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A new macroscopic screening test for syphilis, the Latex-sts test, is extraordinarily simple. After inactivation of the patient''s serum for 30 minutes at 56°C the test is performed by mixing the patient''s serum with latex particles coated with cardiolipin and a protein fraction obtained from the non-pathogenic Reiter strain of Treponema pallidum. Two to three minutes after mixing, the result of the test is observed on a ringed serologic plate. The sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of the new test are equivalent to those of the qualitative Venereal Disease Research Laboratory tube test. The advantages of the Latex-sts are that it can be done in a short time, it is simple and it requires a minimum of laboratory equipment. The coated latex particles are stable for 12 months.  相似文献   
Résumé Etude d'un complexe de sources, situé dans la Plaine du Danube Inférieur (= Plaine Roumaine ou Plains de Valachie), à 100 m d'alt. environ. La station se caractérise par un complexe de facteurs uniques dans ce coin de (Europe: abondance de l'eau phréatique froide sortant à jour sur une surface restreinte, protection efficace grâce à une saulaie compacte, variété des substrats et abondance des sources trophiques. Ces éléments rendent possible l'existence d'une faune relique, comprenant rotifères, tardigrades, coléoptères, trichoptères, hydracariens, etc., espèces ayant ici leur seule station de la Plaine Roumaine. Les espèces qu'on signale dans le travail sont soit formes de montagne, soit à aréal septentrional ou septentrional-occidental, soit, enfin, caractéristiques pour les tourbières d'altitude, souvent même pour les tourbières acides à Sphagnum. On considère la faune du complexe de Corbii Ciungi comme un rests remarquable de la faune aquatique ayant peuplé la Plaine Roumaine antérieurement à la mise en friche sauvage des forêts et à l'extension impétueuse de l'agriculture, phénomènes ayant radicalement transformé ce territoire.  相似文献   
Résumé 45 Anguilles sont maintenues (32 h. à 46 jours) en eau déminéralisée (désionisée ou distillée). On note un assombrissement de la pigmentation, une hypertrophie importante de la vésicule biliaire et des modifications du système hypothalamo-hypophysaire.Dans la pars distalis rostrale, les cellules à prolactine subissent une régression, ne semblant plus élaborer de granulations. Les cellules corticotropes sont faiblement stimulées, partiellement dégranulées, en accord avec la légère activation de l'interrénal. Les cellules thyréotropes apparaissent souvent peu actives après 46 jours; cependant, l'examen préliminaire des thyroïdes ne montre pas d'hypoactivité. Dans la pars distalis proximale, les cellules gonadotropes ne sont pas modifiées; les cellules somatotropes sont stimulées: hypertrophie nucléaire et nucléolaire, développement de l'ergastoplasme, sans dégranulation complète. Leur rôle dans l'osmorégulation est discuté. Dans le lobe intermédiaire, les cellules du type 1, hématoxyline au plomb positives, prédominent chez les témoins; elles subissent une stimulation avec dégranulation partielle correspondant peut-être à l'assombrissement de la pigmentation. Le type 2, PAS positif, s'hypertrophie et s'hyperplasie rapidement en eau déminéralisée. Cette hyperactivité indiquerait un rôle dans l'osmorégulation. Le neuroséorétat s'accumule, puis tend à diminuer, la neurohypophyse étant de volume réduit. Le noyau préoptique paraît peu actif. L'hypothèse d'une faible utilisation des produits élaborés par l'axe hypothalamo-neurohypophysaire est envisagée. En plus de l'interrénal et des corpuscules de Stannius, l'hypothalamus et l'hypophyse interviennent donc dans la réponse de l'Anguille à une déminéralisation du milieu ambiant.
Summary 45 male silver eels were kept from 32 hours to 46 days in demineralized (distilled or deionized) water. They show a darkening of the skin, a hypertrophy of the gall-bladder and some modifications of the hypothalamo-neuro-adenohypophysial system.In the rostral pars distalis, the prolactin cells regressed and appeared chromophobic. The corticotrophic cells are slightly stimulated and partly degranulated, in correlation with some activation of the interrenal, previously described. The thyrotrophic cells do not appear active at the end of the experiment, however the thyroid glands are not often inactive.In the proximal pars distalis, the gonadotrophic cells remain undifferentiated. The somatotrophic cells are strongly stimulated: a cellular, nuclear and nucleolar hyperactivity, without degranulation and a development of the ergastoplasm are observed. Their role in osmoregulation and metabolism of potassium is discussed.The pars intermedia is composed of two cell types: one of which is predominant, leadhematoxylin positive. It could elaborate the MSH (intermedin). In demineralized water, it is partly degranulated and progressively stimulated, perhaps in correlation with the darkening of the pigmentation. The other cell type is PAS positive, and not abundant in the control fish. In the treated fish, rapid hyperplasia and hypertrophy occur, with cytoplasmic degranulation and mitotic activity, so that it becomes predominant in this lobe after a month or more in demineralized water. Cytologic criteria indicate a great hyperactivity which seems to play a role in the processes of the osmoregulation; this hypothesis is discussed.The neurosecretory material tends to increase, as a storage, then to decrease in the neurohypophysis which is of a reduced volume. The preoptic nucleus does not appear active. In addition to the modifications of the interrenal and the corpuscles of Stannius previously described, the changes in the hypothalamus and the pituitary constitute evidence of their important role in the reaction of the eel to a demineralized environment.

