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Mechanisms of blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) were studied in a canine model with implanted mitral and aortic flow probes and by use of cineangiography. Intrathoracic pressure (ITP) fluctuations were induced by a circumferential pneumatic vest, with and without simultaneous ventilation, and by use of positive-pressure ventilation alone. Vascular volume and compression rate were altered with each CPR mode. Antegrade mitral flow was interpreted as left ventricular (LV) inflow, and antegrade aortic flow was interpreted as LV outflow. The pneumatic vest was expected to elevate ITP uniformly and thus produce simultaneous LV inflow and LV outflow throughout compression. This pattern, the passive conduit of "thoracic pump" physiology, was unequivocally demonstrated only during ITP elevation with positive-pressure ventilation alone at slow rates. During vest CPR, LV outflow started promptly with the onset of compression, whereas LV inflow was delayed. At compression rates of 50 times/min and normal vascular filling pressures, the delay was sufficiently long that all LV filling occurred with release of compression. This is the pattern that would be expected with direct LV compression or "cardiac pump" physiology. During the early part of the compression phase, catheter tip transducer LV and left atrial pressure measurements demonstrated gradients necessitating mitral valve closure, while cineangiography showed dye droplets moving from the large pulmonary veins retrograde to the small pulmonary veins. When the compression rate was reduced and/or when intravascular pressures were raised with volume infusion, LV inflow was observed at some point during the compressive phase. Thus, under these conditions, features of both thoracic pump and cardiac pump physiology occurred within the same compression. Our findings are not explained by the conventional conceptions of either thoracic pump or cardiac compression CPR mechanisms alone.  相似文献   
We have shown that the cultured Sertoli cell from the immature rat contains a fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-like factor. It behaves as a cationic peptide, is a potent competence factor for BALB/c3T3 mouse embryo fibroblasts, and displays a high affinity for heparin. Both bovine basic FGF and Sertoli cell FGF-like factor rapidly increase c-fos mRNA in cultured Sertoli cells. FSH, serum, and phorbol esters individually stimulate c-fos in cultured Sertoli cells whereas platelet-derived growth factor, epidermal growth factor, and insulin-like growth factor-I have little affect. However, unlike FSH, basic FGF does not stimulate an increase in cAMP and unlike either serum or phorbol esters, basic FGF does not stimulate phosphoinositol turnover or intracellular calcium changes. When Sertoli cell protein kinase C activity is suppressed by preexposure to phorbol ester, basic FGF continues to be a potent stimulator of c-fos, indicating that the calcium/phospholipid pathway is not involved in FGF induction. Basic FGF and FSH also increase jun-B mRNA levels in cultured Sertoli cells. In response to FGF, jun-B is more transiently increased than c-fos. In contrast, in response to FSH, jun-B persists longer than c-fos. These results indicate that cultured Sertoli cells contain a FGF-like factor that increases c-fos mRNA via a mechanism not involving cAMP and the calcium/phospholipid pathways. The different responsiveness of c-fos and jun-B to FSH and basic FGF may explain differences in the ultimate actions of these two ligands.  相似文献   
The generation of oxygen radicals and the process of lipid peroxidation have become a focus of attention for investigators in the fields of central nervous system (CNS) trauma and stroke (e.g., ischemia). Considering our level of understanding of free radical and lipid peroxidation chemistry, absolute proof for their involvement in the pathophysiology of traumatic and ischemic damage to the CNS has been meager. While direct, unequivocal evidence for the participation of free radicals and lipid peroxidation as primary contributors to the death of neuronal tissue waits to be established, numerous recent studies have provided considerable support for the occurrence of free radical and lipid peroxidation reactions in the injured or ischemic CNS. In addition, the pharmacological use of antioxidants and free radical scavengers in the treatment of experimental CNS trauma and ischemia has provided convincing, although indirect evidence, for the involvement of oxygen radicals and lipid peroxidation in these conditions. The intent of this and its companion paper is to review: 1) the biochemical processes which may give rise to free radical reactions in the CNS, 2) the environment of the ischemic cell as it may affect the generation of oxygen radicals and the catalysis of lipid peroxidation reactions, 3) the evidence for the involvement of free radical mechanisms in CNS trauma and ischemia, and 4) the pathophysiological consequences of these phenomena.  相似文献   
A family of novel mobile DNA elements is described, examples of which are found at several independent locations and encode a variety of antibiotic resistance genes. The complete elements consist of two conserved segments separated by a segment of variable length and sequence which includes inserted antibiotic resistance genes. The conserved segment located 3' to the inserted resistance genes was sequenced from Tn21 and R46, and the sequences are identical over a region of 2026 bases, which includes the sulphonamide resistance gene sull, and two further open reading frames of unknown function. The complete sequences of both the 3' and 5' conserved regions of the DNA element have been determined. A 59-base sequence element, found at the junctions of inserted DNA sequences and the conserved 3' segment, is also present at this location in the R46 sequence. A copy of one half of this 59-base element is found at the end of the sull gene, suggesting that sull, though part of the conserved region, was also originally inserted into an ancestral element by site-specific integration. Inverted or direct terminal repeats or short target site duplications, both of which are characteristics of class I and class II transposons, are not found at the outer boundaries of the elements described here. Furthermore, the conserved regions do not encode any proteins related to known transposition proteins, except the DNA integrase encoded by the 5' conserved region which is implicated in the gene insertion process. Mobilization of this element has not been observed experimentally; mobility is implied from the identification of the element in at least four independent locations, in Tn21, R46 (IncN), R388 (IncW) and Tn1696. The definitive features of these novel elements are (i) that they include site-specific integration functions (the integrase and the insertion site); (ii) that they are able to acquire various gene units and act as an expression cassette by supplying the promoter for the inserted genes. As a consequence of acquiring different inserted genes, the element exists in a variety of forms which differ in the number and nature of the inserted genes. This family of elements appears formally distinct from other known mobile DNA elements and we propose the name DNA integration elements, or integrons.  相似文献   
