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Distribution and quantitative development of aquatic macrophytes in relation to sediment characteristics in oligotrophic Lake Kalgaard, Denmark 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
SUMMARY. The distribution and quantitative development of aquatic macrophytes have been studied in oligotrophic Lake Kalgaard, Denmark. The vegetation is dominated by isoetid species, which are widely distributed (about 40% of the lake bottom) compared to emergent and floating-leaved macrophytes (about 4%). Littorella uniflora dominates at depths of 0–2 m and Isoetes lacustris from 2.0 to 4.5m. Within the colonization area the mean midsummer biomass of Littorella is 112g organic dry weight m−2 and that of Isoetes, 66 gm−2 . The total biomass of these two species constitutes 99% of the biomass of submerged macrophytes.
The perennial Littorella shows only small seasonal biomass variations. The vegetational biomass, the above-ground fraction of the biomass, and the weight of individual plants all increased with the organic content of the sediment at water depths from 0 to 0.75 m. At the same time the interstitial concentrations of carbon dioxide, extractable inorganic nitrogen, and exchangeable inorganic phosphorus increased, thus supporting the hypothesis that an increasing organic content of the sediments at this low level creates a physiologically richer medium for the plants.
The isoetid growth form is discussed in relation to the chemical environment of oligotrophic, softwater lakes. 相似文献
The perennial Littorella shows only small seasonal biomass variations. The vegetational biomass, the above-ground fraction of the biomass, and the weight of individual plants all increased with the organic content of the sediment at water depths from 0 to 0.75 m. At the same time the interstitial concentrations of carbon dioxide, extractable inorganic nitrogen, and exchangeable inorganic phosphorus increased, thus supporting the hypothesis that an increasing organic content of the sediments at this low level creates a physiologically richer medium for the plants.
The isoetid growth form is discussed in relation to the chemical environment of oligotrophic, softwater lakes. 相似文献
1. We analysed photosynthetic rates and inorganic carbon use of thirty-five vascular macrophyte species collected submerged in eight nutrient- and CO2-rich Danish lowland streams. The species were classified in four groups as mainly terrestrial, homophyllous and heterophyllous amphibious and truly submerged. These groups represent plant species differently adapted to life in water. 2. Photosynthetic rates measured in water increased in the gradual transition from mainly terrestrial, through amphibious to truly submerged species. Species normally in contact with air adapted to submergence by increasing the photosynthetic rate at limiting CO2. Photosynthetic rates of submerged parts of heterophyllous amphibious species were close to those of submerged species. Submerged species with thin or finely dissected leaves had the highest photosynthetic rates, probably because of low diffusional resistance to uptake of nutrients and gases. 3. In contrast to submerged species, terrestrial and amphibious species were unable to use HCO3?. Extensive oversaturation with CO2 in the streams allows, however, many amphibious species to photosynthesize well under water, based on CO2-use alone. Amphibious CO2-users, with very few structural adaptations to life under water, can therefore be as dominant in the submerged vegetation of lowland streams as HCO3?-using water plants. Moreover, the streams provide open space for colonization from the dense vegetation ashore. 4. Among the 1265 Danish herbaceous species no less than seventy-five terrestrial species occasionally grow submerged, forty-five species are amphibious, and fifty-one are true water plants. These numbers suggest that adaptation to permanent or temporary submergence is an ongoing process involving many species and that the land-water interface does not represent as difficult a barrier as often believed. 相似文献
Bacterial metabolism in small temperate streams under contemporary and future climates 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1. We examined the detailed temperature dependence (0–40 °C) of bacterial metabolism associated with fine sediment particles from three Danish lowland streams to test if temperature dependence varied between sites, seasons and quality of organic matter and to evaluate possible consequences of global warming. 2. A modified Arrhenius model with reversible denaturation at high temperatures could account for the temperature dependence of bacterial metabolism and the beginning of saturation above 35 °C and it was superior to the unmodified Arrhenius model. Both models overestimated respiration rates at very low temperatures (<5 °C), whereas Ratkowsky's model – the square root of respiration – provided an excellent linear fit between 0 and 30 °C. 3. There were no indications of differences in temperature dependence among samples dominated by slowly or easily degradable organic substrates. Optimum temperature, apparent minimum temperature, Q10‐values for 0–40 °C and activation energies of bacterial respiration were independent of season, stream site and degradability of organic matter. 4. Q10‐values of bacterial respiration declined significantly with temperature (e.g. 3.31 for 5–15 °C and 1.43 for 25–35 °C) and were independent of site and season. Q10‐values of bacterial production behaved similarly, but were significantly lower than Q10‐values of respiration implying that bacterial growth efficiency declined with temperature. 5. A regional warming scenario for 2071–2100 (IPCC A2) predicted that mean annual temperatures will increase by 3.5 °C in the air and 2.2–4.3 °C in the streams compared with the control scenario for 1961–1990. Temperature is expected to rise more in cool groundwater‐fed forest springs than in open, summer‐warm streams. Mean annual bacterial respiration is estimated to increase by 26–63% and production by 18–41% among streams assuming that established metabolism–temperature relationships and organic substrate availability remain the same. To improve predictions of future ecosystem behaviour, we further require coupled models of temperature, hydrology, organic production and decomposition. 相似文献
