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Abstract Seed set, size, viability and germination requirements were investigated for two rare (Acacia ausfeldii and A. willianisonii) and three common (A. pycnantha, A. genistifolia and A.paradoxa) co‐occurring congeners in box‐ironbark eucalypt forests near Bendigo, south‐east Australia to investigate correlates of rarity. Seed size was significantly smaller for the two rare species and germinants were less able to emerge from deeper sowing depths than were the larger seeded common congeners. All species had a strong heat‐stimulated germination response. While the rare A. ausfeldii showed strong germination only at the highest temperature treatment (100°C), the common and widespread A.pycnantha showed strong germination across a broad range of temperatures (60‐100°C), likely to be experienced by soil‐stored seeds during a fire. Seed viability, number of seeds per plant, and number of firm, aborted and eaten seeds per pod varied between species, but the pattern of variation was not related to rarity. Small seed size and a very specific temperature requirement for germination may help to explain rarity in A. ausfeldii, and to a lesser extent in A. willianisonii. Fires are often patchy and heating of the soil is likely to be highly spatially variable, so species with germination responses to a broad range of temperatures have an advantage over those that respond only to a narrow range. A narrower range of soil depths from which seeds can emerge will further reduce the proportion of the seed bank that might recruit following fire. Human impacts on species habitats, such as fragmentation, loss of topsoil through mining, timber harvesting, grazing and urbanization, and consequent reduction in fire intensity, are likely to have further contributed to rarity in these species. The role of pollination and other factors in relation to population size is the subject of further investigation.  相似文献   
Sex differences in immune function are relatively well studied in vertebrate animals, although the patterns are not always clear in birds. The study of immune responses in nestlings of wild bird populations may constitute an appropriate way to investigate inherent intersexual differences while controlling for environmental conditions such as parasitism that affect male and female individuals growing in the same nest. We studied whether the cell‐mediated immune response, as measured by phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) injection, and the levels of circulating antibodies differ between sexes of Pied Flycatcher nestlings Ficedula hypoleuca. No sex differences in nestling cell‐mediated immune response were found, but females showed significantly higher levels of plasma immunoglobulins than males did. Although nestling birds may not have a fully functional humoral immune defence, our study indicates that sex differences in the humoral component exist at this early stage of life. Given the importance of antibodies in the fight against parasite, bacterial and viral infections, the intrinsic sex disparity in circulating antibodies may have important implications for the life history of each sex.  相似文献   
Short‐rotation woody cropping (SRWC) refers to silvicultural systems designed to produce woody biomass using short harvest cycles (1–15 years), intensive silvicultural techniques, high‐yielding varieties, and often coppice regeneration. Recent emphasis on alternatives to fossil fuels has spurred interest in producing SRWC on privately owned and intensively managed forests of North America. We examined potential bird and small mammal response at the stand level to conversion of existing, intensively managed forests to SRWCs using meta‐analysis of existing studies. We found 257 effect sizes for birds (243 effect sizes) and mammals (14 effect sizes) from 8 studies involving Populus spp. plantations. Diversity and abundance of bird guilds were lower on short‐rotation plantations compared with reference woodlands, while abundance of individual bird species was more variable and not consistently higher or lower on SRWC plantations. Shrub‐associated birds were more abundant on SRWC plantations, but forest‐associated and cavity‐nesting birds were less abundant. Effects on birds appeared to decrease with age of the SRWC plantation, but plantation age was also confounded with variation in the type of reference forest used for comparison. Both guilds and species of mammals were less abundant on SRWC plantations. These conclusions are tentative because none of these studies directly compared SRWC plantations to intensively managed forests. Plantations of SRWCs could contribute to overall landscape diversity in forest‐dominated landscapes by providing shrubby habitat structure for nonforest species. However, extensive conversion of mature or intensively managed forests to SRWC would likely decrease overall diversity, especially if they replace habitat types of high conservation value.  相似文献   
小麦族(Triticeae)是禾本科、早熟禾亚科中一个有重要经济价值、以多年生植物占优势的族,族内绝大多数种类是重要的粮食作物和畜牧业上的优良牧草,饲用价值极高,有些种类具有耐寒、耐旱、耐碱等特性,是农牧业上良种繁育、牧草利用的重要基因资源。但该族同时又是分类学上的一个疑难族,各学者对族内系统分类意见不一、争议颇大,尤其在族的界限、族下类群划分以及类群演化关系上问题较多,至今尚未解决。查阅了国内外分类学文献,探讨其分类差异以及存在问题,为充分开发利用中国丰富的小麦族植物资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   


