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Drought‐induced forest mortality is an increasing global problem with wide‐ranging consequences, yet mortality mechanisms remain poorly understood. Depletion of non‐structural carbohydrate (NSC) stores has been implicated as an important mechanism in drought‐induced mortality, but experimental field tests are rare. We used an ecosystem‐scale precipitation manipulation experiment to evaluate leaf and twig NSC dynamics of two co‐occurring conifers that differ in patterns of stomatal regulation of water loss and recent mortality: the relatively desiccation‐avoiding piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and the relatively desiccation‐tolerant one‐seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma). Piñon pine experienced 72% mortality after 13–25 months of experimental drought and juniper experienced 20% mortality after 32–47 months. Juniper maintained three times more NSC in the foliage than twigs, and converted NSC to glucose and fructose under drought, consistent with osmoregulation requirements to maintain higher stomatal conductance during drought than piñon. Despite these species differences, experimental drought caused decreased leaf starch content in dying trees of both species (P < 0.001). Average dry‐season leaf starch content was also a good predictor of drought‐survival time for both species (R2 = 0.93). These results, along with observations of drought‐induced reductions to photosynthesis and growth, support carbon limitation as an important process during mortality of these two conifer species.  相似文献   
1. The retention characteristics of two moorland streams in mid-Wales were manipulated for 2 years by the addition of small traps which accumulated detritus. Leaf litter was also added to these essentially treeless streams at regular intervals to simulate natural inputs to a woodland stream. 2. Leaf traps retained a significantly higher biomass of detritus - both naturally occurring and added - than either the surrounding stream bed or unmanipulated reference sections. They also supported significantly higher numbers of nemourid, leuctrid, tipulid and elminthid insect larvae. 3. Among functional feeding groups, detritivores and, to a lesser extent, predators responded to increased detritus availability. Numbers of mayfly larvae were low in leaf packs, suggesting a negative effect of detritus aggregations on their numbers. 4. The taxa which responded positively to increased detrital biomass, particularly stonefly larvae, are known to be tolerant of low pH conditions, whereas those affected detrimentally are generally absent from acid waters. It is proposed therefore that increasing detrital inputs and litter retention in culturally acidified upland streams may serve to increase their invertebrate productivity.  相似文献   
Two forms of monocotyledon macrofossil are documented from latest Albian-earliest Cenomanian sediments of the Eromanga Basin, central Queensland, Australia. One form is preserved as strap-shaped leaves with cross-linked parallel venation and epidermal features characteristic of monocots. Its affinities are suggested to be with the Areciflorae and it dominated a community lying between a coastal coal swamp and open marine conditions. A second form is found only as thin, dispersed cuticle, with poor detail, but is most likely also a monocot. It dominated a more inland community. These appear to be the currently known, oldest, organically preserved monocotyledonous macrofossils.  相似文献   
Fig-eating by vertebrate frugivores: a global review   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The consumption of figs (the fruit of Ficus spp.: Moraceae) by vertebrates is reviewed using data from the literature, unpublished accounts and new field data from Borneo and Hong Kong. Records of frugivory from over 75 countries are presented for 260 Ficus species (approximately 30% of described species). Explanations are presented for geographical and taxonomic gaps in the otherwise extensive literature. In addition to a small number of reptiles and fishes, 1274 bird and mammal species in 523 genera and 92 families are known to eat figs. In terms of the number of species and genera of fig-eaters and the number of fig species eaten we identify the avian families interacting most with Ficus to be Columbidae, Psittacidae, Pycnonotidae, Bucerotidae, Sturnidae and Lybiidae. Among mammals, the major fig-eating families are Pteropodidae, Cercopithecidae, Sciuridae, Phyllostomidae and Cebidae. We assess the role these and other frugivores play in Ficus seed dispersal and identify fig-specialists. In most, but not all, cases fig specialists provide effective seed dispersal services to the Ficus species on which they feed. The diversity of fig-eaters is explained with respect to fig design and nutrient content, phenology of fig ripening and the diversity of fig presentation. Whilst at a gross level there exists considerable overlap between birds, arboreal mammals and fruit bats with regard to the fig species they consume, closer analysis, based on evidence from across the tropics, suggests that discrete guilds of Ficus species differentially attract subsets of sympatric frugivore communities. This dispersal guild structure is determined by interspecific differences in fig design and presentation. Throughout our examination of the fig-frugivore interaction we consider phylogenetic factors and make comparisons between large-scale biogeographical regions. Our dataset supports previous claims that Ficus is the most important plant genus for tropical frugivores. We explore the concept of figs as keystone resources and suggest criteria for future investigations of their dietary importance. Finally, fully referenced lists of frugivores recorded at each Ficus species and of Ficus species in the diet of each frugivore are presented as online appendices. In situations where ecological information is incomplete or its retrieval is impractical, this valuable resource will assist conservationists in evaluating the role of figs or their frugivores in tropical forest sites.  相似文献   
1. Stream communities are structured by factors acting over multiple spatial and temporal scales. Identifying what factors are driving spatial patterns in stream communities is a central aim of ecology.
