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Accurate and efficient separation of sister chromatids during anaphase is critical for faithful cell division. It has been proposed that cortical dynein–generated pulling forces on astral microtubules contribute to anaphase spindle elongation and chromosome separation. In mammalian cells, however, definitive evidence for the involvement of cortical dynein in chromosome separation is missing. It is believed that dynein is recruited and anchored at the cell cortex during mitosis by the α subunit of heterotrimeric G protein (Gα)/mammalian homologue of Drosophila Partner of Inscuteable/nuclear mitotic apparatus (NuMA) ternary complex. Here we uncover a Gα/LGN-independent lipid- and membrane-binding domain at the C-terminus of NuMA. We show that the membrane binding of NuMA is cell cycle regulated—it is inhibited during prophase and metaphase by cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1)–mediated phosphorylation and only occurs after anaphase onset when CDK1 activity is down-regulated. Further studies indicate that cell cycle–regulated membrane association of NuMA underlies anaphase-specific enhancement of cortical NuMA and dynein. By replacing endogenous NuMA with membrane-binding-deficient NuMA, we can specifically reduce the cortical accumulation of NuMA and dynein during anaphase and demonstrate that cortical NuMA and dynein contribute to efficient chromosome separation in mammalian cells.  相似文献   
成都平原属典型的水田农业区,复种指数高,农作物一年两熟或三熟。为探究高土地利用率地区农田土壤养分特征及其空间分布格局,基于成都市郫都区2015年测土配方施肥数据,运用经典统计学和地统计学方法揭示该区域农田土壤养分的描述性统计特征及其空间变异。结果显示:郫都区农田土壤有机质(SOM)、总氮(TN)、碱解氮(AN)、速效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)含量均值分别为22.35 g·kg^-1、1.15 g·kg^-1、95.38 mg·kg^-1、21.01 mg·kg^-1和104.58 mg·kg^-1,不同土壤类型及不同种植模式农田土壤养分差异总体较小,表明高强度的人类活动使郫都区土壤养分含量变得均一;半方差分析显示,SOM和AK的块金系数分别为0.39和0.62,其空间变异由土壤母质、地形、气候条件等结构性因素和耕作制度、施肥条件等随机性因素共同作用引起;TN、AN和AP的块金系数分别为0.87、0.94和0.97,其空间变异性主要受耕作制度、施肥条件等随机性因素影响;结合已有研究来看,郫都区农田SOM块金系数呈下降趋势而TN、AN和AP块金系数呈增加趋势,表明随着郫都区作物产量与作物复种指数的不断提高,以蔬菜为主的旱作模式代替传统的水旱轮作模式、复合肥代替农家肥等生产方式的改变正在影响着郫都区农田土壤养分的空间分布格局。  相似文献   
To clarify crucial key micro-RNAs and mRNAs associated with hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) virus infection, we conducted this bioinformatics analysis from four GEO datasets. The following datasets were used for the analysis: GSE85829, GSE94551, GSE52780, and GSE45589. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were acquired, and the analysis of functional and pathway enrichment and the relative regulatory network were conducted. After screening common differentially expressed miRNAs (DE-miRNAs), five key miRNAs were acquired: miR-100-3p, miR-125a-3p, miR-1273g-3p, miR-5585-3p, and miR-671-5p. There were three common enriched GO terms between miRNA-derived prediction and mRNA-derived analysis: biosynthetic process, cytosol, and nucleoplasm. There was one common KEGG pathway, i.e., cell cycle shared between miRNA-based and mRNA-based enrichment. Using TarBase V8 in DIANA tools, we acquired 1,520 potential targets (mRNA) from the five key DE-miRNAs, among which the159 DE-mRNAs also included 11 DEGs. These common DEGs showed a PPI network mainly connected by SMC1A, SMARCC1, SF3B3, LIG1, and BRMS1L. Together, changes in five key miRNAs and 11 key mRNAs may play crucial roles in HFMD progression. A combination of these roles may benefit the early diagnosis and treatment of HFMD.Key words: HFMD, micro-RNA, protein-protein interaction, microarray, regulatory network  相似文献   
Multivariate statistical methods were employed to examine sexualdimorphism in size and shape of Nucella lapillus collected from 16sheltered sites along coasts of Anglesey and the Lleyn Peninsula, NorthWales, UK. Females were significantly larger than males in overallsize; among 12 relative measures of shell shape, two ratios (shellwidth/shell length and aperture length/shell length) were significantlydifferent between males and females, but these differences usuallydecreased with increasing age (shell length). The observed hypoallometricdimorphism could be a result of selection on increased femalefecundity, which may be positively correlated with shell sizein N. lapillus as in other gastropod species. (Received 22 November 1999; accepted 10 April 2000)  相似文献   
