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Several strains of Escherichia coli O157:H7 artificially inoculated into vegetables and dairy products were recovered on hydrophobic grid membrane filters and enumerated by an enzyme-labeled antibody assay. The mean of the recoveries from 12 fresh vegetables was 108.8%, whereas that from 10 dairy products was 93.2%. Modified tryptic soy broth at 43 degrees C with shaking at 100 rpm provided optimum recovery of the organism from meat, with a sensitivity of less than or equal to 1 CFU/g, which is 10 times more sensitive than direct plating. The method performed equally well with vegetable and dairy products. Tryptic soy broth, however, under the same conditions gave the best results for fecal samples. Of 22 asymptomatic dairy cattle, reported as having positive Brucella titers when assayed with polyclonal antibodies, eight were found to contain E. coli O157 in their feces as demonstrated by the enzyme-labeled antibody assay by using monoclonal antibodies. This finding may explain some of the false-positive Brucella tests.  相似文献   
We explored the potential of biological control of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seedling damping-off caused by Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. medicaginis by screening root-associated bacteria for disease suppression activity in a laboratory bioassay. A total of 700 bacterial strains were isolated from the roots of field-grown alfalfa plants by using Trypticase soy agar. A simple, rapid assay was developed to screen the bacteria for the ability to reduce the mortality of Iroquois alfalfa seedlings that were inoculated with P. megasperma f. sp. medicaginis zoospores. Two-day-old seedlings were planted in culture tubes containing moist vermiculite, and each tube was inoculated with a different bacterial culture. Sufficient P. megasperma f. sp. medicaginis zoospores were added to each tube to result in 100% mortality of control seedlings. Of the 700 bacterial isolates tested, only 1, which was identified as Bacillus cereus and designated UW85, reduced seedling mortality to 0% in the initial screen and in two secondary screens. Both fully sporulated cultures containing predominantly released spores and sterile filtrates of these cultures of UW85 were effective in protecting seedlings from damping-off; filtrates of cultures containing predominantly vegetative cells or endospores inside the parent cell had low biocontrol activity. Cultures grown in two semidefined media had significantly greater biocontrol activities than cultures grown in the complex tryptic soy medium. In a small-scale trial in a field infested with P. megasperma f. sp. medicaginis, coating seeds with UW85 significantly increased the emergence of alfalfa. The results suggest that UW85 may have potential as a biocontrol agent for alfalfa damping-off, thus providing an alternative to current disease control strategies.  相似文献   
Summary The gonads of 3-day- to 7-month-old male and female platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus) were examined for the presence of 5-3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3-HSD) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) by histochemical means. In 3-day-old males a positive response for both enzymes is localized in the Leydig cells. With subsequent testicular development, these cells increase in number and display greater activity at the periphery of the testis and around the efferent ducts. In 3-day-old females 3-HSD and G6PD are localized in the stromal cells of the ovary. These cells increase in number and activity as the animals become sexually mature. Sertoli cells, efferent duct epithelium, and ovarian granulosa cells are negative at all stages of development examined. Our findings suggest that the gonads of neonatal fish possess the potential for steroidogenesis. The role played by sexsteroid hormones in the maturation of the brain-pituitary-gonad axis is discussed.  相似文献   

1. 1.|Critical thermal maxima (CTMax) and minima (CTMin) were measured to evalute thermal hardening in Rana catesbeiana.

2. 2.|Tadpoles show heat hardening and CTMax acclimation, and both responses are influenced by developmental stage.

3. 3.|The first evidence of cold hardening in vertebrates is reported here.

4. 4.|Heat hardening significantly reduces cold tolerance, but there is otherwise no evidence of a cross-hardening effect.

Author Keywords: Thermal acclimation; thermal hardening; hardening; heat hardening; cold hardening; critical thermal maxima; critical thermal minima; developmental stage; metamorphosis; tadpoles; Rana catesbeiana  相似文献   

