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To identify the chromosomal localizations of the multiple sclerosis (MS) genes, we conducted a genomewide linkage analysis using eighteen affected families. A MS gene is linked to markers located in the 19q13.3 region (multipoint lod-score = 2.1). Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene, located in this region, is an excellent candidate gene for MS because the ApoEe4 allele is acting as a severity allele in the disease.  相似文献   
Plants have considerable ability to respond to herbivory, both with (above-ground) regrowth and with increased defense. We simulated both leaf and shoot herbivory in controlled, replicated experiments on individuals of Acacia drepanolobium in Laikipia, Kenya. These experiments were carried out on individuals that had experienced different, experimentally controlled histories of large mammalian herbivory. Both forms of simulated herbivory were associated with compensatory regrowth. Branches whose shoots had been removed grew significantly more over the next year than paired control branches, fully compensating for the lost shoot length. Branches whose leaves were removed both grew faster and had more leaves one year later than did control branches. Shoot removal, but not leaf removal, increased the production of side shoots. However, because past herbivore pressure was negatively associated with net shoot growth, there may be a long-term cost of herbivory even when plants appear to fully compensate for herbivory in the short term. In contrast to the effects on growth, simulated herbivory did not significantly increase physical (spines) or chemical (tannins) defenses, and there were no significant negative correlations between compensatory growth and plant defense.  相似文献   
This study determined the abundance, density and population structure of the marula tree, Sclerocarya birrea, in three game reserves in South Africa, and assessed patterns and amounts of new and cumulative impact of elephants. Elephant feeding was very patchy so several attributes of individual trees, sampled transects and communities that might influence elephant herbivory were investigated. The incidence and type of elephant impact (bark, branch or stem breakage) were significantly related to tree diameter, but not to fruiting nor proximity to roads. At the transect level, elephant impact was influenced by density of marula trees, but was not influenced by proximity to roads, nor proportion of marula trees bearing fruits in the vicinity. At the community level, elephant impact was higher on reserves with higher total marula densities. Fourfold differences in elephant densities (0.08–0.30 elephants km?2) did not explain marula consumption: the percentage of trees with branch damage was similar across reserves and bark damage was inversely proportional to elephant density. Variation across reserves may reflect local and landscape‐level marula tree abundance, differences in alternative food plants and individual feeding habits. The recorded levels of impact appeared to be sustainable because mortality rates were low, affected trees often recovered, and small trees were not preferentially preyed upon.  相似文献   
Only relatively recently have researchers turned to molecular methods for nematode phylogeny reconstruction. Thus, we lack the extensive literature on evolutionary patterns and phylogenetic usefulness of different DNA regions for nematodes that exists for other taxa. Here, we examine the usefulness of mtDNA for nematode phylogeny reconstruction and provide data that can be used for a priori character weighting or for parameter specification in models of sequence evolution. We estimated the substitution pattern for the mitochondrial ND4 gene from intraspecific comparisons in four species of parasitic nematodes from the family Trichostrongylidae (38-50 sequences per species). The resulting pattern suggests a strong mutational bias toward A and T, and a lower transition/transversion ratio than is typically observed in other taxa. We also present information on the relative rates of substitution at first, second, and third codon positions and on relative rates of saturation of different types of substitutions in comparisons ranging from intraspecific to interordinal. Silent sites saturate extremely quickly, presumably owing to the substitution bias and, perhaps, to an accelerated mutation rate. Results emphasize the importance of using only the most closely related sequences in order to infer patterns of substitution accurately for nematodes or for other taxa having strongly composition-biased DNA. ND4 also shows high amino acid polymorphism at both the intra- and interspecific levels, and in higher level comparisons, there is evidence of saturation at variable amino acid sites. In general, we recommend using mtDNA coding genes only for phylogenetics of relatively closely related nematode species and, even then, using only nonsynonymous substitutions and the more conserved mitochondrial genes (e.g., cytochrome oxidases). On the other hand, the high substitution rate in genes such as ND4 should make them excellent for population genetics studies, identifying cryptic species, and resolving relationships among closely related congeners when other markers show insufficient variation.   相似文献   
