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Astroviruses (AstVs) are positive sense, single-stranded RNA viruses transmitted to a wide range of hosts via the fecal-oral route. The number of AstV-infected animal hosts has rapidly expanded in recent years with many more likely to be discovered because of the advances in viral surveillance and next generation sequencing. Yet no study to date has identified human AstV genotypes in animals, although diverse AstV genotypes similar to animal-origin viruses have been found in children with diarrhea and in one instance of encephalitis. Here we provide important new evidence that non-human primates (NHP) can harbor a wide variety of mammalian and avian AstV genotypes, including those only associated with human infection. Serological analyses confirmed that >25% of the NHP tested had antibodies to human AstVs. Further, we identified a recombinant AstV with parental relationships to known human AstVs. Phylogenetic analysis suggests AstVs in NHP are on average evolutionarily much closer to AstVs from other animals than are AstVs from bats, a frequently proposed reservoir. Our studies not only demonstrate that human astroviruses can be detected in NHP but also suggest that NHP are unique in their ability to support diverse AstV genotypes, further challenging the paradigm that astrovirus infection is species-specific.  相似文献   
In invertebrates, defensins were found in arthropods and in the mussels. Here, we report for the first time the identification and characterization of a defensin (Cg-Def) from an oyster. Cg-def mRNA was isolated from Crassostrea gigas mantle using an expressed sequence tag approach. To gain insight into potential roles of Cg-Def in oyster immunity, we produced the recombinant peptide in Escherichia coli, characterized its antimicrobial activities, determined its solution structure by NMR spectroscopy, and quantified its gene expression in vivo following bacterial challenge of oysters. Recombinant Cg-Def was active in vitro against Gram-positive bacteria but showed no or limited activities against Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. The activity of Cg-Def was retained in vitro at a salt concentration similar to that of seawater. The Cg-Def structure shares the so-called cystine-stabilized alpha-beta motif (CS-alphabeta) with arthropod defensins but is characterized by the presence of an additional disulfide bond, as previously observed in the mussel defensin (MGD-1). Nevertheless, despite a similar global fold, the Cg-Def and MGD-1 structures mainly differ by the size of their loops and by the presence of two aspartic residues in Cg-Def. Distribution of Cg-def mRNA in various oyster tissues revealed that Cg-def is mainly expressed in mantle edge where it was detected by mass spectrometry analyses. Furthermore, we observed that the Cg-def messenger concentration was unchanged after bacterial challenge. Our results suggest that Cg-def gene is continuously expressed in the mantle and would play a key role in oyster by providing a first line of defense against pathogen colonization.  相似文献   


The fish oil-derived ω-3 fatty acids, like docosahexanoic (DHA), claim a plethora of health benefits. We currently evaluated the antitumor effects of DHA, alone or in combination with cisplatin (CP) in the EAC solid tumor mice model, and monitored concomitant changes in serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), lipid peroxidation (measured as malondialdehyde; MDA) and leukocytic count (LC). Further, we verified the capacity of DHA to ameliorate the lethal, CP-induced nephrotoxicity in rats and the molecular mechanisms involved therein.


EAC-bearing mice exhibited markedly elevated LC (2-fold), CRP (11-fold) and MDA levels (2.7-fold). DHA (125, 250 mg/kg) elicited significant, dose-dependent reductions in tumor size (38%, 79%; respectively), as well as in LC, CRP and MDA levels. These effects for CP were appreciably lower than those of DHA (250 mg/kg). Interestingly, DHA (125 mg/kg) markedly enhanced the chemopreventive effects of CP and boosted its ability to reduce serum CRP and MDA levels. Correlation studies revealed a high degree of positive association between tumor growth and each of CRP (r = 0.85) and leukocytosis (r = 0.89), thus attesting to a diagnostic/prognostic role for CRP. On the other hand, a single CP dose (10 mg/kg) induced nephrotoxicity in rats that was evidenced by proteinuria, deterioration of glomerular filtration rate (GFR, -4-fold), a rise in serum creatinine/urea levels (2–5-fold) after 4 days, and globally-induced animal fatalities after 7 days. Kidney-homogenates from CP-treated rats displayed significantly elevated MDA- and TNF-α-, but reduced GSH-, levels. Rats treated with DHA (250 mg/kg, but not 125 mg/kg) survived the lethal effects of CP, and showed a significant recovery of GFR; while their homogenates had markedly-reduced MDA- and TNF-α-, but -increased GSH-levels. Significant association was detected between creatinine level and those of MDA (r = 0.81), TNF-α ) r = 0.92) and GSH (r = -0.82); implying causal relationships.


