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Phylogenetic relationships in the Desmarestiales (Phaeophyceae) were inferred among the monotypic Arthrocladia (Arthrocladiaceae) and 27 isolates from Desmarestiaceae, representing 17 taxa of Desmarestia and the monotypic Antarctic genera Himantothallus and Phaeurus. Phaeurus and Arthrocladia were used as outgroups. Parsimony analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1 and ITS2) sequences, in which gaps were both included and excluded, yielded well-resolved trees with a consistent general branching pattern. A parallel analysis of nine morphological and life-history characters and three ecological characters yielded a similar tree but provided little resolution in the terminal clades. The position of the monotypic Arthrocladia villosa within the Desmarestiales is consistent with monophyly for the order, but its position as the most primitive desmarestialean is not resolvable from the molecular data set. The basal position of Phaeurus, the Antarctic Desmarestia species, and Himantothallus is consistent with the hypothesis of a Southern Hemisphere origin for the family Desmarestiaceae. The more recent Northern Hemisphere “aculeata” clade evolved from an Antarctic ancestor. A “D. aculeata-like” species was ancestral to a lineage characterized by annual sporophytes with high sulfuric acid content, which radiated into many species, widely distributed in both hemispheres. Mapping of morphological and ecological characters onto the molecular tree confirm the informativeness of sulfuric acid-containing vacuoles and unilocular sporangial types. There is good congruence between phylogenetic tree topology and temperature impints in relation to biogeographic distribution, supporting the theory that temperature tolerance is a conservative trait.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate gender-specific motor control strategies during eccentric exercise and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in the shoulder region. Twelve healthy males and females participated in the study. Eccentric shoulder exercises were conducted on the dominant shoulder while the other side served as control. The exerted force, range of shoulder elevation, rating of perceived exertion, pain intensity, and surface electromyography (EMG) from the trapezius muscles were recorded and analyzed. A significant decrease in exerted force during exercise was only found in males despite similar rating of perceived exertion among genders. During eccentric exercise: males showed increasing root mean square (RMS) of the EMG while a decrease occurred for females, no difference between genders in mean power frequency of the EMG were seen. During static and dynamic contractions: no differences between genders in pain intensity or RMS were observed; RMS of the exercised side were lower than that of the control side (P<0.05) at 24 h after exercise. The results indicated a more prominent muscle fatigue resistance in females compared with males and mobilization of different muscle activation strategies during eccentric exercise. A protective adaptation to DOMS, i.e. decrease in RMS values was found with no gender differences.  相似文献   
Marine microbiologists commonly assay lipase activities by using a synthetic fluorescent analog, 4-methylumbelliferyl (MUF)-oleate. The technique is convenient, but it is considered to be unspecific because of the structure of this analog. This study reports the design of a new specific and sensitive lipase assay based on the use of a radiolabeled triglyceride, [3H]triolein. Free fatty acids (FFA) resulting from its hydrolysis are isolated as a function of time in a one-step liquid-liquid extraction and then radioassayed. MUF-oleate and [3H]triolein techniques were compared by measuring lipase activities at similar substrate concentrations along a trophic gradient in the Southwest Lagoon of New Caledonia, near Nouméa. Hydrolysis rates decreased from the nearshore station to the offshore station and showed similar trends regardless of the technique used. Rates decreased from 5.83 to 0.88 nmol of FFA·liter−1·h−1 and from 0.76 to 0.23 nmol of 3H-FFA·liter−1·h−1, respectively. These results appeared to be consistent with bacterial production results, which also decreased similarly (from 0.59 to 0.26 μg of C·liter−1·h−1). However, the ratio of MUF-oleate activities to [3H]triolein activities, which was constant at the offshore stations (3.8 ± 0.1), gradually increased at the nearshore stations (from 4.1 to 7.6). This result shows that the two assays respond in different ways to changes in environmental conditions and validates the need to set up more specific enzymatic assays.  相似文献   
