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Greenwood B 《Parassitologia》1999,41(1-3):295-299
The incidence of malaria may vary substantially between adjacent communities and within an individual community, even in areas of high malaria transmission. Analysis of the factors responsible for these local variations in the incidence of malaria may identify potential control measures. Factors shown to be associated with local protection against malaria in some situations include house position, house design, the use of insect repellents and mechanical barriers such as bednets and curtains. The efficacy of insecticide treated nets and curtains in preventing mortality and morbidity from malaria, at least in the short-term, has been demonstrated convincingly. However, other measures of personal protection have not been evaluated in large trials which have clinical malaria as their endpoint. Such trials are needed to see if new malaria control tools can be identified that will assist current international efforts to improve malaria control, especially in Africa. The millions of non-immune travellers who visit malaria endemic areas each year need to protect themselves against malaria and the ways in which they can do this most effectively have been studied extensively. However, less attention has been paid to the local population of malaria endemic areas. What steps can they adopt to provide personal protection against malaria and how effective are these measures? Clues to which measures might be effective can come from study of the reasons for local variations in the incidence of malaria.  相似文献   
Based on evidence that thiol and tyrosine reagents inhibit some amino acid transporters, we tested the hypothesis that NO- and O2- -derived free radicals would impair nutrient uptake by the human placenta. Syncytiotrophoblast microvillous plasma membrane vesicles (MVM) and placental villous fragments were exposed to the drug SIN-1 in the presence or absence of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and hemoglobin (Hb). The uptake of [3H]arginine, [3H]taurine, and [3H]leucine; [14C]MeAIB; and 22Na was studied in MVM, whereas the uptake of [3H]taurine was examined in villous fragments. Nitrotyrosine formation was assessed by Western blotting and quantified by ELISA. In MVM, SIN-1 caused an inhibition of [3H]arginine, [3H]taurine, and [14C]MeAIB uptake but had no significant effect on equilibrium [3H]leucine uptake. These effects were prevented by SOD or Hb, implying that both NO and O2- radicals were essential. In contrast, 22Na+ uptake was significantly increased, and this effect was prevented by SOD. In villous fragments, SIN-1 impaired Na+-dependent [3H]taurine uptake, with no effect on Na+-independent uptake. Increased nitrotyrosine formation was observed in MVM after SIN-1 treatment. Endogenous NO- and O2- -derived free radicals may alter human placental nutrient transfer in vivo, with implications for fetal growth.  相似文献   
Regulators of G-protein Signalling (RGS) regulate the functional lifetime of G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR)-activated heterotrimeric G-protein by serving as GTPase Accelerating Proteins (GAPs) for the G(alpha) subunit. A number of mammalian RGSs can functionally replace the yeast RGS containing SST2 gene and inhibit GPCR signalling. Using yeast strains harbouring a G(betagamma)-responsive FUS1-LacZ reporter gene, we demonstrate that heterologously expressed mammalian RGS1 also serves to decrease basal signalling in the absence of agonist. Although this effect was dependent on the expression of a GPA1-encoded functional G(alpha) protein, the GPCR itself was nevertheless not required. Using the GAL1 inducible promoter to express RGS1, we further demonstrate that in addition to serving as a GAP for Gpa1p in yeast, RGS1 is a dosage-dependent inhibitor of growth. This effect is specific to RGS1 since growth is not altered in cells expressing either mammalian RGS2 or RGS5. We further demonstrate that neither of the two yeast G(alpha) proteins is responsible for mediating this growth inhibitory effect of RGS1. Taken together, our results indicate that RGS1 can function in both G-protein-dependent and -independent manners in yeast.  相似文献   


Many malaria vaccines are currently in development, although very few have been evaluated for efficacy in the field. Plasmodium falciparum multiple epitope (ME)– thrombospondin-related adhesion protein (TRAP) candidate vaccines are designed to potently induce effector T cells and so are a departure from earlier malaria vaccines evaluated in the field in terms of their mechanism of action. ME-TRAP vaccines encode a polyepitope string and the TRAP sporozoite antigen. Two vaccine vectors encoding ME-TRAP, plasmid DNA and modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA), when used sequentially in a prime-boost immunisation regime, induce high frequencies of effector T cells and partial protection, manifest as delay in time to parasitaemia, in a clinical challenge model.

