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A conspicuous shell polychromatism is observed in colonies of Cepaea nemoralis from western France (Brittany). The present study is intended to search for a spatial structure of shell features at this scale and to infer evolutionary processes from the observed patterns. We used a database of morph frequencies (six composite phenotypes were retained) measured on 213 samples regularly distributed on the whole studied area. Data analysis was based on two distinct multivariate methods leading to the following steps: (i) to search for a structure without reference to environmental conditions with a method (global principal components analysis: GPCA) which takes into account the spatial information by means of a neighbouring relationship between sampling points (Delaunay triangulation); (ii) to test the structuring power of environmental conditions by means of two explanatory factors (distance from the sea, altitude) involved in a redundancy analysis (RDA); (iii) to search for a spatial structure using residuals of the previous analysis, ie, after removing effects of environmental conditions. Global covariance accounted for 26.4% of the total variance, leading to a highly significant autocorrelation for each phenotype (step 1). Geographical mapping of factorial scores resulting from global analysis showed a well structured littoral zone and a strong southern-northern inland differentiation. Sixteen percent of the total variance was expressed in RDA but all morphs were not equally concerned. After removing environmental effects, a significant spatial structure still remains but was essentially caused by random processes. We argue for the importance of these last phenomena.  相似文献   


Propionibacterium freudenreichii (PF) is an actinobacterium used in cheese technology and for its probiotic properties. PF is also extremely adaptable to several ecological niches and can grow on a variety of carbon and nitrogen sources. The aim of this work was to discover the genetic basis for strain-dependent traits related to its ability to use specific carbon sources. High-throughput sequencing technologies were ideal for this purpose as they have the potential to decipher genomic diversity at a moderate cost.


21 strains of PF were sequenced and the genomes were assembled de novo. Scaffolds were ordered by comparison with the complete reference genome CIRM-BIA1, obtained previously using traditional Sanger sequencing. Automatic functional annotation and manual curation were performed. Each gene was attributed to either the core genome or an accessory genome. The ability of the 21 strains to degrade 50 different sugars was evaluated. Thirty-three sugars were degraded by none of the sequenced strains whereas eight sugars were degraded by all of them. The corresponding genes were present in the core genome. Lactose, melibiose and xylitol were only used by some strains. In this case, the presence/absence of genes responsible for carbon uptake and degradation correlated well with the phenotypes, with the exception of xylitol. Furthermore, the simultaneous presence of these genes was in line the metabolic pathways described previously in other species. We also considered the genetic origin (transduction, rearrangement) of the corresponding genomic islands. Ribose and gluconate were degraded to a greater or lesser extent (quantitative phenotype) by some strains. For these sugars, the phenotypes could not be explained by the presence/absence of a gene but correlated with the premature appearance of a stop codon interrupting protein synthesis and preventing the catabolism of corresponding carbon sources.


