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While it is generally recognized that noncontiguous (long‐distance) dispersal of small numbers of individuals is important for range expansion over large geographic areas, it is often assumed that colonization on more local scales proceeds by population expansion and diffusion dispersal (larger numbers of individuals colonizing adjacent sites). There are few empirical studies of dispersal modes at the front of expanding ranges, and very little information is available on dispersal dynamics at smaller geographic scales where we expect contiguous (diffusion) dispersal to be prevalent. We used highly polymorphic genetic markers to characterize dispersal modes at a local geographic scale for populations at the edge of the range of a newly invasive grass species (Brachypodium sylvaticum) that is undergoing rapid range expansion in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Comparisons of Bayesian clustering of populations, patterns of genetic diversity, and gametic disequilibrium indicate that new populations are colonized ahead of the invasion front by noncontiguous dispersal from source populations, with admixture occurring as populations age. This pattern of noncontiguous colonization was maintained even at a local scale. Absence of evidence for dispersal among adjacent pioneer sites at the edge of the expanding range of this species suggests that pioneer populations undergo an establishment phase during which they do not contribute emigrants for colonization of neighbouring sites. Our data indicate that dispersal modes change as the invasion matures: initial colonization processes appear to be dominated by noncontiguous dispersal from only a few sources, while contiguous dispersal may play a greater role once populations become established.  相似文献   
Salinity is one of the environmental factors that has a criticalinfluence on the germination of halophyte seeds and plant establishment.Salinity affects imbibition, germination and root elongation.However, the way in which NaCl exerts its influence on thesevital processes, whether it is through an osmotic effect ora specific ion toxicity, is still not resolved. Dimorphic seedsof the halophytesAtriplex prostrataandA. patulawere treatedwith various iso-osmotic solutions of NaCl and polyethyleneglycol (PEG). For each treatment, imbibition, germination rate,percent germination, germination recovery and nuclear area ofroot tip cells were compared. Higher concentrations of NaCl(-1.0 MPa) were more inhibitory to imbibition, germination andseedling root elongation than iso-osmotic PEG solutions. Allseeds recovered from a pre-treatment with -2.0 MPa NaCl andPEG solutions, except large seeds ofA. prostratawhich failedto germinate following transfer from -2.0 MPa NaCl. NaCl causeda greater increase in nuclear volume than iso-osmotic PEG solutions.These data suggest that the influence of NaCl is a combinationof an osmotic effect and a specific ion effect.Copyright 1998Annals of Botany Company Atriplex patula,Atriplex prostrata,cytophotometry, osmotic potential, salinity, seed germination.  相似文献   
Using enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays, the frequency of occurrence of six viruses was determined in Brassica rapa ssp. sylvestris collected from two Thameside sites (Abingdon and Culham) in Oxfordshire and one near the Avon (Claverton) in Bath & North East Somerset. During 2000–2001, the viruses detected were: Beet western yellows virus (genus Polerovirus) (BWYV), Cauliflower mosaic virus (genus Caulimovirus) (CaMV), Turnip crinkle virus (genus Carmovirus) (TCV), Turnip rosette virus (genus Sobemovirus) (TRoV), and Turnip yellow mosaic virus (genus Tymovirus) (TYMV). BWYV and TYMV were the most frequently detected viruses at the Oxford shire sites, both as single infections (20/1743 and 66/1743 respectively) and as dual infections (7/1743). Turnip mosaic virus (genus Potyvirus) (TuMV) was not detected in the field‐grown plants assayed from any of the sites. There was a highly significant (x2[1]=30.07, P<0.001) difference in the proportion of plants at each Oxfordshire site in which one or more viruses were detected, and essentially the same pattern of virus infection was observed in tests on B. rapa from the site near Claverton. At least one representative isolate of each detected virus was tested for its morphological and serological effects on glasshouse‐grown individuals from different half‐sib families of B. rapa from both Oxfordshire sites. Except for TRoV, where there was a large difference in the frequency of successful infection in B. rapa from the two locations (1/15 vs 11/15), no clear evidence of resistance or immunity to challenge was observed, although tolerance (virus invasion without symptoms) was frequent. Fewer of the plants from Abingdon were infected than those from Culham, when mechanically challenged with TRoV, but the two B. rapa populations were not otherwise consistently different, either in their infectibility by this virus or in their responses to challenge. However, with TCV, viral antigen concentration was closely linked to the severity of disease and the B. rapa from both Oxfordshire sites segregated into two classes: those with symptoms and most viral antigen, and those without symptoms and least viral antigen. These results suggest that generic risk assessments cannot be made due to differences in the way distinct B. rapa populations react to virus challenge.  相似文献   
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