Methods and Findings

A total of 372 Gambian men aged 15–45 y were randomised to receive either DNA ME-TRAP followed by MVA ME-TRAP or rabies vaccine (control). Of these men, 296 received three doses of vaccine timed to coincide with the beginning of the transmission season (141 in the DNA/MVA group and 155 in the rabies group) and were followed up. Volunteers were given sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine 2 wk before the final vaccination. Blood smears were collected weekly for 11 wk and whenever a volunteer developed symptoms compatible with malaria during the transmission season. The primary endpoint was time to first infection with asexual P. falciparum. Analysis was per protocol.DNA ME-TRAP and MVA ME-TRAP were safe and well-tolerated. Effector T cell responses to a non-vaccine strain of TRAP were 50-fold higher postvaccination in the malaria vaccine group than in the rabies vaccine group. Vaccine efficacy, adjusted for confounding factors, was 10.3% (95% confidence interval, −22% to +34%; p = 0.49). Incidence of malaria infection decreased with increasing age and was associated with ethnicity.


DNA/MVA heterologous prime-boost vaccination is safe and highly immunogenic for effector T cell induction in a malaria-endemic area. But despite having produced a substantial reduction in liver-stage parasites in challenge studies of non-immune volunteers, this first generation T cell–inducing vaccine was ineffective at reducing the natural infection rate in semi-immune African adults.  相似文献   
Host choice and fecundity are two factors that may contribute to the variation in flea counts observed when assessing the potential risk of flea-borne transmission of pathogens from rodents to humans. Using the black rat, Rattus rattus Linnaeus, as host the effects of age and sex on host choice and fecundity of the Oriental rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis Rothschild, were examined experimentally at 25 degrees C and 80% rh. During the first two days of emergence from cocoons, female fleas dominated the sex ratio by 4:1 but from the third day onwards this switched to a male-dominated sex ratio of 4:1. The sex of the flea did not influence their host-seeking behaviour. Newly emerged fleas of both sexes were not influenced by the rat's presence and at seven days old both sexes demonstrated similar levels of attraction toward the rat host. The sex of the rat did not affect flea host-seeking behaviour. There was a 50-70% decline in the initial number of adult fleas during the first week after their release onto a rat host, and this decline was greatest on juvenile rats. Flea fecundity was also significantly lower on juvenile rat hosts but no differences due to the sex of the rat were observed. This experimental study supports the hypothesis that differences in flea count due to host sex, reported in field surveys, result from sexual differences in host behaviour and not from discriminatory host-seeking behaviour by X. cheopis. Differences in flea count due to host age may be affected by differences in X. cheopis fecundity, which may itself be mediated by host behaviour such as grooming.  相似文献   
It is well-known that a "tether" may be drawn out from a pressurized liposome by means of a suitably applied radial-outward force applied locally to the lipid bilayer. The tether is a narrow, uniform cylindrical tube, which joins the main vesicle in a short "transition region." A first-order energy analysis establishes the broad relationship between the force F needed to draw the tether, the radius R0 of the tether, the bending-stiffness constant B for the lipid bilayer and the membrane tension T in the pressurized liposome. The aim of the present paper is to study in detail the "transition region" between the tether and the main vesicle, by means of a careful application of the engineering theory of axisymmetric shell structures. It turns out that the well-known textbook "thin-shell" theory is inadequate for this purpose, because the tether is evidently an example of a thick-walled shell; and a novel ingredient of the present study is the introduction of elastic constitutive relations that are appropriate to the thick-shell situation. The governing equations are set up in dimensionless form, and are solved by means of a "shooting" technique, starting with a single disposable parameter at a point on the meridian in the tether, which can be adjusted until the boundary conditions at the far "equator" of the main vessel are satisfied. It turns out that the "transition region" between the tether and the main vessel is well characterized by only a few parameters, while the tether and main vessel themselves are described by very simple equations. Introduction of the thick-shell constitutive relation makes little difference to the conformation of and stress-resultants in, the main vessel; but it makes a great deal of difference in the tether itself Indeed, a kind of phase-change appears to take place in the "transition region" between these two zones of the liposome.  相似文献   
