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Abstract. The cardinal temperatures, rate of germination and final percentage germination of pearl millet seeds were measured for seeds raised in greenhouses maintained at mean air temperatures of 19, 22, 25, 28 and 31°C. The results showed that cardinal temperatures for germination are unaffected by the temperature during seed development and growth. However, the conditions during seed growth did affect seed size and, subsequently, germination rate and seed viability.  相似文献   
单端孢霉烯B族毒素脱氧雪腐镰刀烯醇(deoxinivalenol, DON)是产毒镰刀菌在侵染小麦等作物过程中的一类重要的致病因子,可以帮助产毒镰刀菌在麦穗间扩展。DON会抑制蛋白质合成,对动物、微生物和寄主具有毒性(cytotoxicity and phytotoxicity),然而产毒镰刀菌自身借助何种保护机制免受DON毒害目前研究甚少。DON毒害机制的研究对于镰刀菌毒素的持续防控和粮食安全、人民生命健康保障具有重要意义。综述了产毒镰刀菌DON合成解毒机制的最新研究进展,主要包括DON合成的亚细胞定位、合成基因簇内的外排蛋白和解毒基因作用方式,以期为有针对性地破解其解毒机制,设计研发高效靶向控毒技术的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   
UV-A* irradiation caused increases in total protein in Fusariumsolani, while its effect on Alternaria alternata was variable,and not as clear-cut as in F. solani. On the other hand, UV-Birradiation stimulated protein production in both fungi. UV-Airradiation showed an inhibitory effect on total DNA in bothfungi, while the effect on RNA was stimulatory in F. solanibut had no effect on A. alternata. Short fluences of UV-B inhibitedDNA production to some extent in both fungi, however longerfluences increased DNA content especially in F. solani. Theeffect of UV-B on RNA production was inhibitory in F. solanibut not in A. alternata. A. alternata is much more resistantto UV-irradiation than is F. solani, and increases in proteinin the former after UV-irradiation suggests that protein mayplay a part in protection against the harmful effect of UV-irradiation. UV-A, UV-B, fluence, protein, nucleic acids, Alternaria alternata, Fusarium solani  相似文献   
Pepino (Solanum muricatum) cuttings imported from Chile contained a latent virus which was transmitted by inoculation of sap to Chenopodium quinoa but not to 21 other species. The virus was transmitted by the aphid, Myzus persicae. In C. quinoa sap, the virus lost infectivity when diluted between 10-3 and 10-4, heated for 10 min between 65 and 70 °C, or stored at room temperature for 4 to 6 days. The virus particles were straight or slightly flexuous filaments 660 to 680 nm long. Up to 15 mg virus per 100 g C. quinoa leaves was obtained by clarification with a mixture of chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. Purified preparations had Amax/Amin= 1.11, A260/A280= 1–30, A0.2601%= 2.8, and contained a single sedimenting component with a sedimentation coeficient of 149s and a buoyant density in CsCl of 1–318. The virus particles contained 5.5% of single-stranded RNA of mol. wt 2.4×106 (estimated by gel electrophoresis of undenatured RNA) and sedimentation coefficient 38.5S, and a single polypeptide of mol. wt 33 000. The virus is distantly serologically related to potato S and carnation latent viruses and is considered a new member of the carlavirus group. The name pepino latent virus is proposed. The cryptogram for this virus is R/1: 2.4/5–5: E/E: S/Ve/Ap.  相似文献   
Arabidopsis thaliana natural variation was used to study plant performance viewed as the accumulation of photo‐assimilates, their allocation and storage, in relation to other growth‐related features and flowering‐related traits. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis using recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross between Landsberg erecta (originating from Poland) and Kondara (originating from Tajikistan) grown on hydroponics, revealed QTLs for the different aspects of plant growth‐related traits, sugar and starch contents and flowering‐related traits. Co‐locations of QTLs for these different aspects were detected at different regions, mainly at the ER locus; the top of chromosomes 3, 4 and 5; and the bottom of chromosome 5. Increased plant growth was associated with early flowering and leaf transitory starch, and correlated negatively with the levels of soluble sugar at early phases of development. From the significant correlations and the co‐locations of the QTLs for these aspects, we conclude that there is a complex relationship between plant growth‐related traits, carbohydrate content and flowering‐related traits.  相似文献   
