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SYNOPSIS. Red chromatophores(erythrophores) of the prawn, Palaemonetesvulgaris, are controlled by pigment—dispersing and -concentratinghormones. Recent experiments on the modes of action of thesehormones are described, followed by a theory which satisfactorilyexplains the data. Red pigment-concentrating hormone is dependentupon sodium ions for a strong response to occur. There is asimilar dependency of red pigment—dispersing hormone uponcalcium ions. Ouabain inhibits the response to red pigment—concentratinghormone; tetrodotoxin enhances it. Erythrophores with maximallydispersed pigment had a transmembrane potential of 55±15mv inside negative in one series of experiments and 56±4mv in another. No appreciable changes in permeability occurwhen depolarizing and hyperpolarizing currents are passed througha microelectrode within the chromatophore. Red pigmentconcentratinghormone causes hyperpolarization of the transmembrane potential.The magnitude of hyperpolarization is directly related to thedegree of pigment concentration. Adenosine 3`;, 5`-monophosphate(cyclic AMP) causes dispersion of the red pigment but has nopigment-concentrating effect. The primary action of red pigmentconcentratinghormone is most likely stimulation of a pump which exchangessodium ions from inside the chromatophore with potassium ionsfrom the outside, whereas red pigment-dispersing hormone quitelikely stimulates entry of calcium ions into the chromatophore.  相似文献   
A density-based load estimation method was applied to determine femoral load patterns. Two-dimensional finite element models were constructed using single energy quantitative computed tomography (QCT) data from two femora. basic load cases included parabolic pressure joint loads and constant tractions on the greater trochanter. An optimization procedure adjusted magnitudes of the basic load cases, such that the applied mechanical stimulus approached the ideal stimulus throughout each model. Dominant estimated load directions were generally consistent with published experimental data for gait. Other estimated loads suggested that loads at extreme joint orientations may be important to maintenance of bone structure. Remodeling simulations with the estimated loads produced density distributions qualitatively similar to the QCT data sets. Average nodal density errors between QCT data and predictions were 0·24 g/cm3 and 0·28 g/cm3. The results indicate that density-based load estimation could improve understanding of loading patterns on bones.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation and its genetic consequences are a critically important issue in evaluating the evolutionary penalties of human habitat modification. Here, we examine the genetic structure and diversity in naturally subdivided and artificially fragmented populations of the endangered tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi), a small fish restricted to discrete coastal lagoons and estuaries in California, USA. We use five naturally fragmented coastal populations from a 300‐ km spatial scale as a standard to assess migration and drift relative to eight artificially fragmented bay populations from a 30‐ km spatial scale. Using nine microsatellite loci in 621 individuals, and a 522‐base fragment of mitochondrial DNA control region from 103 individuals, we found striking differences in the relative influences of migration and drift on genetic variation at these two scales. Overall, the artificially fragmented populations exhibited a consistent pattern of higher genetic differentiation and significantly lower genetic diversity relative to the naturally fragmented populations. Thus, even in a species characterized by habitat isolation and subdivision, further artificial fragmentation appears to result in substantial population genetic consequences and may not be sustainable.  相似文献   
The sequences of a 1.8-kbp macronuclear DNA molecule (V3), and the majority of its micronuclear counterpart, are reported. The macronuclear V3 DNA molecule contains an open reading frame that is interrupted by a single intron, while the micronuclear copy is interrupted by four internal eliminated sequences, one of which is located within the intron. The predicted protein product of the macronuclear V3 gene is a 471-amino acid polypeptide that is very similar to a group of protein-serine/threonine kinases from both plant and animal species, some of whose members appear to be involved in cell cycle or growth control.  相似文献   
The neuropeptides methionine enkephalin and FMRFamide, when injected into intact fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, produce dark adaptation of the distal retinal pigment. Furthermore, both neuropeptides stimulate release of distal retinal pigment dark-adapting hormone activity from the isolated eyestalk neuroendocrine complex. It is hypothesized that both neuropeptides, when injected into intact fiddler crabs, act only indirectly on the distal retinal pigment, by stimulating release of this dark-adapting hormone.  相似文献   
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