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Pulse-chase analysis of folded and misfolded insulin precursor (IP) expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was performed to establish the requirements for intracellular transport and the influence of the secretory pathway quality control mechanisms on secretion. Metabolic labelling of the IP expressed in S. cerevisiae showed that the effect of a leader was to stabilise the IP in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and facilitate intracellular transport of the fusion protein and rapid secretion. The first metabolically labelled IP appeared in the culture supernatant within 2-4 min of chase, and most of the secreted IP appeared within the first 15 min of chase. After enzymatic removal of the leader in a late Golgi apparatus compartment, the IP followed one of two routes: (1) to the plasma membrane and hence to the culture supernatant, or (2) to a Golgi or post-Golgi compartment from which secretion was restricted. Combined secretion and intracellular retention of the IP reflected either saturation of a Golgi or post-Golgi compartment and secretion as a consequence of overexpression, or competition between secretion and intracellular retention. IP which was misfolded, either due to amino acid substitution or because disulphide bond formation had been prevented with dithiothreitol (DTT), was transported from the ER to the Golgi apparatus but then retained in a Golgi or post-Golgi compartment and not exported to the culture supernatant.  相似文献   
The influence of age on the number of (Na+K+)-ATPase units in skeletal muscle has been assessed by measurements of [3H]ouabain binding in vitro and in vivo to rat soleus muscle. In vitro measurements showed that from the 2nd to the 28th day of life, the number of [3H]ouabain-binding sites increases from 120 to 580 pmol/g wet wt. This is followed by a decrease, until a plateau between 150 and 200 pmol/g is reached around 150 days after birth. 60 min after intraperitoneal injection of [3H]ouabain (12.5 mumol/kg body weight), the soleus muscles of 28-day-old rats had accumulated 2.4-times more 3H-activity per g wet wt. than muscles of 85-day-old rats and the 3H-activity in plasma was 54% lower. The results may explain the low sensitivity to digitalis glycosides found in infants as compared to premature or adult individuals.  相似文献   
It is a challenge to quantitatively distinguish active from dormant microbial populations in environmental samples. Here we present an approach for estimating the abundance of dormant sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), present as viable endospores in environmental samples. This is achieved by inducing endospores to germinate and grow exponentially. We demonstrate this approach for thermophilic SRB in temperate sediment from Aarhus Bay, Denmark. The approach is based on measuring bulk sulfate reduction rates (SRRs) in pasteurized sediment and calculating associated cell-specific SRRs based on average values for SRB growth yield and cell size known from exponentially growing pure cultures. The method presented is a faster bioassay than most probable number enumerations and has the potential to distinguish between slow- and fast-growing SRB populations in the same sample. This bioassay is attractive given the challenges posed by endospores with respect to cell permeabilization and lysis, which are prerequisite in quantitative microscopy- and nucleic acid extraction-based strategies. These molecular approaches additionally rely on designing target-appropriate oligonucleotide probes, whereas the method presented here considers the trait of interest more broadly. This strategy thus presents a useful complement to other methods in ecological investigations of microbial biogeography and for specific industrial applications such as reservoir souring and corrosion risk assessments in the oil and gas sector.  相似文献   
The energy metabolism of essential microbial guilds in the biogeochemical sulfur cycle is based on a DsrAB-type dissimilatory (bi)sulfite reductase that either catalyzes the reduction of sulfite to sulfide during anaerobic respiration of sulfate, sulfite and organosulfonates, or acts in reverse during sulfur oxidation. Common use of dsrAB as a functional marker showed that dsrAB richness in many environments is dominated by novel sequence variants and collectively represents an extensive, largely uncharted sequence assemblage. Here, we established a comprehensive, manually curated dsrAB/DsrAB database and used it to categorize the known dsrAB diversity, reanalyze the evolutionary history of dsrAB and evaluate the coverage of published dsrAB-targeted primers. Based on a DsrAB consensus phylogeny, we introduce an operational classification system for environmental dsrAB sequences that integrates established taxonomic groups with operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at multiple phylogenetic levels, ranging from DsrAB enzyme families that reflect reductive or oxidative DsrAB types of bacterial or archaeal origin, superclusters, uncultured family-level lineages to species-level OTUs. Environmental dsrAB sequences constituted at least 13 stable family-level lineages without any cultivated representatives, suggesting that major taxa of sulfite/sulfate-reducing microorganisms have not yet been identified. Three of these uncultured lineages occur mainly in marine environments, while specific habitat preferences are not evident for members of the other 10 uncultured lineages. In summary, our publically available dsrAB/DsrAB database, the phylogenetic framework, the multilevel classification system and a set of recommended primers provide a necessary foundation for large-scale dsrAB ecology studies with next-generation sequencing methods.  相似文献   
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