The major phenolic acid found in gherkin tissues is p-coumaric acid, although cinnamic and caffeic acids are also present; these occur both free an  相似文献   
Organelles isolated from leaves of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) were prefixed in glutaraldehyde and then incubated with ferritin conjugates of four lectins — Concanavalin A (Con A), Ricinus communis L. agglutinin, MW 120,000 (RCA), soybean agglutinin (SBA), and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) — in order to probe their cytoplasmic surfaces for saccharide residues. In each case the major leaf organelles, including microbodies, mitochondria and chloroplast derivatives, failed to exhibit labeling when examined with the electron microscope. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaf protoplasts, incubated simultaneously with and under identical conditions to the spinach organelles, showed specific labeling of their plasma membranes with all four lectin conjugates, thus establishing the efficacy of the procedure for demonstrating the presence of binding sites when they exist. Further attempts to show binding of one of the lectins, Con A, by labeling with fluorescein-Con A and by organelle agglutination, yielded results consistent with the absence of ultrastructural labeling. It is concluded that no saccharide residues recognized by the four lectins are present on the cytoplasmic surfaces of organelles and that those residues reported to be constituents of intracellular membranes, therefore, are most likely exposed on the luminal (extracytoplasmic) surfaces.Abbreviations Con A Concanavalin A - RCA Ricinus communis agglutinin, MW 120,000 - SBA soybean agglutinin - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   
Mouse thymocyte populations enriched in functionally incompetent, “immature” cells on the one hand, or in competent “mature” cells on the other hand, express different steady-state levels of certain surface antigens and marker enzymes. In the cases of the glycoproteins H-2 (K and D), Qa, and TL, and the DNA polymerase terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), these levels reflect different rates of de novo synthesis in the two populations. Thus each population appears to manifest a characteristic pattern of synthetic rates for the various products relative to total protein synthesis. To investigate the maintenance of these patterns, enriched pools of “immature” and “mature” thymocytes were incubated in vitro for 24 h, and the rates of product synthesis before and after culture were compared. H-2 synthesis, initially most rapid in the mature cells, continued to be made at the highest rate in this population. TdT synthesis, a characteristic activity of the immature cells, was not induced in the mature cells, but proceeded at an increased relative rate in the immature population. Therefore, the differences between the rates of H-2 and TdT synthesis were stable properties of the two thymocyte populations. Another marker of immature cells, TL, did not continue to be produced in parallel with TdT. Rather, its synthesis was selectively curtailed in relation to the continuing protein synthesis in the immature cultures. This non-coordinate regulation of TL and TdT production in immature thymocytes may be due to several mechanisms. These are discussed with regard to their implications for pathways of thymocyte maturation.  相似文献   
Summary The amounts of DNA in haploid and diploid cells of Drosophila melanogaster have been determined by DNA-Feulgen cytophotometry, using Xenopus laevis erythrocyte nuclei as a reference standard. The haploid male genome is estimated to be 0.18 pg DNA and the haploid female genome, 0.20 pg DNA.  相似文献   
A prolonged hyperpolarizing afterpotential (amplitude 5–20 mV, half decay time about 400 msec at 25°C) follows the action potential in myotubes and myosacs cultured from rat skeletal muscle. This slow hyperpolarizing afterpotential (hap) is mediated by an increase in membrane K conductance, because its reversal potential follows the Nernst potential for K and is not affected by other ions. The conductance increase measured during the hap (up to four times the resting input conductance) correctly predicts the time course of the slow hap. The slow hap is Ca dependent. Its amplitude decreases when bath [Ca] is lowered, and both amplitude and duration increase when bath [Ca] is raised. The slow hap is blocked by intracellular injection of the calcium chelator, EGTA. It is inhibited by solutions containing 2–4 mM manganese or 1–5 mM barium, but is not blocked by 5–20 mM tetraethylammonium. Myotubes bathed in zero [Na], high [Ca] solutions show calcium action potentials, which are inhibited by 2–10 mM manganese, nickel or cobalt. Myotubes bathed in isotonic Ca salts (or in 2 mM Ca plus 5 mM caffeine) show long-lasting (up to 10 sec) spontaneous hyperpolarizations accompanied by prolonged contractions. These hyperpolarizations are associated with a large increase in input conductance, and they reverse in sign near the K equilibrium potential. They appear to reflect activation of the Ca-sensitive K conductance by Ca released from intracellular stores. The observation that spontaneous hyperpolarizations usually occur with no prior depolarization argues that at least a portion of the slow, Ca-sensitive K conductance system can be activated by internal Ca alone, with no requirement for plasma membrane depolarization. Cultured myotubes also have a faster K conductance system, which is inhibited by 5–20 mM tetraethylammonium or 1–5 mM barium, and is not dependent on Ca for its activation.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Waldrapp verfügt als soziale Vogelart über Verhaltensweisen des Gruppen- wie Paarkontaktes, die durch Veränderung von Körperumriß und Färbung unbefiederter Hautstellen verstärkt werden können: Grüßen, Imponieren, Aggressivverhalten (auch bei Nestlingen), Beschwichtigen, soziale Körperpflege, Kopula, Nestbau-Verhalten, Paarsitzen. Für das Zusammenspiel der Kolonie wichtig sind Grüßen, verschiedene Formen des Imponierens und ritualisierte Aggressionshandlungen. Das Fortpflanzungsgeschehen synchronisieren soziale Gefiederpflege, Kopulationen (bzw. Scheinkopulae) und Nestbauhandlungen. Das Paarsitzen, besonders deutlich außerhalb der Brutperiode, zeigt vermutlich Monogamie an.Das Lautrepertoire, eintönig für das menschliche Ohr, ist individuell variabel.Eine Besonderheit der Waldrappe ist auch die Nestlings-Aggressivität. Nestgeschwister trachten, einander durch Schnabelhiebe in eine Beschwichtigungshaltung zu drängen und so am Betteln zu hindern. Das Verhalten erlischt bei Erreichen eines Gewichtes von ca. 800 g, zugleich mit dem Abflachen der Wachstumskurve. Da Waldrappe ab dem ersten Ei brüten, überleben untergewichtige Letztgeschlüpfte (Nesthäkchen) bei ausreichendem Nahrungsangebot aufgrund ihrer länger anhaltenden Aggressivität.
Social behaviour of the Bald IbisGeronticus eremita — observations at the Alpenzoo, Innsbruck
Summary As a social bird the Bald Ibis shows behaviour patterns for group contact as well as for pair contact: greeting, display, aggressive behaviour of adults and sibling competition, appeasement behaviour, social preening, nesting behaviour, and Paarsitzen (spatial bond). Some of them may be reinforced by changing body-shape and colour of unfeathered skin. Greeting, some forms of display and ritualized aggressions are important for normal intraspecific interactions. Social preening, copulations (false copulae also) and nesting behaviour do not only stimulate the partner, they also synchronize activity within a colony. Paarsitzen might indicate longer lasting monogamy. The vocal inventory is rather uniform, but some calls may vary individually. — The Bald Ibis shows a strong sibling competition. Siblings force to prevent each other to gape by violent pecking and thus releasing appeasement behaviour. Sibling competition stops with about 800 g at the end of the period of rapid body growth. As the Bald Ibis is breeding with the first egg, this behaviour may allow survival of the runt because of its longer lasting aggressivity when there is sufficient food supply.
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