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Delay discounting describes the decline in the value of a reinforcer as the delay to that reinforcer increases. A review of the available studies revealed that steep delay discounting is positively correlated with problem or pathological gambling. One hypothesis regarding this correlation derives from the discounting equation proposed by Mazur (1989). According to the equation, steeper discounting renders the difference between fixed-delayed rewards and gambling-like variable-delayed rewards larger; with the latter being more valuable. The present study was designed to test this prediction by first assessing rats’ impulsive choices across four delays to a larger-later reinforcer. A second condition quantified strength of preference for mixed- over fixed-delays, with the duration of the latter adjusted between sessions to achieve indifference. Strength of preference for the mixed-delay alternative is given by the fixed delay at indifference (lower fixed-delay values reflect stronger preferences). Percent impulsive choice was not correlated with the value of the fixed delay at indifference and, therefore, the prediction of the hyperbolic model of gambling was not supported. A follow-up assessment revealed a significant decrease in impulsive choice after the second condition. This shift in impulsive choice could underlie the failure to observe the predicted correlation between impulsive choice and degree of preference for mixed- over fixed delays.  相似文献   
Time-resolved in situ radiolysis ESR (electron spin resonance, equivalently EPR, electron paramagnetic resonance) studies have shown that the scavenging of radiolytically produced hydroxyl radical in nitrous oxide-saturated aqueous solutions containing 2 mM DMPO is essentially quantitative (94% of the theoretical yield) at 100 micros after the electron pulse [1]. This result appeared to conflict with earlier results using continuous cobalt-60 gamma radiolysis and hydrogen peroxide photolysis, where factors of 35 and 33% were obtained, respectively [2,3]. To investigate this discrepancy, nitrogen-saturated aqueous solutions containing 15 mM DMPO were cobalt-60 gamma irradiated (dose rate = 223 Gy/min) for periods of 0.25-6 min, and ESR absorption spectra were observed approximately 30 s after irradiation. A rapid, pseudo-first-order termination reaction of the protonated DMPO-hydrated electron adduct (DMPO-H) with DMPO-OH was observed for the first time. The rate constant for the reaction of DMPO-H with DMPO-OH is 2.44 x 10(2) (+/- 2.2 x 10(1)) M(-1) s(-1). In low-dose radiolysis experiments, this reaction lowers the observed yield of DMPO-OH to 44% of the radiation-chemical OH radical yield (G = 2.8), in good agreement with the earlier results [2,3]. In the absence of the DMPO-H radical, the DMPO-OH exhibits second-order radical termination kinetics, 2k(T) = 22 (+/- 2) M(-1) s(-1) at initial DMPO-OH concentrations > or = 13 microM, with first-order termination kinetics observed at lower concentrations, in agreement with earlier literature reports [4].  相似文献   
Bone turnover markers (BTMs) are classified as either formation or resorption markers. Their concentrations in blood or urine of adults are considered to reflect the rate of bone remodelling and may be of use in the management of patients with bone disease. Major inter-method differences exist for BTMs, and harmonisation of methods is currently being pursued at an international level. Based on published data, this article describes age- and sex-specific Australian consensus reference intervals for adults for serum procollagen type I amino-terminal propeptide (s-PINP) and serum β-isomerised carboxy-terminal cross-linking telopeptide of type I collagen (s-CTX).  相似文献   
A new gene expression system was developed in Rhodobacter sphaeroides, replacing a pRK415-based system used previously. The broad host-range IPTG-inducible plasmid pIND4 was used to create the plasmid pIND4-RC1 for expression of the puhA and pufQBALMX genes, encoding the reaction centre (RC) and light-harvesting complex 1 (LH1) proteins. The strain R. sphaeroides ΔRCLH was used to make a knockout of the rshI restriction endonuclease gene, enabling electroporation of DNA into the bacterium; a subsequent knockout of ppsR was made, creating the strain R. sphaeroides RCx lacking this oxygen-sensing repressor of the photosynthesis gene cluster. Using pIND4-RC1, LH1 levels were increased by a factor of about 8 over pRS1 per cell in cultures grown semi-aerobically. In addition, the ppsR knockout allowed for photosynthetic pigment–protein complex synthesis in the presence of high concentrations of molecular oxygen; here, LH1 levels per cell increased by 20 % when grown under high aeration conditions. A new medium (called RLB) is the E. coli medium LB supplemented with MgCl2 and CaCl2, which was found to increase growth rates and final cell culture densities, with an increase of 30 % of LH1 per cell detected in R. sphaeroides RCx(pIND4-RC1) grown in RLB versus LB medium. Furthermore, cell density was about three times greater in RLB compared to semi-aerobic conditions. The combination of all the modifications resulted in an increase of LH1 and RC per mL of culture volume by approximately 35-fold, and a decrease in the length of culture incubation time from about 5 days to ~36 h.  相似文献   