Ce travail a été réalisé avec la collaboration technique de Mademoiselle Jacqueline Olivereau, du C.N.R.S., que nous remercions bien vivement: elle nous a beaucoup aidée au cours de ces expériences, en particulier lors des changements quotidiens de l'eau distillée ou désionisée, et a réalisé toutes les préparations histologiques et les microphotographies illustrant cet article.  相似文献   
Pattern of simulated snoring is different through mouth and nose   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cineradiography of the pharynx during simulated snoring was done in 6 healthy volunteers, and supraglottic pressure and flow rate were recorded in 12 others. We observed, immediately before snoring, a decrease in the sagittal diameter of the oropharynx followed, during snoring, by high-frequency oscillations of soft palate and pharyngeal walls. The pattern of soft palate oscillations was different while snoring through the nose or mouth. During inspiratory snoring through the nose, the soft palate remained in close contact with the back of the tongue and only the uvula presented high-frequency oscillations. Snoring through the mouth resulted in ample high-frequency oscillations of the whole soft palate. Frequency of airflow and supraglottic pressure oscillations was less (P less than 0.05) during mouth (28.2 +/- 7.5 Hz) than during nasal snoring (77.8 +/- 36.7 Hz). This difference may be related to the smaller oscillating mass (i.e., uvula) during nasal snoring. At variance with our previous data, which showed that snoring during sleep, in both heavy (nonapneic) snorers and obstructive sleep apnea patients, was systematically preceded by flow limitation, this was not true during simulated snoring.  相似文献   
Differing activities of medullary respiratory neurons in eupnea and gasping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our purpose was to compare further eupneic ventilatory activity with that of gasping. Decerebrate, paralyzed, and ventilated cats were used; the vagi were sectioned within the thorax caudal to the laryngeal branches. Activities of the phrenic nerve and medullary respiratory neurons were recorded. Antidromic invasion was used to define bulbospinal, laryngeal, or not antidromically activated units. The ventilatory pattern was reversibly altered to gasping by exposure to 1% carbon monoxide in air. In eupnea, activities of inspiratory neurons commenced at various times during inspiration, and for most the discharge frequency gradually increased. In gasping, the peak discharge frequency of inspiratory neurons was unaltered. However, all commenced activities at the start of the phrenic burst and reached peak discharge almost immediately. The discharge frequencies of all groups of expiratory neurons fell in gasping, with many neurons ceasing activity entirely. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that brain stem mechanisms controlling eupnea and gasping differ fundamentally.  相似文献   
The phenolic (5' position) and tyrosyl (5 position) ring deiodinases which catalyze the peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormones have proven difficult to purify and characterize biochemically. The present studies used Xenopus laevis oocytes as an in vivo translational assay system for detecting and quantitating mRNA for these enzymes. The injection of poly(A)+ RNA prepared from a human term placenta induced 5-deiodinase activity in oocytes. The expressed activity increased for up to 96 h after injection, was proportional to the amount of RNA injected, and manifested a Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) for T3 of 1.6 nM. In oocytes injected with poly(A)+ RNA prepared from rat liver, anterior pituitary gland, or brown adipose tissue, 5-deiodinase activity could not be demonstrated. The injection of poly(A)+ RNA from 15-day-old chick embryonic liver induced both 5'- and 5-deiodinase activity, with the 5'-deiodinase activity being sensitive to inhibition by 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil. X. laevis oocytes can thus be induced to express either phenolic or tyrosyl ring deiodinase activity, or both, by the microinjection of poly(A)+ RNA prepared from selected tissues. These findings demonstrate that the types of deiodinase activity present in different organs represent tissue specific patterns of mRNA expression and strongly suggest that the enzymes responsible for types I and III deiodinase activity are encoded by different mRNAs.  相似文献   
