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Abstract: After roughly a 60-year absence, wolves (Canis lupus) immigrated (1979) and were reintroduced (1995-1996) into the northern Rocky Mountains (NRM), USA, where wolves are protected under the Endangered Species Act. The wolf recovery goal is to restore an equitably distributed metapopulation of ≥30 breeding pairs and 300 wolves in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, while minimizing damage to livestock; ultimately, the objective is to establish state-managed conservation programs for wolf populations in NRM. Previously, wolves were eradicated from the NRM because of excessive human killing. We used Andersen–Gill hazard models to assess biological, habitat, and anthropogenic factors contributing to current wolf mortality risk and whether federal protection was adequate to provide acceptably low hazards. We radiocollared 711 wolves in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming (e.g., NRM region of the United States) from 1982 to 2004 and recorded 363 mortalities. Overall, annual survival rate of wolves in the recovery areas was 0.750 (95% CI = 0.728-0.772), which is generally considered adequate for wolf population sustainability and thereby allowed the NRM wolf population to increase. Contrary to our prediction, wolf mortality risk was higher in the northwest Montana (NWMT) recovery area, likely due to less abundant public land being secure wolf habitat compared to other recovery areas. In contrast, lower hazards in the Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) and central Idaho (CID) likely were due to larger core areas that offered stronger wolf protection. We also found that wolves collared for damage management purposes (targeted sample) had substantially lower survival than those collared for monitoring purposes (representative sample) because most mortality was due to human factors (e.g., illegal take, control). This difference in survival underscores the importance of human-caused mortality in this recovering NRM population. Other factors contributing to increased mortality risk were pup and yearling age class, or dispersing status, which was related to younger age cohorts. When we included habitat variables in our analysis, we found that wolves having abundant agricultural and private land as well as livestock in their territory had higher mortality risk. Wolf survival was higher in areas with increased wolf density, implying that secure core habitat, particularly in GYA and CID, is important for wolf protection. We failed to detect changes in wolf hazards according to either gender or season. Maintaining wolves in NWMT will require greater attention to human harvest, conflict resolution, and illegal mortality than in either CID or GYA; however, if human access increases in the future in either of the latter 2 areas hazards to wolves also may increase. Indeed, because overall suitable habitat is more fragmented and the NRM has higher human access than many places where wolves roam freely and are subject to harvest (e.g., Canada and AK), monitoring of wolf vital rates, along with concomitant conservation and management strategies directed at wolves, their habitat, and humans, will be important for ensuring long-term viability of wolves in the region.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT North temperate species on the southern edge of their distribution are especially at risk to climate-induced changes. One such species is the moose (Alces alces), whose continental United States distribution is restricted to northern states or northern portions of the Rocky Mountain cordillera. We used a series of matrix models to evaluate the demographic implications of estimated survival and reproduction schedules for a moose population in northeastern Minnesota, USA, between 2002 and 2008. We used data from a telemetry study to calculate adult survival rates and estimated calf survival and fertility of adult females by using results of helicopter surveys. Estimated age- and year-specific survival rates showed a sinusoidal temporal pattern during our study and were lower for younger and old-aged animals. Estimates of annual adult survival (when assumed to be constant for ages >1.7 yr old) ranged from 0.74 to 0.85. Annual calf survival averaged 0.40, and the annual ratio of calves born to radiocollared females averaged 0.78. Point estimates for the finite rate of increase (λ) from yearly matrices ranged from 0.67 to 0.98 during our 6-year study, indicative of a long-term declining population. Assuming each matrix to be equally likely to occur in the future, we estimated a long-term stochastic growth rate of 0.85. Even if heat stress is not responsible for current levels of survival, continuation of this growth rate will ultimately result in a northward shift of the southern edge of moose distribution. Population growth rate, and its uncertainty, was most sensitive to changes in estimated adult survival rates. The relative importance of adult survival to population viability has important implications for harvest of large herbivores and the collection of information on wildlife fertility.