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Previous experimental results, using a new technique whereby the production rates of the neurotransmitter metabolites homovanillic acid (HVA) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenethyleneglycol (MHPG) by the awake primate brain are determined, have shown a wide variance in metabolite production among both animal and human subjects. These data suggested that either individual subjects differ in the activity of brain dopamine (DA) or norepinephrine (NE) neurons and/or that the activities of these neurons fluctuate over time. For these reasons a series of experiments were performed in which measures of HVA and MHPG production were obtained at three time points in the same animal (monkeys) over a three hour period. It was found that the group mean values for the production of HVA and MHPG by brain were similar for each of the three time points. However, it was also found that marked variations in HVA and MHPG production occur within a single animal over a three hour period. The coefficients of variation for individual animals for HVA ranged from 9.3 to 31.9% and for MHPG from 10.1 to 62.3%. These variations were not correlated with grossly observable changes in behavioral states. Using an analysis of variance it was found that the variance in MHPG production was significantly greater than that for HVA (F = 6.2, p < 0.05) suggesting that brain NE systems are more liable and/or show greater change than do brain DA systems. These data are interpreted as indicating that in the awake, resting primate brain fluctuations in the activities of DA and NE neurons occur, i.e. there is not a steady, invariant production of metabolites but rather they are produced in pulses of varying lengths. This interpretation of the data is generally consistent with electrophysiological studies which indicate that catecholamine neurons fire in bursts which are then followed by silent periods. Finally, in terms of practical application of the V-A difference technique, these data indicate that replicable group mean estimates of brain HVA and MHPG production can be obtained by averaging values from a single time point whereas accurate information about an individual animal will require multiple samplings.Recent reports from this laboratory have described a method whereby a direct measure of the rates of production of neurotransmitter metabolites such as homovanillic acid (HVA), 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenethyleneglycol (MHPG), and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) by the awake primate brain can be determined (1, 2, 3, 4). Since the quantities of HVA, MHPG, and probably 5-HIAA in the brain vary as a function of the activity of dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), and serotonin (5-HT) neurons (1, 5, 6, 7, 8), it is likely that these measures of neurotransmitter metabolite production reflect the functional state of brain DA, NE, and 5-HT neuronal systems. The experimental results thus far obtained with this technique have shown a wide variance in the rates of neurotransmitter metabolite production across both animal and human subjects even though the subjects were not in clearly different behavioral or emotional states (1, 2, 4, 9). These data suggested that either individual subjects differ markedly in the activities of brain DA, NE, and 5-HT neurotransmitter systems and/or that the activity of these systems fluctuates markedly over time. For these reasons, experiments were undertaken in which repeated measures of HVA and MHPG production by brain within the same animal were determined over a three hour period. The results of these experiments, which are reported here, indicate that there are marked changes in brain metabolite production which occur within animals. The implications of these findings for our understanding of the functioning of brain neurotransmitter systems and for the practical applications of this technique are discussed.  相似文献   
Metabolites of catecholamine neurotransmitters in plasma are, potentially, an easily available indicator of brain function in man. The peripheral contribution to these metabolites was lowered by debrisoquin sulfate, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor that does not enter the brain. In the monkey, it had been shown that debrisoquin decreased peripheral production of the dopamine metabolite, homovanillic acid (HVA), without changing production by brain; production of the norepinephrine metabolite, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenethyleneglycol (MHPG) was decreased peripherally and in brain. Low-dose debrisoquin administration in man eliminated about 80% of the peripheral contribution to HVA and MHPG in plasma, resulting in a situation in which at least 75% of these metabolites in plasma were from the brain. Under these conditions, HVA and MHPG in plasma had a significant correlation. It could also be estimated that production of MHPG by brain was reduced 55%. Debrisoquin potentially provides a method for studying brain catecholamines through their metabolites in plasma and for treating conditions of brain noradrenergic excess.  相似文献   
A spontaneous thiosine-resistant mutant of Escherichia coli was shown to have the following characteristics: lowered initial rate of lysine uptake and lowered plateau level of accumulation of exogenous lysine by both the lysine-specific and the general basic amino acid transport systems; altered repressibility of these two lysine transport systems; a derepressed level of lysine decarboxylase; normal growth rate; parental levels of lysyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase and the inducible and constitutive arginine and ornithine decarboxylases. Both the mutant (lysP) and its parent (lysP+) feed a lysine auxotroph when they are plated in proximity on solid medium. However, the feeding response was observable after 1 day less of incubation when the mutant was the feeding strain. Despite the derepressed level of lysine decarboxylase in exponential cultures of the mutant extracts of these cultures had no detectable cadaverine pool. Conjugation experiments established the following gene order: gyrA (formerly nalA) lysP metG his. All thiosine-resistant recombinants assayed showed reduced lysine transport. In many of these recombinants the derepression of lysine decarboxylase was not expressed.  相似文献   
Summary A fused F prime factor was obtained from a mating of arecA donor carrying an F' factor containing the genesmetBJF, ppc andargECBH (KLF5) with arecA recipient carrying an F' factor containingatt80, trp andlac (F155). Lysogenization of this fused F-prime factor with cI857 h80 phage followed by thermoinduction produced the transducing phages 80dmetBJF and 80dppcargECBH. This kind of fusion provides a general procedure for the construction of transducing phages carrying genes from different regions of theE. coli genome. To understand the mechanism of this fusion, the parental F prime factors (F155 and KLF5) were analyzed by the electron microscope heteroduplex technique.F155 has a length of 176±3 kilobases including two substitutions. The F sequence 0 F-2.8 F has been substituted by 53 kb of chromosomal DNA including thelac operon and the F sequences 8.5 F-16.3 F has been substituted by 27 kb of a chromosomal sequence includingatt80 and thetrp operon.KLF5 contains 221±4 kilobases of DNA (molecular weight, 148 megadaltons). It contains complete F and the segment of theE. coli chromosome frompolA torif. The F sequence 2.8 F-8.5 F known to be involved in F specific recombination inrecA + andRecA backgrounds occurs twice on KLF5, once at each of the junctions of F DNA with chromosomal DNA. The population of closed circular plasmid molecules extracted from KLF5-containing strains is heterogeneous. It is proposed that this heterogeneity is due to intramolecular recombination events occurring in KLF5 between the duplicated 2.8 F-8.5 F sequences. Such recombination can account for the genetic instability of KLF5 observed in bothrecA + andrecA hosts. The F sequence 2.8 F-8.5 F (also called ) is one of the characterized integration sequences on F.A model for the fusion of the parental F prime factors is proposed in which recombination between sequences bringsatt80 close to themetBJF genes. This is followed by a deletion of an F'lac factor. The resulting fused F' factor still carries two sequences and is therefore expected to be unstable. The closed circular molecules isolated from the fused F' containing strains show two different sizes of molecules. Genetic and physical analyses of these molecules are in agreement with the predicted instability of the fused F' factor and the existance of the sequence in the 80dmet phages isolated from fused F' and previously analyzed by the electron microscope heteroduplex technique.  相似文献   
Summary 80dargECBH DNA has been used to direct cell-free synthesis of argininosuccinase, the argH gene product in Escherichia coli K12. In vitro enzyme synthesis is sensitive to repression by partially purified preparations from an argR + strain but not by corresponding preparations from an argR - strain. Using DNA-cellulose chromatography, approximately seventyfold purification of repressor has been obtained. The partially purified preparation represses argininosuccinase synthesis but has no effect on -galactosidase synthesis.  相似文献   
Previously we have described a mutant Hfr strain in which incompatibility between the integrated F factor and an autonomous F-prime (F') factor was abolished. The mutation (inc) was located in the integrated F factor. F-prime factors isolated from the mutant Hfr strain have the same incompatibility behavior as those isolated from normal Hfr strains. Reintegration of these F' factors into the chromosome restores the Inc- phenotype characteristic of the mutant Hfr. The inc mutation thus affects incompatibility between integrated F and autonomous F(Fi-Fa incompatibility) but not incompatibility between two autonomous F factors (Fa-Fa incompatibility). The implications of this finding for the mechanism of plasmid incompatibility are discussed.  相似文献   
We have designed a new device [Biotrap (Elutrap in the U.S.A. and Canada), available from Schleicher & Schuell] for electroelution, -concentration , and -dialysis of DNA and other charged macromolecules above 5 kDa. In an electric field, the DNA migrates in an open channel out of the gel slice through a microporous membrane, BT2, into the trap section, where it is retained by a very dense, non-adsorbant, and inert membrane BT1. Specifically designed for use in an electric field, the matrix of this new membrane is much denser than that of dialysis membranes. In contrast to dialysis membranes, BT1 will not adsorb large DNA fragments nor allow passage of small DNA fragments when subjected to an electric field. In the absence of an electric field, BT1 and BT2 effectively seal the trap, maintaining the final elution volume of the purified sample. The trap can contain from 200-600 microliter and is collected from above with a pipet. In the experiments described here, 85-95% of oligonucleotides (14-mer) and large (150 kb) DNA fragments were recovered, independent of fragment length. The purity of the eluted DNA was demonstrated by restriction enzyme digestion, nick-translation, primer extension, end-labeling with polynucleotide kinase, and ligation. Electrodialysis was successfully used for the complete removal of common contaminants inhibiting the polynucleotide kinase reaction and for the removal of CsCl from DNA samples.  相似文献   

