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Five new species of land snail (family Enidae) are described from La Gomera (Canary Islands) of which the majority, on the basis of anatomy alone, could be incorporated within a new supraspecific taxon. In addition to the morphological study of these new species, a region of the 16S mitochondrial gene is sequenced from three of the new species and a range of species of Napaeus from within its two subgenera ( Napaeinus and Napaeus ) . There is a disparity between the morphological and preliminary molecular phylogenetic data. Possible explanations for this conflict are discussed, as well as the evolutionary relationships among these different taxa, and it is suggested that this group may be an excellent model for further studies of adaptation and diversification.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 169–187.  相似文献   
In Datura ferox seeds, the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome(Pfr) induces endosperm softening, larger embryo growthpotential,and germination. We investigated the effect of exposing theseeds to a range of water potentials in the presence of Pfronits induction of these responses. In addition, the escape timeto far-red-light (FR) reversal of the three responses wasdetermined. Low water potential inhibited Pfr action on endosperm softeningand germination in a similar way. In both cases, a 50% reductionin the response to a saturating red-light (R) irradiation wasobserved at a water potential of c. —0·5 MPa andtherewas very good correlation between the percentage numberof seeds with softened endosperm at 45 h after R and germinationat 72 h after R (R2=0·95). In contrast, the effect ofdecreasing the external water potential on Pfr induction ofa larger embryogrowth potential was more complex. Moderate decreasesin water potential (—0·3 to —0·5 MPa)enhanced Pfr action and thegrowth potential of the embryos waslarger (20—25%) than the water controls; water potentialsbelow —0·7 MPa inhibited the Pfr stimulus. The escape time to FR reversal of the R effect was shorter forthe increase in embryo growth potential than for endospermsoftening.Twenty-four h after R, the embryo response had escaped in morethan 80% of the population whereas endospermsoftening and germinationwere susceptible to FR inhibition in 100% of the seeds. These results indicate that in D. ferox seeds the increase inembryo growth potential is not sufficient for germination andthatendosperm softening is a necessary condition. Key words: Germination, dormancy, phytochrome, endosperm softening, water potential  相似文献   
A systematic revision of the Malagasy frogs hitherto attributed to the Boophis difficilis group is presented. The difficilis holotype is not conspecific with other specimens hitherto named Boophis difficilis but belongs to the B. tephraeomystax group based on lack of webbing between fingers and the presence of heterogeneously granular ventral skin. Rhacophorus difficilis Boettger, 1892 is considered as junior synonym of Boophis tephraeomystax. The Boophis difficilis group is dissolved and its species are transferred to a new species group named after Boophis majori , the oldest of the included taxa. All species of the B. majori group, their type specimens, and their geographical distributions are revised based on new morphological, bioacoustic and ecological data. Five new species of the group from the eastern rainforests of Madagascar are described. Morphological differentiation within the B. majori group is low, although some species can be distinguished by characters such as snout-vent length, relative tympanum size, or coloration. The most reliable character for species identification are advertisement calls which are strikingly different between most species of the group. Species diversity in Boophis is highest in central eastern Madagascar and gets lower at the northern and southern borders of the island. Available data do not allow a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the B. majori group, but a northern subgroup of small species without red coloration and a southern subgroup of larger species with distinct red pigments can be distinguished. Osteological data for B. miniatus are provided. Within Boophis , representatives of all species groups except the B. tephraeomystax group are characterized by a synapomorphic reduction of the anterolateral hyoidal process.  相似文献   
Dioecious plants may be pollinated biotically by animals or abiotically via wind or water currents. It has been hypothesized that these two types of pollen vectors might impose contrasting selective pressures on plant flowering phenology. In the present study we describe the flowering phenology of two sympatric dioecious species with contrasting pollination modes: Mercurialis perennis (wind‐pollinated) and Tamus communis (insect‐pollinated). We estimated selection differentials and gradients for flowering time and flowering synchrony. As flowering time might depend on the accumulation of enough internal resources, we also estimated direct and indirect selection on plant size. Both species have male‐biased sexual ratios, and males are bigger and produce larger flower displays than females, but only in T. communis do males bloom earlier and for longer than females. Selection gradients suggest that selection tends to favor early‐flowering females of T. communis. There is no evidence of direct current selection on the flowering phenology of M. perennis. Intersexual differences in phenology fit with sex allocation and sexual selection theories. As we hypothesized, phenology of the animal‐pollinated species is under stronger selection than that of the wind‐pollinated species and we discuss the potential role of pollen vectors in shaping the flowering phenologies of the study species.  相似文献   
