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The distribution and morphology of neurons containing somatostatin (SOM) was investigated in the amygdala (CA) of the pig. The SOM-immunoreactive (SOM-IR) cell bodies and fibres were present in all subdivisions of the porcine CA, however, their number and density varied depending on the nucleus studied. The highest density of SOM-positive somata was observed in the layer III of the cortical nuclei, in the anterior (magnocellular) part of the basomedial nucleus and in the caudal (large-celled) part of the lateral nucleus. Moderate to high numbers of SOM-IR cells were also observed in the medial and basolateral nuclei. Many labeled neurons were also consistently observed in the lateral part of the central nucleus. In the remaining CA regions, the density of SOM-positive cell bodies varied from moderate to low. In any CA region studied SOM-IR neurons formed heterogeneous population consisting of small, rounded or slightly elongated cell bodies, with a few poorly branched smooth dendrites. In general, morphological features of these cells clearly resembled the non-pyramidal Golgi type II interneurons. The routine double-labeling studies with antisera directed against SOM and neuropeptide Y (NPY) demonstrated that a large number of SOM-IR cell bodies and fibers in all studied CA areas contained simultaneously NPY. In contrast, co-localization of SOM and cholecystokinin (CCK) or SOM and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) was never seen in cell bodies and fibres in any of nuclei studied. In conclusion, SOM-IR neurons of the porcine amygdala form large and heterogeneous subpopulation of, most probably, interneurons that often contain additionally NPY. On the other hand, CCK- and/or VIP-IR neurons belonged to another, discrete subpopulations of porcine CA neurons.  相似文献   
In the Great Salt Lake of Utah, the brine shrimp Artemia franciscanaKellogg is an important food resource for birds and they produce dormant cysts that are harvested and used extensively in the aquaculture industry. We analyzed the limnological factors controlling Artemia growth and cyst production over 12 months in 1994 and 1995. Laboratory experiments showed that inter-brood intervals were highly dependent on temperature and slightly on food level. At optimal temperatures and nutritious food, juveniles reached reproductive size within 7 d in the laboratory. In winter when temperatures were less than 3 °C, Artemia were absent from the lake, phytoplankton abundance was high (13 Chl a g l–1), and the dominant grazers were ciliated protozoans. In the spring, cysts hatched when phytoplankton was abundant (15–30 g Chl a l–1), and the Artemia grew and produced large clutches of ovoviviparous eggs. Estimated naupliar production from these eggs was 80 l–1 from April to May. Despite the high production of nauplii, Artemia densities declined to 8 l–1by June and the growing shrimp population grazed down the phytoplankton resource to <1 g Chl a l–1. With the depleted phytoplankton food resource during the summer, Artemia growth slowed, lipid indices decreased, clutch sizes declined, and females switched primarily to oviparous cyst production. During the summer, there was limited production of ovoviviparous eggs, and limited recruitment of juveniles, probably due to low food. Although oviparous reproduction began in June, more than 90% of the cysts were produced after July when female densities had declined to 1.5 l–1, but nearly all of them were producing cysts. Estimated cyst production was 650000 m–2, or 4.54 × 106 kg dry weight for the entire lake. The reported commercial harvest took 21% of the 1994 cyst production. That harvest had little impact on the subsequent year's population, as Artemia densities were ultimately controlled by algal production in the lake.  相似文献   
The frequencies of caffeine-induced chromosomal aberrations (CA), mainly chromatid (CdB) and chromosome (CB) breaks, were studied in lymphocyte cultures derived from 6 obligatory heterozygotes and 1 homozygote of ataxia telangiectasia (AT), and from 4 control adult healthy persons. Caffeine (CF, 1 mM) was added at the beginning of the cultures exposed to CF the frequency of CB was 1.9% and of CdB 1.3%. In cells of the AT homozygote, the frequency of CdB was 6.8% in the absence and 8.7% in the presence of caffeine, the frequencies of CB being 3.4 and 10.9%, respectively. In AT heterozygous cells treated with CF, CdB increased 13-fold as compared to a less than 3-fold increase in control cells. Comparing the frequencies of CF-induced chromosomal lesions in control and AT heterozygous cells, potentiation factors (Pf) for the effect of 1 AT gene on cell sensitivity of CF (Pf [AT]) were 3.5 for CB, 6.6 for CdB and 5.5 for CA. These data demonstrate that lymphocytes of AT heterozygotes are significantly more sensitive to caffeine treatment in vitro in terms of increased frequency of CdB than normala cells, which may be useful for the diagnosis of carriers of this defective gene.  相似文献   
