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Using the outcrossing Primula farinosa and its autogamous selfing relatives P. scotica , P. scandinavica and P. stricta , we compared the fitness of light and heavy seeds. Heavy seeds germinated in greater numbers and more quickly. In competition with seedlings grown from lighter seeds, heavy seeds produced larger rosettes. In P. farinosa such seedlings went on to produce more seeds, and in two populations heavier seeds, than plants from lighter seeds. After transplantation to natural populations, seedlings of P. farinosa derived from heavy seeds produced larger rosettes, more flowers and seeds than those from lighter seeds in certain populations so that seedlings born of heavy seeds were much fitter than seedlings from lighter seeds. Average seed weight varied in inverse proportion to seed number per capsule. The autogamous species produced on average about twice as many seeds per capsule as P. farinosa . In P. scotica and P. stricta this difference appears to be due in part to assured fertilization, but this high fecundity did not cause disadvantageously light seeds. As these species produced fewer capsules per scape, their overall seed production was on average no greater than for P. farinosa . P. farinosa traded-off fitness between capsules with large seed numbers, which donated more offspring to the next generation, and those with small seed numbers, whose heavy seeds would be more likely to reproduce themselves in the next generation. We conclude that low fecundity in outcrossing species might at times be advantageous.  相似文献   
We developed 13 microsatellite loci for the olive sea snake, Aipysurus laevis, using both enriched and unenriched genomic DNA libraries. Eleven codominant loci, that reliably amplified, were used to screen 32 individuals across the geographic range of A. laevis. Four loci had four or more alleles (maximum 12), whereas the other seven had either two or three. All but one locus was in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These loci will provide useful markers to investigate population genetic structure for the olive sea snake.  相似文献   
We isolated 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the western Atlantic tropical seagrass, Thalassia testudinum, using two different enrichment procedures. Polymorphism was screened among samples from Mexico and Panama. Allelic diversity varied between three and 17 alleles per locus, and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.271 to 0.859.  相似文献   
We characterized 20 microsatellite loci in the long‐tailed tit, Aegithalos caudatus. Polymorphic loci were identified by testing 114 loci that had been originally isolated in other avian species. The loci were characterized in 23–163 unrelated long‐tailed tits from a British population and displayed between two and 42 alleles, with observed heterozygosity ranging between 0.09 and 0.97.  相似文献   
The endemic South African velvet worm genus Peripatopsis currently contains eight recognized species described from variable morphological characters and the current taxonomy is unsatisfactory. In an attempt to investigate evolutionary relationships within Peripatopsis, we collected 137 individuals from 34 sample localities for six of the eight species. Sequence data derived from two partial mitochondrial (mt)DNA gene loci (COI and 12S rRNA), as well as partial sequence data from the ribosomal nuclear 18S rDNA locus in combination with gross morphological characters and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), was used to examine evolutionary relationships. Phylogenetic relationships were investigated using minimum evolution (ME) and Bayesian inferences (BI). Additionally, we also undertook a maximum likelihood (ML) analyses on the combined DNA sequence data set. The combined DNA evidence topologies derived from the ME, BI, and ML was highly congruent and was characterized by the presence of multiple lineages within recognized taxa. Peripatopsis clavigera, Peripatopsis moseleyi, and Peripatopsis sedgwicki each comprised two evolutionary lineages; Peripatopsis capensis comprised three; and Peripatopsis balfouri comprised six operational taxonomic units respectively. Genealogical exclusivity at both mtDNA and nuclear DNA among the geographically coherent groups coupled with pronounced sequence divergence suggested a two‐fold increase in the number of species within Peripatopsis. Previously used gross morphological characters (such as the number of leg pairs and colour) were either highly variable within operational taxonomic units, or were invariant, suggesting that alternative morphological characters are necessary for species discrimination. SEM results revealed potentially useful diagnostic characters that can discriminate between at least discriminate some of the newly‐identified lineages. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2009, 97 , 200–216.  相似文献   
