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Using the primary culture system of male Xenopus laevis hepatocytes consisting of more than 95% parenchymal cells, the effect of estradiol-17 β (10−6M) on protein synthesis was quantitatively analyzed by 3H-leucine incorporation kinetics and the estimation of specific radioactivity of newly synthesized secretory protein. The cells in a well defined culture revealed high plating efficiency and very low DNA synthetic activity. The cultured cells could synthesize several secretory proteins containing serum albumin. The pattern of secreted proteins in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) did not alter with culture time but secretion rate of protein increased for 7 days, starting on the third day following inoculation. Estradiol added to the culture media extensively induced the synthesis of yolk precursor protein vitellogenin which accounted for 40–50% of the overall secretory protein synthesis and 20–30% of the total protein synthesis on day 7 of estradiol treatment. Ultimately, the total protein synthesis and secretory protein synthesis were stimulated 1.2–1.3 fold and 2.0–2.2 fold, respectively, over those of the control cells cultured in the absence of estradiol. These results indicated that the stimulation of protein synthesis was largely due to vitellogenin production. Such an estradiol-dependent stimulation of protein synthesis was also detected in the low molecular weight protein(s). On the other hand, albumin synthesis was evidently reduced by estradiol. Thus, estradiol had two different effects on protein synthesis.
The results obtained in this study will be discussed in relation to the findings o in vivo experiments.  相似文献   
Differential inductive capacities among liver tissues of several animals were examined by anticipating the correlation between the capacity and the completness of perisinusoidal basement membrane.
The reacting tissue was competent ectoderm of gastrula of Triturus pyrrhogaster , and the inductive effects of livers on the ectoderm were tested by explantation method. The inductive effect of livers being devoid of the membrane (chick and guinea pig) was neural and the tissues having the dense well-developed membrane (reptiles) produced an assembly of neural and meso-dermal tissues, such as notochord and somite or muscle. The livers with the membrane being of intermediate grade of development ( calf, Triturus and mouse) induce mesodermal tissues, but not frequently, together with neural tissue or alone. The liver tissue was more active in mesodermal induction in proportion to the completeness of the perisinusoidal basement membrane.
On the basis of these data the difference in inductive capacity among liver tissues from different kinds of animals were discussed.  相似文献   
Acetate metabolism was studied with Saccharomyces cerevisiae diploid strain G2-2 in sporulating culture, asporogenic diploid strains 3c × a and 3c × 3a, and respiratory deficient haploid strain 3c (asporogenic). Acetate in a sporulating medium was utilized by sporogenic and asporogenic diploid yeasts linearly with time. Activities of aconitase, NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase, and succinate dehydrogenase initially increased in the cell-free homogenate of either strain. Activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase decreased. Isocitrate lyase activity increased remarkably in the sporogenic strain but not in the asporogenic strain. The rate of production of 14CO2 from 14C-1-acetate was accelerated more than from 14C-2-acetate in intact cells of the sporogenic strain during sporulating culture. Fractionation of radioactive cell substances showed remarkable lipid synthesis. Accumulation and reutilization of cold acid-soluble precursor substances occurred during sporogenesis. The role of glyoxylate and tricarboxylate cycle enzymes in sporulation is discussed.  相似文献   
Net photosynthetic rate, leaf area, tillering, shoot weight,and leaf area ratio for 35 F1 rice (Oryza sativa L.) hybridsduring the vegetative stage were compared with correspondingvalues for parental varieties. Shoot weight and leaf area showedheterosis. However, hybrid vigour was not reflected in net photosyntheticrate. Leaf area was closely correlated with heteroses in shootdry weight and tillering. Thus F1 rice hybrids grow vigorouslybecause of their high leaf area development, which is causedby high tillering. Key words: F1 rice hybrid, Net photosynthetic rate, Leaf area  相似文献   
We report on a roundtable event hosted in Singapore that sought to identify some of the ethical and regulatory challenges in translating autologous cell-based interventions, particularly those claiming to involve stem cells, into safe and effective therapies and to propose some solutions to encourage responsible innovation with these products. Challenges are identified in the three areas of cell manufacturing and processing, innovative uses of autologous cells in clinical practice and standards of evidence. Proposed solutions are discussed within a co-operative model of statutory laws and regulations that can enable product development with autologous cells and professional codes and standards that can encourage ethical conduct in clinical practice. Future research should be directed toward establishing regional networks for the development of internationally consistent standards in manufacturing and ethical codes of conduct for innovating with stem cells, and other autologous cells, and fostering ongoing exchange between jurisdictions.  相似文献   