The human T lymphocyte Ag CD28 (Tp44) is a homodimeric glycoprotein expressed on the surface of a majority of human peripheral T cells and thymocytes. Although exposure of T cells to anti-CD28 mAb does not activate T cells, stimulation of CD28 can synergize with signals transmitted through the TCR or other stimuli to augment proliferation and lymphokine production. We have used a portion of the human CD28 cDNA to isolate a homologous murine cDNA from an EL4 T lymphoma library. The murine clone has 61% nucleotide identity with the human cDNA. Both human and murine sequences exhibit homology with members of the Ig supergene family and CTLA-4, a T cell specific murine gene. Many characteristics of the human CD28 molecule are conserved within the putative murine CD28 polypeptide. The murine cDNA sequence encodes a polypeptide of 218 amino acids that has 68% identity with the human sequence. Both the murine and human molecules are integral membrane glycoproteins with hydrophobic signal peptide sequences and transmembrane region. All five potential N-linked glycosylation sites are conserved and six of the seven cysteine residues of the mouse protein are found in the human CD28 polypeptide. The murine cDNA is encoded by a single copy nonrearranging gene whose expression at the mRNA level is restricted to T cells. A rabbit antiserum was raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to a hydrophilic portion of the translated murine cDNA sequence. This antiserum identifies an 80-kDa homodimer consisting of disulfide-bonded subunits of 40 kDa that is expressed on splenic T cells, thymocytes, and several T cell tumors, but not on B cells. deglycosylation studies indicate that four of the five N-linked glycosylation sites are used and that the mature core protein has a molecular mass of 25 kDa, close to that predicted by the cDNA sequence. Transfection of the murine cDNA into Chinese hamster ovary cells resulted in the expression of an 80-kDa dimeric molecule that was immunoprecipitated by the antipeptide antiserum. Taken together, these data provide strong support that we have identified the murine homologue of CD28.  相似文献   
Summary Bouts of induced wheel-running, 3 h long, accelerate the rate of re-entrainment of hamsters' activity rhythms to light-dark (LD) cycles that have been phase-advanced by 8 h (Mrosovsky and Salmon 1987). The bouts of running are given early in the first night of the new LD cycle, and by the second night the phase advance in activity onset already averages 7 h. Such large shifts contrast with the mean phase advance of <1 h at the peak of the phase response curve when hamsters in constant darkness (DD) experience 2-h pulses of induced activity (Reebs and Mrosovsky 1989). The present paper investigates pulse duration and light as possible causes for the discrepancy in shift amplitude between these two studies. In a first experiment, pulses of induced wheel-running 1 h, 3 h, or 5 h long were given at circadian times (CT) 6 and 22-2 to hamsters free-running in DD. Pulses given at CT 6 caused phase-advances of up to 2.8 h, whereas pulses at CT 22-2 resulted in delays of up to 1.0 h. Shifts after 3-h and 5-h pulses did not differ, but were larger than after 1-h pulses, and larger than after the 2-h pulses given in DD by Reebs and Mrosovsky (1989). Thus 3 h appears to be the minimum pulse duration necessary to obtain maximum phase-shifting effects. In a second experiment, the re-entrainment design of Mrosovsky and Salmon (1987) was repeated with the light portion of the shifted LD cycle eliminated. Hamsters exercised for 3 h phase-advanced 2.9 h on average (excluding 2 animals who ran poorly). When the same hamsters were exposed 7 days later to a 14-h light pulse starting 5 h after their activity onset, they advanced by an average of 3.3 h. Adding the average values for activity-induced shifts and light-induced shifts gives a total of about 6 h. Possible synergism between the effects of induced activity and those of light may account for the remaining small difference between this total and the 7-h advances previously reported.Abbreviations CT circadian time - DD constant darkness - LD light-dark - PRC phase response curve - free-running period of rhythm  相似文献   
Platelet factor 4 (PF4), which is released by platelets during coagulation, binds very tightly to negatively charged oligosaccharides such as heparin. To date, six other proteins are known that are homologous in sequence with PF4 but have quite different functions. The structure of a tetramer of bovine PF4 complexed with one Ni(CN)4(2-) molecule has been determined at 3.0 A resolution and refined to an R factor of 0.28. The current model contains residues 24-85, no solvent, and one overall temperature factor. Residues 1-13, which carried an oligosaccharide chain, were removed with elastase to induce crystallization; residues 14-23 and presumably 86-88 are disordered in the electron density map. Because no heavy atom derivative was isomorphous with the native crystals, the complex of PF4 with one Ni(CN)4(2-) molecule was solved using a single, highly isomorphous Pt(CN)4(2-) derivative and the iterative, single isomorphous replacement method. The secondary structure of the PF4 subunit, from amino- to carboxyl-terminal end, consists of an extended loop, three strands of antiparallel beta-sheet arranged in a Greek key, and one alpha-helix. The tetramer contains two extended, six-stranded beta-sheets, each formed by two subunits, which are arranged back-to-back to form a "beta-bilayer" structure with two buried salt bridges sandwiched in the middle. The carboxyl-terminal alpha-helices, which contain lysine residues that are thought to be intimately involved in binding heparin, are arranged as antiparallel pairs on the surface of each extended beta-sheet.  相似文献   
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