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The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method provides a numerical technique for solving acoustic forward problems. The FDTD is particularly useful in geometries that encompass heterogeneities. Plane-wave modeling permits the simulation of many practical bioacoustic problems because the phase front in the focal zone of many acoustic transducers is nearly planar. The formulation presented in this paper provides a technique for solving half-space problems under local plane-wave illumination.  相似文献   
The carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of C3 ecosystems is sensitive to water availability, and provides important information for the assessment of terrestrial carbon (C) sink/source activity. Here, we report the effects of plant available soil water (PAW) on community 13C signatures of temperate humid grassland. The 5‐year study was conducted on pastures exhibiting a large range of PAW capacity that were located on two site types: peat and mineral soils. The data set included the centennial drought year 2003, and data from wet years (2000 and 2002). Seasonal variation of PAW was modeled using PAW capacity of each pasture, precipitation inputs and evapotranspiration estimates. Community 13C signatures were derived from the δ13C of vegetation and segments of tail switch hair of cattle grown while grazing pastures. Hair 13C signatures provided an assimilation‐weighted 13C signal that integrated both spatial (paddock‐scale) and temporal (grazing season) variation of 13C signatures on a pasture. The δ13C of hair and vegetation increased with decreasing modeled PAW in the same way on mineral and peat soils. But, at a given PAW, the δ13C of hair was 2.6‰ less negative than that of vegetation, reflecting the diet‐hair isotopic shift. Furthermore, the δ13C of hair and vegetation on peat soil pastures was 0.5‰ more negative than on pastures situated on mineral soil. This may have resulted from a ~10 ppm CO2 enrichment of canopy air derived from ongoing peat mineralization. Community‐scale season‐mean 13C discrimination (Δ) exhibited a saturation‐type response towards season‐mean modeled PAW (r2=0.78), and ranged between 19.8‰ on soils with low PAW capacity during the drought year of 2003, and 21.4‰ on soils with high PAW capacity in a wet year. This indicated relatively small variation in season‐mean assimilation‐weighted pi/pa (0.68–0.75) between contrasting sites and years. However, this range is similar to that reported in other studies, which encompass the range from subtropical arid to humid temperate grassland. Furthermore, the tight relationship between season‐mean Δ and modeled mean PAW suggests that PAW may be used as proxy for Δ.  相似文献   
1. Sediment plays a key role in internal nutrient cycling and eutrophication in lakes. However, studies focusing on the efficiency of the biomanipulation techniques for improving the control of primary producers have rarely examined the effects of changes in food‐web structure on the sediment biochemical composition and biodegradability. 2. In a 1‐year experiment conducted in large replicated mesocosms, we tested how the absence or presence of a zooplanktivorous fish (roach, Rutilus rutilus) affected the elemental composition and the potential biodegradability of recently deposited sediment in a eutrophic system. The potential biodegradability of these sediments was assessed in laboratory microcosms by measuring the production of CO2 during 44‐day incubations. 3. The potential biodegradability of recently deposited sediment from the fish treatment was 60% higher than that from the fishless treatment. This higher biodegradability was corroborated by a higher annual loss of sediment in fish enclosures (36%) than in fishless ones (16%). Annual losses of carbon, nitrogen and organic phosphorous were higher for sediment from fish enclosures. 4. Carbon and nitrogen contents of sediment were higher for the fish treatment. In contrast, the sediment C/N ratio, one of the proxies used to estimate sediment biodegradability, did not differ between treatments. No relationship was observed between elemental composition of sediment and its potential biodegradability. This latter appeared to be more probably dependent on the biochemical composition of the sediment and especially on the content of labile compounds such as proteins, sugars and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The use of sterols as biomarkers revealed an important degradation by microorganisms of 1‐year‐old sediment from both fish and fishless treatments. 5. Our results revealed that fish biomanipulations might favour clear water states not only through a stronger top–down control on phytoplankton but also through a lower biodegradability of sediment reducing internal nutrient cycling.  相似文献   
