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The biological activities of several ovine chorionic somatomammotropin (oCS) derivatives obtained by chemical modification of the lysine residues were studied by radioreceptor assays using rabbit mammary homogenates (lactogenic activity, L.A.) and liver homogenates (somatotropic activity, S.A.). Even if the control treatment with BH-4 markedly decreased the L.A., it was clear that methylation mainly affected the S.A. and that ethylation reduced both activities. Guanidination inactivated almost completely both activities and acetimidination at a very low degree (3 of 14 lysines) led to less than 50% of both activities. These results show the involvement of lysine residues in the interaction of oCS with lactogenic and somatotropic receptors.  相似文献   
Summary This study was undertaken to assess the distribution and localization of chitin synthetase in a fungal cell and to evaluate the sedimentation behavior of chitosomes (microvesicular containers of chitin synthetase). Chitosomes were isolated from cell-free extracts of yeast cells ofMucor rouxii by rate-zonal and isopycnic sedimentation in sucrose density gradients. Because of their small size and low density, chitosomes were effectively separated from other subcellular particles. Rate-zonal sedimentation was a suitable final step for isolating chitosomes as long as ribosomes had been eliminated by enzymic digestion. By isopycnic centrifugation, chitosomes could be separated directly from a crude cell-free extract; they cosedimented with a sharp symmetrical peak of chitin synthetase at a buoyant density of d=1.14–1.15g/cm3; the only significant contaminants were particles of fatty acid synthetase complex. From such sedimentations, we estimated that 80–85% of the chitin synthetase activity in the cell-free extract was associated with chitosomes; the rest was found in two smaller peaks sedimenting at d=1.19–1.20 and d=1.21–1.22 (5–10%), and in the cell wall fraction (5–10%). By consecutive rate-zonal and isopycnic sedimentations, chitosome preparations with relatively few contaminating particles were obtained. Potassium/sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.5)+MgCl2 was the most effective isolation medium for chitosomes. Other buffers such as TRIS-MES+MgCl2 led to massive aggregation of chitosomes and a change in sedimentation properties. This tendency of chitosomes to aggregate could explain why most of the chitin synthetase activity of a fungus is sometimes found associated with other subcellular structures,e.g., plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Summary Para and prevertebral ganglia of the cat were investigated for immunoreactivity (IR) against neurotensin (NT), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), substance P (SP) and enkephalin (ENK). Dopamine--hydroxylase- (DBH)-IR was studied in consecutive sections to correlate the distribution of noradrenergic/adrenergic neurons with that of peptidergic nerve fibres and cells.In paravertebral (cervical and thoracic) ganglia, NT-IR or ENK-IR nerve fibres were seen in areas in which DBH-IR fibre networks also occurred. NT-IR varicosities were often in close contact with perikarya of principal ganglionic cells on which DBH-IR varicosities also terminated. Such an association was rarely seen between ENK-IR and DBH-IR fibre baskets. NT-IR and ENK-IR fibre baskets were not found to occur around the same principal ganglionic cell. The distribution of VIP-IR and SP-IR nerve fibres did not coincide with that of DBH-IR fibres.In prevertebral ganglia (celiac-superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric) DBH-IR or VIP-IR varicosities surrounded the majority of principal ganglionic neurons. ENK-IR or SP-IR fibres were closely associated with only a minority of the neurons; NT-IR networks were rather sparse. Some principal neurons were approached by DBH-IR fibres and by different peptide-IR fibres.In paravertebral ganglia some principal ganglionic cells contained VIP-IR, a few of which were also surrounded by NT-IR varicosities. VIP-IR perikarya in prevertebral ganglia were extremely rare. No NT-IR, SP-IR or ENK-IR principal ganglionic cells were found.Glomus-like paraganglionic cell clusters in paravertebral and prevertebral ganglia exhibited DBH-IR cell bodies. Moreover, the clusters also contained ENK-IR or SP-IR cells. NT-IR varicosities were observed adjacent to clustered paraganglionic cells. Only few singly located paraganglionic cells were NT-IR or ENK-IR.The differential distribution of peptide-IR nerve endings in the investigated ganglia suggests a regulation of impulse transmission that seems to be related to the target organs.Fellow of the Heisenberg foundationSupported by the DFG, grants He 919/5, Re 520/1-2, and SFB 90 Carvas, Heidelberg  相似文献   
