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Central nesting sites within avian colonies are often more profitable in terms of fitness, as they can offer better protection against predators compared with colony edges. Thus, central sites are expected to attract high‐quality individuals, which should produce a clear central–periphery gradient in the phenotypic quality of nesting individuals and reproductive output within colonies. The aim of this study was to assess spatial patterns of individual quality within a colony of a common larid, the Black‐headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus. We found that laying was advanced in the central zone of the colony when compared with the periphery, and central pairs tended to lay larger eggs and had higher hatching success than peripheral pairs. Centrally nesting individuals had higher blood haemoglobin concentrations, size‐corrected body mass and heterozygosity (males only), indicating their better condition and higher genetic quality. In contrast, central females had lower plasma albumin concentration, which could possibly be attributed to their greater investment in egg production. Finally, pairs breeding in the central zone of the colony had an elevated heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, suggesting that social stress can be recognized as an important cost of nesting in dense aggregations. The results provide empirical support for central–periphery gradients in the individual quality of colonially nesting Black‐headed Gulls, indicating that spatial gradients in pair quality should be carefully taken into account when conducting research on colonial birds.  相似文献   
A new species of quill mite of the family Syringophilidae (Acariformes: Prostigmata), Peristerophila nestoriae sp. nov. from New Zealand Kaka, Nestor meridionalis (Gmelin) (Psittaciformes: Strigopidae) is described. This new species is morphologically similar to Peristerophila falcophila [Skoracki M, Hromada M, Kaszewska K, Unsoeld M. 2018. Peristerophila falcophila sp. nov., a new species and first record of quill mites (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) parasitizing birds of the order Falconiformes. Acta Parasitologica. 63:744–749. https://doi.org/10.1515/ap-2018-0088], and differs from it as follow: the stylophore is 130–140 long (vs. 150–160 long); the propodonotal shield bear bases of setae ve, si, and c1 (vs. only ve and si on the propodonotal shield); fan-like setae p′ and p″ of legs III and IV with 11–13 tines (vs. 10 tines); the lengths of setae ag2 40–50 (vs. 55–70). Our finding is the first record of the presence of syringophilid mite on host of the family Strigopidae and first report of the member of Peristerophila on psittaciform birds. So far, the syringophilids mites have not been found in New Zealand.

LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FB0C5B37-DF42-428C-8C81-8FA56EA67504  相似文献   

The assessment of morphology and digital image opacity may provide valuable information on the present embryo quality. Time-lapse imaging has been employed in research to establish a means of monitoring the dynamic nature of preimplantation embryo development. The aim of present study was to use time-lapse imaging for assessing various prospective morphometric and phototextural markers of the developmental potential of in vitro-derived ovine embryos. Oocytes were obtained by scarification of ovaries from nine Polish Longwool ewes. After in vitro maturation (IVM) and fertilization (IVF) of oocytes with fresh ram semen, the development of embryos to the blastocyst stage was monitored and evaluated using Primo Vision time-lapse imaging technology. Commercially available Image-Pro® Plus software was used to measure zona pellucida thickness, embryo diameter, total area of the perivitelline space, cellular grey-scale pixel intensity and cellular pixel heterogeneity. Statistical assessment of all attributes was done at various time points during embryo development (i.e., presumptive zygote stage: t(0); first cleavage detected at t(2) or t(3); and second cleavage detected at t(4) or t(6)). Out of thirty-seven zygotes analyzed in this study, five did not divide, 26 arrested before and six developed to the blastocyst stage. Our present results indicate that most parameters analyzed did not differ among embryos varying in their developmental fate except for the perivitelline space area that was greater (P<0.05) for non-dividing zygotes than future blastocysts at the presumptive zygote stage (4040±1850 vs. 857±262 µm2, respectively; means±SEM). Consequently, the measurement of perivitelline space at t(0) can potentially be used to prognosticate developmental potential of in vitro-produced ovine embryos albeit further confirmational studies are needed.  相似文献   
The water uptake region in roots is several hundred times longer than the root diameter. The distributed nature of the uptake zone requires that the hydraulic design of roots be understood by analogy to flow through a porous pipe. Here we present results of an analytical and experimental investigation that allowed an in-depth analysis of root hydraulic properties. Measurements on nodal maize roots confirm the nonlinear distribution of water uptake predicted by the porous pipe model. The major design parameter governing the distribution of water uptake along a porous pipe is the ratio between its axial and radial hydraulic resistance. However, total flow is proportional to the pipe's overall resistance. These results suggest the existence of a tradeoff between the effective utilization of root length and the total capacity for water uptake.  相似文献   
