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Caatinga vegetation continues to be converted into mosaics of secondary forest stands, but the affect of this process on biodiversity has not yet been examined. We used 35 regenerating and old‐growth stands of Caatinga to examine the recovery of plant assemblages subsequent to slash‐and‐burn agriculture and cattle ranching/pasture in northeastern Brazil. Plant assemblages were contrasted in terms of community structure (stem density/basal area/species richness/diversity), functional (leaf habit/reproductive traits) and taxonomic composition. Soil attributes were also examined to infer potential drivers for cross‐habitat differences. As expected, plant assemblages clearly differed across a large set of community‐level attributes, including all trait categories relative to leaf habit and reproduction (pollination syndrome/floral color, size, type). Overall, old‐growth forest stands supported distinct and more diverse assemblages at the plot and habitat level; e.g., long‐lived tree species were almost exclusively found in old‐growth forest stands. For most attributes, plant assemblages subsequent to pasture exhibited intermediate values between those exhibited by old‐growth forest and those of agriculture‐related stands. Surprisingly, soils exhibited similar fertility‐related scores across habitats. Our results indicate that: (1) sprouting/resprouting represents an important mechanism of forest regeneration; (2) assemblage‐level attributes suggest recovery at distinct rates; (3) forest regeneration implies community‐level changes in both vegetative and reproductive functional attributes, including directional changes; (4) Caatinga is not able to completely recover in a period of 15‐yr following land abandonment; and (5) historical land use affects recovery rates and successional pathways/taxonomic trajectories. Seasonally dry tropical forests may intrinsically cover a wide range of patterns relative to successional model, recovery rates and successional pathways.  相似文献   
Immunofluorescence studies of normal and Trypanosoma cruzi-infected primary cultures of heart muscle cells were performed to gather information about the arrangement of myofibrillar components during the intracellular life cycle of this parasite. By using a panel of monoclonal antibodies against various myofibrillar proteins, a progressive disruption and loss of contractile proteins (such myosin and actin) of the host cell was detected during infection. The host cell formed a loose network of myofibrillar proteins around the parasites. Breakdown of the myofibrils occurred in regions where the parasites were present, and heavily infected cells showed myofibrillar proteins at their periphery. In parallel, we investigated the effect of T. cruzi infection on intracellular calcium levels by using a Ca2+ fluorescent indicator (confocal microscopy). Infected cardiomyocytes displayed a marked impairment in contractility, and calcium influxes became irregular and less intense when compared with those of non-infected cells. Our results demonstrate that T. cruzi infection dramatically affects calcium fluxes and causes myofibrillar breakdown disturbing cardiomyocyte contractility.Financial support through grants and scholarships from the Brazilian funding agencies FAPESP, CNPq, and CAPES is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
Morphological and isozyme variation was observed among plants regenerated from callus cultures of Cereus peruvianus. Different morphological types of shoots (68%) were observed in 4-year-old regenerated plants, while no distinct morphological variants were observed in plants grown from germinated seeds. Isozyme patterns of 633 plants regenerated from calli and of 261 plants grown from germinated seeds showed no variation in isocitrate dehydrogenase isozyme, and the differential sorbitol dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase, and peroxidase isozyme patterns observed in regenerated plants were attributed to nonallelic variation. Allelic variation was detected at three isoesterase loci. The proportion of polymorphic loci for both populations was 13.6% and the deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for the Est-1 and Est-7 loci observed in somaclones was attributed to the manner in which the regenerant population was established. The high values for genetic identity among regenerant and seed-grown plant populations are in accordance with the low levels of interpopulation genetic divergence. In somaclones of C. peruvianus, morphological divergence was achieved within a short time but was not associated with any isozyme changes and also was not accompanied by biochemical genetic divergence.  相似文献   
