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T-cell-mediated immune effector mechanisms play an important role in the containment of human immunodeficiency virus/simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV/SIV) replication after infection. Both vaccination- and infection-induced T-cell responses are dependent on the host major histocompatibility complex classes I and II (MHC-I and MHC-II) antigens. Here we report that both inherent, host-dependent immune responses to SIVmac251 infection and vaccination-induced immune responses to viral antigens were able to reduce virus replication and/or CD4+ T-cell loss. Both the presence of the MHC-I Mamu-A*01 genotype and vaccination of rhesus macaques with ALVAC-SIV-gag-pol-env (ALVAC-SIV-gpe) contributed to the restriction of SIVmac251 replication during primary infection, preservation of CD4+ T cells, and delayed disease progression following intrarectal challenge exposure of the animals to SIV(mac251 (561)). ALVAC-SIV-gpe immunization induced cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses cumulatively in 67% of the immunized animals. Following viral challenge, a significant secondary virus-specific CD8+ T-cell response was observed in the vaccinated macaques. In the same immunized macaques, a decrease in virus load during primary infection (P = 0.0078) and protection from CD4 loss during both acute and chronic phases of infection (P = 0.0099 and P = 0.03, respectively) were observed. A trend for enhanced survival of the vaccinated macaques was also observed. Neither boosting the ALVAC-SIV-gpe with gp120 immunizations nor administering the vaccine by the combination of mucosal and systemic immunization routes increased significantly the protective effect of the ALVAC-SIV-gpe vaccine. While assessing the role of MHC-I Mamu-A*01 alone in the restriction of viremia following challenge of nonvaccinated animals with other SIV isolates, we observed that the virus load was not significantly lower in Mamu-A*01-positive macaques following intravenous challenge with either SIV(mac251 (561)) or SIV(SME660). However, a significant delay in CD4+ T-cell loss was observed in Mamu-A*01-positive macaques in each group. Of interest, in the case of intravenous or intrarectal challenge with the chimeric SIV/HIV strains SHIV(89.6P) or SHIV(KU2), respectively, MHC-I Mamu-A*01-positive macaques did not significantly restrict primary viremia. The finding of the protective effect of the Mamu-A*01 molecule parallels the protective effect of the B*5701 HLA allele in HIV-1-infected humans and needs to be accounted for in the evaluation of vaccine efficacy against SIV challenge models.  相似文献   
Whereas several recent AIDS vaccine strategies have protected rhesus macaques against a pathogenic simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV)(89.6P) challenge, similar approaches have provided only modest, transient reductions in viral burden after challenge with virulent, pathogenic SIV, which is more representative of HIV infection of people. We show here that priming with replicating adenovirus recombinants encoding SIV env/rev, gag, and/or nef genes, followed by boosting with SIV gp120 or an SIV polypeptide mimicking the CD4 binding region of the envelope, protects rhesus macaques from intrarectal infection with the highly pathogenic SIV(mac251). Using trend analysis, significant reductions in acute-phase and set point viremia were correlated with anti-gp120 antibody and cellular immune responses, respectively. Within immunization groups exhibiting significant protection, a subset (39%) of macaques have exhibited either no viremia, cleared viremia, or controlled viremia at the threshold of detection, now more than 40 weeks postchallenge. This combination prime-boost strategy, utilizing replication competent adenovirus, is a promising alternative for HIV vaccine development.  相似文献   
With the increased use of biological control agents, artificial food webs are created in agricultural crops and the interactions between plants, herbivores and natural enemies change from simple tritrophic interactions to more complex food web interactions. Therefore, herbivore densities will not only be determined by direct predator–prey interactions and direct and indirect defence of plants against herbivores, but also by other direct and indirect interactions such as apparent competition, intraguild predation, resource competition, etc. Although these interactions have received considerable attention in theory and experiments, little is known about their impact on biological control. In this paper, we first present a review of indirect food web interactions in biological control systems. We propose to distinguish between numerical indirect interactions, which are interactions where one species affects densities of another species through an effect on the numbers of an intermediate species and functional indirect interactions, defined as changes in the way that two species interact through the presence of a third species. It is argued that functional indirect interactions are important in food webs and deserve more attention. Subsequently, we discuss experimental results on interactions in an artificial food web consisting of pests and natural enemies on greenhouse cucumber. The two pest species are the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae and the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis. Their natural enemies are the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis, which is commonly used for spider mite control and the predatory mites Neoseiulus cucumeris and Iphiseius degenerans and the predatory bug Orius laevigatus, all natural enemies of thrips. First, we analyse the possible interactions between these seven species and we continue by discussing how functional indirect interactions, particularly the behaviour of arthropods, may change the significance and impact of direct interactions and numerical indirect interactions. It was found that a simple food web of only four species already gives rise to some quite complicated combinations of interactions. Spider mites and thrips interact indirectly through resource competition, but thrips larvae are intraguild predators of spider mites. Some of the natural enemies used for control of the two herbivore species are also intraguild predators. Moreover, spider mites produce a web that is subsequently used by thrips to hide from their predators. We discuss these and other results obtained so far and we conclude with a discussion of the potential impact of functional indirect and direct interactions on food webs and their significance for biological control.  相似文献   
