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Molecular (partial mitochondrial 12S ribosomal DNA sequences), morphological and meristic analysis of Lepadogaster lepadogaster lepadogaster , L. l. purpurea and L. zebrina were performed to investigate the relationships between these taxa. On the western shore of mainland Portugal, where the two subspecies of L. lepadogaster occur sympatrically, they differ in microhabitat preferences and their breeding seasons are largely out of phase. This information, combined with data on distribution patterns, led to the following conclusions: Lepadogaster l. purpurea is considered to be a valid species, L. purpurea ( Bonnaterre, 1788 ), different from L. l. lepadogaster , now designated L. lepadogaster ( Bonnaterre, 1788 ). L. zebrina was found to be a synonym of L. lepadogaster . The two newly defined species were found to be in sympatry at Madeira and the Canary islands, the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean at least as far as Genoa (Italy). Diagnostic characters and a list of synonyms are provided.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 327–338.  相似文献   
Abstract A new classification of Sitonini Gistel into ten genera is proposed, derived from a phylogenetic analysis based on morphology. Two subgenera of Sitona, Charagmus and Coelositona, are promoted to genus level. Sitona is restricted to the former nominotypical subgenus and redefined using apomorphies, and several species previously included in it are transferred to the genus Coelositona González. The species composition of the genus Charagmus Schönherr is unchanged. Andrion gen.n. is described (type species: Curculio regensteinensis Herbst, 1794). Catachaenus Schönherr, 1840 is synonymized with Eugnathus Schönherr, 1834 ( syn.n. ). Homalorhinus lutosus Hochhuth, 1847 is removed from Sitonini. The relationships represented by the new classification correspond with the evolution of Fabaceae (Leguminosae), mostly with the group of ‘temperate herbaceous tribes’ or Hologalegina. This group is divided into the sister clades, Loteae s.l. and IRLC (inverted repeat‐lacking clade) – a clade well defined by the loss of a structural mutation in the genome of the chloroplast. Andrion does not feed on Hologalegina. Charagmus and Coelositona feed on species of Loteae s.l., whereas members of the genus Sitona feed on species in IRLC. This ability to feed on IRLC plants seems to have been a key trait that enabled the radiation of Sitona into more than 100 species. A key to the genera of Sitonini and illustrations of important morphological features are provided. A new structure is described from the internal sac, the ‘hamuli’. The variability of hamuli between the species of Sitonini is an important new tool in the taxonomy of this tribe. New combinations: Eugnathus circulus (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1839), E. mangarinicus ( Voss, 1925 ), E. scintillans (Pascoe, 1874), E. sulcifrons ( Heller, 1934 ), Charagmus gressorius (Fabricius, 1792), Ch. intermedius Küster, 1847, Ch. griseus (Fabricius, 1775), Ch. cachectus Gyllenhal, 1834, Ch. stierlini Reitter, 1903 , Ch. variegatus (Fåhraeus, 1840), Coelositona ribesi ( González, 1971 ), C. cambricus (Stephens, 1831), C. cinerascens (Fåhraeus, 1840), C. limosus (Rossi, 1792), C. ocellatus (Küster, 1849), C. latipennis (Gyllenhal, 1834), C. puberulus ( Reitter, 1903 ), C. villosus (Allard, 1869), Andrion regensteinense (Herbst, 1794) and Anemeroides lutosus (Hochhuth, 1847).  相似文献   
Comparative cytopathology of Crinivirus infections in different plant hosts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used transmission electron microscopy to compare the cytopathology induced in plants by five criniviruses (genus Crinivirus; Lettuce infectious yellows virus (LIYV), Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV), Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV), Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) and Beet pseudo‐yellows virus (BPYV) (Hartono et al., 2003)). We also compared the patterns of infection for plants and mesophyll protoplasts infected by LIYV and Beet yellows virus (BYV), type members of genera Crinivirus and Closterovirus, respectively. The main cytopathological effects induced in plants by criniviruses were common in young leaves and included alterations of the chloroplasts and the presence of BYV‐type inclusion bodies in companion cells. Virus‐like particles were present in sieve tubes and vascular parenchyma cells as scattered particles, or in companion cells as large masses forming cross‐banded inclusions. Depending on the virus and the plant, it was possible to find virions or virus‐like particles out of the phloem cells, but only in cells of the bundle sheath. Virion‐like particles were never found outside of the vascular tissue. Accumulation of electron‐dense material at the plasmalemma was common for criniviruses, but only LIYV infections produced characteristic conical electron‐dense plasmalemma deposits (PDs). The LIYV‐induced PDs have a crystalline‐like structure and were found at the internal side of plasmalemma.  相似文献   
