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Feral pigs (Sus scrofa) cause different kinds of damage specially on oceanic islands. Pigs were introduced at Cocos Island, Costa Rica, during 1793 and bred successfully. I analyzed feral pigs diet, reproductive state, genetics and the effects of predation, in order to gather data on their ecology and impact on certain Cocos Island communities. The diet was studied, during a dry and a wet period, through stomach contents. The genetic variability was determined through PCR analysis on tissue samples which were taken from feral (Cocos Island) and domestic (mainland) pig ear-lobes. Pigs at Cocos were omnivorous, the most important diet category in both seasons was fruits. More pigs consumed fruits during the wet season but the fruits did occupy more somuch volume during the dry season. Feral pigs did not disperse exotic seeds nor prey on animal endemic species. 56% of the hunted pigs were males and 44% were females. From females in reproductive age, 46% were pregnant or suckling, and the average number of fetuses in a litter was 4.4. I confirmed a reproductive peak during January/February but could not demonstrate a reproductive peak during June/July. The low fetuses number per litter could be related with some levels of stress. The genetic variability for all the evaluated parameters within the feral population was low but not as low as expected. I suggest a compensatory mechanism were the inbreeding depression reduces consanguinity and a species susceptible to stocastic, demographic or environmental factors turns to be an adapted species with high resilience.  相似文献   
We analyzed data from historical controls treated with meglumine antimoniate to compare the frequency of adverse events observed in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis treated with the same dose of meglumine antimoniate contaminated with heavy metals in an endemic area of the State of Bahia, Brazil. Group A patients were treated in 2000 with the drug produced by Eurofarma Laborat rios Ltda., S o Paulo, Brazil (lot A) and group B patients were treated in 1996 with the reference drug produced by Rhodia Farma Ltda., S o Paulo, Brazil (lot B). We observed an unusual higher frequency of skin reactions in group A patients. However, all type of adverse events observed in group A were also observed in group B. The physico-chemical analysis of these lots revealed that lot A had lower pH and higher concentration of total and trivalent antimony, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Our findings suggest that the skin reactions could be attributed to heavy metal contamination of lot A.  相似文献   
Internal exon size in vertebrates occurs over a narrow size range. Experimentally, exons shorter than 50 nucleotides are poorly included in mRNA unless accompanied by strengthened splice sites or accessory sequences that act as splicing enhancers, suggesting steric interference between snRNPs and other splicing factors binding simultaneously to the 3' and 5' splice sites of microexons. Despite these problems, very small naturally occurring exons exist. Here we studied the factors and mechanism involved in recognizing a constitutively included six-nucleotide exon from the cardiac troponin T gene. Inclusion of this exon is dependent on an enhancer located downstream of the 5' splice site. This enhancer contains six copies of the simple sequence GGGGCUG. The enhancer activates heterologous microexons and will work when located either upstream or downstream of the target exon, suggesting an ability to bind factors that bridge splicing units. A single copy of this sequence is sufficient for in vivo exon inclusion and is the binding site for the known bridging mammalian splicing factor 1 (SF1). The enhancer and its bound SF1 act to increase recognition of the upstream exon during exon definition, such that competition of in vitro reactions with RNAs containing the GGGGCUG repeated sequence depress splicing of the upstream intron, assembly of the spliceosome on the 3' splice site of the exon, and cross-linking of SF1. These results suggest a model in which SF1 bridges the small exon during initial assembly, thereby effectively extending the domain of the exon.  相似文献   
Senescence has been proposed as an important safeguard against neoplasia. One of the hallmarks of cellular senescence in vitro as well as human aging in vivo is a reduced intracellular protein catabolism. The pathways affected and the mechanisms responsible for the decrease in overall protein turnover in aging cells are not well understood. Our aim was to determine whether or not expression of one of the major hepatic lysosomal cysteine peptidases, cathepsin B, changes during aging of Sprague-Dawley rats. Cathepsin B activity was assessed in whole rat liver homogenates, and was found to be increased fourfold (P< or =0.001) in aged livers compared with younger counterparts. This was paralleled by an at least a twofold increase in mature cathepsin B protein. Nonetheless, Northern blot analysis of total liver RNA revealed no change in steady-state levels of cathepsin B mRNAs. These findings seem to contradict the present dogma according to which aging tissues have a reduced intracellular capacity to catabolise proteins. We propose that our earlier observation of the accumulation of T-kininogen, a potent but reversible cysteine peptidase inhibitor, in aging rat liver may provide a plausible explanation for this discrepancy.  相似文献   
Increased serum levels of cytokines released by cells of the immune response have been detected in patients suffering from dengue disease. Likewise, secondary infections by a different dengue virus serotype result in a highest risk of development of the severe dengue disease. Both findings suggest that the memory immune response is one of the key players in the pathogenesis of this disease. Here we take advantage of the particular Cuban epidemiological situation in dengue to analyze a broad spectrum of cell-mediated immune response mediators at mRNA and protein level. Evidences for a regulatory immune pattern in homologous (TGF-β, IL-10) vs. pro-inflammatory pattern (IFN-γ, TNF-α) in heterologous dengue virus re-challenge were found, suggesting a possible association with the higher incidence of severe dengue cases in the latter case.  相似文献   