These results illustrate (i) the power of correlation studies to discover the genetic basis of binary strain-dependent traits, and (ii) the plasticity of PF chromosomes, probably resulting from horizontal transfers, duplications, transpositions and an accumulation of mutations. Knowledge of the genetic basis of nitrogen and sugar degradation opens up new strategies for the screening of PF strain collections to enable optimum cheese starter, probiotic and white biotechnology applications.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1467-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Ragusano cheese is a "protected denomination of origin" cheese made in the Hyblean region of Sicily from raw milk using traditional wooden tools, without starter. To explore the Ragusano bacterial ecosystem, molecular fingerprinting was conducted at different times during the ripening and biofilms from the wooden vats called "tinas" were investigated. Raw milks collected at two farm sites, one on the mountain and one at sea level, were processed to produce Ragusano cheese. Raw milk, curd before and after cooking, curd at stretching time (cheese 0 time), and cheese samples (4 and 7 months) were analyzed by PCR-temporal temperature gel electrophoresis (PCR-TTGE) and by classical enumeration microbiology. With the use of universal primers, PCR-TTGE revealed many differences between the raw milk profiles, but also notable common bands identified as Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, and Enterococcus faecium. After the stretching, TTGE profiles revealed three to five dominant species only through the entire process of ripening. In the biofilms of the two tinas used, one to five species were detected, S. thermophilus being predominant in both. Biofilms from five other tinas were also analyzed by PCR-TTGE, PCR-denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis, specific PCR tests, and sequencing, confirming the predominance of lactic acid bacteria (S. thermophilus, L. lactis, and L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis) and the presence of a few high-GC-content species, like coryneform bacteria. The spontaneous acidification of raw milks before and after contact with the five tinas was followed in two independent experiments. The lag period before acidification can be up to 5 h, depending on the raw milk and the specific tina, highlighting the complexity of this natural inoculation system.  相似文献   
Genetic exchanges between Streptococci occur frequently and contribute to their genome diversification. Most of sequenced streptococcal genomes carry multiple mobile genetic elements including Integrative and Conjugative Elements (ICEs) that play a major role in these horizontal gene transfers. In addition to genes involved in their mobility and regulation, ICEs also carry genes that can confer selective advantages to bacteria. Numerous elements have been described in S. agalactiae especially those integrated at the 3′ end of a tRNALys encoding gene. In strain 515 of S. agalactiae, an invasive neonate human pathogen, the ICE (called 515_tRNALys) is functional and carries different putative virulence genes including one encoding a putative new CAMP factor in addition to the one previously described. This work demonstrated the functionality of this CAMP factor (CAMP factor II) in Lactococcus lactis but also in pathogenic strains of veterinary origin. The search for co-hemolytic factors in a collection of field strains revealed their presence in S. uberis, S. dysgalactiae, but also for the first time in S. equisimilis and S. bovis. Sequencing of these genes revealed the prevalence of a species-specific factor in S. uberis strains (Uberis factor) and the presence of a CAMP factor II encoding gene in S. bovis and S. equisimilis. Furthermore, most of the CAMP factor II positive strains also carried an element integrated in the tRNALys gene. This work thus describes a CAMP factor that is carried by a mobile genetic element and has spread to different streptococcal species.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work is to examine the gross visceral anatomy of ocean sunfish and angler using non-invasive imaging techniques: computed tomography imaging (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Similarities and differences in the internal organisation of these two species are verified. Both species lack a swimbladder and present a significant asymmetry in the hepatic lobes, an elongated bile duct terminating close to the stomach, a compact thyroid embedded in a blood lacuna, and very reduced brain and spinal cord. These observations are important in regard to the close relationships between Tetraodontiformes and Lophiiformes, established by several molecular works, but not yet confirmed by morpho-anatomical data. However the occurrence of these features has to be examined in other taxa before phylogenetic hypotheses are proposed.  相似文献   
We used a 2-DE proteomic approach to identify abundant proteins linked to oocyte quality in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, an economically important bivalve. Oocyte quality of 14 females was estimated by recording fertilisation and early developmental success until D-larval stage under controlled conditions. Proteins that were differentially expressed between females showing high or low oocyte quality were identified by nano-liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Twelve up-accumulated spots associated with low quality oocytes revealed 10 distinct proteins, including vitellogenin - breakdown products and metabolic enzymes. Eight up-accumulated spots from high quality oocytes revealed 6 distinct proteins, including chaperone molecules and cell-cycle control proteins. This is the first proteomic study dedicated to oocytes in C. gigas. Our results improve current knowledge about protein factors associated with oocyte quality in this species, and our understanding of the proteomic processes involved in their developmental competence.  相似文献   
The invasive land snail Cornu aspersum possesses a low ability to supercool (c. -5 degrees C in winter) and survives only minimal ice formation in its body fluids, what may limit its expansion to colder environments. In the present study, we investigated the influence of acclimation and starvation on its supercooling ability. During eight weeks, individuals were maintained at 20 degrees C, fed or starved, or placed at 5 degrees C, directly or with progressive acclimation to cold and shorter photoperiod. Temperature of crystallisation of whole individual (Tc(I)) and hemolymph (Tc(H)), mass data and gut content were recorded every two weeks. Hemolymphatic glucose and glycerol were measured at the end of experiment and occurrence of intestinal ice-nucleating agents (INA) was researched. Acclimation had no effect on Tc(I) but stimulated purging of the gut. Starvation induced a slight decrease of Tc(I) whereas a high quantity of alimentary particles in the digestive tract limited the supercooling ability. Glucose and glycerol were not synthesized in cold conditions. Mean Tc(H) was low (c. -17 degrees C), some INA being present in hemolymph of fed animals. Intestinal content of starved individuals exhibited a mean Tc of c. -6 degrees C, decreasing to c. -12 degrees after heating, suggesting the presence of organic INA.  相似文献   
三种裸趾虎核型及银带的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裸趾虎属Cyrtodactylus动物 ,已知有 6 0余种 (Wer muth ,196 5 ) ,分布于亚州南部及西南部、欧州及大洋洲。中国记载有 5种 (Zhao等 ,1993) ,分布于西北部的干旱荒漠区及西藏东南部。有关其染色体研究报道甚少 ,仅国外记载 7种 (Szczerbak等 ,1996 ) ,且所提供的数据较为粗略。为此 ,本文对长裸趾虎C elongatus、墨脱裸趾虎C medogensis和西藏裸趾虎C tibetanus核型进行研究 ,并首次报道其银带。旨在为分类及系统进化学提供细胞遗传学信息。1 材料和方法实验动物见表 1…  相似文献   
The disturbance of plasma membrane carbohydrates and of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ligands in relation to cytoskeletal transformations of haemocytes has been investigated after chronic exposure of pond snails (Lymnaea stagnalis) to the peroxidizing toxicant fomesafen. Neither of the two lectins used (concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin) showed any binding modification after incubation of the snails in the presence of the toxicant. However, after exposure of the snails to fomesafen, a clear and persistent reduction in LPS labelling of haemocytes occurred. The actin cytoskeleton of the same cells also appeared to be sensitive to the toxicant. The reduction in LPS-binding sites was related to actin staining, leading to the hypothesis that LPS ligands and actin could be similarly modulated by the toxicant. Damaged cells showed non-adherent membrane portions with reduced filopodial extrusions, exhibiting a smooth surface free of microvilli. These changes could lower the spreading and adhesion of the cells and could therefore account for the loss in their phagocytic capabilities.  相似文献   
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