2. Here we used two large European data sets of fish, invertebrates, macrophytes, benthic diatoms and environmental data in two stream groups (lowland and mountain) to determine the importance of variables at different spatial scales (geographical, regional, local) on community structure.
3. Both geographical position and ecoregion were selected first in canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), clearly showing the broad spatial gradients covered in the data set. Secondary predictors (after accounting for spatial and/or ecoregion effects) were similar between stream groups and among the four organism groups. In particular, conductivity and N concentration were strong predictors reflecting catchment land use.
4. Using partial CCA, we assessed the individual importance of the three spatial scales on the community structure of the four organism groups in the two stream groups. The majority of among-site variability (22–29%) was accounted for by local scale variables (e.g. water chemistry and substratum type), with regional and spatial variables accounting 11–13% and 5–6%, respectively. Our findings indicate that the four organism groups are responding similarly to the different levels of spatial scale, implying much redundancy which should be consider when implementing studies of bioassessment.  相似文献   
Several pre-existing anterior and posterior dental bridge models using Finite elements and the new ceramic material In-Ceram have been developed. The mechanical behaviour of these models has been compared with optimised profiles obtained from a newly developed evolutionary algorithm known as Evolutionary Structural Optimisation (ESO).

The results show that the mechanical behaviour of the bridges was mainly restricted by the properties of the porcelain veneer and the design of the bridges themselves. For the case of the anterior bridge, it was found that there existed a specific thickness of veneer that minimised the maximum principal stress. This was related to peak stresses that occurred at the bridge surface. Peak stresses also occurred in the material interface between the In-Ceram and the veneer. These extreme stresses were attributed to the notch size and shape. For the case of the posterior bridge, it was concluded that the shape of the bottom of the Pontic tooth is crucial in reducing the magnitude of the maximum principal tensile stress. The ESO process produced bridge designs which have uniformly stressed bridge surfaces, and which also have significantly lower maximum principal tensile stresses compared to the pre-existing designs (up to 44%).  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Using clusters of locations obtained from Global Positioning System (GPS) telemetry collars to identify predation events may allow more efficient estimation of behavioral predation parameters for the study and management of large carnivore predator-prey systems. Applications of field- and model-based GPS telemetry cluster techniques, however, have met with mixed success. To further evaluate and refine these techniques for cougars (Puma concolor), we used data from visits to 1,735 GPS telemetry clusters, 637 of which were locations where cougars killed prey >8 kg in a multi-prey system in west-central Alberta. We tested 1) whether clusters were reliably created at kill locations, 2) the ability of logistic regression models to identify kill occurrence (prey >8 kg) and multinomial regression models to identify the prey species at a kill cluster, and 3) the duration of monitoring required to accurately estimate kill rate and prey composition. We found that GPS collars programmed to attempt location fixes every 3 hours consistently identified locations where prey >8 kg were handled, and cluster creation was robust to GPS location acquisition failures (poor collar fix success). The logistic regression model was capable of estimating cougar kill rate with a mean 5-fold cross validation error of <10%, provided the appropriate probability cutoff distinguishing kill clusters from non-kill clusters was selected. Logistic models also can be used to direct visits to clusters, reducing field efforts by as much as 25%, while still locating >95% of all kills. The multinomial model overpredicted occurrence of primary prey (deer) in the diet and underpredicted consumption of alternate prey (e.g., elk and moose) by as much as 100%. We conclude that a purely model-based approach should be used cautiously and that field visitation is required to obtain reliable information on species, sex, age, or condition of prey. Ultimately, we recommend a combined approach that involves using models to direct field visitation when estimating behavioral predation parameters. Regardless of the monitoring approach, long continuous monitoring periods (i.e., >100 days of a 180-day period) were necessary to reduce bias and imprecision in kill rate and prey composition estimates.  相似文献   
The house mouse ( Mus musculus domesticus ) was introduced into Australia two centuries ago and is now succeeding in a wide range of habitats and climatic regions. To explore how mice exploit such extreme environments, we compared growth rate, morphology and reproductive success of animals reared under differing thermal regimes (13 °C 'cool', 22 °C 'moderate' and 30 °C 'warm') in laboratory mice derived from wild stock. 'Warm' group young were smaller and grew more slowly than those from other groups. At 6 weeks of age, body mass was less in 'warm' than in 'cool' treatment individuals; and liver mass/body mass also was less in 'warm' than in 'cool' treatment individuals. Paired kidney mass/body mass and paired adrenal mass/body mass were less in 'warm' than in 'cool' and 'moderate' treatment mice. Low heritability values indicate that these effects were from the temperature treatments rather than genetic influences. Irrespective of temperature treatment, females were more likely to produce a litter from post-partum matings if they were experienced, rather than young or reproductively naïve, and also bore more young from post-partum matings. These observations contribute to understanding of the sudden plague activities of mice in some parts of Australia and also their sparse distribution in the interior of the continent.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 21–30.  相似文献   
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