A cDNA clone encoding a cytochrome P450 from H. armigera was used to examine the expression of two homologous cytochrome P450 mRNAs, one of which, CYP6B2, is probably involved in pyrethroid metabolism. The mRNA for CYP6B2 in particular can be induced up to tenfold by peppermint oil and the monoterpene α-pinene as well as to a smaller extent by menthol, butylated hydroxyanisole, and piperonyl butoxide. Both mRNAs are present in the major larval tissues, midgut, fat body, and cuticle, although only the mRNAs in the midgut and fat body are inducible by peppermint oil. The induction is a rapid process occurring within a period of 4 h with a similarly rapid rate of decrease in the absence of the inducing compounds. During normal development both mRNAs are absent from eggs and increase during the larval stage, reaching a maximum during mid fifth instar. Both mRNAs then decrease to undetectable levels during pupation and remain undetectable in the adult stage. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Palaeorutilus enspelensis (Böhme 1996), the only fish species from the Upper Oligocene maar lake Enspel (Westerwald), is described and its phylogenetical position within the subfamily Phoxininae is discussed. The cladistic analysis of osteological and lepidological features indicates that the genusPalaeorutilus Gaudant 1988 is a member of the Chub Clade. Furthermore, including of the recent Eurasian taxaLagowskiella andEupallasella in the analysis, the Chub Clade can be divided into two monophyletic Clades: the EurasianPhoxinus Clade (including the holarcticPhoxinus) and the eastern North American Creek Chub Clade which includes the fossil genusPalaeorutilus as its basal sister taxon. These phylogenetical investigation as well as the recent and fossil distribution pattern of the Phoxininae support the following biogeographical hypothesis: The settlement of cyprinids in North America took place in several waves and different directions. The separation of Western Clade and Chub Clade did not occur in North America but in Eocene times in Asia. Members of the Creek Chub Clade migrated from Europe to eastern North America via a transatlantic route prior to the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   
Prolonged antiretroviral therapy (ART) is not likely to eradicate human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-I) infection. Here we explore the effect of therapeutic immunization in the context of ART during primary infection using the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV251) macaque model. Vaccination of rhesus macaques with the highly attenuated poxvirus-based NYVAC-SIV vaccine expressing structural genes elicited vigorous virus-specific CD4 + and CD8+ T cell responses in macaques that responded effectively to ART. Following discontinuation of a six-month ART regimen, viral rebound occurred in most animals, but was transient in six of eight vaccinated animals. Viral rebound was also transient in four of seven mock-vaccinated control animals. These data establish the importance of antiretroviral treatment during primary infection and demonstrate that virus-specific immune responses in the infected host can be expanded by therapeutic immunization.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Tracker is a web-based email alert system for monitoring protein database searches using HMMER and Blast-P, nucleotide searches using Blast-N and literature searches of the PubMed database. Users submit searches via a web-based interface. Searches are saved and run against updated databases to alert users about new information. If there are new results from the saved searches, users will be notified by email and will then be able to access results and link to additional information on the NCBI website. Tracker supports Boolean AND/OR operations on HMMER and BLASTP result sets to allow users to broaden or narrow protein searches. AVAILABILITY: The server is located at http://jay.bioinformatics.ku.edu/tracker/index.html. A distribution package including detailed installation procedure is freely available from http://jay.bioinformatics.ku.edu/download/tracker/.  相似文献   
Vaccine-induced CD8+ central memory T cells in protection from simian AIDS   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Critical to the development of an effective HIV vaccine is the identification of adaptive immune responses that prevent infection or disease. In this study we demonstrate in a relevant nonhuman primate model of AIDS that the magnitude of vaccine-induced virus-specific CD8(+) central memory T cells (T(CM)), but not that of CD8(+) effector memory T cells, inversely correlates with the level of SIVmac251 replication, suggesting their pivotal role in the control of viral replication. We propose that effective preventive or therapeutic T cell vaccines for HIV-1 should induce long-term protective central memory T cells.  相似文献   
Effector cells armed with Abs can eliminate virus-infected target cells by Ab-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), an immune mechanism that has been largely overlooked in HIV vaccine development. Here, we show that a prime/boost AIDS vaccine approach elicits potent ADCC activity correlating with protection against SIV in rhesus macaques (Macacca mulatta). Priming with replicating adenovirus type 5 host range mutant-SIV recombinants, followed by boosting with SIV gp120, elicited Abs with ADCC activity against SIV(mac251)-infected cells. In vitro ADCC activity correlated with in vivo reduced acute viremia after a mucosal challenge with pathogenic SIV. Our findings expose ADCC activity as an immune correlate that may be relevant in the rational design of an efficacious vaccine against HIV.  相似文献   
Maturation of dendritic cells (DC) to competent APC is essential for the generation of acquired immunity and is a major function of adjuvants. dsRNA, a molecular signature of viral infection, drives DC maturation by activating TLR3, but the size of dsRNA required to activate DC and the expression patterns of TLR3 protein in DC subsets have not been established. In this article, we show that cross-priming CD8α(+) and CD103(+) DC subsets express much greater levels of TLR3 than other DC. In resting DC, TLR3 is located in early endosomes and other intracellular compartments but migrates to LAMP1(+) endosomes on stimulation with a TLR3 ligand. Using homogeneous dsRNA oligonucleotides (ONs) ranging in length from 25 to 540 bp, we observed that a minimum length of ~90 bp was sufficient to induce CD86, IL-12p40, IFN-β, TNF-α, and IL-6 expression, and to mature DC into APC that cross-presented exogenous Ags to CD8(+) T cells. TLR3 was essential for activation of DC by dsRNA ONs, and the potency of activation increased with dsRNA length and varied between DC subsets. In vivo, dsRNA ONs, in a size-dependent manner, served as adjuvants for the generation of Ag-specific CTL and for inducing protection against lethal challenge with influenza virus when given with influenza nucleoprotein as an immunogen. These results provide the basis for the development of TLR3-specific adjuvants capable of inducing immune responses tailored for viral pathogens.  相似文献   
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