences were observed in the distributions of lethals recovered using the three different mutagens. Each lethal was mapped on the basis of complementation with overlapping deficiencies; mutations that mapped within the same interval were tested for complementation, and the relative order of the lethal groups within each interval was determined by recombination. The cytological distribution of genes within the 68A3-68C11 region is not uniform: the region from 68A2,3 to 68B1,3 (seven to ten polytene chromosome bands) contains at least 13 lethal complementation groups and the mutation low xanthine dehydrogenase; the adjoining region from 68B1,3 to 68C5,6 (six to nine bands) includes the 68C glue gene cluster, but no known lethal or visible complementation groups; and the interval from 68C5,6 to 68C10,11 (three to five bands) contains at least three lethal complementation groups and the visible mutation rotated. The developmental stage at which lethality is observed was determined for a representative allele from each lethal complementation group.  相似文献   
Fungal infections are a pressing concern for human health worldwide, particularly for immunocompromised individuals. Current challenges such as the elevated toxicity of common antifungal drugs and the emerging resistance towards these could be overcome by multidrug therapy. Natural antimicrobial peptides, AMPs, in combination with other antifungal agents are a promising avenue to address the prevailing challenges. However, they possess limited biostability and susceptibility to proteases, which has significantly hampered their development as antifungal therapies. β‐peptides are synthetic materials designed to mimic AMPs while allowing high tunability and increased biostability. In this work, we report for the first time the inhibition achieved in Candida albicans when treated with a mixture of a β‐peptide model and fluconazole or ketoconazole. This combination treatment enhanced the biological activity of these azoles in planktonic and biofilm Candida, and also in a fluconazole‐resistant strain. Furthermore, the in vitro cytotoxicity of the dual treatment was evaluated towards the human hepatoma cell line, HepG2, a widely used model derived from liver tissue, which is primarily affected by azoles. Analyses based on the LA‐based method and the mass‐action law principle, using a microtiter checkerboard approach, revealed synergism of the combination treatment in the inhibition of planktonic C. albicans. The dual treatment proved to be fungicidal at 48 and 72 h. Interestingly, it was also found that the viability of HepG2 was not significantly affected by the dual treatments. Finally, a remarkable enhancement in the inhibition of the highly azole‐resistant biofilms and fluconazole resistant C. albicans strain was obtained. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
VanScyoc WS  Newman RA  Sorensen BR  Shea MA 《Biochemistry》2006,45(48):14311-14324
Calmodulin (CaM) is an essential, eukaryotic protein comprised of two highly homologous domains (N and C). CaM binds four calcium ions cooperatively, regulating a wide array of target proteins. A genetic screen of Paramecia by Kung [Kung, C. et al. (1992) Cell Calcium 13, 413-425] demonstrated that the domains of CaM have separable physiological roles: "under-reactive" mutations affecting calcium-dependent sodium currents mapped to the N-domain, while "over-reactive" mutations affecting calcium-dependent potassium currents localized to the C-domain of CaM. To determine whether and how these mutations affected intrinsic calcium-binding properties of CaM domains, phenylalanine fluorescence was used to monitor calcium binding to sites I and II (N-domain) and tyrosine fluorescence was used to monitor sites III and IV (C-domain). To explore interdomain interactions, binding properties of each full-length mutant were compared to those of its corresponding domain fragments. The calcium-binding properties of six under-reactive mutants (V35I/D50N, G40E, G40E/D50N, D50G, E54K, and G59S) and one over-reactive mutant (M145V) were indistinguishable from those of wild-type CaM, despite their deleterious physiological effects on ion-channel regulation. Four over-reactive mutants (D95G, S101F, E104K, and H135R) significantly decreased the calcium affinity of the C-domain. Of these, one (E104K) also increased the calcium affinity of the N-domain, demonstrating that the magnitude and direction of wild-type interdomain coupling had been perturbed. This suggests that, while some of these mutations alter calcium-binding directly, others probably alter CaM-channel association or calcium-triggered conformational change in the context of a ternary complex with the affected ion channel.  相似文献   
Previously, a ferredoxin-type iron-sulfur protein, frx B protein, was identified in a high-salt extract of the purified thylakoid membrane of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a unicellular green alga. Polyclonal antibody was raised against a synthetic pentadecameric peptide with an amino acid sequence corresponding to the highly conserved region of the putative frx B proteins of 3 land plants [21]. In this report, protein(s) reacting strongly and specifically with this antibody was detected in the equivalent high-salt extract prepared from purified chloroplast of spinach and tobacco. One strong reaction polypeptide band from tobacco chloroplast was purified from SDS-polyacrylamide gel and subjected to endoproteinase lys C digestion. The resulting polypeptides were separated by reversed-phase chromatography. N-terminal sequencing of 3 purified polypeptides revealed that the protein is encoded by the frxB gene identified from DNA sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Elevated temperatures and nutrients are degrading coral reef ecosystems, but the understanding of how early life stages of reef corals respond to these stressors remains limited. Here, we test the impact of temperature (mean ~ 27 °C vs. ~ 29 °C) and nitrate and phosphate enrichment (ambient, + 5 µM nitrate, + 1 µM phosphate and combined + 5 µM nitrate with 1 µM phosphate) on coral larvae using three Hawaiian coral species with different modes of symbiont transmission and reproduction: Lobactis scutaria (horizontal, gonochoric broadcast spawner), Pocillopora acuta (vertical, hermaphroditic brooder) and Montipora capitata (vertical, hermaphroditic broadcast spawner). Temperature and nutrient effects were species specific and appear antagonistic for L. scutaria and M. capitata, but not for P. acuta. Larvae survivorship in all species was lowest under nitrate enrichment at 27 °C. M. capitata and L. scutaria survivorship increased at 29 °C. However, positive effects of warming on survivorship were lost under high nitrate, but phosphate attenuated nitrate effects when N/P ratios were balanced. P. acuta larvae exhibited high survivorship (> 91%) in all treatments and showed little change in larval size, but lower respiration rates at 29 °C. Elevated nutrients (+N+P) led to the greatest loss in larvae size for aposymbiotic L. scutaria, while positive growth in symbiotic M. capitata larvae was reduced under warming and highest in +N+P treatments. Overall, we report a greater sensitivity of broadcast spawners to warming and nutrient changes compared to a brooding coral species. These results suggest variability in biological responses to warming and nutrient enrichment is influenced by life-history traits, including the presence of symbionts (vertical transmission), in addition to nutrient type and nutrient stoichiometry.

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