Summary Activities of the lactate dehydrogenase within the periportal zone and within the perivenous zone in the first layer of hepatocytes adjacent to terminal hepatic venules and the remainder of the perivenous parenchyma of the liver acinus were measured using a Lowry technique during a full 24-h cycle (08.00-08.00) in untreated adult male Wistar rats kept under 12 h of light and 12 h of darkness, scotophase 18.25-06.25. In all three regions studied a broad first maximum was recorded between 10.00 and 22.00 with the peak value at 16.00 and a high and narrow peak at 24.00. Zonal and intrazonal heterogeneity of the lactate dehydrogenase were retained during the full day and night cycle. The regions displayed individual dynamic changes in enzyme activity.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Hi 318/21)  相似文献   
Sixteen Choisya ternata strains of same genotypic origin were examined for their capacities to biotransform ellipticine. Four strains were able to convert the drug into 5-formylellipticine with good yields. The reaction occurred only in agar medium and was different from ellipticine bioconversion by microorganisms or mammals.  相似文献   
Summary Mutagenic damages in female germ, cells of mice have been tested with the dominant, lethal assay and the cytogenetic analysis of unfertilized M II-oocytes. Concluding one can say that from the experimental data presented here do not show any mutagenic effect of INH on oogenesis of different strains of mice can be stated.  相似文献   
Two new compounds G and H isolated from the roots of Costus speciosus have been characterized as 8-hydroxytriacontan-25-one and Me tritriacontanoat  相似文献   
In order to determine the significance of the C-6 carboxyl group for the biological activity gibberellin A3, 6-epigibberellin A3, 7-norgibberellin A3, 6-methyl-7-norgibberellin A3, and 7-homogibberellin A3 were studied using dwarf pea, dwarf maize, dwarf rice, dwarf barley and -amylase bioassays. All gibberellin A3(GA3)derivatives tested were considerably less active than GA3. In all biossays, 6-epi-GA3 showed a low activity of the same order, whereas 6-methyl-7-nor-GA3 was inactive. Surprisingly, 7-nor-GA3 had some activity in the dwarf rice (root application), dwarf barley, and -amylase bioassay, in contrary to its low potency in the dwarf pea, dwarf maize, and dwarf rice (micro drop) bioassay. 7-Homo-GA3 was primarily active in the dwarf maize, dwarf barley and dwarf rice bioassay. It also caused antigibberellin effects in dwarf rice. The results demonstrate that the C-6 carboxyl group is not absolutely essential for biological activity of gibberellins. The different activities of 7-nor-GA3 observed in the various test systems may indicate that the C-6 carboxyl group is a structural requirement more for uptake and/or transport processes than for receptor affinity.Abbreviation GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   
Summary A saturator of small dimensions is described. Moist air with dewpoint temperatures ranging from 2°C to 30°C with a long-term stability of ±0.05°C and a maximum output of 400 1/h can be attained.Special attention is paid to the calibration procedure and to the effect of the reduction of dewpoint temperature of moist air flowing through a tube.  相似文献   
Summary One hundred and sixty-seven blood donors, 26 families with 72 offspring and 12 motherchild couples were studied for the phosphoglycolate phosphatase polymorphism. In hemolysates, the isozymes are stable for at least five weeks. The distribution of observed phenotypes in the population study did pot diverge from the expected values according to Hardy-Weinberg law. In the family study, the formal genetic model of three alleles—PGP 1, PGP 2 and PGP 3 at one autosomal locus-could be confirmed. Among 33 individuals from a Mongoloid population PGP 1 was observed in 100%. This observation lead us to the conclusion, based also on recent data in Negroid populations (Barker and Hopkinson 1978), that phosphoglycolate phosphatase may be a more recent polymorphism of Caucasoid populations. Linkage studies with the hp locus an chromosome 16 resulted in 19 meiotic divisions of 4 informative families in a lod score peak of 0.23 at =0.25 being inconclusive. The inclusion of the PGP system in paternity testing is also discussed.  相似文献   
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