Abstract:  A new genus and species of an elasmosaurid plesiosaur, Futabasaurus suzukii , is described based on a partial skeleton from the Inoceramus amakusensis Zone (Lower Santonian, Upper Cretaceous) of the Irimazawa Member of the Tamayama Formation, Futaba Group, in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The new taxon is characterized by a number of characters such as the wide space between the orbit and external naris, posterior extension of the interclavicle, relatively long humerus and prominent femoral muscle scar. The holotype includes a partial skull and mandible, posterior cervicals to sacrals, ribs, clavicular arch, pelvic girdle and four limbs. The remains are mostly in articulation, and exhibit evidence of predation/scavenging by sharks. The distribution of elasmosaurid species in the circum-Pacific region remains unclear due to the lack of diagnostic materials. The occurrence of F. suzukii is geographically and stratigraphically significant, because it allows species-level comparison; as a diagnosable elasmosaurid specimen, F. suzukii is the first and the oldest from the northern Pacific.  相似文献   
Tropical vegetation is a major source of global land surface evapotranspiration, and can thus play a major role in global hydrological cycles and global atmospheric circulation. Accurate prediction of tropical evapotranspiration is critical to our understanding of these processes under changing climate. We examined the controls on evapotranspiration in tropical vegetation at 21 pan-tropical eddy covariance sites, conducted a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of 13 evapotranspiration models at these sites, and assessed the ability to scale up model estimates of evapotranspiration for the test region of Amazonia. Net radiation was the strongest determinant of evapotranspiration (mean evaporative fraction was 0.72) and explained 87% of the variance in monthly evapotranspiration across the sites. Vapor pressure deficit was the strongest residual predictor (14%), followed by normalized difference vegetation index (9%), precipitation (6%) and wind speed (4%). The radiation-based evapotranspiration models performed best overall for three reasons: (1) the vegetation was largely decoupled from atmospheric turbulent transfer (calculated from Ω decoupling factor), especially at the wetter sites; (2) the resistance-based models were hindered by difficulty in consistently characterizing canopy (and stomatal) resistance in the highly diverse vegetation; (3) the temperature-based models inadequately captured the variability in tropical evapotranspiration. We evaluated the potential to predict regional evapotranspiration for one test region: Amazonia. We estimated an Amazonia-wide evapotranspiration of 1370 mm yr−1, but this value is dependent on assumptions about energy balance closure for the tropical eddy covariance sites; a lower value (1096 mm yr−1) is considered in discussion on the use of flux data to validate and interpolate models.  相似文献   
Species in the Miscanthus genus have been proposed as biofuel crops that have potential to mitigate elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions. Miscanthus sinensis is widespread throughout Japan and has been used for biomass production for centuries. We assessed the carbon (C) budget and N2O and CH4 emissions over the growing season for 2 years in a M. sinensis‐dominated grassland that was naturally established around 1972 in Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan, which is near the northern limit for M. sinensis grassland establishment on Andisols. Average C budget was ?0.31 Mg C ha?1, which indicates C was released from the grassland ecosystem to the atmosphere. Dominant components in the C budget appeared to be aboveground net primary production of plants (1.94–2.80 Mg C ha?1) and heterotrophic respiration (2.27–3.11 Mg C ha?1). The measurement of belowground net primary production (BNPP) of plants in the M. sinensis grassland was extremely variable, thus only an approximate value could be calculated. Mean C budget calculated with the approximated BNPP value was 1.47 and ?0.23 Mg C ha?1 for 2008 and 2009, respectively. Given belowground biomass (9.46–9.86 Mg C ha?1) was 3.1–6.5 times higher than that of aboveground biomass may provide additional evidence suggesting this grassland represents a C sink. Average CH4 emissions across years of ?1.34 kg C ha?1 would indicate this grassland acts as an atmospheric CH4 sink. Furthermore, average N2O emissions across years were 0.22 kg N ha?1. While the site may contribute N2O to the atmosphere, this value is lower compared with other grassland types. Global warming potential calculated with the approximated BNPP value was ?5.40 and 0.95 Mg CO2 Eq ha?1 for 2008 and 2009, respectively, and indicates this grassland could contribute to mitigation of global warming.  相似文献   
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