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Abstract: An epithelial cell line, Carvan dolphin kidney (CDK), isolated from a prematurely born female bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus , exhibited growth characteristics not previously reported for cetacean cells in culture. CDK cells were cytokeratin positive and demonstrated a maximum doubling time of 1.31 days, with plating and colony forming efficiencies approaching 100% for the early population doublings. Despite an unusually efficient colony-forming ability and rapid growth, these cells were neither transformed nor immortal, displaying normal contact inhibition, anchorage dependence, and the requirement for high concentrations of fetal bovine serum in the growth medium. CDK cells exhibited age-dependent changes in growth rate, colony-forming efficiency, and cytoplasmic profile, and showed a finite lifespan of about 50 population doublings and a stable 2N = 44 karyotype which correlates with previously reported cytogenetic analyses. Velocity sedimentation analysis showed that CDK cells contained nuclear aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ah), indicating their potential to be induced for cytochrome P450. These data suggest that CDK cells may have utility as an in vitro toxicological model for evaluating hydrocarbon contaminant effects on Tursiops truncatus , a protected marine mammal.  相似文献   
The adult shell (teleoconch) of the enigmatic tubular Givetian fossil Trypanopora is comprised of two principal layers: an outer fibrous prismatic layer and an inner micro-lamellar (irregular cross-bladed) layer, with local, closely-spaced disruptive punctation. The fine preservation suggests an original calcite composition. The shell microstructure shows great similarities with that of both vermiform 'gastropods' and tentaculitoids, suggesting a close affinity between Trypanopora and these groups. The septa have an irregular micro-lamellar (cross-bladed) microstructure in continuity with the inner wall, and a morphology unlike that of any known mollusc. The class Tentaculitoidea is emended to include two new orders: Microconchida for the vermiform 'gastropods' and Trypanoporida for Trypanopora and allied genera. □ T rypanopora , microstructure, protoconch, teleoconch, fibrous prismatic layer, micro-lamellar layer, tubulation, septation, vermiform 'gastropods', Tentaculitoidea, Microconchida, Trypanoporida.  相似文献   
Gibson, Michael A. & Broadhead, Thomas W. 1989 07 15: Species-specific growth responses of favositid corals to soft-bottom substrates. Lethaia , Vol. 22, pp. 287–299. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Species of favositid corals from the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian of Tennessee, USA, exhibit structural modifications related to corallum geometry, interfacial skeletal material, and biotic associations that enabled them to survive in terrigenous mud rich environments. Favosites conicus Hall (Lower Devonian) had a flat, holotheca-covered base and a radial pattern of colony growth, but apparently had a short life span and may not have survived beyond the first reproductive cycle (monocarpous). It was adapted for living between major episodes of terrigenous mud influx. F. foerstei (Lower Devonian) had a convex, pseudoholotheca-covered base and a modified axial pattern of colony growth. Its large size, in comparison to that of F. conicus , suggests a longer lived colony (polycarpous), in which continued upward and outward growth enabled it to survive episodic sediment influx. F. forbesi (Upper Silurian) exhibited radial growth to form either (1) a globose corallum that was symbiotic with the stalks of living crinoids permitting the colony to live entirely above the substrate, or (2) a Gorallum with a steeply convex, holotheca-covered base that represents a bottom-dwelling colony in which the rate of growth probably only slightly exceeded the rate of sediment accumulation. * Functional morphology, astogeny, paleoecology, Tabulata .  相似文献   
Abstract Variability in spatial and temporal patterning of flowering by populations of rainforest trees fed upon by honeyeaters and flower-visiting parrots was studied for 2 years in lowland tropical hill forest in Papua New Guinea. All 2200 trees in a 3 ha plot were tagged, identified, mapped and monitored monthly. Of 274 tree species present, 86 flowered during the course of the study; during any given month, approximately 20% of the species flowering that month were visited by nectarivorous birds. Results showed that overall flower resources (total number of species, and number of bird-pollinated species, individuals and flowers) fluctuated during the year, decreased during the dry season and increased during the wet season. In addition, there was a wide range of temporal variation within and among tree species in length and timing of flowering period, percentage of each conspecific population flowering from year to year, and degree of synchrony among flowering conspecifics. Spatial dispersion of tree populations also varied, from clumps to scattered single individuals. Resident bird species were correlated with synchronously flowering trees, whereas nomadic bird species were correlated with asynchronously flowering trees. Resident birds were also associated with smaller blooming displays per tree, whereas nomadic birds were associated with trees that bloomed massively. There was no correlation between avian nomadism and spatial dispersion of tree populations. Thus nomadic birds seem to range in search of rich but unpredictable resources; resident birds may rely more on predictable, but smaller resources.  相似文献   
A membrane lifting technique was developed for direct rapid detection of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in inoculated ground meats. Duplicate groups of 2 meatballs were inoculated with volumes of 0.1-ml of a serial dilution (1:10) of E. coli 0157:H7 or a mixed culture containing one strain of E. coli 0157:H7 and a non-0157:H7E. coli serotype (E. coli ATCC 25922). Each meatball was sampled by sandwiching with 2 pieces of nitrocellulose membranes and pressing against each other to the center of the meatball. The membranes were in contact with the meats for 10 min to lift the bacteria. The membranes were removed and incubated on MacConkey-sorbitol agar plates with the meat contact side up. After 18 h incubation at 37C, an immunostain was performed directly on the membranes for detection of the presence or absence of E. coli 0157:H7. This method was found to be sensitive enough to detect as few as 1 to 2 cells of E. coli 0157:H7 inoculated on surfaces of 18-g meatballs. This method might be used as a rapid presumptive test for E. coli 0157:H7.  相似文献   
