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Using a model system of 3mM NaCl and purified water, predictions were made for subjects’ability to discriminate the odd sample in a set of nine triadic tasting sequences associated with the triangle test. With such individual triads rather than triangular testing protocols which involve more than one triad, it was found necessary to modify the regular Sequential Sensitivity Analysis. The modification required a consideration of sensory adaptation effects caused by repeated tasting of the same stimulus in some of the sequences. Further confirmation was also obtained for the order of magnitude of signal strengths of water and NaCl stimuli tasted after water or NaCl prerinses.  相似文献   
Centrosaurine ceratopsians are characterized by well developed nasal horncores or bosses, relatively abbreviated supraorbital horncores or bosses, and adorned parietosquamosal frills. Recent study of several paucispecific (low diversity) bonebed assemblages in Alberta and Montana has contributed greatly to our understanding of ontogenetic and taxonomic variation in the skulls of centrosaurines. Relative age determination of centrosaurines is now possible through examination of ontogenetic change in several characters, including the surface bone morphology of specific skeletal elements. The within-group taxonomy of centrosaurines is based almost entirely on characters of the skull roof, relating particularly to horns and frills. Juvenile and sub-adult centrosaurines are characterized by relatively simple, unadorned skulls compared to their adult counterparts. As in numerous living taxa, the cranial ornaments of centrosaurines developed late in ontogeny, as individuals approached or attained adult size. An important implication arising directly from this study is that juvenile and sub-adult centrosaurines are difficult to distinguish taxonomically at the specific level. Two monospecific genera represented only by immature materials, Brachyceratops montanensis and Monoclonius crassus , cannot be defended and should be considered nomina dubia . The late ontogenetic development and diverse taxonomic variation of horn and frill morphologies support the contention diat these structures are best interpreted as reproductive characters employed in mate competition.  相似文献   
Preliminary determinations of ancient pelagic sedimentation rates agree with modern rates at about 4 meters per million years. By combining data on the thickness of graptolite zones from the North American Cordillera with data from other parts of the world, we have refined the Early Silurian time scale and obtained much better resolution than is possible for radiometric dates. The new Early Silurian time scale allows estimation of true rates of change in graptolite diversity. The Llandoverian diversity explosion is twice as rapid as was previously thought. The brevity of diversity lows and rapidity of speciation support modern theories of quantum evolution.  相似文献   
Two field experiments were conducted in West Java, Indonesia to investigate the effects on insect populations in a potato crop of intercropping with Allium cepa or A. sativum. Intercropping reduced populations of Myzus persicae, Aphis gossypii and Empoasca spp. when less than 0.75 m separated the potato plants and Allium spp. Leaf damage to potato by Henosepilachna sparsa was also reduced at this spacing; but populations of Thrips palmi or T. parvispinus were increased. The implications of these trends are noted.  相似文献   

We compared prefeeding development times, from fertilized egg to prism larva, for Strongylocentrotus embryos from four clutches of eggs (each from a different species) differing in size. Development times did not vary consistently with egg diameter, and trends among eggs of different sizes varied with stage of development. In some cases, development times for eggs of intermediate diameter (S. franciscanus) were longer than those for larger or smaller eggs. Although mean egg diameters in clutches ranged from 84 μm (S. purpuratus) to 162 μm (S. pallidus), differences in development time to the last embryonic stage (prism) were very small. We conclude that the inverse relationship between parental investment in offspring and premetamorphic development time in echinoids depends only on the functional consequences of reduced size of feeding larval stages: effects of egg size on prefeeding development time are not evident.  相似文献   
Apioceridae (Insecta: Diptera): cladistic reappraisal and biogeography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty members of the fly families Apioceridae and Mydidae are compared in terms of 77 adult characters. Cladistic analysis of 91 synapomorphies provides a well corroborated reconstruction of lineage relationships, and reveals that the Apioceridae is paraphyletic with respect to the Mydidae. In order to render the Apioceridae monophyletic, the genus Rhaphiomidas and the subfamily Megascelinae of the Apioceridae are transferred to the Mydidae. The subfamily Rhaphiomidinae is reinstated to accommodate Rhaphiomidas , comprising the most plesiomorphic mydids. The relationships of the remaining subfamilies of Mydidae are discussed in the context of these findings. The genus Apiocera is divided into four subgenera, the type subgenus Apiocera Westwood in Australia, Pyrocera subgen. nov. in North America, and the subgenera Ripidosyrma Hermann and Anypenus Philippi are applied to the South African and South American species, respectively. A key to the four subgenera of Apiocera is provided. The biogeographic relationships of the subgenera and genera of the Apioceridae and the Megascelinae are discussed. Although considered an example of a transantarctic or Gondwanan group, we argue that the distribution of the Apioceridae predates the Mesozoic supercontinent Gondwanaland and extends onto sections of Pangaea, and should be termed 'Pangaean'. The cladistic relationships between the genera of Apioceridae and Megascelinae are consistent with the geological vicariance of the fragments of Pangaea on which they now occur.  相似文献   