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We conducted experimental feeding using 3 feeding methods (pile, spread, trough) and 2 quantities (rationed, ad libitum) of shelled corn to compare deer activity and behavior with control sites and evaluate potential direct and indirect transmission of infectious disease in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in central Wisconsin, USA. Deer use was higher at 2 of the feeding sites than at natural feeding areas (P ≤ 0.02). Deer spent a higher proportion of time (P < 0.01) feeding at pile (49%) and spread (61%) treatments than at natural feeding areas (36%). We found higher deer use for rationed than ad libitum feeding quantities and feeding intensity was greatest at rationed piles and lowest at ad libitum spreads. We also observed closer pairwise distances (≤0.3 m) among deer when corn was provided in a trough relative to spread (P=0.03). Supplemental feeding poses risks for both direct and indirect disease transmission due to higher deer concentration and more intensive use relative to control areas. Concentrated feeding and contact among deer at feeding sites can also increase risk for disease transmission. Our results indicated that restrictions on feeding quantity would not mitigate the potential for disease transmission. None of the feeding strategies we evaluated substantially reduced the potential risk for disease transmission and banning supplemental feeding to reduce transmission is warranted.  相似文献   
A model was constructed to describe the translocation and partitioningof nitrogen on the seventh day after anthesis for well-wateredand droughted plants of two wheat varieties (Triticum aestivumL. cv. Warigal and Condor). The glasshouse-grown plants weredetillered so that a simplified model could be derived for themain stem. A 9-d drought treatment was imposed just after anthesisand this coincided with the period of endosperm cell divisionin the grains. Warigal, which had a higher grain yield thanCondor under drought, absorbed up to 15-times more nitrogenand translocated 1.5-fold more nitrogen to the shoot via thexylem. In both varieties, nitrogen redistributed from vegetativeorgans accounted for more than 60 per cent in control and 70per cent in droughted plants of the nitrogen needed for eargrowth. The net loss of nitrogen increased by 4-3 per cent inthe leaves, but decreased by 60 per cent in the stem under drought.Stem and roots appeared to play an important role in the nitrogeneconomy of droughted plants: less nitrogen was translocateddirectly to the grains from the senescing leaves and 40–60per cent more nitrogen was translocated to the roots. Nearlyall the nitrogen reaching the roots in the phloem was reloadedinto the xylem stream and translocated back to the shoot. Thetransfer of nitrogen through the stem was reduced under droughtand this resulted in a constant C:N ratio of the grains whichmay be important in the regulation of endosperm cell division. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, drought, nitrogen, senescence, translocation  相似文献   
Male fiddler crabs (Genus Uca) employ both visual and acousticalsignals to attract females for mating. In U. pugilator and severalother American species, the males attract females during theday first by waving, then by producing sounds just within theirburrows. At night, the males produce sounds at low rates, butwhen touched by a female, they increase their rate of soundproduction. In the European species, U. tangeri, many elements of courtshipare similar to those in U. pugilator, but two types of soundsare produced. One of these, the short drumwhirl, appears tosubstitute for waving when the male is temporarily obscuredfrom the female during his diurnal courtship activities. Thelong drumwhirl is used under different circumstances. The acoustical responses of a male to a female influence thecourtship behavior of other males in the area. When sounds fromstimulated males are played back to test males during the day,their lates of waving increase. At night, the playbacks elicitincreases in rates of sound production. The influence of tidal oscillations, temperature, and lightcycles on the behavior of males is discussed. Courtship activities of aquatic crabs are compared to thoseof terrestrial Brachyura. In aquatic forms, courtship may beabsent or, if present, does not involve elaborate signallingby the male. Chemical or visual cues at close range are themost important stimuli. In several genera of terrestrial crabs,visual signalling for prolonged periods is common, and soundsare often emitted by males to "call" females from their burrowsto the surface for mating. Some of the factors that may accountfor differences in courtship activities in aquatic and terrestrialspecies are discussed.  相似文献   
Synthesis of Substance P   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SUBSTANCE P has been synthesized by the solid-phase procedure of Merrifield1,2 according to the sequence H-Arg-Pro-LysPro-Gln-Gln-Phe-Phe-Gly-Leu-Met-NH2 reported in the previous letter.  相似文献   