Three species of boid snakes are recognized in Madagascar, namely the genus Sanzinia (one species and two subspecies) and the genus Acrantophis (two species). In the present study, we studied the patterns of genetic variation of these species across Madagascar using a fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene in 77 specimens. To support the phylogenetic relationships of the lineages identified, three further gene fragments (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA and c‐mos) were analyzed in a reduced but representative set of samples. The results obtained corroborate that the genus Sanzinia includes two highly divergent mitochondrial lineages that evolved independently from each other on the east versus the west side of Madagascar. Each of these lineages presents a further subdivision that separates northern from southern groups. The nuclear marker showed no variation among the Malagasy boas, indicating either very low substitution rates in this gene or relatively recent speciation events coupled with high mitochondrial substitution rates. Because the broad geographic sampling detected no admixture among haplotypic lineages within Sanzinia, it is hypothesized that these may represent distinct species. Deviant haplotypes of snakes morphologically similar to Acrantophis dumerili indicate that this taxon may be a complex of two species as well. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 640–652.  相似文献   
A molecular phylogeny was reconstructed for 26 recognized genera of the Gymnophthalmidae using a total of 2379 bp of mitochondrial (12S, 16S and ND4) and nuclear (18S and c-mos) DNA sequences. We performed maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses, and data partitions were analysed separately and in combination under MP. ML analyses were carried out only on the combined sequences for computational simplicity. Robustness for the recovered nodes was assessed with bootstrap and partitioned Bremer support (PBS) analyses. The total molecular evidence provided a better-resolved hypothesis than did separate analysis of individual partitions, and the PBS analysis indicates congruence among independent partitions for support of some internal nodes. Based on this hypothesis, a new classification for the family is proposed. Alopoglossus , the sister group of all the other Gymnophthalmidae was allocated to a new subfamily Alopoglossinae, and Rhachisaurus (a new genus for Anotosaura brachylepis) to the new Rhachisaurinae. Two tribes are recognized within the subfamily Gymnophthalminae: Heterodactylini and Gymnophthalmini, and two others within Cercosaurinae (Ecpleopini and Cercosaurini). Some ecological and evolutionary implications of the phylogenetic hypothesis are considered, including the independent occurrence of limb reduction, body elongation, and other characters associated with fossoriality.  相似文献   
We have estimated levels of genetic diversity and partitioning in the Mexican endemic cycad species Dioon sonorense, Dioon tomasellii, and Dioon holmgrenii, whose populations are exclusively distributed along the Pacific seaboard. For the three species, the patterns of variation at 19 allozyme loci in a total of 11 populations were evaluated. The average number of alleles per locus was in the range 2.05–1.68, corresponding to the northernmost population of D. sonorense (Mazatán), and the southernmost population of Dioon holmgrenii (Loxicha), respectively. In turn, the percentage of polymorphic loci peaked (94.73) in the El Higueral and Altamirano populations of Dioon tomasellii, and was estimated to be lowest (57.89) in the Loxicha population of D. holmgrenii. The mean expected heterozygosis varied markedly between taxa, with relatively high indices for D. sonorense and D. tomasellii (HE = 0.314 and 0.295, respectively) and substantially lower values for D. holmgrenii (HE = 0.170). Comparison of the inferred genetic structure based on F‐statistics for the three species also indicated differences along the north‐south Pacific seaboard axis. For D. sonorense and D. tomasellii, local inbreeding (FIS) was zero but global inbreeding (FIT) values were positive and significantly different from zero (0.130 and 0.116, respectively). By contrast, values of both FIT and FIS were negative and significantly different from zero (?0.116 and ?0.201, respectively) for D. holmgrenii. The genetic differentiation between populations (FST) had positive values in all taxa and corresponded with their geographic location along the north‐south axis: according to this statistic, D. sonorense was the most differentiated species (FST = 0.151), D. tomasellii had intermediate values (FST = 0.145), and D. holmgrenii was the less differentiated taxon (FST = 0.069). Finally, a phenogram representing Nei's genetic distances among populations displayed three major groups, each one corresponding to each of the studied species. Within D. tomasellii (of intermediate geographic distribution), a further division into two clusters corresponded precisely to the pair of populations that are geographically divided by the Trans Mexican Neovolcanic Mountains. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 94 , 765–776.  相似文献   
