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The presence of organisms whose bodies have low preservation potential may be deduced by searching for the traces produced by them. The addition of predatory gastropods and soft-bodied epizoans to Quaternary marine faunas dominated by bivalves was facilitated by an examination of borings in bivalve shells. Borings attributed to predatory gastropods (ichnogenus Oichnus ) were observed in shells of Astarte spp., Hiatella arctica and Macoma calcarea. Astarte, Hiatella and Macoma were preyed upon in preference to other members of a diverse suspension-feeding bivalve community. Borings attributed to epizoans (ichnogenus Cautostrepsis ) were observed in bivalve shells (Astarte spp. Hiatella arctica ), calcareous algae and limestone clasts. Biotic interactions revealed by trace fossils are employed, for the first time, to reconstruct the trophic structure of arctic Quaternary marine benthic faunas. ▭ Arctic molluscs, palaeoecology, Oichnus, Caulostrepsis.  相似文献   
Are Roots a Source of Abscisic Acid for the Shoots of Flooded Pea Plants?   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Flooding the soil for 2–5 d decreased stomatal conductancesof pea plants (Pisum sativum L., cv. Sprite) with six or sevenleaves. This coincided with slower transpiration, increasedleaf water potentials and increased concentrations of abscisicacid (ABA) in the leaves. No increase in ABA was found in theterminal 20 mm of roots of flooded plants over the same timeperiod. Small stomatal conductances associated with increases in foliarABA were also found in plants grown in nutrient solution whenaeration was halted, causing the equilibrium partial pressuresof dissolved oxygen to fall below 05 It Pa. No increase in ABAconcentration in young secondary roots of the non-aerated plantswas detected after 24, 48 or 72 h, even when the shoot, thepresumed site of deposition for any ABA from the roots, wasremoved 5–6 h before analysis. Similarly, ABA concentrations in roots were not increased whenthe nutrient solution was de-oxygenated by continuous purgingwith nitrogen gas. The abscisic acid concentration in leaf epidermis,the tissue most likely to be the recipient of any ABA movingin the transpiration stream from oxygen-deficient roots, waslower than in the remaining parts of the leaf when examinedin the mutant Argenteum which possesses easily removable epidermallayers. It is concluded that the leaves of plants subjectedto flooding of the soil or oxygen shortage in the root environmentare not enriched substantially with ABA from the roots. A moreprobable source of this growth regulator is the leaf itself. Key words: Pisum sativum, flooding, roots, hormones, aeration stress, abscisic acid, Argenteum mutant  相似文献   
DICK, M. VV., 1986. A new family and a new genus for two taxa previously assigned to Apodachlyella completa (J. E. Humphrey) H. Indoh (Peronosporomycetidae: Leptomitales) . At present two distinct taxa are referrable to Apodachlyella completa. New genus and species names (I'lerogone helodes M. W. Dick genus & sp. nov.) are necessary for the taxon reported from the British Isles. Confirmation of the unique wall membranes in the antheridia and oogonia is used to justify the placement of A. completa in a new, monotypic family of the Leptomitales (Apodachlyellaceae M. W. Dick fam. nova). Plerogone is placed provisionally in the Leptomitaceae.  相似文献   
Seven monoclonal antibodies specific for mammalian β-tubulin demonstrate the microtubule cytoskeleton of Toxoplasma gondii and Leishmania donovani by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Immunoblots of T. gondii and L. donovani proteins separated by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirm the specificity of the monoclonal antibodies for tubulin. Differential staining of flagellar and subpellicular microtubule populations was not seen in L. donovani with these antibodies. All seven antibodies also detected the subpellicular microtubules of T. gondii, but the polar ring and conoid of this organism was not visualized by any of them. This technique provides a rapid and specific way to assess microtubular organization in whole organisms.  相似文献   
Flooding the soil for 5–7 d caused partial desiccationin leaves of pea plants (Pisum sativum. L. cv. ‘Sprite’).The injury was associated with anaerobiosis in the soil, a largeincrease in the permeability of leaf tissue to electrolytesand other substances, a low leaf water content and an increasedwater saturation deficit (WSD). Desiccating leaves also lackedthe capacity to rehydrate in humid atmospheres, a disabilityexpressed as a water resaturation deficit (WRSD). This irreversibleinjury was preceded during the first 4–5 d of floodingby closure of stomata within 24 h, decreased transpiration,an unusually large leaf water content and small WSD. Leaf waterpotentials were higher than those in well-drained controls.Also, there was no appreciable WRSD. Leaflets detached fromflooded plants during this early phase retained their watermore effectively than those from controls when left exposedto the atmosphere for 5 min. Stomatal closure and the associated increase in leaf hydrationcould be simulated by excising leaves and incubating them withtheir petioles in open vials of water. Thus, such changes inflooded plants possibly represented a response to a deficiencyin the supply of substances that would usually be transportedfrom roots to leaves in healthy plants (negative message). Ionleakage and the associated loss of leaf hydration that occurswhen flooding is extended for more than 5 d could not be simulatedby isolating the leaves from the roots. Appearance of this symptomdepended on leaves remaining attached to flooded root systems,implying that the damage is caused by injurious substances passingupwards (positive message). Both ethylene and ethanol have beeneliminated as likely causes, but flooding increased phosphorusin the leaves to concentrations that may be toxic. Key words: Pisum sativum, Flooding, Foliar desiccation, Stomata, Ethylene  相似文献   
Nucleoside diphosphate kinase was a predominantly soluble enzymein lily pollen (Lilium longiflorum, var. Ace), and very littleenzyme activity was associated with the mitochondrial fraction.GTP was the preferred substrate when ADP was the second substrate.The enzyme was purified 18-fold to a specific activity of 7µmoles/min/mg protein. 1This study was supported by grant GB-8764 from the U.S. NationalScience Foundation. (Received October 5, 1970; )  相似文献   
CYTOCHROME b5 is a haem-containing protein in the microsomes of liver tissue. It interacts specifically with a flavo-protein, cytochrome b5 reductase, which catalyses the transfer of electrons from NADH to the haem iron of the cytochrome1. The microsomal cytochrome b5 system has been implicated in fatty acid desaturation reactions2 and a similar system in erythrocytes may catalyse the reduction of methaemoglobin3. Calf liver cytochrome b5, solubilized by pancreatic lipase, has a molecular weight of 11,000 and consists of ninety-three amino-acids in the sequence shown in Fig. 1 (refs. 4 and 5). The haem group is non-covalently bound to the protein and can be removed reversibly by acid acetone treatment6.  相似文献   
Synthesis of Substance P   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SUBSTANCE P has been synthesized by the solid-phase procedure of Merrifield1,2 according to the sequence H-Arg-Pro-LysPro-Gln-Gln-Phe-Phe-Gly-Leu-Met-NH2 reported in the previous letter.  相似文献   
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