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The composition and spatial distribution of sarcosaprophagous Diptera assemblages were studied using carrion‐baited traps along a bioclimatic gradient of natural habitats in central Spain throughout the different seasons during 1 year. Calliphoridae and Muscidae were the most abundant families, accounting for, respectively, 41.9% and 35.1% of all Diptera specimens collected. Other abundant families were Heleomyzidae (8.4%), Sarcophagidae (6.9%) and Piophilidae (5.1%). Fly assemblage compositions differed among bioclimatic levels, with Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) being the dominant species in mesomediterranean habitats, Muscina levida (Harris) (Diptera: Muscidae) the dominant species in supramediterranean habitats, and Prochyliza nigrimana (Meigen) (Diptera: Piophilidae) the dominant species in oromediterranean habitats. Differences in assemblage composition were also found among seasons. Thermophobic species such as Calliphora vicina Robineau‐Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and some species of Heleomyzidae were well represented during autumn, winter and spring in the three bioclimatic levels sampled. By contrast, thermophilic species such as Ch. albiceps and Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and most Muscidae and Sarcophagidae species were more abundant during summer and in mesomediterranean habitats located at lower elevations. Knowledge of the preferences of some species for certain habitats may be of ecological and forensic value and may establish a starting point for further research.  相似文献   
De Torres, T., Ortiz, J.E., Arribas, I., Delgado, A., Julià, R. & Martín‐Rubí, J.A. 2009: Geochemistry of Persististrombus latus Gmelin from the Pleistocene Iberian Mediterranean realm. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 149–163. In this paper the organic and inorganic geochemistry of fossil and extant Persististrombus latus are compared, together with other strombid species (Lentigo lentiginosus, Lobatus gigas, Strombus alatus, Lobatus raninus, Laevistrombus canarium and Tricornis latissimus). Using a large sample of well‐preserved fossil P. latus shells from the Mediterranean realm, we examined the warming period of sea water in the Middle Pleistocene. A mineralogical study of the shells demonstrates the continuous presence of calcite and a complex organic matter distribution, which was well preserved in many cases, thereby making the U/Th dating of strombid shells unreliable. U/Th analysis of coral samples and amino acid racemization dating of pelecypod shells confirmed that P. latus entered the Mediterranean realm in MIS 7 and 5. The oscillations of the δ18O values reflect annual growth periods and provide a mixing of the first signal record (primary growth) and successive overgrowths. □Amino acid racemization, Mediterranean Sea, Persististrombus latus, shell mineralogy, U/Th, δ18O.  相似文献   
1. Males with higher mating success would be expected to invest more in traits that facilitate mating, leading to steeper allometry of those traits with respect to body size. Across‐population studies following latitudinal variation in male mating success are an excellent study system to address this question. 2. Males of the damselfly Lestes sponsa were used to investigate whether the allometric patterns of the length and width of the anal appendages, used for grasping the female prior to mating, corresponded to male mating success. Across a large latitudinal gradient, it was hypothesised that there is a larger investment in the grasping apparatus, i.e. a steeper allometric slope, following higher mating success. 3. Behavioural observations in field enclosures showed the highest mating success at high latitude, while there were no significant differences in mating success between the central and low latitudes. Positive allometry was found for the length of the anal appendages in high‐latitude males, while central‐ and low‐latitude males showed no significant regressions of the traits on body size. 4. These results partially support the hypothesis, as high‐latitude, more successful males invested more in the length (but not the width) of the grasping apparatus than did central‐ and low‐latitude males. Therefore, higher mating success might be facilitated by larger investment in armaments. Intraspecific studies on allometric patterns of traits that participate in mating success might offer new insights into the role of those traits in the reproductive behaviour of a species.  相似文献   
Pleistocene climatic oscillations are known to influence the patterns of genetic diversity and the distribution of traits that are the target of selection. Here, we combine phylogeographical and ecological niche modelling (ENM) approaches to explore the influence of historical factors (Pleistocene climatic shifts) and natural selection on the evolution of distyly (two floral morphs) from tristyly (three floral morphs) of Oxalis alpina in the Sky Islands of the Sonoran Desert. Molecular data and ENM indicate that historical factors have had a strong influence on the genetic structure and the geographical distribution of reproductive systems of O. alpina. Moreover, genetic results suggest the possibility that distylous populations do not represent a monophyletic group. We propose that the combined effects of natural selection and genetic drift have influenced the tristyly–distyly transition.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) represent an important model system for studies of sex ratio evolution, mainly because they may adjust their sex ratios in response to the numbers of ovipositing females (foundresses) that enter a fig and their clutch size.