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is increasingly recognised as a cause of myocardial infarction, but psychological characteristics of patients with SCAD have not yet been extensively investigated. We assessed the prevalence of a broad range of psychological and clinical factors, and their inter-relationships in patients with a history of SCAD. Furthermore, we investigated whether specific clusters of patients with SCAD can be identified.


Participants were recruited between March and May 2019 from a Dutch SCAD database and completed online questionnaires. Clinical information was verified by review of medical records. Participants were predominantly female (172/183; 94%). Analyses focused on the 172 female patients (mean age 52.0 ± 7.5 years, 37% postmenopausal).


The most common comorbidities of SCAD were migraine (52%), fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD; 29%), chronic pain (29%), and tinnitus (28%). Six women (3%) had pregnancy-associated SCAD. Traditional cardiovascular risk factors were rare (<10%), except for hypertension (31%). Psychological assessment indicated high levels of perceived stress (PSS-10 ≥14; 50%), fatigue (FAS-10 ≥22; 56%), and a frequent history of burnout (25%). The prevalence of depression (9%) and anxiety (12%) was relatively low. Three clusters were identified: (A) FMD and chronic non-ischaemic conditions (tinnitus, chronic pain, and irritable bowel syndrome); (B) migraine; and (C) none of these conditions.


This study shows that perceived stress and fatigue are common in patients with SCAD, in addition to prevalent comorbid FMD, migraine, tinnitus, and non-ischaemic pain conditions. These factors may add to developing tailored rehabilitation programmes for patients with SCAD.

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