DHA elicited prominent chemopreventive effects on its own, and appreciably augmented those of CP as well. The extent of tumor progression in various mouse groups was highly reflected by CRP levels (thus implying a diagnostic/prognostic role for CRP). Further, this study is the first to reveal that DHA can obliterate the lethal CP-induced nephrotoxicity and renal tissue injury. At the molecular level, DHA appears to act by reducing leukocytosis, systemic inflammation, and oxidative stress.  相似文献   
In this study, the M13 primer was used to distinguish Geotrichum candidum from the anamorphic and teleomorphic forms of other arthrospore-forming species (discriminatory power = 0.99). For intraspecific characterization, the GATA4 primer showed the highest level of discrimination for G. candidum among the 20 microsatellite primers tested. A molecular typing protocol (DNA concentration, hybridization temperature and type of PCR machine) was optimized through a series of intra- and interlaboratory trials. This protocol was validated using 75 strains of G. candidum, one strain of G. capitatum and one strain of G. fragrans, and exhibited a discrimination score of 0.87. This method could therefore be used in the agro-food industries to identify and to evaluate biodiversity and trace strains of G. candidum. The results show that the GATA4 primer might be used to differentiate strains according to their ecological niche.  相似文献   
This study examined the influence of a mechanical perturbation of the ankle joint on obstacle avoidance pattern. A decoupled control between the distal joint and the combined (hip-knee) proximal joints was observed according to the task requirement. In this context, a greater mechanical friction at the ankle should be compensated at this joint (local compensation) or alternatively, by regulating more combined proximal joints (knee and/or hip). The leading limb inter-segmental coordination was evaluated in both no constraint and constraint conditions in calculating ranges of motion (ROM), moments of force and powers (from heel-off to obstacle) at the ankle, knee and hip joints. Electromyographic activities were also analyzed. With the constraint, the dorsiflexor moment and the tibialis anterior activity remained unchanged while both ROM and power bursts (absorbed and generated) decreased. The hip and knee ROM remain invariant. At heel-off the absorption by hip extensors decreased and the forthcoming generation by knee flexors increased in the constraint condition. To quantify the inter-joint coordination, principal component analysis was used and indicated a high level of inter-joint coupling (synergy) that decreased with the constraint (i.e. less inter-joint coupling). At the ankle joint, the results suggest that the central command was the same in both conditions thus, not be adapted. At both the hip and knee joints, a combined joints modulation occurred to overcome additional friction.  相似文献   
M. Fraccaro  J. Lindsten  C. E. Ford  L. Iselius  A. Antonelli  P. Aula  A. Aurias  A. D. Bain  M. Bartsch-Sandhoff  F. Bernardi  E. Boyd  L. F. Buchanan  A. H. Cameron  A. de la Chapelle  G. Ciuffa  C. Cuoco  B. Dutrillaux  G. Dutton  M. A. Ferguson-Smith  D. Francesconi  J. P. M. Geraedts  G. Gimelli  J. Gueguen  E. Gärsner  A. Hagemeijer  F. J. Hansen  P. E. Hollings  T. W. J. Hustinx  A. Kaakinen  J. J. P. van de Kamp  H. von Koskull  J. Lejeune  R. H. Lindenbaum  H. H. McCreanor  M. Mikkelsen  F. Mitelman  B. Nicoletti  J. Nilsby  B. Nilsson  B. Noel  E. Padovani  F. Pasquali  J. de Pater  C. Pedersen  F. Petersen  E. B. Robson  J. Rotman  M. Ryynänen  E. Sachs  J. Salat  R. H. Smythe  I. Stabell  I. Šubrt  P. Vampirelli  G. Wessner  L. Zergollern  O. Zuffardi 《Human genetics》1980,56(1):21-51