Several genera of frogs from Madagascar, classified in the family Mantellidae, subfamily Mantellinae, possess structures commonly called 'femoral glands' on the ventral side of their shanks. The question arises as to the origin and phylogenetic significance of these glands. A molecular phylogeny based on 3601 nucleotide DNA sequences of three mitochondrial and two nuclear genes of 30 mantellid species provided strong support for monophyly of the included mantellines, all characterized by enlarged femoral gland clusters, as well as for those with gland clusters of coordinated central arrangement of secretion ducts. However, the phylogeny also strongly supported the hypothesis of convergent evolution of structurally similar glands in unrelated frogs ( Indirana , Petropedetes ), and several trends of convergent evolution of gland structure within mantellines. We studied the light microscopic structure of the femoral glands in a representative array of 18 mantellid species. Males of all species of the subfamily Mantellinae were characterized by clusters of distinct single glands. Each was structurally similar to an enlarged granular gland and secreted independently, probably through a single duct. By contrast, the largely semi-aquatic frogs in the genus Mantidactylus had a specialized cluster of glands, in which the secretion ducts led into a macroscopically recognizable central depression. In Boophis opisthodon , a mantellid species of the subfamily Boophinae without externally recognizable femoral glands, we observed a large number of enlarged granular glands of various sizes in the ventral skin of the shank. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that the large and more uniform organs of mantellines are derived granular glands.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 529–539.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Male stink bugs, Euschistus heros , only produce the three-component sex pheromone blend consisting of methyl-(2 E ,4 Z )-decadienoate, methyl-2,4,6-trimethyldodecanoate and methyl-2,4,6-trimethyltridecanoate in a constant ratio of 53 : 3 : 44, respectively, when provided with a food source (green beans, Phaseolus vulgaris ). When volatiles are collected from insects with drinking water, humidified air, or under dry conditions, the insects stop producing two components (methyl-2,4,6-trimethyldodecanoate and methyl-2,4,6-trimethyltridecanoate) after 1 day and increase the amount of defensive compounds produced [e.g. ( E )-2-hexenal, decane]. Methyl-2,4,6-trimethyltridecanoate is able to change the behaviour of females but not males. Dual-choice olfactometer bioassays with synthetic standards of all three components, as well as the ternary mixture in the correct ratio, induce a response from females but not males, indicating that all three components have a role in sexual communication. Thus, the dietary conditions under which volatile collections are carried out are crucial for determination of the precise sex pheromone blend.  相似文献   
Eddy‐covariance measurements of net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE) were carried out above a grazed Mediterranean C3/C4 grassland in southern Portugal, during two hydrological years, 2004–2005 and 2005–2006, of contrasting rainfall. Here, we examine the seasonal and interannual variation in NEE and its major components, gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco), in terms of the relevant biophysical controls. The first hydrological year was dry, with total precipitation 45% below the long‐term mean (669 mm) and the second was normal, with total precipitation only 12% above the long‐term mean. The drought conditions during the winter and early spring of the dry year limited grass production and the leaf area index (LAI) was very low. Hence, during the peak of the growth period, the maximum daily rate of NEE and the light‐use and water‐use efficiencies were approximately half of those observed in the normal year. In the summer of 2006, the warm‐season C4 grass, Cynodon dactylon L., exerted an evident positive effect on NEE by converting the ecosystem into a carbon sink after strong rain events and extending the carbon sequestration for several days, after the end of senescence of the C3 grasses. On an annual basis, the GPP and NEE were 524 and 49 g C m?2, respectively, for the dry year, and 1261 and ?190 g C m?2 for the normal year. Therefore, the grassland was a moderate net source of carbon to the atmosphere, in the dry year, and a considerable net carbon sink, in the normal year. In these 2 years of experiment the total amount of precipitation was the main factor determining the interannual variation in NEE. In terms of relevant controls, GPP and NEE were strongly related to incident photosynthetic photon flux density on short‐term time scales. Changes in LAI explained 84% and 77% of the variation found in GPP and NEE, respectively. Variations in Reco were mainly controlled by canopy photosynthesis. After each grazing event, the reduction in LAI affected negatively the NEE.  相似文献   
Seed dormancy in relation to seed storage behaviour in Acer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dormancy in seeds of Acer opalus is shown to be mainly caused by the seed coats, although a slight embryo dormancy exists in fresh seeds. The ability to germinate after drying indicates that seed storage behaviour is orthodox. Recalcitrant seeds were heavier than orthodox seeds not only within section Acer but also within the whole genus after statistical control of phylogeny, through a phylogenetic ANOVA with data from two different Acer phylogenies. An evolutionary change from orthodox to recalcitrant behaviour is postulated for genus Acer , but this change appears not to have been accompanied by a change in seed dormancy, at least in the taxonomic section in which Acer opalus belongs.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 145 , 203–208.  相似文献   
Within-species differentiation in phenotypic characters related to resource use (resource polymorphism) is frequently thought to result from divergent natural selection in a heterogeneous environment with 'open niches'. In this study we found consistent resource-based polymorphism within three different populations of Percichthys trucha , a lake-dwelling fish native to the southern Andes. In each of three lakes we found two morphotypes that could be clearly distinguished by differences in gill raker length. However, the magnitude of the polymorphism, and the suite of phenotypic characteristics associated with the polymorphism, differed between lakes. Patterns of divergence were more similar between the two northern lakes which ultimately drain into a common river, than between these two lakes and a more southern, unconnected lake. The southern population, which had the largest divergence in gill raker length (32% vs. 16% and 19%), also showed substantial differences in diet. Evidence from the southern population suggests that polymorphism in P. trucha is present early during ontogeny. We conclude that while there are some strong parallels among lakes in the development of a trophic polymorphism, differences in environmental ­conditions and/or colonization history have led to substantial differences in the evolutionary history, resulting in ­different ecological roles of common morphotypes within different lakes.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 497–515.  相似文献   
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