The putative complexity of Combretaceae and lack of information on phylogenetic relationships within the family led us to explore relationships between genera of Combretaceae by means of combined analyses of plastid and nuclear sequences. We collected DNA sequence data from the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region and plastid rbcL, psaA‐ycf3 spacer and psbA‐trnH spacer for 14 of the 17 genera of Combretaceae. The current classification of the family into two subfamilies, Strephonematoideae and Combretoideae, is corroborated. Within Combretoideae, division into two tribes, Laguncularieae and Combreteae, is strongly supported. Within Combreteae subtribe Terminaliinae, relationships between genera are largely unresolved. Terminalia is not supported as monophyletic and two groups were identified, one containing mainly African species and another of mostly Asian species. Pteleopsis, Buchenavia and Anogeissus are embedded within Terminalia, and we suggest that all genera of Terminaliinae, with the exception of Conocarpus, should be included in an expanded circumscrition of Terminalia. Within subtribe Combretinae, a clade formed by the two monotypic genera Guiera and Calycopteris is sister to the rest of the subtribe. Groupings in Combretinae are consistent with recent results based on morphological data. Combretum is currently divided into three subgenera: Apethalanthum, Cacoucia and Combretum. The last two were included in this study and supported as monophyletic if Quisqualis is included within subgenus Cacoucia. Meiostemon is sister to subgenus Combretum. We recommend that subgenus Combretum should be expanded to include Meiostemon and subgenus Cacoucia to include Quisqualis. The sectional classification within Combretum proposed in earlier morphological studies is confirmed except for the exclusion of C. imberbe from section Hypocrateropsis in a separate and monotypic section and the inclusion of C. zeyheri (section Spathulipetala) in section Macrostigmatea. In order to accommodate C. imberbe, a new section is suggested. The reinstatement of previously recognized sections Grandiflora and Trichopetala, both of which had been sunk into subgenus Cacoucia section Poivrea, is proposed. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 162 , 453–476.  相似文献   
Abstract Invasive exotic plants are a significant threat to areas of conservation value, with endangered ecological communities being especially vulnerable. We assessed the role of different anthropogenic disturbances in determining the success of exotic plants in the endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland community of western Sydney and examined the impact of these disturbances on soil characteristics that are likely to impact on vegetation, including total P, pH, water retention capacity, organic matter content and electrical conductivity. The disturbance types were: (i) land use incorporating clearing, agriculture and grazing by stock; (ii) creeks draining a developed catchment; and (iii) roads. Remnants that had been cleared and grazed had higher exotic and lower native species richness and cover than all other disturbance types. Areas that had been grazed but not cleared did not have more exotic species richness or cover than uncleared/ungrazed areas, thus retaining high conservation value. Areas within 2 m of a creek edge had higher exotic species richness and cover than areas further from the creek edge. Areas downslope of sealed roads had significantly higher exotic species richness and cover than areas below unsealed roads. No single soil attribute or combination of soil attributes was consistently able to account for variation in exotic species cover under the different disturbance types. Thus it appears that other factors such as site history and propagule pressure may be more important in determining exotic species success than soil characteristics alone, in this vegetation community.  相似文献   
The genus Clathrina has one of the most difficult systematic arrangements in the Porifera, Class Calcarea. Few morphological characters can be used to describe its species, and the systematics and the geographical distribution of its species have changed several times, according to the point of view of the systematists. 'Lumpers' consider that clathrinas are morphologically plastic, while 'splitters' believe that even slight morphological differences should be considered sufficient to distinguish between species. The morphology of several specimens/species of Clathrina , including the type species, when possible, was studied and used to produce the first revision of this genus. Using results obtained from previous morphological and molecular studies, the morphological characters were chosen and analysed in all studied specimens. In total, 43 species were found, nine of which are new to science. These results agree with the viewpoint that morphological characters such as type and distribution of spicules, size of actines, spines, anastomosis of the cormus, organization of the osculum and presence of granules in cells, are useful when establishing the taxonomy of the genus.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139 , 1−62.  相似文献   
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