Summary Translocation between the long arms of chromosomes 11 and 22 is usually detected in offspring with an unbalanced karyotype following a 3:1 disjunction resulting in partial trisomy. Since by the end of 1976 it was suspected that this translocation might be more frequent than one would deduce from published reports, it was decided to call for a collaborative effort in Europe to collect unpublished cases. In response, 42 cases were collected in Europe, and one case from New Zealand was added. The following countries were represented with the number of cases indicated in parentheses: Czechoslovakia (2), Denmark (4), Finland (3), France (6), Germany (1), Italy (5), The Netherlands (9), Sweden (6), United Kingdom (4), Yugoslavia (2). The wide geographical distribution indicates a multifocal origin of the translocation. Among the unpublished cases, 31 were ascertained as unbalanced carriers [47,XX or XY,+der(22),t(11;22)] and 12 as balanced balanced carriers [46,XX and XY,t(11;22)]. Among the published cases, 10 were ascertained in unbalanced and 3 in balanced carriers. The breakpoints of the translocations indicated by the contributors varied, the most frequently reported being 11q23;22q11 (25 cases), followed by q25;q13 (10 cases). While the first one seems more likely, it was not possible to decide whether the breakpoints were the same in all cases.All 32 probands with unbalanced karyotypes had inherited the translocation, 31 from the mother and only 1 from the father. This ratio became 43:1 when the published cases were added. A segregation analysis revealed that in families ascertained through probands with unbalanced karyotypes there was a ratio of carriers to normal (all karyotyped) 54:55, not a significant difference. The formal maximum (minimum) recurrence risk for this unbalanced translocation was calculated to be 5.6% (2.7%). When the ascertainment was through a balanced proband, the maximum risk was 2.7%. The risk was calculated as 5.7% for female and 4.3% for male carriers. The mean family size was 1.67 for the offspring of female carriers and 0.78 for the offspring of male carriers. This significant difference suggests that heterozygosity for the translocation reduces fertility in males. Indeed, several of the probands with balanced karyotypes were ascertained because of sub- or infertility. Only 2 de novo translocations were found among the 59 probands, and both, were among the 12 cases ascertained as balanced carriers. The source, quality, and quantity of the clinical data for the subjects with unbalanced karyotypes were variable, and no definite conclusions were possible about phenotypes. The following signs were recorded in 10 or more of the 45 cases: low birth weight, delayed psychomotor development, hypotonia, microcephaly, craniofacial asymmetry, malformed ears with pits and tags, cleft palate, micro-/retrognathia, large beaked nose, strabismus, congenital heart disease, cryptorchidism, and congenital dislocation of the hip joints. Many signs were similar to those considered typical of trisomy 11q, and the phenotype coincided almost completely with the presumptive phenotype of complete trisomy 22. No cases with coloboma was recorded, while other signs of the cat-eye syndrome were found in several probands. This might indicate that individuals with the cat-eye syndrome and carriers of the unbalanced 11/22 translocation have the same segment of 22 in triplicate plus or minus another chromosome segment.  相似文献   


Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. One of the most widely used techniques to diagnose PD is a Single Photon Emission Computer Tomography (SPECT) scan to visualise the integrity of the dopaminergic pathways in the brain. Despite this there remains some discussion on the value of SPECT in the differential diagnosis of PD. We did a meta-analysis of all the existing literature on the diagnostic accuracy of both pre- and post-synaptic SPECT imaging in the differential diagnosis of PD.  相似文献   
A variety of Haseman-Elston type regression procedures were used to perform a genome scan across five chromosomes, using replicates 1-5 of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 simulated data. The traits of interest were variables corresponding to 'baseline' and 'slope' effects derived from the fasting glucose phenotypes. Performance in terms of detecting the locations of known trait loci was poor for all methods, even when all five replicates were combined to produce a large data set (9230 sib pairs). All methods performed well, however, when applied to new simulated data in which the true genetic effects were allowed to explain a greater proportion of the overall variance.  相似文献   
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