The tumor suppressors Discs Large (Dlg), Lethal giant larvae (Lgl) and Scribble are essential for the establishment and maintenance of epithelial cell polarity in metazoan. Dlg, Lgl and Scribble are known to interact strongly with each other genetically and form the evolutionarily conserved Scribble complex. Despite more than a decade of extensive research, it has not been demonstrated whether Dlg, Lgl and Scribble physically interact with each other. Here, we show that Dlg directly interacts with Lgl in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Phosphorylation of any one of the three conserved Ser residues situated in the central linker region of Lgl is sufficient for its binding to the Dlg guanylate kinase (GK) domain. The crystal structures of the Dlg4 GK domain in complex with two phosphor-Lgl2 peptides reveal the molecular mechanism underlying the specific and phosphorylation-dependent Dlg/Lgl complex formation. In addition to providing a mechanistic basis underlying the regulated formation of the Scribble complex, the structure of the Dlg/Lgl complex may also serve as a starting point for designing specific Dlg inhibitors for targeting the Scribble complex formation.  相似文献   
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a non-progressive neurological disease, of which susceptibility is linked to genetic and environmental risk factors. More and more studies have shown that CP might be caused by multiple genetic factors, similar to other neurodevelopmental disorders. Due to the high genetic heterogeneity of CP, we focused on investigating related molecular pathways. Ten children with CP were collected for whole-exome sequencing by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. Customized processes were used to identify potential pathogenic pathways and variants. Three pathways (axon guidance, transmission across chemical synapses, protein–protein interactions at synapses) with twenty-three genes were identified to be highly correlated with CP. This study showed that the three pathways associated with CP might be the molecular mechanism of pathogenesis. These findings could provide useful clues for developing pathway-based pharmacotherapies. Further studies are required to confirm potential roles for these pathways in the pathogenesis of CP.  相似文献   
[目的]本试验旨在测定产后健康奶牛和罹患真胃左方变位(left displacement of the abomasum, LDA)奶牛粪便中微生物菌群的变化,以期探讨LDA发生与菌群的关联性,评估其对机体代谢的潜在影响.[方法]采用16S rDNA高通量测序技术,测定10头健康奶牛(Health)、10头真胃左方变位...  相似文献   
Curcuma phaeocaulis Valeton is a commonly prescribed Chinese medical herb for tumor therapy. In this study, an extract of Curcuma phaeocaulis Valeton referred as Cpv was prepared and its anti-tumor effect was evaluated with MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. Curcuma phaeocaulis Valeton power was extracted with ethanol and the main components of the extract (Cpv) were analyzed with HPLC. The effect of Cpv on MCF-7 cells proliferation, intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), apoptosis, apoptotic related proteins, MDA-MB-231 cell migration, and integrins expression were determined. Furthermore, the effect of Cpv on some key signal transduction molecules was also investigated. Furanodienone, germacrone and furanodiene were identified as the main components of Cpv. Cpv treatment significantly inhibited cell proliferation, increased LDH release, induced intracellular ROS formation, and decreased ΔΨm in a dose-dependent manner in MCF-7 cells. Cpv induced apoptosis without affecting cell migration. Cpv increased protein expression of Bax, PARP, cleaved PARP, caspase-3, 7, JNK1, p-p42/44MAPK, NF-κB, IKKα, IKKβ, decreased protein expression of Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bim, Bik, Bad, integrin β5, p42/44MAPK without affecting integrin α5, β1, and p38MAPK protein expression. We concluded that Cpv inhibited MCF-7 cells proliferation by inducing apoptosis mediated by increasing ROS formation, decreasing ΔΨm, regulating Bcl-2 family proteins expression, and activating caspases. Cpv treatment also modulated several signaling transduction pathways. These results might provide some molecular basis for the anti-tumor activity of Curcuma phaeocaulis Valeton.  相似文献   
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