Administration of psychomotor stimulants like amphetamine facilitates behavior in the presence of incentive distal stimuli, which have acquired the motivational properties of primary rewards through associative learning. This facilitation appears to be mediated by the mesolimbic dopamine system, which may also be involved in facilitating behavior in the presence of distal stimuli that have not been previously paired with primary rewards. However, it is unclear whether psychomotor stimulants facilitate behavioral interaction with unconditioned distal stimuli.

Principal Findings

We found that noncontingent administration of amphetamine into subregions of the rat ventral striatum, particularly in the vicinity of the medial olfactory tubercle, facilitates lever pressing followed by visual signals that had not been paired with primary rewards. Noncontingent administration of amphetamine failed to facilitate lever pressing when it was followed by either tones or delayed presentation or absence of visual signals, suggesting that visual signals are key for enhanced behavioral interaction. Systemic administration of amphetamine markedly increased locomotor activity, but did not necessarily increase lever pressing rewarded by visual signals, suggesting that lever pressing is not a byproduct of heightened locomotor activity. Lever pressing facilitated by amphetamine was reduced by co-administration of the dopamine receptor antagonists SCH 23390 (D1 selective) or sulpiride (D2 selective).


Our results suggest that amphetamine administration into the ventral striatum, particularly in the vicinity of the medial olfactory tubercle, activates dopaminergic mechanisms that strongly enhance behavioral interaction with unconditioned visual stimuli.  相似文献   
Intestinal absorption offolates has been characterized as a facilitative process with a low pHoptimum. Studies with intestinal epithelial cells have suggested thatthis activity is mediated by the reduced folate carrier (RFC1). In thispaper, we report on folate transport characteristics in an immortalizedrat IEC-6 cell line that was found to exhibit the predominant influxactivity for methotrexate (MTX) at pH 5.5 with a low level of activity at pH 7.4. Transfection of this cell line with an RFC1 construct resulted in clones exhibiting increased MTX uptake at both the pHs andhigh folic acid uptake only at the low pH. For the two clones with thehighest level of transport activity, relative MTX influx at the two pHswas reversed. Moreover, the low pH MTX influx activity([MTX]e = 0.5 µM) was markedly inhibited by 20 µM folic acid while influx at neutral pH was not. Furthermore, in thepresence and absence of glucose at low pH, MTX and folic acid influxactivity was inhibited by azide, while MTX influx at pH 7.4 wasstimulated by azide in the absence of glucose but was unchanged in thepresence of glucose and azide. This was contrasted with the results oftransfection of the same RFC1 construct into an L1210 murine leukemiacell line bearing a nonfunctional endogenous carrier. In this case, theactivity expressed was only at pH 7.4. These data indicate that RFC1can exhibit two distinct types of folate transport activities inintestinal cells that must depend on tissue-specific modulators.

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