Regulators of G-protein signaling (RGSs) are negative regulators of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR)-mediated signaling that function to limit the lifetime of receptor-activated G(alpha)-proteins. Here we show that four mammalian RGSs differentially inhibit the activation of a FUS1--LacZ reporter gene by the STE2 encoded GPCR in yeast. In order to examine the role of the GPCR in modulating RGS function, we functionally expressed the human somatostatin receptor 5 (SST(5)) in yeast. In the absence of RGSs, FUS1--LacZ activation in response to somatostatin increased in a dose-dependent manner in cells expressing SST(5). In contrast to the results obtained with Ste2p, all RGSs completely inhibited SST(5)-mediated signaling even at concentrations of agonist as high as 10(minus sign5) M. The ability of RGSs to inhibit SST(5) signaling was further assessed in cells expressing modified Gpa1 proteins. Even though SST(5)-mediated FUS1--LacZ activation was 5-fold more efficient with a Gpa1p/G(i3alpha) chimera, response to somatostatin was completely abolished by all four RGSs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that RGS1, RGS2 and RGS5 have reduced ability to inhibit SST(5)-mediated activation of the RGS-resistant Gpa1p(Gly302Ser) mutant suggesting that the ability to interact with the G(alpha)-protein is required for the inhibition of signaling. Taken together, our results indicate that RGSs serve as better GAPs for Gpa1p when activated by SST(5) than when this G-protein is activated by Ste2p.  相似文献   
Permethrin-treated bednets reduce mortality and morbidity from malaria in Gambian children. However, it is not certain how this effect is achieved, as neither mosquito numbers nor the human blood index of indoor-resting female Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu lato (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes have been reduced when treated bednets were introduced into a community. One possibility is that insecticide-treated bednets divert mosquitoes from children to adults. To investigate this hypothesis, a cross-over trial with insecticide-treated bednets was undertaken in two small Gambian villages. To differentiate mosquitoes that had fed on children from those that had fed on adults, all children in the study villages were immunized with rabies vaccine before the trial. Using the detection of rabies antibody in a bloodmeal as an indicator that a mosquito had bitten a child, it was found that the percentage of blood-fed mosquitoes caught indoors that had bitten a child fell significantly from 30.8% to 9.2% and from 28.0% to 6.9% in each village after insecticide-treated bednets were introduced. To investigate the possibility that some diversion to animals had occurred, a PCR analysis for human beta-globin DNA was undertaken on selected samples. The results of this investigation were confusing, as some rabies-antibody positive bloodmeals were negative for human DNA. This may have been due to cross-reacting antibodies in animal sera and/or DNA degradation by digestion in the mosquito. Although good evidence for diversion of mosquitoes away from children was obtained, it remains uncertain whether diversion was mainly to adult humans, to animals or to both.  相似文献   
Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is an inborn error of metabolism caused by a deficiency in branched chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase that can result in neurodegenerative sequelae in human infants. In the present study, increased concentrations of MSUD metabolites, in particular alpha-keto isocaproic acid, specifically induced apoptosis in glial and neuronal cells in culture. Apoptosis was associated with a reduction in cell respiration but without impairment of respiratory chain function, without early changes in mitochondrial membrane potential and without cytochrome c release into the cytosol. Significantly, alpha-keto isocaproic acid also triggered neuronal apoptosis in vivo after intracerebral injection into the developing rat brain. These findings suggest that MSUD neurodegeneration may result, at least in part, from an accumulation of branched chain amino acids and their alpha-keto acid derivatives that trigger apoptosis through a cytochrome c-independent pathway.  相似文献   
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