Ice seals overwintering in the Bering Sea are challenged with foraging, finding mates, and maintaining breathing holes in a dark and ice covered environment. Due to the difficulty of studying these species in their natural environment, very little is known about how the seals navigate under ice. Here we identify specific environmental parameters, including components of the ambient background sound, that are predictive of ice seal presence in the Bering Sea. Multi-year mooring deployments provided synoptic time series of acoustic and oceanographic parameters from which environmental parameters predictive of species presence were identified through a series of mixed models. Ice cover and 10 kHz sound level were significant predictors of seal presence, with 40 kHz sound and prey presence (combined with ice cover) as potential predictors as well. Ice seal presence showed a strong positive correlation with ice cover and a negative association with 10 kHz environmental sound. On average, there was a 20–30 dB difference between sound levels during solid ice conditions compared to open water or melting conditions, providing a salient acoustic gradient between open water and solid ice conditions by which ice seals could orient. By constantly assessing the acoustic environment associated with the seasonal ice movement in the Bering Sea, it is possible that ice seals could utilize aspects of the soundscape to gauge their safe distance to open water or the ice edge by orienting in the direction of higher sound levels indicative of open water, especially in the frequency range above 1 kHz. In rapidly changing Arctic and sub-Arctic environments, the seasonal ice conditions and soundscapes are likely to change which may impact the ability of animals using ice presence and cues to successfully function during the winter breeding season.  相似文献   
The release of gamebirds for recreational shooting exerts a series of effects on the ecosystems into which they are placed. Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) are omnivorous and eat invertebrates, especially when young or, if females, when breeding. Consequently, the release of large numbers of pheasants into woodland release pens may affect local invertebrate populations. Previous studies have reported mixed evidence. We conducted pitfall trapping at 13 sites (49 pens) in central England over 2 years (totaling 65 pen measures), comprising three surveys annually, immediately prior to releases in mid‐summer, 4 weeks later when most birds were still in the pens, and another 5 weeks later when most birds had dispersed. We compared traps inside and 25 m outside pens in the same wood. We considered release densities and whether the birds had prior experience of eating invertebrates. While accounting for overall seasonal declines in invertebrates trapped, we detected changes for total invertebrate biomass and total counts indicative of released pheasants causing local decreases inside pens, either directly by predation or indirectly by modifying vegetation. There were also relative decreases outside pens when the pheasants start to disperse, suggesting that the released pheasants may be affecting invertebrates in those nearby areas or that their earlier effects inside the pen, modifying vegetation or increasing invertebrate activity, increased the relative susceptibility of invertebrates there to trapping. However, these effects were not seen for specific invertebrate groups believed to be especially susceptible to pheasants. For slugs and detritivores, we detected small population increases inside pens. Across the study period, decreases for most measures were greater outside pens than inside them. We conclude that any effects pheasants have on invertebrate communities at release sites in woodlands are complex and that long‐term and taxon‐specific studies should be considered to understand the local net ecological effects of gamebird releases on invertebrates.  相似文献   
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