The distribution of Drosophila subobscura adults within, and their movement through, open ground habitats has been investigated, along with the status of such individuals within populations as a whole. Movement occurs between open ground and woodland, to some extent as a result of passive transport by air currents, but flies can remain in open ground for at least several days at a time. There are no detectable differences in either the reproductive age-structure or the body-size distributions of flies collected from woodland and open ground habitats, although a significantly higher proportion of females are found in open ground than in woodland. The large number of gravid females in open ground provide the potential for breeding there, but circumstantial evidence suggests that this is unlikely to occur. Rather, their presence appears to reflect the foraging strategy adopted by females in response to their high nutritional requirements. The flux of flies through open ground between woodlands suggests that previous estimates of the genetically-important parameter, effective population size, have been seriously underestimated for natural D. subobscura populations.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Monoclonal antibodies that react with the circumsporozoite protein of the avian malaria Plasmodium gallinaceum sporozoites also reacted with circumsporozoite protein of the rodent malaria Plasmodium berghei. Two types of reactivity were identified: 1) two monoclonal antibodies reacted with P. berghei sporozoite protein by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Western blot and indirect immunofluorescence antibody, 2) six other monoclonal antibodies reacted with P. berghei sporozoites by ELISA and Western blot only. We studied whether these differences could be explained by reactivity in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with different P. berghei circumsporozoite peptides. Although all P. gallinaceum monoclonal antibodies reacted with the P. berghei repeats, the first group reacted with a conserved peptide sequence, N1, whereas the second group did not. These results suggest that circumsporozoite proteins from P. gallinaceum and P. berghei share common epitopes. the biological significance of our finding is not yet clear. Indeed, the cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies giving a positive indirect immunofluorescence antibody with the P. berghei sporozoites only caused a borderline effect on the living P. berghei parasites in vitro as measured by inhibition of sporozoite infectivity.  相似文献   
1. General accounts of the natural history and behaviour of fiddler crabs suggest there exist two broad mating patterns in the genus. Most western and Indo-Pacific species mate on the surface of intertidal substrates near burrows females defend. The sexes associate only briefly during courtship and mating. In contrast, males of many American species court from and defend burrows to which females come for mating. Copulation occurs underground in burrows plugged at the surface; the sexes usually remain together for at least several hours. Here we summarize and contrast recent detailed field studies of the mating systems of U. pugilator, an American species, and U. vocans, a species widely distributed in the western and Indo-Pacific. We indicate how differences in the breeding ecology of these two species may account for basic differences in modes of sexual selection leading to the two broad mating patterns in the genus. 2. U. pugilator burrows in protected sandy substrates in the upper intertidal and supratidal zone. During ebb tide, nonbreeding crabs leave burrows they occupy during high tide to forage on food-rich substrates in the lower intertidal zone. Reproductively active males remain in the burrow zone where they fight for and defend burrows from which they court. Large males win most fights for burrows and tend to defend burrows high on the elevation gradient, especially during periods with relatively high tides. Females usually approach and descend the burrows of several males before choosing their mates by remaining in males' burrows. Males remain underground with their mates for 1–3 days until after they oviposit their eggs. Some males then emerge and leave their burrows while others sequester their mates in the chambers where mating and oviposition has occurred, dig new chambers and resume courtship, perhaps attracting additional females. In either case, females remain underground for approximately 2 weeks, finally emerging to release their planktonic larvae. Burrows that do not collapse due to tidal inundation or flooding by groundwater are best for breeding and usually are located relatively high on the elevation gradient. Females choose mates indirectly by preferring to breed in burrows that will remain intact while they oviposit and incubate their eggs. Large males mate more often than small males because they are better able to defend burrows at locations females prefer to breed. The mating system of U. pugilator may be classified as resource-defence polygyny. 3. U. vocans burrows in open muddy substrates in the mid- to lower intertidal zone. At a site near Chunda Bay, Australia, where the reproductive behaviour of this species has been studied in depth, both sexes feed near burrows they defend. Females tend to occupy their burrows for longer periods and move shorter distances than do males. Mating occurs on the surface near the burrows that females defend. Females accept both resident and wandering males as mates. They show no preference for mating with larger males. Female choice may be based on other male morphological or behavioural characteristics. Females oviposit their eggs either while on the surface or in their burrows. They produce relatively small clutches and are active on the surface throughout their breeding periods. Males fight both their neighbours and wandering males. Large males tend to win fights and defend burrows in areas where large females, which produce relatively many eggs, are most dense. Such areas may offer greater protection from predators than areas occupied by smaller females. Small males mate about as often as large males but may father fewer larvae. The mating system of U. vocans is resource-free and promiscuous. 4. The mating systems of U. pugilator and U. vocans differ fundamentally in that female U. pugilator require access to a specific microenvironment to breed successfully, while female U. vocans do not. We suggest this difference occurs because of contrasts in clutch sizes and the mobility and movement patterns of feeding females. Female U. pugilator produce relatively large clutches and probably experience more intense selection from factors that can cause egg loss and mortality than do U. oocans, which produce clutches of sufficiently small volume to be protected by their abdominal flaps. Hence, the range of suitable breeding environments for U. pugilator is small compared to that for U. vocans. In addition, U. pugilator burrows in areas that are relatively food-poor, leading to daily migrations to and from food-rich substrates in the lower intertidal zone, preventing female defence of an area suitable for both breeding and feeding. U. vocans, however, burrows in areas sufficiently rich to support feeding, leading to relatively low female mobility and defence of burrows that are also suitable breeding sites. 5. Adaptive radiation of the genus Uca in the Americas is manifest by trends toward smaller adult size, higher population densities, more frequent microgeographic sympatry and increased terrestriality, compared to species in the western and Indo-Pacific regions. We outline the general features of the selection mechanisms tying each of these trends to the evolution of resource—defence mating systems. Intraspecific variation in the courtship behaviour and site of mating in U. lactea and U. vocans supports our contention that resourse—defence behaviour tends to occur at high population densities. Additional data are needed to evaluate the other hypotheses critically.  相似文献   
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