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The distribution of assimilates of 14CO2 in ethanol soluble and insoluble fractions was measured at 20-day intervals from 45–135 days after sowing (DAS) in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) grown at two moisture levels. The contribution of pre-flowering assimilates to pods, although very low, was higher under the stress conditions. At the time of harvest, the recovery of 14C in pods was 0.4 and 0.9% of the total 14C fed 45 DAS in soluble and 2.5 and 5.1% in insoluble fractions in control and stressed plants, respectively. The %14C received by nodules continuously decreased with increasing age of plants. Stressed plants diverted more 14C to nodules, compared to control, during vegetative and flowering stages. During active seed filling, stressed plants diverted more 14C to reproductive parts and less to nodules, compared to control. Significant amounts of 14C were retgined by the stem and leaves during the seed-filling period and it appears that there is scope for the remobilisation of pre-flowering, as well as post-flowering assimilates for seed-filling of chickpea.  相似文献   
利用鉴别性的同工酶位点从印度恒河水系的支流Banganga中检测到了蓝黑鲮(Labeo calbasu)与南亚黑鲮(Labeorohita)的一个杂交个体。线粒体DNA的单倍型模式进一步确认这个杂交个体的母本是河蓝黑鲮。  相似文献   
Abstract Metabolic changes in developing Cuscuta campestris Yunck seeds were studied with respect to TCA-soluble phosphate fractions, nucleic acids and the enzymes, viz, acid and alkaline phosphatase, neutral and alkaline FDPase, starch phosphorylase, α-amylase ribonuclease, deoxyribonuclease and phytase. RNA and DNA contents increased steadily, and then remained stationary during the last two stages. The activities of all the enzymes studied increased with development with a sharp fall in the final stage. Interestingly, α-amylase was present throughout the seed development. Phytic acid (16% of the total P) does not seem to function as phosphate reservoir, instead orthophosphate (13% of the total P) and nucleic acids (30% of the total P) may serve this function.  相似文献   
Lipid depletion of berseem seed treated with 100 mg/1 gibberellic acid or maleic hydrazide was studied during germination. During the first 3 days after germination there was little lipid consumption but thereafter the depletion of lipid was rapid. Gibberellic acid was found to enhance the lipid utilization of total lipids and triglyceride components during germination. On the other hand, maleic hydrazide reduced the utilization of triglycerides of the germinating seed. The rate of utilization was rapid for unsaturated fatty acids and slower for saturated ones in treated seeds as compared to untreated seeds.  相似文献   
Supplementing pollen suspension cultures with CO2 (3–5per cent) caused a marked increase in germination and tube growthin vitro in Brassica campestris L. cv. toria. A weakening ofself-incompatibility by increased CO2 levels from 3–5per cent was observed. The percentage of pollen tubes whichpenetrated the cuticle layer of stigmatic papilla cells in self-pollinatedpistils was high when CO2 level was 5 per cent. Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase activity was greater in the pollengerminated in 4 per cent CO2 as compared to air (0.03 per cent).A possible role of CO2 for self-recognition and control of pollentube growth is proposed, proposed. Brassica campestris L., carbon dioxide, self-incompatibility, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase  相似文献   
Two chickpea species, one wild (Cicer reticulatum JM2106) and one cultivated (C. arietinum ICC8923) were selected as the parents for this study. C. reticulatum showed high nodule number, nodule dry weight and nitrogen content/plant as compared to C. arietinum. In lines derived from the crosses H208 × (ICC8923 × JM2106) and BG274 × (ICC8923 × JM2106), increase in nodule dry weight, nitrogen content/plant, plant dry weight and grain yield was observed over the parent ICC8923. Similarly F6 lines also showed improvement in these traits over the cultivated parent. It is concluded that the increase in grain yield and dry matter is the result of improvement in nitrogen utilisation together with an increase in the available fixed nitrogen.  相似文献   
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