Translocation, distribution, metabolism and photolysis of hexachlorophene (HCP) were investigated in peanut plants (Arachis hypogea L., Spanish type) grown under standardized conditions and treated with l4C-ring-labeled HCP. Treatment time ranged from 0–114 days. Autoradiographic analyses were performed on all plants. Selected plant tissues were extracted and chromatographed, using both thin layer and gas liquid chromatography. No translocation of HCP was detected in the plant tissue. No HCP metabolites were found. Some HCP was lost from the leaves and inert controls at a specific rate per unit time. The rates were slightly different, being slower on the leaves than on the controls. At the end of the 114-day treatment and based on regression analysis of thin layer chromatographic plates, an average of 68% of the applied HCP remained unaltered on the treated plants and an average of 77% remained on the controls. This indicated that, respectively, 32 and 23% of the original HCP had been altered. This 9% difference was statistically significant. Upon further analyses of the above data, using gas chromatographic methods, as many as 14 peaks were found in the treated samples and the controls, including some parent material. Ultraviolet photolysis seems to be the mechanism responsible for alteration of the HCP on the treated plants and controls. Two photolysis products have been identified by gas liquid chromatography-mass spectral analysis. Twelve other electrophylic compounds have been found in various treated plant or control extracts. Further analyses will be necessary to verify the identification and quantification of the other degradation products.  相似文献   
Forests provide climate change mitigation benefit by sequestering carbon during growth. This benefit can be reversed by both human and natural disturbances. While some disturbances such as hurricanes are beyond the control of humans, extensive research in dry, temperate forests indicates that wildfire severity can be altered as a function of forest fuels and stand structural manipulations. The purpose of this study was to determine if current aboveground forest carbon stocks in fire‐excluded southwestern ponderosa pine forest are higher than prefire exclusion carbon stocks reconstructed from 1876, quantify the carbon costs of thinning treatments to reduce high‐severity wildfire risk, and compare posttreatment (thinning and burning) carbon stocks with reconstructed 1876 carbon stocks. Our findings indicate that prefire exclusion forest carbon stocks ranged from 27.9 to 36.6 Mg C ha?1 and that the current fire‐excluded forest structure contained on average 2.3 times as much live tree carbon. Posttreatment carbon stocks ranged from 37.9 to 50.6 Mg C ha?1 as a function of thinning intensity. Previous work found that these thinning and burning treatments substantially increased the 6.1 m wind speed necessary for fire to move from the forest floor to the canopy (torching index) and the wind speed necessary for sustained crown fire (crowning index), thereby reducing potential fire severity. Given the projected drying and increase in fire prevalence in this region as a function of changing climatic conditions, the higher carbon stock in the fire‐excluded forest is unlikely to be sustainable. Treatments to reduce high‐severity wildfire risk require trade‐offs between carbon stock size and carbon stock stability.  相似文献   
Fire is a common disturbance in the North American boreal forest that influences ecosystem structure and function. The temporal and spatial dynamics of fire are likely to be altered as climate continues to change. In this study, we ask the question: how will area burned in boreal North America by wildfire respond to future changes in climate? To evaluate this question, we developed temporally and spatially explicit relationships between air temperature and fuel moisture codes derived from the Canadian Fire Weather Index System to estimate annual area burned at 2.5° (latitude × longitude) resolution using a Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) approach across Alaska and Canada. Burned area was substantially more predictable in the western portion of boreal North America than in eastern Canada. Burned area was also not very predictable in areas of substantial topographic relief and in areas along the transition between boreal forest and tundra. At the scale of Alaska and western Canada, the empirical fire models explain on the order of 82% of the variation in annual area burned for the period 1960–2002. July temperature was the most frequently occurring predictor across all models, but the fuel moisture codes for the months June through August (as a group) entered the models as the most important predictors of annual area burned. To predict changes in the temporal and spatial dynamics of fire under future climate, the empirical fire models used output from the Canadian Climate Center CGCM2 global climate model to predict annual area burned through the year 2100 across Alaska and western Canada. Relative to 1991–2000, the results suggest that average area burned per decade will double by 2041–2050 and will increase on the order of 3.5–5.5 times by the last decade of the 21st century. To improve the ability to better predict wildfire across Alaska and Canada, future research should focus on incorporating additional effects of long‐term and successional vegetation changes on area burned to account more fully for interactions among fire, climate, and vegetation dynamics.  相似文献   
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