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DNA microarrays are being used to comprehensively examine gene expression networks during the plant defense response that is triggered when a plant encounters a pathogen or an elicitor molecule. In addition to identifying new genes induced during defense, these studies are providing new insights into the complex pathways governing defense gene regulation.  相似文献   
Is there an inner nose?   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Elmes  DG 《Chemical senses》1998,23(4):443-445
Although behavioral and neuropsychological data regarding the existence of images for odors are inconclusive, reconsideration of earlier EEG work provides reasonably clear evidence for an inner nose. However, further EEG studies and neuroimaging data seem essential for conclusive demonstration of an inner nose.   相似文献   
Survivors of nitrosoguanidine-treated cultures of a colicinogenic strain of Salmonella typhimurium were tested for spontaneous production of colicin E1. Of about 1,000 colonies tested, 13 produced no (or very narrow) colicin zones. Four of these isolates proved to be more sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) light, X rays, and methyl methane sulfonate than the parent strain and did not show enhanced production of colicin when treated with mitomycin C (which acts as an inducer on wild-type cells). Further studies showed that these isolates were of two classes. Three mutants were extremely sensitive to UV, failed to show spontaneous release of two temperate phages, and were infertile as recipients in transduction or in an Hfr cross although they accepted an F' factor normally. These independently isolated mutants were inferred to be recombination-deficient; one of them had the additional property of increased spontaneous mutability at two loci. The other colicin-nonreleasing isolate was only moderately sensitive to UV, showed enhanced spontaneous release of two temperate phages, and was of approximately normal fertility as a recipient in transduction or conjugation.  相似文献   
A Salmonella typhimurium strain was given the amber mutation hisC527 by transduction, made galactose-negative by mutation, then infected with the F'-1-gal factor. Of 107 spontaneous and mutagen-induced histidine-independent mutants tested, 3 proved to result from suppressor mutations within the F' factor. The mutant F' factors, when transferred to S. typhimurium and E. coli auxotrophs, suppressed amber and ochre but not UGA or missense mutants, and are inferred to carry ochre suppressor genes. Attempts to isolate an F' amber suppressor mutant were unsuccessful. A suppressor F' factor was transferred to 14 rough mutants which had been isolated from LT2 hisC527 (amber) by selection for resistance to phage P22.c2. One rough mutant was partly suppressed, as shown by its acquisition of O agglutinability and by alterations in its phage resistance pattern. Phage P22h grown on the suppressed mutant contransduced its rf. gene with cysE(+) and with pyrE(+), and the affected locus is inferred to be rfaL. Both the original and the mutant F' factors conferred resistance to the rough-specific phage Br60, which is therefore "female-specific."  相似文献   
We have found that a temperature-sensitive mutation in the polA gene of Salmonella typhimurium strain LT2 causes precise excision of transposon Tn10 to occur at significantly increased frequencies in cells incubated at the restrictive temperature. In our experiments, precise excision from a site in the tryptophan operon was measured by determining the frequency of reversion of the auxotrophic trp1014::Tn10 polA7 strain to prototrophy on defined medium containing a trace amount of broth. Because the yields of revertants at 37 degrees C were of the order of 200 colonies per plate, it was possible to measure the effects of chemical inhibitors on the processes involved in precise excision. We now report that all of the DNA-repair inhibitors we have studied (caffeine, ethionine, acriflavine, procaine and cinnamaldehyde) are effective inhibitors of precise excision of Tn10, and can therefore be defined as antimutagens.  相似文献   
The atrial natriuretic factor elutes by gel filtration in high and low molecular weight fractions. Extraction and elution of rat atria in 1.0 M acetic acid yielded a predominance of the high molecular weight form(s); whereas when these procedures were carried out in 0.1 M acetic acid, there was a predominance of the low molecular weight forms. When partially purified high molecular weight natriuretic activity was eluted in 0.1 M acetic acid, the high molecular weight form(s) remained intact. When partially purified high molecular weight natriuretic activity was mixed with crude atrial extract in 0.1 M acetic acid, there was an apparent conversion to the low molecular weight forms. Extraction of rat atria in boiling 0.1 M acetic acid blocked this conversion. It is concluded that rat atria contain a heat labile factor that converts high molecular weight natriuretic activity to the low molecular weight forms.  相似文献   