1. Biofilm development and activity on wood substrata (Nothofagus menziesii) were examined at four forested sites in a South Island, New Zealand, river catchment over a period of 6 months. Two of the sites had brown waters and mean pH of 3.7 and 4.5, whereas the other two had clear waters and mean pH of 6.3 and 6.8. 2. Fungi and other filamentous heterotrophs were the dominant colonizers of wood at all sites; few algal cells were present. Incorporation of 14C-glucose by biofilms was greatest in all four streams after 3 months, whereas endocellulase activity fluctuated over time and temporal patterns differed among streams. 3. No clear relationship was found between the incorporation of 14C-glucose or endocellulase activity of biofilms and pH, although at one near-neutral pH site 14C-glucose uptake increased in response to nutrient (N + P) additions. 4. After 6 months, incorporation of 14C-glucose and endocellulase activity of biofilms on Pinus radiata dowels buried vertically in the stream beds did not differ at depths of 3–9 cm and 19–25 cm in each stream. 5. Radiotracer experiments with a grazing amphipod (Paraleptamphopus sp.) demonstrated that biofilms on wood from all four sites could be ingested and at least partially assimilated. Chironomid larvae and harpacricoid copepods were the most abundant invertebrates colonizing wood substrata at all sites. Different chironomid species dominated at acidic and near-neutral pH sites. 6. Overall, our findings provide little support for the hypothesis that microbial activity on organic substrata is necessarily lower in streams of low pH.  相似文献   
The postcranial skeleton of the Devonian tetrapod Tulerpeton curtum Lebedev   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Postcranial remains of the Russian Late Devonian tetrapod Tulerpeton include the hexadactylous fore limb, hind limb, anocleithral pectoral girdle, squamation, and associated disarticulated postcranial bones. A cladistic analysis indicates that Tulerpeton is a reptiliomorph stem-group amniote and the earliest known crown-group tetrapod: Acanthostega and Ichthyostega are successively more derived plesion stem-group tetrapods and do not consititute a monophyletic ichthyostegalian radiation. Previous analyses suggesting a profound split in tetrapod phylogeny are thereby corroborated, and likewise the interpretation of Westlothiana as a stem-group amniote. The divergence of reptiliomorphs from batrachomorphs occurred before the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. Tulerpeton originates from an entirely aquatic environment with a diverse fish fauna. The morphologies of its limbs and those of Devonian stem-tetrapods suggest that dactyly predates the elaboration of the carpus and tarsus, and that Polydactyly persisted after the evolutionary divergence of the principal lineages of living tetrapods. The apparent absence of a branchial lamina and gill skeleton suggests that Tulerpeton was primarily air-breathing, whereas contemporary stem-group tetrapods and more recent batrachomorphs retained greater emphasis on gill-breathing.  相似文献   
A comparison of fossil ( Echitwlampas sp. from the Lower Miocene Zogelsdorf Formation, Austria) and Recent ( Schizaster canaliferus from the northern Adriatic Sea) irregular sea-urchin tests shows that, upon their death, burrowing echinoids can serve as a substrate for a dense epigrowth. Size, shape, stable orientation, and surface residence-time were identified as key factors governing encrustation. The encrusters on fossil Echinolampas were bryozoans, serpulid polychaetes, barnacles, and coralline algae, while the recent material was initially encrusted by serpulids and hydrozoan colonies, and ultimately covered by the full range of sessile, hemi-sessile, and vagile species characterizing the benthic community in the Adriatic. In Echinolampas , epigrowth was more abundant on the lower (oral) surface; this specific distribution was echoed in S. canaliferus , where epigrowth started on the bottom side and grew upward. This indicates that the tests have a stable orientation and a surface residence-time long enough to allow intense encrustation. A taphonomic model is developed, and the role of encrustation on such special substrates for overall community structure is discussed. The Recent/fossil comparison provides new insights for both fields of study: the recent material indicates the role of soft-bodied faunas as well as the complexity of small-scaled ecological processes; the fossil material reflects many of the above phenomena and adds important taphonomic details on the fate of encrusted biogenic structures and on encruster growth patterns and distributions.  相似文献   
Abstract Midday water potentials of blades of the dune grasses Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link and Elymus mollis Trin. ex Spreng. growing in situ declined over the summer growing period, indicating a trend of increasing water stress. An analysis of the water relations characteristics of these blades using pressure-volume techniques demonstrated that both species increased bulk osmotic pressure at full hydration () and, therefore, bulk turgor as an acclimation response. In A. arenaria, however, the increase of osmotic pressure (+ 0.35 MPa) was entirely the result of decreasing symplasmic water content. The increase of osmotic pressure (+ 0.54 MPa) observed in E. mollis blades was due to solute accumulation (72% of Δ) and to a lesser degree, decreased symplasmic water content (28% of Δ). Osmotic adjustment in E. mollis blades was accompanied by a significant decrease in tissue elasticity (max went from 12 to 19 MPa). The elastic properties of A. arenaria blades remained constant over the same period and had a maximum modulus (10 MPa) that was always less than that of E. mollis, As estimated from Höfler plots, these seasonal adjustments of osmotic pressure and differences in tissue elasticity enabled plants in situ to maintain turgor pressure in the range of 0.5–0.6 MPa at the lowest water potentials of mid-August. Laboratorygrown plants exhibited the species-specific differences in osmotic pressure, turgor pressure, and tissue elasticity observed in field plants. Although certain alterations of leaf structure were expected to coincide with the observed changes and species-specific differences in symplasmic water content and tissue elasticity, these could not be detected by measurements of specific leaf weight or the ratio of dry matter to saturated water content.  相似文献   
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