We attempt to identify general properties of ecotones. Earlier attempts to do so encountered difficulties resulting from contradictory conceptions of ecotones. Thus, we begin with and center our discussion on a definition of ecotone. The definition is complex. It includes scaling, structural, and functional aspects. Based on this complex definition, we offer a brief review of what is an ecotone, what attributes it has, and how it influences other habitats of interest. We identify feedback as a possibly important but ignored function of ecotones. This discussion is presented in general terms which apply to a variety of ecological situations. We point out that results of an evaluation of ecotone attributes largely depends on the spatial and temporal scale at which ecotone is conceptualized and data are collected. We suggest that some of ecotone determinants scale naturally in a repeatable fashion among various aquatic systems. Finally, we point to the concentration of dynamic properties of ecotones as applied to land/water interface.  相似文献   
We studied the vegetation, testate amoebae and abiotic variables (depth of the water table, pH, electrical conductivity, Ca and Mg concentrations of water extracted from mosses) along the bog to extremely rich fen gradient in sub-alpine peatlands of the Upper Engadine (Swiss Alps). Testate amoeba diversity was correlated to that of mosses but not of vascular plants. Diversity peaked in rich fen for testate amoebae and in extremely rich fen for mosses, while for testate amoebae and mosses it was lowest in bog but for vascular plants in extremely rich fen. Multiple factor and redundancy analyses (RDA) revealed a stronger correlation of testate amoebae than of vegetation to water table and hydrochemical variables and relatively strong correlation between testate amoeba and moss community data. In RDA, hydrochemical variables explained a higher proportion of the testate amoeba and moss data than water table depth. Abiotic variables explained a higher percentage of the species data for testate amoebae (30.3% or 19.5% for binary data) than for mosses (13.4%) and vascular plants (10%). These results show that (1) vascular plant, moss and testate amoeba communities respond differently to ecological gradients in peatlands and (2) testate amoebae are more strongly related than vascular plants to the abiotic factors at the mire surface. These differences are related to vertical trophic gradients and associated niche differentiation.  相似文献   
Female middle age is characterized by a decline in skeletal muscle mass and performance, predisposing women to sarcopenia, functional limitations, and metabolic dysfunction as they age. Menopausal loss of ovarian function leading to low circulating level of 17β‐estradiol has been suggested as a contributing factor to aging‐related muscle deterioration. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown and thus far androgens have been considered as a major anabolic hormone for skeletal muscle. We utilized muscle samples from 24 pre‐ and postmenopausal women to establish proteome‐wide profiles, associated with the difference in age (30–34 years old vs. 54–62 years old), menopausal status (premenopausal vs. postmenopausal), and use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT; user vs. nonuser). None of the premenopausal women used hormonal medication while the postmenopausal women were monozygotic (MZ) cotwin pairs of whom the other sister was current HRT user or the other had never used HRT. Label‐free proteomic analyses resulted in the quantification of 797 muscle proteins of which 145 proteins were for the first time associated with female aging using proteomics. Furthermore, we identified 17β‐estradiol as a potential upstream regulator of the observed differences in muscle energy pathways. These findings pinpoint the underlying molecular mechanisms of the metabolic dysfunction accruing upon menopause, thus having implications for understanding the complex functional interactions between female reproductive hormones and health.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate bone resistance after in ovo administration of copper nanoparticles (NanoCu) and to determine the number of cells positive for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in the femoral bones of broiler chickens (n = 12 per group). The study demonstrated that femoral bones from the NanoCu group were characterised by a higher weight and volume and by significantly greater resistance to fractures compared to the Control group. NanoCu promoted the proliferation of PCNA-positive cells in the long bones of chickens. A significantly higher number of PCNA-positive cells in the bones of birds in the NanoCu group compared with the Control group (137 and 122, respectively) indicate a stimulatory effect during embryogenesis. Considering the improvement in bone resistance to fractures and the effect of NanoCu on the number of PCNA-positive cells in femoral bones, NanoCu may be an alternative agent to minimise the ever-present problem of weak bones in broiler chickens.  相似文献   
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