The brief tenure of environmental enrichment has been influenced both directly and indirectly by the field of psychology, from the work of B.F. Skinner to that of Hal Markowitz. Research on enrichment supports the supposition that an enriched environment does indeed contribute to a captive animal’s well‐being. Critical elements of effective environmental enrichment are 1) assessing the animal’s natural history, individual history, and exhibit constraints and 2) providing species‐appropriate opportunities, i.e., the animal should have some choices within its environment. This paper presents a historic perspective of environmental enrichment, proposes a broader, more holistic approach to the enrichment of animals in captive environments, and describes a framework or process that will ensure a consistent and self‐sustaining enrichment program. Zoo Biol 20:211–226, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
125I-angiotensin II (125I-AII) binding was examined in the hypothalamic-thalamic-septal-midbrain (HTSM) region of HLA-Wistar rats in the presence of CNS-active agents. Angiotensin I, II, and III and saralasin competed for 125 I-AII binding, whereas structurally unrelated peptides such as arginine and lysine vasopressin, oxytocin, LHRH, TRH, bradykinin, and substance P did not. In contrast, ACTH and neurotensin exhibited a weak, dose-dependent competition for 125 I-AII binding. The relative potencies of AII, AI, neurotensin and ACTH were 100:1:0.1:0.05, respectively. Neurotensin and ACTH competition was not additive with AII suggesting interaction at shared binding sites. Most importantly, a wide variety of other CNS active agents such as methyldopa, naloxone, catecholamines, clondidine, and reserpine, failed to inhibit 125 I-AII binding, thus further defining the specificity of the CNS AII receptor.  相似文献   
Several investigators have recently reported that significant numbers ofappropriately adapted mutants can be induced in bacterial and yeast strains by exposing stationary phase cells to specific environmental challenges. The resulting mutants are said to be both selection-induced and demonstrably non-random in origin; if this interpretation is correct, it is in direct conflict with the conventional neo-Darwinian view, which is that spontaneous mutants are truly random in origin and arise without the intervention of any overtly adaptive forces. We believe that there are alternative ways of accounting for the appearance of many (and probably all) of the additional mutants which proponents of the adaptive mutation theory claim are observed only after they applied the appropriate selective pressure. Having reviewed the available evidence, we consider that most (if not all) of the sorts of mutants which are said to have been induced following exposure of stationary-phase cells to intense selective pressure are equally likely to have been generated during the operation of certain well-known, conventional (and essentially random) cellular DNA repair processes. Evidence in support of our view can be found in the mainstream literature on the origins of spontaneous mutations. We also note that some of the molecular models which have recently been proposed to explain the production of selection-induced mutations preferentially (or even only) in genes of adaptive significance may turn out to be of considerable interest in their own right, even although the mutants whose origins they were intended to explain may turn out to have arisen in a manner which is totally independent of the conditions used for their selection.  相似文献   
A galactose-negative mutant, nonleaky in respect to fermentation and utilization, isolated from a smooth Salmonella typhimurium strain by phage selection and inferred deficient of uridine diphosphate (UDP)-galactose-epimerase, was used for experiments on relation of somatic lipopolysaccharide (LPS) character to virulence. Extracts of induced mutant cells retained ca. 1% of wild-type epimerase activity and had only ca. 5% of wild-type kinase and uridyl transferase activities; also, some cultural properties of the mutant differed from those of mutants with complete defects of epimerase only. The mutant was not galactose sensitive, presumably because of its kinase defect. Although the mutant had the phage pattern (including C21-sensitivity) of an epimerase mutant, it was susceptible to transduction by phage P22 and was O-agglutinable, even when grown on defined medium; its LPS must therefore contain some O polymer, including endogenous galactose, resulting from residual epimerase activity. Growth on galactose-supplemented medium restored smooth phage sensitivity; since the mutant was partly inducible this may result, at least in part, from increased endogenous production of UDP-galactose. The mutant was made galactose positive by introduction of an F'-gal(+) plasmid. Base-change and frame-shift mutagens did not increase the frequency of reversion above the spontaneous rate. An insertion into the operator-promoter region of the gal operon seems the most likely mechanism of the mutation.  相似文献   
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