Hydraulic design of leaves: insights from rehydration kinetics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the leaf hydraulic design in 10 species based on their rehydration kinetics. In all cases, a biphasic response described the temporal pattern of water uptake, with time constants of approximately 30 to 800 s and approximately 800 to 8000 s. The time constants of the fast phase were significantly shorter in the six angiosperms (30 to 110 s) compared with the two single-veined conifer species (>400 s) examined, while the two multi-veined gymnosperm species, Gnetum gnemon and Ginkgo biloba, had time constants for the fast phase of approximately 150 s. Among angiosperm species, the fast phase constituted 50-90% of the total water absorbed, whereas in gymnosperms 70-90% of the water uptake could be assigned to the slow phase. In the four gymnosperms, the relative water uptake corresponding to the fast phase matched to a good degree the relative volume of the venation and bundle sheath extension; whereas in the angiosperm species, the relatively larger water influx during the fast phase was similar in relative volume to the combined venation, bundle sheath extension, epidermis and (in four species) the spongy mesophyll. This suggests a general trend from a design in which the epidermis is weakly connected to the veins (all four gymnosperms), to a design with good hydraulic connection between epidermis and veins that largely bypasses the mesophyll (four of six angiosperms), to a design in which almost the entire leaf appears to function as a single pool.  相似文献   
Beta-casomorphins, opioid peptides present in mother's milk, are a good substrate for DPPIV (EC which is a major factor limiting the half-life of biologically active peptides. Serum DPPIV activity of two groups of infants (healthy and atopic dermatitis) and contents of beta-casomorphin-5 and -7 in their mothers' milk were determined in the study. We have found correlation between those two parameters in the group of children with atopic dermatitis syndromes, while no such a correlation was found in the control group.  相似文献   
Changes of beta-casomorphin content in human milk during lactation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Milk is the best, complete food important for the development and nourishment of a neonate. Except for nutrients, milk contains biologically active opioid peptides derived from beta-casein, named beta-casomorphins (BCMs), which can exert effects in the gastrointestinal tract as well as in the whole body of neonates. The content of beta-casomorphins in human milk during maturation phases has not been studied so far. The aim of this study was to determine the content of beta-casomorphin-5 and -7 in human milk in different phases of lactation. A significantly higher concentration of both beta-casomorphins was found in colostrum than in mature milk. The concentration of beta-casomorphin in milk collected in the second month of lactation was similar to the level obtained in the fourth month of lactation. The content of beta-casomorphins in human milk was observed with the period of lactation. The level of opioid peptides may depend on the function of these peptides in neonate's body and may be associated with the maturation process.  相似文献   
Epstein Barr virus (EBV) infection of human B lymphocytes in vitro results in immortalisation of the cells and augmented membranous expression of numerous B-cell activation molecules, including CD23. Other studies demonstrated that only those B lymphocytes which carry the surface CD21 (EBV receptor) become transformation-competent. Inspired by the relatively unclear relations between expression of EBV and those of CD21 and CD23 in in vivo conditions we have decided to define correlations between tissue markers of EBV and of CD21 and CD23 molecules in B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs) in children. The studies were performed on an archival tissue material originating from children with B-cell NHLs (n=26) using immunocytochemical techniques, in situ hybridisation, and PCR. Our studies confirmed the latent phase of EBV infection