2. Until recently, it was assumed that all foundresses fail to re-emerge from the figs that they have entered to oviposit, but there is increasing evidence that such re-emergence may be routine. The common practice of counting the number of dead foundresses present in a fig in order to deduce the number of foundresses is therefore questionable in species where failure to re-emerge has not been confirmed.
3. In this study, the alternative approach of microsatellite markers was used to reconstruct the within-fig breeding structure of a pollinating fig wasp by genetic analysis of the offspring. Broods of Liporrhopalum tentacularis , a species where foundresses regularly re-emerge from figs, were collected from figs of Ficus montana in their natural habitat in Indonesia as well as from an experimental glasshouse population in Leeds (U.K.).
4. The estimated foundress densities in the glasshouse population were similar to those in the field and ranged from one to six foundresses per brood.
5. Nearly 40% of all broods were produced by a single foundress, indicating that mating in these broods occurs exclusively between full siblings. High levels of inbreeding are therefore common in this species.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Transgenic Phytophthora ramorum strains that produce green fluorescent protein (GFP) constitutively were obtained after stable DNA integration using a polyethylene glycol and CaCl2-based transformation protocol. Green fluorescent protein production was studied in developing colonies and in different propagules of the pathogen to evaluate its use in molecular and physiological studies. About 12% of the GFP transformants produced GFP to a level detectable by a confocal laser scanning microscope. Green fluorescent protein could be visualized in structures with vital protoplasm, such as hyphal tips and germinating cysts. In infection studies with Rhododendron , one of the GFP expressing strains showed aggressiveness equal to that of the corresponding non-labelled isolate. Thus, GFP could be used as a reporter gene in P. ramorum . Limitations of the technology are discussed.  相似文献   
We report on a sensational find in central Spain of six specimens of Thyreophora cynophila ( Panzer, 1798 ), a colourful, strange‐looking piophilid fly living on carcasses of big mammals in advanced stages of decay. Published data suggest that the species is known exclusively from central western Europe (Germany, Austria and France), and was observed last near Paris, France, in the late 1840s, i.e. more than 160 years ago. Accordingly, T. cynophila was placed in 2007 as the only dipteran on a list of recent European animals considered to be globally extinct. Collection‐based data from all 16 known extant specimens found in seven European natural history museums revealed a specimen without date of T. cynophila from Algiers, Algeria. The status of the three thyreophorine piophilids known from Europe is summarized. For the smallest species we reinstate the name Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga ( Robineau‐Desvoidy, 1830 ) with Centrophlebomyia orientalis Hendel, 1907 as a subjective junior synonym ( syn.n. ). We speculate as to why thyreophorines, and T. cynophila in particular, have evaded detection for so long.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We evaluated the potential for interspecific competition for forage between huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) and livestock in Los Alerces National Park, Argentina. We studied winter diets based on microhistological analysis of fecal samples. Huemul selected herbs and shrubs, sheep showed preference for herbs and grasses, and cattle selected grasses. As predicted for small-bodied species, huemul had a narrower dietary niche than did larger bodied cattle. Competition for forage would be more likely between huemul and sheep than between huemul and cattle. Our results might be helpful to managers in areas where domestic and wild ungulates live in sympatry in order to reduce competition, especially in wintering areas where food is scarce.  相似文献   
1.  Daphnia magna , a well-studied primary consumer, is mainly known as a filter feeder. In this study, we investigated the ability of D. magna to use periphyton as an alternative food source to phytoplankton. We examined the development of laboratory populations fed with different food sources ( Desmodesmus subspicatus and/or periphyton or neither) over a period of 42 days, and observed the behaviour of the daphnids.
2.  The addition of periphyton to phytoplankton food led to an increase of daphnid population biomass. When fed with periphyton as the only food source, a small but stable D. magna population developed.
3.  The behaviour of daphnids fed with both food sources revealed a preference for feeding on D. subspicatus . Only below a concentration of D. subspicatus of approximately 0.05 mg C L−1 (0.4 × 107 cells L−1) did D. magna use periphyton as an alternative food source.
4.  Periphyton showed distinct reactions to grazing by D. magna . The thickness of the periphyton layer was reduced from about 4 to 1 mm and we observed a change in species composition due to grazing.
5.  The ability of D. magna to graze on periphyton could serve to stabilize its population density and reinforce its competitive advantage over other cladocerans. By switching between food sources, D. magna can act as a coupler between pelagic and benthic habitats and food webs.  相似文献   
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