We studied juvenile survival of 20 cohorts of Common Guillemot Uria aalge chicks colour-ringed on the Isle of May, Scotland, using both live observations at the colony and dead recoveries, allowing estimation of fidelity to the colony as well as survival. In this seabird, chicks leave the colony when only partly grown and are cared for by the male parent for several weeks afterwards. First-year survival varied strongly between cohorts, with a mean of 56% (range 30–91%). We did not identify any covariates which could explain this variation, whether relating to climate, population size or prey density. Survival was low during two regime shift episodes in the North Sea (1987–90 and 2000 onwards). Early hatched chicks were substantially more likely to survive than those hatching later in most years, whereas body condition at ringing had no detectable effect. Ringing recoveries indicated that mortality was highest in mid-winter, i.e. well after the cessation of paternal care. These results do not support the hypothesis that variation in prey quantity or energy content before fledging is a primary driver of variation in juvenile survival. Rather, it seems that chicks of high-quality parents are more likely to survive, as high-quality females tend to lay earlier in the season, and high-quality males presumably are better able to prepare their chicks to survive their first winter at sea. Very few (4%) Guillemots emigrated permanently before age 3 years, but from age 5 onwards 25–30% of birds annually left the colony or otherwise became unobservable. 相似文献
Migration is a widespread strategy that enables animals to escape harsh winter conditions. It has been well documented that migration phenology in birds is changing in response to recent climate warming in the northern hemisphere. Despite the existence of large temporal and geographical scale ringing data on birds in Europe, changes in migration strategies in relation to climate warming have not been well studied, mainly because of a lack of appropriate statistical methods. In this paper, we develop a method that enables us to investigate temporal changes in migration strategies from recoveries of dead ringed birds. We estimated migration probability as the ratio between recovery probabilities of conspecific birds originating from different countries but potentially wintering in the same country. We applied this method to two European thrushes: the entirely migrant redwing Turdus iliacus , and the partially migrant blackbird T. merula . We tested for an immediate and a 1-year lagged relationship between our migration probability and climatic covariates (i.e. mean winter temperature in France and the North Atlantic Oscillation). Using ringing-recovery data collected in Finland, Germany, Switzerland and France from 1970 to 1999, we detected contrasting responses in these two species, likely related to their different migratory behaviours. Both species showed a decline in the probability for northern and eastern birds to winter in France. The entirely migratory redwing exhibited a year-to-year plastic response to climate, whereas the decline in the partially migrant blackbird was smooth, suggesting underlying genetic processes. The proposed method, thus, allows us to identify useful indicators of climatic impacts on migration strategies, as well as highlighting differences between closely related species. 相似文献
SUMMARY. Carbon fixation and release of extracellular organic carbon (EOC) during a diatom bloom were measured by the 14 C—technique. Release in light was always a small fraction (1.5-6.0%) of total carbon fixation. Maximum values were found during the stationary phase of growth. A larger (15–50%) fraction of the inorganic carbon assimilated in the dark was released, although the absolute values were lower than in the light.
Gel permeation chromatography showed that low molecular weight products (<700 daltons) dominated EOC released in the light. A shift toward more complex molecules (> 10,000 daltons) was found in the stationary phase. EOC released in the dark had almost equal amounts of low (< 700 daltons), intermediate (˜5,000 daltons) and high (< 10,000 daltons) molecular weight products.
It is shown that with time the molecular weight composition of EOC shifted towards a predominance of larger molecules. 相似文献
Gel permeation chromatography showed that low molecular weight products (<700 daltons) dominated EOC released in the light. A shift toward more complex molecules (> 10,000 daltons) was found in the stationary phase. EOC released in the dark had almost equal amounts of low (< 700 daltons), intermediate (˜5,000 daltons) and high (< 10,000 daltons) molecular weight products.
It is shown that with time the molecular weight composition of EOC shifted towards a predominance of larger molecules. 相似文献
NORMAN O. FREDERIKSEN 《Lethaia: An International Journal of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy》1980,13(1):1-20
Monosulcate pollen was produced by at least six plant orders in the Mesozoic. Megafossils of these orders are abundant in many Mesozoic sediments, but dispersed monosulcate pollen grains are commonly less than 10% of total sporomorphs (spores and pollen) in a sample. This paper presents possible explanations for the different relative frequencies of megafossils and pollen grains of monosulcate-producing plants (some of the explanations apply to only a few taxa): fragility of the pollen exines, destruction of the pollen on the plant by insects, poor pollen dispersal because of zoophily and small plant size, and, probably most importantly, overrepresentation of the plants by their generally deciduous leaves. Mesozoic monosulcate pollen was different in several ways from pollen of modern gymnosperms; furthermore, monosulcate-producing plants were not as abundant in the Mesozoic vegetation as has been generally thought. 相似文献