in all of the EBV-positive patients. Viral proteins as well as viral RNAs (EBERs) was found both in the cytoplasm, in cell nuclei and in cell membranes of mainly the transformed lymphocytes B. Expression of the latent proteins (EBNA2 and LMP1) and that of EBERs in B-cell NHLs was significantly higher as compared to children with nonneoplastic lesions. The studies demonstrated reciprocally positive correlations between expressions of CD21 and CD23 in our children, but no correlation could be demonstrated between expression of EBV tissue markers and that of CD21 and/or CD23. Positive correlation was confirmed between expression of EBNA2 and LMP1 as well as between expression of the two proteins and EBERs in B-cell NHLs. Our studies have shown mainly latency III pattern of EBV. We have also demonstrated a novel form of EBV latency with no EBERs expression. The high detectability of EBV-positive cases both in the group of B-cell NHLs (77%), and in the group with non-neoplastic lesions (64%) suggested that only more pronounced tissue expression of EBV markers in B-cell NHLs as compared to the non-neoplastic material may point to a potential role of EBV in pathogenesis of lymphoma in this group of population in our country.  相似文献   
On the basis of our earlier studies with the serotonin receptor ligands in the group of 1,3-dimethyl-3,7-dihydropurine-2,6-dione derivatives, a series of new arylpiperazinylalkyl and tetrahydroisoquinolinylalkyl analogs of 8-alkoxy-1,3-dimethyl-3,7-dihydropurine-2,6-dione (10-25) and 1,3-dimethyl-7,9-dihydro-3H-purine-2,6,8-trione (26-30) were synthesized and their 5-HT(1A), 5-HT(2A), and 5-HT(7) receptor affinities were determined. The new compounds 17, 18, 20, and 21 were found to be highly active 5-HT(1A) receptor ligands (K(i)=11-19nM) with diversified affinity for 5-HT(2A) receptors (K(i)=15-253nM). Compounds 12, 13, 15, and 19 were moderately potent 5-HT(2A) ligands (K(i)=23-57nM), whereas 17, 18, 24, and 25 showed distinct affinity for 5-HT(7) receptors (K(i)=51-83nM). Purine-2,6,8-triones showed weak affinities for 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(7) receptors; among them, 27 and 29 were classified as 5-HT(2A) receptor ligands. The selected compounds 17 and 21 were pharmacologically evaluated to determine their functional activities at pre-(hypothermia in mice) and post-(lower lip retraction in rats) synaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors. Compound 17 showed features of a potential agonist of pre- and post-synaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors, whereas 21 was classified as a potential, weak partial agonist of postsynaptic sites. Last of all, the most interesting compound 17 tested in behavioral models showed potential anxiolytic and antidepressant activities.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to characterize better the immunologic mechanisms underlying a previously developed animal model of chemical-induced asthma. BALB/c and severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) mice received toluene diisocyanate (TDI) or vehicle on each ear on day 1 and/or day 7. On day 10, they were intranasally challenged with TDI or vehicle. Ventilatory function was monitored by whole body plethysmography for 40 min after challenge. Reactivity to methacholine was measured 23 h later: enhanced pause and actual resistance measurements. Pulmonary inflammation was assessed 1, 6, and 24 h after challenge by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2 levels were measured in BAL. Immunological parameters included total IgE, IgG1, and IgG2a in serum, lymphocyte populations in auricular and cervical lymph nodes, and IL-4 and IFN-gamma levels in supernatants of lymph node cells, cultured with or without concanavalin A. Ventilatory changes suggestive of airway obstruction and increased methacholine reactivity were observed in all TDI-sensitized and TDI intranasally instilled mice, except in SCID mice. A neutrophil influx, accompanied by an increase in MIP-2 levels, was found in BAL of all responding groups 6 and 24 h after intranasal challenge. In BALB/c mice an increased level of CD19+ B cells was found in the auricular lymph nodes. IL-4 and IFN-gamma levels were increased in supernatants of concanavalin A-stimulated auricular lymph node cells from BALB/c mice completely treated with TDI. These results indicate that our model is dependent on the presence of lymphocytes, but it is not characterized by a preferential stimulation of Th1 or Th2 lymphocytes.  相似文献   
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