To date, very large scale sequencing of many clinically important RNA viruses has been complicated by their high population molecular variation, which creates challenges for polymerase chain reaction and sequencing primer design. Many RNA viruses are also difficult or currently not possible to culture, severely limiting the amount and purity of available starting material. Here, we describe a simple, novel, high-throughput approach to Norovirus and Hepatitis C virus whole genome sequence determination based on RNA shotgun sequencing (also known as RNA-Seq). We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method by sequencing three Norovirus samples from faeces and two Hepatitis C virus samples from blood, on an Illumina MiSeq benchtop sequencer. More than 97% of reference genomes were recovered. Compared with Sanger sequencing, our method had no nucleotide differences in 14,019 nucleotides (nt) for Noroviruses (from a total of 2 Norovirus genomes obtained with Sanger sequencing), and 8 variants in 9,542 nt for Hepatitis C virus (1 variant per 1,193 nt). The three Norovirus samples had 2, 3, and 2 distinct positions called as heterozygous, while the two Hepatitis C virus samples had 117 and 131 positions called as heterozygous. To confirm that our sample and library preparation could be scaled to true high-throughput, we prepared and sequenced an additional 77 Norovirus samples in a single batch on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencer, recovering >90% of the reference genome in all but one sample. No discrepancies were observed across 118,757 nt compared between Sanger and our custom RNA-Seq method in 16 samples. By generating viral genomic sequences that are not biased by primer-specific amplification or enrichment, this method offers the prospect of large-scale, affordable studies of RNA viruses which could be adapted to routine diagnostic laboratory workflows in the near future, with the potential to directly characterize within-host viral diversity.  相似文献   
Ethylene oxide (EO) and propylene oxide (PO) are direct acting mutagens with high Swain-Scott s-values, which indicate that they react preferentially with ring nitrogens in the DNA. We have previously described that in the X-linked recessive lethal (RL) assay in Drosophila postmeiotic male germ cells EO is, per unit exposure dose, 5-10 times more mutagenic than PO. Furthermore, at the higher dose range of EO tested, 62.5-1000 ppm, up to 20-fold enhanced mutation rates were measured in the absence of maternal nucleotide excision repair (NER) compared to repair proficient conditions. The lower dose range of EO tested, 2-7.8 ppm, still produced a small increased mutation rate but without a significant elevated effect when the NER system is being suppressed. The lowest dose of PO tested, 15.6 ppm, produced only in NER- condition an increased mutation rate. The aim of the present study was to compare the mutagenic effect of EO and PO in the RL assay under XPG proficient and deficient conditions with the formation of N-7-(2-hydroxyethyl)guanine (7-HEG) and N-7-(2-hydroxypropyl)guanine (7-HPG), respectively, the major DNA adducts formed. The formation of 7-HEG and 7-HPG was investigated in Drosophila males exposed to EO and PO as a measure of internal dose for exposures ranging from 2 to 1000 or 2000 ppm, respectively, for 24h. Analysis of 7-HEG and 7-HPG, using a highly sensitive 32P-postlabelling assay, showed a linear increase of adduct levels over the entire dose range. The non-linear dose-response relationship for mutations could therefore not be explained by a reduced inhalation or increased detoxification at higher exposure levels. In analogy with the four times higher reactivity of EO the level of N-7-guanine alkylation per ppm was for EO 3.5-fold higher than that for PO. Per unit N-7-guanine alkylation EO was found to be slightly more mutagenic than PO, whereas PO was the more potent clastogenic agent. While this research has not identified the DNA lesions that cause the increase in repair deficient flies, it supports the hypothesis that efficient error-free repair of some N-alkylation products can explain why these agents tend to be weakly genotoxic or even inactive in repair-competent (premeiotic) germ cells of the mouse and the Drosophila fly.  相似文献   