Since historical times, the inherent human fascination with pearls turned the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) into a highly valuable cultural and economic resource. Although pearl harvesting in M. margaritifera is nowadays residual, other human threats have aggravated the species conservation status, especially in Europe. This mussel presents a myriad of rare biological features, e.g. high longevity coupled with low senescence and Doubly Uniparental Inheritance of mitochondrial DNA, for which the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly known. Here, the first draft genome assembly of M. margaritifera was produced using a combination of Illumina Paired-end and Mate-pair approaches. The genome assembly was 2.4 Gb long, possessing 105,185 scaffolds and a scaffold N50 length of 288,726 bp. The ab initio gene prediction allowed the identification of 35,119 protein-coding genes. This genome represents an essential resource for studying this species’ unique biological and evolutionary features and ultimately will help to develop new tools to promote its conservation.  相似文献   
Thermal deactivation kinetics of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were studied from 45 to 90 °C in phosphate buffer and 5–25% (v,w/v) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [BMIM][BF4] and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride [BMIM][Cl]. HRP activity at 25 °C was not affected by the presence of ionic liquids up to 20% (v,w/v). Increasing the ionic liquids concentration up to 25% (v,w/v) changed the biphasic character of deactivation kinetics to an apparent single first-order step. The presence of 5–10% (v/v) [BMIM][BF4] significantly improved HRP thermal stability with lower activation energies for the deactivation second phase (83–87 kJ mol−1). After deactivation, enhanced activity regain of the enzyme, up to 70–80% of the initial activity, was found in 25% (v/v) [BMIM][BF4] and 10% (w/v) [BMIM][Cl] and correlated to prevalence of the deactivation first phase.  相似文献   
Recombinant haploid segregants were recovered in filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans (Eidam) G. Winter directly from the heterokaryons instead of diploid segregants (process described earlier as parameiosis). In spite of the reproductive complexity of A. nidulans, parameiosis has only now been observed in this fungus. Since parameiosis was characterized by the occurrence of genetic recombination inside heterokaryotic hyphae, master strains (uvs+) and uvs mutants with high rate of both mitotic exchanges or chromosome nondisjunction were used to form heterokaryons. Two groups of mitotic segregants were recovered directly from heterokaryons--aneuploids and stable haploids. Heterokaryons formed with uvs mutants produced a higher number of parameiotic segregants compared to the heterokaryons formed with uvs+ strains. Segregants were analyzed by nutritional markers, acriflavine resistance and conidial color. Normal meiotic behavior of haploid recombinants was observed.  相似文献   
All Rhizobium strains examined to date have one or multiple alleles of nodD. At least one copy of nodD and the presence of flavonoid exudates are required for nod gene induction and nodulation. Sinorhizobium fredii USDA191 has two copies of nodD. In this study, we demonstrate that inactivation of either copy of nodD caused a reduction in basal levels of expression of nodC. Extra copies of nodD1 had no effect on the expression of nodC when compared with the wild type, but extra copies of nodD2 abolished the inducer requirement, thereby rendering nodC constitutive. A nodD1 mutant was unable to nodulate soybean cultivars 'Peking' and 'McCall'. Inactivation of nodD2 or addition of extra copies of nodD1 or nodD2 caused delayed nodulation on Peking, and reduced the number of nodules on McCall. Both nodD alleles of S. fredii USDA191 appear to be involved in regulation of exopolysaccharide production; however, nodD2 appears to be more important in this respect than nodD1.  相似文献   
Myriophyllum aquaticum is a semi-submerged exotic macrophyte that was introduced to China for many years. This species may be found in an emergent form in aquatic environments or in an amphibious form under drained conditions. Nuisance growth of this species has often been attributed to excessive amounts of nutrients. Therefore, we tested the following hypotheses: (1) high nutrient availability facilitates the establishment of M. aquaticum and (2) fragment type interacts with nutrient availability to determine the colonization and regeneration capacities of M. aquaticum. Two types of fragments were grown in water solutions with two levels of phosphorous. After 3 weeks, the survival rates showed no significant difference between the phosphorous treatments. However, emergent fragments showed higher RGR in the low and high phosphorous treatments than amphibious fragments. In addition, emergent fragments also showed higher regeneration capacities, indicating higher invasiveness in emergent fragments compared to amphibious fragments. Moreover, the high phosphorous concentration caused emergent fragments to produce more branches, indicating that nutrient availability may increase M. aquaticum propagule pressure. Our study highlights that nutrient supply increased emergent fragment establishment and shaped the invasion dynamics of macrophytes, which could help predict the spread and potential impact of exotic macrophytes in natural aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disease that presents several clinical manifestations, affecting multiple organs and systems. Immunological, environmental, hormonal and genetic factors may contribute to disease. Genes and proteins involved in metabolism and detoxification of xenobiotics are often used as susceptibility markers to diseases with environmental risk factors. Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes activate the xenobiotic making it more reactive, while the Glutathione S-transferases (GST) enzymes conjugate the reduced glutathione with electrophilic compounds, facilitating the toxic products excretion. CYP and GST polymorphisms can alter the expression and catalytic activity of enzymes. This study aimed to investigate the role of genetic variants of CYP and GST in susceptibility and clinical expression of SLE, through the analysis of GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null, GSTP1*Ile105Val, CYP1A1*2C and CYP2E1*5B polymorphisms. 371 SLE patients from Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre and 522 healthy blood donors from southern Brazil were evaluated. GSTP1 and CYP variants were genotyped using PCR–RFLP and GSTT1 and GSTM1 variants were analyzed by multiplex PCR. Among European-derived individuals, a lower frequency of GSTP1*Val heterozygous genotypes was found in SLE patients when compared to controls (p = 0.005). In African-derived SLE patients, the CYP2E1*5B allelic frequency was higher in relation to controls (p = 0.054). We did not observe any clinical implication of the CYP and GST polymorphisms in patients with SLE. Our data suggest a protective role of the GSTP1*Ile/Val heterozygous genotype against the SLE in European-derived and a possible influence of the CYP2E1*5B allele in SLE susceptibility among African-derived individuals.  相似文献   
Malaria is still a major public health problem in Brazil, with approximately 306 000 registered cases in 2009, but it is estimated that in the early 1940s, around six million cases of malaria occurred each year. As a result of the fight against the disease, the number of malaria cases decreased over the years and the smallest numbers of cases to-date were recorded in the 1960s. From the mid-1960s onwards, Brazil underwent a rapid and disorganized settlement process in the Amazon and this migratory movement led to a progressive increase in the number of reported cases. Although the main mosquito vector (Anopheles darlingi) is present in about 80% of the country, currently the incidence of malaria in Brazil is almost exclusively (99,8% of the cases) restricted to the region of the Amazon Basin, where a number of combined factors favors disease transmission and impair the use of standard control procedures. Plasmodium vivax accounts for 83,7% of registered cases, while Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for 16,3% and Plasmodium malariae is seldom observed. Although vivax malaria is thought to cause little mortality, compared to falciparum malaria, it accounts for much of the morbidity and for huge burdens on the prosperity of endemic communities. However, in the last few years a pattern of unusual clinical complications with fatal cases associated with P. vivax have been reported in Brazil and this is a matter of concern for Brazilian malariologists. In addition, the emergence of P. vivax strains resistant to chloroquine in some reports needs to be further investigated. In contrast, asymptomatic infection by P. falciparum and P. vivax has been detected in epidemiological studies in the states of Rondonia and Amazonas, indicating probably a pattern of clinical immunity in both autochthonous and migrant populations. Seropidemiological studies investigating the type of immune responses elicited in naturally-exposed populations to several malaria vaccine candidates in Brazilian populations have also been providing important information on whether immune responses specific to these antigens are generated in natural infections and their immunogenic potential as vaccine candidates. The present difficulties in reducing economic and social risk factors that determine the incidence of malaria in the Amazon Region render impracticable its elimination in the region. As a result, a malaria-integrated control effort - as a joint action on the part of the government and the population - directed towards the elimination or reduction of the risks of death or illness, is the direction adopted by the Brazilian government in the fight against the disease.  相似文献   
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