We examine the paraphylectic hypothesis of bat origins, both in the light of previous discussions, and in the light of new evidence from our analyses of neurological traits and wing morphology. Megabats share with primates a variety of complex details in the organization of neural pathways that have not been found in any other mammalian group, particularly not in microbats. The features previously used to link microbats and megabats have been examined and found to be questionable bases for support of a monophyletic origin. In particular, morphological analyses of the musculoskeletal adaptations associated with the flight apparatus are consistent with two separate origins of the mammalian wing. Taken together, these analyses suggest that megabats evolved from an early branch of the primate lineage. This branch was comprised of moderate-sized, phytophagous gliders, of which the other living descendants are the dermopterans. Microbats, in contrast, probably evolved much earlier from small, agile insectivores whose forelimbs had long metacarpals in relation to their phalanges.  相似文献   
Binding properties of detergent-solubilized NCAM   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
An assay has been designed for the identification of NCAM-binding proteins present in an NP-40 detergent extract of brain membranes. This method, which is capable of analyzing both heterophilic and homophilic interactions, uses species-specific antibodies against NCAM in combination with radioiodination, so that after unlabeled chicken and iodinated frog brain membrane proteins were allowed to interact, the chicken NCAM could be specifically isolated by immunoaffinity adsorption. The radiolabeled frog proteins coisolated with chicken NCAM were then characterized by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in combination with immunoblotting. The only detectable NCAM-binding proteins were identified as the 140- and 180-kD forms of NCAM. The presence and absence of polysialic acid on NCAM did not change the amount or nature of the frog proteins immunopurified under these conditions. As an alternative for detecting heterophilic ligands, a simplified immunoprecipitation method was employed using either iodine or sulfate radiolabels. Again under these conditions only NCAM was detected. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the major binding protein for NCAM is NCAM itself, and suggest that differences in polysialic acid content do not directly alter the properties of NCAM's homophilic binding site.  相似文献   
The Ity locus affects the net increase in numbers of Salmonella typhimurium in the liver and spleen of infected mice. There has been controversy, however, about whether the effects of this locus are due to differential killing of S. typhimurium or differential growth rates of S. typhimurium in mice. Our studies using S. typhimurium aroA mutants, which do not grow in vivo, demonstrate that growth of the infecting salmonella is necessary for the observation of the Ity phenotype. To examine the effects of the Ity locus on the growth and killing of fully virulent salmonella, we infected Ity-congenic mice i.v. with stationary phase S. typhimurium containing a single copy of the plasmid pHSG422. This plasmid exhibits defective replication at body temperature and is diluted out during salmonella growth in vivo. Thus, the frequency of plasmid-containing salmonella recovered from mice provides a measure of salmonella cell divisions in vivo. Inasmuch as the numbers of plasmid-containing salmonella are only slightly affected by bacterial division, any decline in the numbers of plasmid-containing salmonella is an unbiased measure of killing. By infecting mice with these plasmid-containing salmonella we observed that: 1) during the first four h post infection (during blood clearance of injected salmonella) there is about 3-fold more killing of salmonella in Ityr mice than in Itys mice; 2) from 4 to 44 h postinfection (after blood clearance is completed) there is little if any additional killing in either Itys or Ityr mice; and 3) during the first 48 h postinfection there is about 18-fold more growth of salmonella in Itys mice than in Ityr mice. Thus, the major effect of the Ity locus on resistance to salmonella, is the regulation of growth within a "safe" (relatively nonbactericidal) site in the liver and spleen.  相似文献   
Regulation of the goldfish neuronal intermediate filament proteins ON1 and ON2 was investigated in a retinal explant system. The synthesis of these proteins in explanted retina decreased with increasing time in culture, despite continuing neurite outgrowth. Thus, ON1/ON2 neurofilament expression is regulated independently from neurite outgrowth. During regeneration of the goldfish optic nerve in vivo, the expression of these proteins increased during the later phase of the process, when growing axons make contact with the optic tectum. The declining synthesis of ON1 and ON2 during neurite outgrowth in culture suggests that factors extrinsic to the retina are necessary to support synthesis of these proteins. Treating retinal explants with retinoic acid stimulated the synthesis of the ON1/ON2 proteins in a dose-dependent manner. This stimulation was effective during a period of declining synthesis of the ON1/ON2 proteins, restoring their synthesis towards initial levels of expression. These results show that retinoic acid serves as a modulator of neurofilament expression in this in vitro model of nerve regeneration.  相似文献   
We have studied the major DNA-binding protein (ICP8) from herpes simplex virus type 1 to identify its DNA-binding site. Since we obtained our protein from a cell line carrying multiple chromosomally located copies of the ICP8 gene, we first analyzed this protein to assess its similarity to the corresponding viral protein. Our protein resembled the viral protein by molecular weight, response to antibody, preference for binding single-stranded DNA, and ability to lower the melting temperature of poly(dA-dT). To define the DNA-binding domain, we subjected the protein to limited trypsin digestion and separated the peptide products on a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel. These fragments were then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane, renatured in situ, and tested for their ability to bind DNA. From this assay, we identified four fragments which both bound DNA and exhibited the expected binding preference for single-stranded DNA. The sequence of the smallest of these fragments was determined and corresponds to a polypeptide spanning residues 300 to 849 in the intact protein. This peptide contains several regions which may be important for DNA binding based on sequence similarities in single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from other herpesviruses and, in one case, on a conserved sequence found in more distant procaryotic and eucaryotic proteins.  相似文献   
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