The thermodynamic functions of biopolymer hydration were investigated by multitemperature vapor pressure studies. Desorption measurements were performed that allowed determination of reversible isotherms in the hydration range of 0.1 to 0.3–0.5 g H2O/g dry polymer. These isotherms are accessible to thermodynamic interpretation and are relevant to the interaction of water with biopolymers in their solution conformation. The results obtained on a series of different biopolymers (lysozyme, α-chymotrypsin, apo-lactoferrin, and desoxyribonucleic acid), show the following common features of interest: (1) The differential excess enthalpies (ΔHe ) and entropies (ΔSe ) are negative, and exhibit pronounced anomalies in a well-defined low-humidity range (approx. 0.1 g H2O/g dry polymer). These initial extrema are interpretable by structural changes, induced in the native biopolymer structures by water removal below a critical degree of hydration. (2) The ΔHe and ΔSe terms exhibit statistically significant linear enthalpy–entropy compensation effects in all biopolymer–water systems investigated. The compensation temperatures \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \hat \beta = \overline {\Delta H} ^e /\overline {\Delta S} ^e $\end{document} are approximately identical for all biopolymers, ranging from 360 to 500 K. The compensation effects are attributable to phase transitions of water molecules between the bulk liquid and the inner-sphere hydration shell of native biopolymers. (3) The negative excess free energies (ΔGe ) decrease monotonically with increasing water content and are close to zero at 0.3 to 0.5 g H2O/g polymer. This result indicates that only transitions between the bulk liquid and the inner-sphere hydration shell are associated with significant net free energy effects. The outer-sphere hydration water is thermodynamically comparable to bulk water. The importance of the proportionality factor \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \hat \beta $\end{document} in the control of the free energy term is discussed.  相似文献   
We investigated whether concentrations of carboxylates in the rhizosphere of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) roots were related to soil phosphorus levels. In a field experiment, cultivar Sona was grown at two P levels on eight soil types at three locations. There were large differences in extractable (0.2 mM CaCl2) rhizosphere carboxylate concentrations amongst the locations. The effect of P fertiliser was variable and carboxylate concentrations depended on soil type. To examine the effect of soil P in more detail, a glasshouse experiment was carried out, in which three cultivars (Heera, Sona and Tyson) were grown at four P levels on one soil type. The biomass of chickpea plants increased with increasing P level of the soil, and the root mass ratio decreased at the highest soil P level. However, rhizosphere concentrations of the carboxylates malonate, malate and citrate did not differ significantly between P treatments. This implied that there was no simple relation between available P and root exudation rates, in contrast to earlier results in studies using hydroponics. Cultivars differed in carboxylate concentration pattern: Sona and Tyson showed a tendency towards increased rhizosphere carboxylate concentrations at the second harvest, whereas the carboxylate concentration of Heera tended to decrease. It is hypothesised that chickpea roots always exude a basal level of carboxylates into the rhizosphere. They only increase carboxylate exudation considerably when the P availability is extremely low, which may occur in soils that strongly bind P.  相似文献   
Ace IJ29 and Ac IJ40 are cold- and heat-sensitive variants of the gene coding for acetylcholinesterase in Drosophila melanogaster. In the homozygous condition, these mutations are lethal when animals are raised at restrictive temperatures, i.e., below 23° C for Ace IJ29 or above 25° C for Ace IJ40. The coding regions of the gene in these mutants were sequenced and mutations changing Ser374 to Phe in Ace IJ29 and Pro75 to Leu in Ace IJ40 were found. Acetylcholinesterases bearing these mutations were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and we found that these mutations decrease the secretion rate of the protein most probably by affecting its folding. This phenomenon is exacerbated at restrictive temperatures decreasing the amount of secreted acetylcholinesterase below the lethality threshold. In parallel, the substitution of the conserved Asp248 by an Asn residue completely inhibits the activity of the enzyme and its secretion, preventing the correct folding of the protein in a non-conditional manner.  相似文献   
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