Mohamed, H. A., Clark, J. A. and Ong, C. K. 1988. Genotypicdifferences in the temperature responses of tropical crops.I. Germination characteristics of groundnut (Arachis hypogaeaL.) and pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides S. & H.).—J.exp. Bot. 39: 1121–1128. The germination at constant temperature of several genotypesof groundnut and pearl millet was investigated between 0?C and50?C on a thermal gradient plate. Large differences in bothgermination rate and percentage germination were observed inboth species. Base temperatures vary from 8–11.5?C and 8–13.5?Cin groundnut and millet, respectively and optimum temperaturesfrom about 29–36.5?C in both. Maximum temperatures forgermination ranged from 41–47?C. The results are discussedin terms of adaptation to high soil temperature and crop establishmentin the semi-arid tropics. Key words: Temperature, germination, millet, groundnut  相似文献   
The paper traces the history of a Siamese village in the West Malaysia and outlines the manner in which its inhabitants have adopted to existence in a culturally Malay area. It documents the importance of the Buddhist religion for the maintenance of Siamese ethnic identity, a symbiosis with Chinese, and a generally harmonious, although subordinate relationship with local Malays.  相似文献   
Lectins that agglutinate red blood cells (RBC) were demonstrated in Anopheles gambiae mosquito haemolymph and gut extracts. No apparent differences in haemagglutinin titres were detected between male and female mosquitoes and overall agglutinin levels were not increased following a bloodmeal. Titres were highest in the haemolymph and midgut extracts versus human AB, horse, chicken and goat RBCs and in hindgut against human AB, chicken and sheep; foregut extract gave relatively low titres. Adsorption of haemolymph and gut extracts with selected RBCs coupled with carbohydrate inhibition and the use of enzyme-treated RBCs revealed the presence of multiple (hetero-) agglutinins. An.gambiae lectins were specific for (1-1)-, (1-4)- or (1-6)-linked glucose based disaccharides, glucose and its (1-2) or (1-3) linkages with fructose and, to a lesser extent, aminated or N-acetylated glucose, or galactose and its deoxy derivatives. This study presents the first report of the occurrence of heterogenous anti-RBC agglutinins in haemolymph and gut extracts of the mosquito An.gambiae, together with the sugar-binding specificities of these lectins.  相似文献   
The pattern of distribution of dry matter and phosphorus wasfollowed in individual plants harvested from a field crop ofspring wheat throughout its development. There was a continueduptake of phosphorus with time and almost half of the totalphosphorus was accumulated in the post-anthesis period of growth.The various component parts of the main shoot were followedin detail and both individual leaves and the stem showed substantialnet losses of phosphorus with time well before they reachedtheir dry weight maxima. The ear was the major sink for phosphorusand it was estimated that approximately one third of its phosphoruscontent was supplied by retranslocation. The main shoot stemand leaves also showed a significant decline in d. wt duringthe final stages of grain development. Half-ear removal at anthesisincreased both grain set and the growth of the grain of theupper florets of the remaining spikelets. Defoliation had littleeffect on grain yield but resulted in a reduction in the phosphoruscontent of the grain. Triticum aestivum L, spring wheat, phosphorus distribution, dry matter distribution  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Ultrastructural studies on Eimeria (syn. Epieimeria ) anguillae (Apicomplexa), parasite of the digestive tract of the eel, have shown that the development of this parasite takes place completely within the host cell. Merogony and gamogony are intracellular but in the epicytoplasmic position. Sporogony is also located within the epithelial cells, which agrees with assignment of this coccidian in the family Eimeriidae. However, depending on the intensity of infection and the physiopathological reaction of the host, the gamont may behave in two ways. 1) In massive infections, gamogony stages cause a genuine destruction of intestinal epithelium. Large numbers of gamonts form nodules and parts of the seriously destroyed epithelium peel off and are released into the lumen of the gut and quickly discharged into the outer environment. This discharged epithelium envelops cells containing immature oocysts that then sporulate outside the host. 2) In light infections, the host cells, which are necrotic due to the presence of a zygote, are pushed between the surrounding intact cells towards the base of the epithelium. Closely above its basal lamella, the oocyst then undergoes sporulation. These results show no taxonomically important biological features (e.g. special mode of implantation to the host cell or active movement of the zygote). Because the morphological characteristics of Epieimeria do not differ significantly from Eimeria , we propose to suppress the genus Epieimeria Dyková and Lom, 1981, and relegate its species into the genus Eimeria .  相似文献   
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