The influence of ferricyanide on transmembrane electron transfer,proton secretion, membrane potential, and cytoplasmic pH ofLimnobium stoloniferum (G.F. Mey) Griseb. root cells was investigatedat different external pH HCF III reduction by the roots was accompanied by membrane depolarization,an increase in proton secretion and by alkalinization of thecytoplasm. Change of membrane potential and cytoplasmic pH aswell as transmembrane e transfer was more pronouncedat acid external pH. The rate of proton flux was linearly dependenton the rate of electron transfer. The slope of the relationshipwas around 1, independent of external pH The data are in agreement with the hypothesis that electrontransfer at the plasma membrane is directly coupled to protonsecretion. It is suggested that both e and redox-coupledH+ transport are activated by acid external pH Key words: Plasmalemma redox system, electron transfer, proton transport, pH, membrane potential, Limnobium stoloniferum  相似文献   
It is now widely recognized that sexual selection has been important in the rapid and divergent evolution of male genital morphology. However, distinguishing among putative mechanisms of sexual selection acting on male genital morphology represents a considerable challenge. Although there is growing evidence that variation in the size and/or shape of male genital structures can determine a male's success in gaining fertilizations, our knowledge of the functional morphology of male genitalia remains limited. Here we examine the functional morphology of genital sclerites that are known to influence paternity in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus . We show that three of the sclerites form a functionally integrated unit that generates the tubular-shaped spermatophore and delivers its opening to the female's spermathecal duct. A fourth sclerite acts as a holdfast device during copulation. Our observations shed light on the mechanism by which these sclerites influence a male's paternity, and their patterns of phenotypic and genetic (co)variation.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 257–266.  相似文献   
1. Artificial bryophytes were placed in a shaded and an unshaded New Zealand alpine stream to investigate why invertebrates colonized these structures and, by inference, real plants. Three experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of (i) periphyton and detritus (ii) shelter, and (iii) time, on invertebrate colonization. 2. In the first experiment, seven taxa at the unshaded site displayed a preference for substrata with high detrital and periphyton biomass, presumably reflecting a food relationship. At the shaded, less stable site, only two taxa displayed such a relationship. 3. Reducing substratum ‘stem’ density (i.e. ‘shelter’) in the second experiment had little effect on the biomass of periphyton at each site, and only at the shaded site was detrital biomass reduced on low-density substrata. Abundances of most of the twenty-two invertebrate taxa analysed were unaffected by stem density reduction: densities of only four taxa at the unshaded site, and two at the shaded site were reduced. 4. Stepwise multiple regression showed that invertebrate abundance was little affected by stem density at either site. Indeed, shelter was the primary factor influencing abundance of only two of twenty-two taxa at the unshaded site, and none at the shaded site. Abundances of most taxa were related to periphyton or detrital biomass at each site. 5. The third experiment investigated temporal relationships between invertebrate density, periphyton and detrital biomass, and exposure time of artificial bryophytes. Regression analyses indicated that of twenty-two taxa at the stable, unshaded site, eight were influenced by periphyton biomass, three by detrital biomass, and two by exposure time. At the unstable shaded site, abundances of only eight of twenty-two taxa were significantly related to the measured variables, of which exposure time was most important (four taxa).  相似文献   
Molecular Characterization of a Cytoplasmic Dynein from Dictyostelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytoplasmic dynein is a high molecular weight, microtubule-based mechanochemical ATPase that is believed to provide motive force for a number of intracellular motilities, including transport of membrane-bound organelles. Cytoplasmic dynein also localizes to the mitotic spindles of some organisms and to the kinetochore regions of some condensed chromosomes, where it may play an active role in spindle assembly, spindle position, and/or chromosome movement during cell division. Despite active research efforts from a number of laboratories, little detail is yet available about dynein-based cellular activities. This paper describes our efforts to characterize cytoplasmic dynein from Dictyostelium and to use this protist as a molecular genetic factory to probe structure-function relationships of this molecule.  相似文献   
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