The responses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae towards the oxyanions tellurite, selenite and chromate were investigated in order to establish the involvement of the yeast vacuole in their detoxification. Three mutants of S. cerevisiae with defective vacuolar morphology and function were used; mutant JSR180D1 is devoid of any vacuolar-like structure while ScVatB and ScVatC are deficient in specific protein subunits of the vacuolar (V)-H -ATPase. All the mutant strains showed increased sensitivity to tellurite and chromate compared to their parental strains. Such sensitivity of the mutants was associated with increased accumu-lation of tellurium and chromium. These results indicate that accumulation of both tellurium and chromium occurred mainly in the cytosolic compartment of the cell, with detoxification influenced by the presence of a functionally-active vacuole which may play a role in compartmentation as well as regulation of the cytostolic compartment for optimal expression of a detoxification mechanism, e.g. reduction. In contrast, the vacuolar-lacking mutant, JSR180D1, and the defective V-H ATPase mutant ScVatB displayed lower selenium accu-mulation than their parental strains. Additionally, the mutant strain ScVatB displayed a higher tolerance to selenite than the parental strain. This result suggests that accumulation of selenium occurs mainly in the vacuolar compartment of the cell with tolerance depending on the ability of the cytosolic component to reduce selenite to elemental selenium, which might, in turn, be related to activity of the V-H -ATPase. These results are discussed in relation to vacuolar compartmentation and the significance of the vacuolar H -ATPase in cytosolic homeostasis of H both of which may affect the accumulation, reduction, and toler-ance to the tested metal(loids). © Rapid Science 1998  相似文献   
Metal accumulation by fungi: Applications in environmental biotechnology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Fungi can accumulate metal and radionuclide species by physico-chemical and biological mechanisms including extracellular binding by metabolites and biopolymers, binding to specific polypeptides and metabolism-dependent accumulation. Biosorptive processes appear to have the most potential for environmental biotechnology. Biosorption consists of accumulation by predominatly metabolism-independent interactions, such as adsorptive or ion-exchange processes: the biosorptive capacity of the biomass can be manipulated by a range of physical and chemical treatments. Immobilized biomass retains biosorptive properties and possesses a number of advantages for process applications. Native or immobilized biomass can be used in fixed-bed, air-lift or fluidized bed bioreactors; biosorbed metal/radionuclide species can be removed for reclamation and the biomass regenerated by simple chemical treatments.  相似文献   
A yeast-mycelium (Y-M) transition in Candida albicans was induced by exogenous yeast extract, adenosine, adenosine 5-monophosphate (AMP), adenosine 5-diphosphate (ADP), adenosine 35 cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) and its analogue N6, O2-dibutyryl adenosine 35-cyclic monophosphate (dbcAMP) in defined liquid medium at 25°C. Adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) was found to delay germ tube formation in yeast cells, whereas the cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors, theophylline and caffeine, induced a Y-M transition. Intracellular and extracellular cyclic AMP levels increased during the yeast-mycelium transition and maximum levels of intracellular cyclic AMP coincided with maximum germ tube formation. Of the many inducers and inhibitors of germ tube and mycelium formation in C. albicans tested, including incubation at 37°C or in the presence of 1.5mM CaCl2, the calmodulin inhibitor calmidazolium (R24571) added together with CaCl2 induced the highest intra- and extracellular cyclic AMP levels. These results confirm the involvement of cyclic AMP in the yeast-mycelium transition of C. albicans.  相似文献   
Copper accumulation by sulfate-reducing bacterial biofilms   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Sulfate-reducing bacterial biofilms were grown in continuous culture. When exposed to medium containing 20 or 200 microM Cu, biofilms accumulated Cu. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) showed that accumulation of Cu occurred in the form of sulfides while EDXA mapping of Cu and S in biofilm sections indicated that they were not uniformly distributed but located in the surface of the biofilm. While the polymer content of biofilm exposed to 20 microM Cu did not appear to increase relative to control Cu-free biofilms, biofilms exposed to 200 microM Cu accumulated carbohydrate and smaller amounts of protein throughout the incubation period. The mechanism of uptake, therefore, appeared to be precipitation of Cu sulfides at the biofilm surface or in the liquid phase followed by entrapment of precipitated Cu sulfide by the exopolymer-enhanced biofilm.  相似文献   
This study exploited the contrasting major element chemistry of adjacent, physically separable crystals of framework and sheet silicates in a pegmatitic granite to investigate the mineralogical influences of fungal community structure on mineral surfaces. Large intact crystals of variably weathered muscovite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, and quartz were individually extracted, together with whole-rock granite. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) revealed a diversity of fungal structures, with microcolonial fungi and fungal hyphae clearly visible on surfaces of all mineral types. Fungal automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (FARISA) was used to generate a ribotype profile for each mineral sample and a randomization test revealed that ribotype profiles, or community fingerprints, differed between different mineral types. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that mineral chemistry affected individual fungal ribotypes, and strong relationships were found between certain ribotypes and particular chemical elements. This finding was further supported by analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the 16 most abundant ribotypes within the community. Significantly, individual ribotypes were largely restricted to single mineral types and ribotypes clustered strongly on the basis of mineral type. CCA also revealed that Al, Si, and Ca had a significant impact on fungal community structure within this system. These results show that fungal community structure was driven by the chemical composition of mineral substrates, indicating selective pressure by individual chemical elements on fungal populations in situ.  相似文献   
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