Many organisms show well‐defined latitudinal clines in morphology, which appear to be caused by spatially varying natural selection, resulting in different optimal phenotypes in each location. Such spatial variability raises an interesting question, with different prospects for the action of sexual selection on characters that have a dual purpose, such as locomotion and sexual attraction. The outermost tail feathers of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) represent one such character, and their evolution has been a classic model subject to intense debate. In the present study, we examined individuals from four European populations to analyze geographical variation in the length and mass of tail feathers in relation to body size and wing size. Tail feather length differed between sexes and populations, and such variation was a result of the effects of natural selection, acting through differences in body size and wing size, as well as the effects of sexual selection that favours longer tails. The extra enlargement of the tail promoted by sexual selection (i.e. beyond the natural selection optimum) could be achieved by increasing investment in ornaments, and by modifying feather structure to produce longer feathers of lower density. These two separate processes accounting for the production of longer and more costly tail feathers and less dense feathers, respectively, are consistent with the hypothesis that both Zahavian and Fisherian mechanisms may be involved in the evolution of the long tails of male barn swallows. We hypothesize that the strength of sexual selection increases with latitude because of the need for rapid mating as a result of the short duration of the breeding season at high latitudes. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 925–936.  相似文献   
Biogeographical patterns of animal body size and the environmental and evolutionary mechanisms that may be driving them have been broadly investigated in macroecology, although just barely in ectotherms. We separately studied two snake clades, Viperidae and Elapidae, and used phylogenetic eigenvector regression and ordinary least squares multiple regression methods to perform a global grid-based analysis of the extent at which the patterns of body size (measured for each species as its log10-transformed maximum body length) of these groups are phylogenetically structured or driven by current environment trends. Phylogenetic relatedness explained 20% of the across-species size variation in Viperidae, and 59% of that of Elapidae, which is a more recent clade. Conversely, when we analysed spatial trends in mean body size values (calculated for each grid-cell as the average size of its extant species), an environmental model including temperature, precipitation, primary productivity (as indicated by the global vegetation index) and topography (range in elevation) explained 37.6% of the variation of Viperidae, but only 4.5% of that of Elapidae. These contrasted responses of body size patterns to current environment gradients are discussed, taking into consideration the dissimilar evolutionary histories of these closely-related groups. Additionally, the results obtained emphasize the importance of the need to start adopting deconstructive approaches in macroecology.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 94–109.  相似文献   
1. The European freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera (Bivalvia: Unionoida), is one of the most threatened mussels. The Iberian populations of this species are considered peripheral because their distinct characters such as growth rate and longevity, and require development of effective conservation strategies. 2. We assessed population density and age structure of pearl mussels in two Galician rivers (Eo and Masma in north‐west Spain). Four sampling sites were selected in each river to cover stretches of 100 m. The mean density of mussels in each of these sampling transects was estimated using the adaptive sampling technique, given that mussels occur at low densities and are highly aggregated in these rivers. 3. Age structure was inferred for each population using length–age keys. The empty shells encountered during sampling were used to determine the length of the specimens at different ages (years), together with length‐at‐age data from shells previously analysed for computing growth rates from the same rivers. Water samples from both rivers were analysed for typical physicochemical parameters. 4. Mean densities were very variable, even within the same river (from 0.27 to 6.55 m?2 in the River Eo and from 0.98 to 2.38 m?2 in the River Masma). Individuals in the 0‐ to 5‐year age class were scarce in both rivers. 5. Margaritifera margaritifera showed a preference for the strip of river bed within 1.5 m from the river bank and avoided sites at greater distances. The species also showed a preference for sites with more than 80% tree cover and avoided sites with <50% cover. 6. Iberian populations exhibit the highest growth rate, together with the lowest maximum age and maximum length known for M. margaritifera. Detailed knowledge about these peripheral Iberian populations will contribute to developing strategies for conservation and management of this endangered species.  相似文献   
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