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Abstract Isoenzyme genetic differentiation of Aedes polynesiensis mosquitoes in Raiatea island, French Polynesia, was evaluated by two models of population structure based on seven gene-enzyme systems: Ak, Est, Got, Gpi, Hk, Mdh and Pgm. The ecological model tested whether genetic differentiation is congruent with habitat differences. The isolation model evaluated whether genetic differentiation is proportional to geographical distribution. The ecological model found no significant differentiation between populations of Ae.polynesiensis from beach and forest ecotopes, whereas the isolation model was consistent with the data. However, incipient speciation is opposed by the source-sink system of population dynamics in such small neighbouring islands, where Ae.polynensiensis extinction is readily followed by reinvasion causing considerable gene flow between island populations.  相似文献   
Patterns of intraspecific geographic variation in morphology and behaviour, when examined in a phylogenetic context, can provide insight into the microevolutionary processes driving population divergence and ultimately speciation. In the present study, we quantified behavioural and phenotypic variation among populations from genetically divergent regions in the Central American treefrog, Dendropsophus ebraccatus . Our fine-scale population comparisons demonstrated regional divergence in body size, colour pattern frequencies, and male advertisement call. None of the characters covaried with phylogenetic history or geographic proximity among sampled populations, indicating the importance of highly localized selection pressures and genetic drift in shaping character divergence among isolated regions. The study underscores how multiple phenotypic characters can evolve independently across relatively small spatial scales.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 298–313.  相似文献   
Cloeodes Traver is atypical among Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) because it seems to possess a unique Pantropical distribution. Thirty‐nine species have been described to date, 26 from the Neotropics, four from the Southern Nearctic, seven from the Afrotropics and two from the Oriental region. Several genera have been considered related to Cloeodes during the last decades, of which the following remain valid: Crassabwa Lugo‐Ortiz & McCafferty, Dabulamanzia Lugo‐Ortiz & McCafferty (both Afrotropical), Bungona Harker (Australasian) and Chopralla Waltz & McCafferty (Oriental). Despite their supposed relationship, a phylogenetic analysis between all of these genera has never been performed. In the present paper, based on an extensive analysis of all genera that have been considered related to Cloeodes, a phylogenetic analysis using morphological characters (continuous and discrete) was performed in order to address the monophyly of the genus Cloeodes within the Cloeodes complex of genera. According to our results, Cloeodes and the complex are paraphyletic. Based on this, Cloeodes is restricted to the New World, Potamocloeon is revalidated to include most representatives of Afrotropical Cloeodes and is divided into two subgenera: Potamocloeon (Africa) and the new Aquaediva (Madagascar). In addition, the concept of Bungona is expanded to include Australasian and Oriental taxa – namely the subgenera Chopralla and the revalidated Centroptella – and finally the new genus Crassolus is established to include C. inzingae comb.n. from Africa. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C416090E-C43D-481A-9A3D-F3B1EEE41176 .  相似文献   
Abstract:  Semlikiichthys is a fossil genus of perciform fish from the Neogene continental deposits of Africa. Until now, it was known in Mio-Pliocene sites of the Great Lake Region and of the River Nile by a single species, S. rhachirhinchus . Here, we describe new Semlikiichthys material recovered from Central Africa (Upper Miocene of Toros-Menalla, western Djurab, Chad), and compare it to S. rhachirhinchus , which is the only known species of the genus, and also with Lates niloticus , which is the fish in African Neogene deposits that most closely resembles it. We attribute the Chadian material to Semlikiichthys darsao sp. nov., based on ten osteological characters of the neurocranium, the maxilla, the dentary and the first vertebra. Our comparative anatomical study also enables us to provide a revised diagnosis for the genus and to reconsider the taxonomic attribution of the fossils assigned to it. Furthermore, the fossil record of Semlikiichthys supports a connection between sub-basins of the Nilo-Sudanese region during the Miocene, and a disruption between the Great Lake and the Nile Basin on the one hand and the Chadian Basin on the other before 7 Ma.  相似文献   
The Influence of Benzylaminopurine on the Absorption of Phosphate by Potato Tubers Aging of disks of potato tuber in an aerated liquid medium induces a large increase of the rate of phosphate absorption. Experiments were performed with benzylaminopurine added to the aging solution at various times after slicing, and the rate of absorption was determined 24 h after slicing. The opposite experiment was also performed, with benzylaminopurine added at the beginning and withdrawn after different times. The addition of benzylaminopurine to the aging medium partially prevents the development of the phosphate uptake. The uptake mechanism is a metabolic phenomenon as shown by its sensitivity to temperature. The degree of inhibition depends on the benzylaminopurine concentration as well as on the time of aging. The results suggest that the cytokinin acts on a process which occurs all along the aging and underline the importance of the presence of benzylaminopurine during the first hours of aging.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. During conjugation of the hypotrich ciliate Paraurostyla weissei , the two partners fuse to form a transient dedifferentiated stage, the zygocyst, which later redifferentiates into a vegetative cell. Immunocytochemical studies have been performed to follow the deployment of microtubules and basal bodies during the entire cycle of conjugation. They show that a superficial lattice persists during the whole zygocyst stage, after most of the infraciliature of the exconjugants has been disassembled. These superficial microtubules display different immunocytochemical properties in the mature zygocyst and during its morphogenesis, suggesting that some transient chemical modifications of the microtubules are associated with the morphogenetic activity. In the zygocyst, the superficial microtubules retain the specific orientation characteristic of the ventral and the dorsal sides of the recipient cell, respectively. In the course of subsequent morphogenesis of the zygocyst, these specific cellular territories differentiate into the ventral and dorsal sides of the new cell. Although our experiments do not resolve the question of whether superficial microtubules play an active or merely a passive role in the transmission of surface pattern, they show that no complete breakdown in cell polarity occurs, even through a profound dedifferentiated stage. Thus, the overall surface pattern appears to be retained, in a simplified form, through the conjugation cycle.  相似文献   
Abstract. Culex pipiens mosquitoes from Lignano city, Udine province, northeast Italy, were found to carry over-produced non-specific esterases Al, A2-B2 and A4-B4 or A5-B5, detected by starch gel electrophoresis, giving multiple resistance to organophosphorus insecticides. In order to differentiate between A4-B4 and A5-B5 esterases, the latter known only from Cyprus whereas the former is widespread in Italy and elsewhere, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed at the esterase B locus. Both B4 and B5 haplotypes were found. This is the first record of A5-B5 esterase-mediated resistance in continental Europe.  相似文献   
We developed eight polymorphic microsatellite loci to study the natural populations of Crocidura suaveolens, the lesser white‐toothed shrew. These loci are used in the study of insular populations of the French Atlantic coast where these shrews exhibit gigantism features that suggest an insular syndrome. These populations were threatened by the invasion of the rat Rattus norvegicus and the eradication of this alien pest in some islands was followed by a demographic expansion of the shrew populations. These first genetic results suggest that the shrew populations in the three studied islands are very differentiated.  相似文献   
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