Receptors with a single transmembrane (TM) domain are essential for the signal transduction across the cell membrane. NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool to study structure of the single TM domain. The expression and purification of a TM domain in Escherichia coli (E.coli) is challenging due to its small molecular weight. Although ketosteroid isomerase (KSI) is a commonly used affinity tag for expression and purification of short peptides, KSI tag needs to be removed with the toxic reagent cyanogen bromide (CNBr).


The purification of the TM domain of p75 neurotrophin receptor using a KSI tag with the introduction of a thrombin cleavage site is described herein. The recombinant fusion protein was refolded into micelles and was cleaved with thrombin. Studies showed that purified protein could be used for structural study using NMR spectroscopy.


These results provide another strategy for obtaining a single TM domain for structural studies without using toxic chemical digestion or acid to remove the fusion tag. The purified TM domain of p75 neurotrophin receptor will be useful for structural studies.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Populations of feral domestic cats have increased throughout the United States, affecting wildlife and warranting attention from a variety of management agencies. This contentious issue requires a greater understanding of public attitudes and preferences for population control. We used data from a 2004 mail survey of Illinois, USA, homeowners’ attitudes towards wildlife and conservation to investigate support for the trap-neuter–release (TNR) of feral cats and to examine factors (demographic, experience, and wildlife values orientations) that may influence preference for TNR as a management option. Age, gender, and wildlife rights values orientations were significant predictors of preference for TNR, while negative experiences with feral cats were correlated with preferences for management options other than TNR. Investigations of public perceptions of feral cat management can help wildlife managers understand the growing public debate regarding feral cat management and provide appropriate input and educational materials regarding cat management and wildlife.  相似文献   
Abstract. Peas were grown in controlled environments (12h white fluorescent light. ∼47 μmol photons m-2 s 1/12 dark, 25 °C), using (1) 15-min far-red illumination at the end of each photoperiod (brief FR) to simulate the increase in the far-red/red ratio near the end of the day, and (2) high levels of supplementary far-red light (red:far-red ratio=0.04) during the entire photoperiod (long-term FR) to simulate extreme shade conditions under a plant canopy. Brief FR illumination led to marked morphological effects attributable to phytochrome regulation, namely, an increase in internodal length, but a decrease in leaflet area, chloroplast size and chlorophyll content per chloroplast compared with the control. Significantly, brief FR illumination had little or no effect on the amounts of the major chloroplast components (ribulose 1.5-biphosphate carboxylase, adenosine triphosphate synthase, cytochrome b/f complex and Photosystem II) relative to chlorophyll or Photosystem I, and the leaf photosynthetic capacities per unit chlorophyll were similar. In contrast, supplementing high levels of far-red light during the entire photoperiod not only led to the phytochrome effects above, but there was also a marked increase in leaf photosynthetic capacity per unit chlorophyll. due to increased amounts of the major chloroplast components relative to chlorophyll or Photosystem I. We hypothesize that supplementary far-red light, absorbed by Photosystem I, induced an increase in the major chloroplast components by a photosynthetic feedback mechanism. In fully greened leaves, we propose that the two photosystems themselves, rather than phytochrome, may be the predominent sensors of light quantity in triggering modulations of the stoichiometries of chloroplast components, which in turn lead to varying photosynthetic capacities.  相似文献   
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