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A competency window for transformation of tomato cotyledonsby Agrobacterium tumefaciens was established. In vitro, tomatocotyledons could be transformed over a long time interval afterwounding, although the highest transformation competency occurredduring the first 24 h interval after wounding. Exogenous virulencegene-inducing factors (50 µM acetosyringone or a chloroform-solublefactor from tomato leaves) could be used to reverse the declinein transformation competency up until 96 h post-wounding. Asafranin-o stained material (found to contain fatty acids characteristicof suberin) was deposited by 96 h after wounding and thus, maycontribute further to the decreased transformation observedafter 96 h by presenting a physical barrier to infection. However,there was still transformation after suberization as up to 50per cent of the explants exposed to bacteria were transformed. Key words: Tissue culture, crown gall, acetosyringone  相似文献   
1. Water abstraction from glacial rivers is an important characteristic of hydroelectric power schemes in Alpine regions. Streams in the Valais region of Switzerland have been particularly affected. 2. Invertebrate distributions are described in La Borgne d'Arolla, a glacial stream with icemelt-, snowmelt- and groundwater-dominated tributaries. The icemelt-dominated streams have been affected by abstractions for more than 30 years. 3. The glacial streams contain only Chironomidae (Diamesa), and are devoid of fauna for between 200 and 500 m below the glacier snouts. 4. Immediately below the water intakes the streams are intermittent, flowing only during system purges and high floods, and are devoid of fauna for short distances (<1.5km). 5. Further downstream, abstraction of glacial meltwater increases the importance of snowmelt and groundwater, increasing water temperatures, improving water clarity and increasing the length of krenal/rhithral streams at the expense of kryal streams. 6. A community including Chironomidae, Simuliidae, Baetidae, Nemouridae, Limnephilidae and Chloroperlidae occurs as soon as a permanent flow is maintained by tributary runoff, and the channel becomes stable. 7. A wide range of taxa inhabit snowmelt- and groundwater-dominated tributary streams with stable channels, often at much higher altitudes than the main river. The tributaries provide sources for rapid colonization of the main channel following ice retreat or physical disturbance. 8. Purges and high floods are important disturbances within the main channel. Recovery may be rapid because of drift from tributaries, but sites influenced by frequent disturbances have reduced faunas in comparison to stable channel sites. 9. This study supports the model proposed by Milner & Petts (1994) and shows that deterministic responses of macroinvertebrate communities may be observed to changes of temperature, turbidity, flow regime and channel stability.  相似文献   
1. Studies of mesic temperate and tropical rivers suggest an important role for floodplain habitats as nursery areas for larval and juvenile fishes. In arid‐land rivers the extent and duration of flooding is diminished and habitats and resources used by larval fishes are poorly known. Our study documented habitat and resource use of larval fishes in the Rio Grande, New Mexico, an arid‐land river. 2. Spatial and temporal distribution of larval and juvenile fishes and their inferred microhabitat preferences were studied during spring, summer and autumn, 2003. Stable carbon (13C : 12C) and nitrogen (15N : 14N) isotope ratios were measured to identify nutrient sources and characterise trophic positions of young‐of‐year fishes in this system. 3. Some fishes recruited during high flows (in spring), whereas others recruited during low‐flow periods in late summer. Regardless of the timing of reproduction, microhabitats with lower current velocity and higher temperature appeared to serve as vital nursery grounds for Rio Grande fishes. Ephemeral backwaters and disconnected side channels held the highest abundance and diversity of larvae and juveniles. 4. Stable isotope analyses revealed that fish larvae obtained carbon predominately from algal production in early summer, but used organic carbon derived from emergent macrophytes as river discharge decreased in mid‐summer. This shift may have been facilitated by microinvertebrate prey that grazed down edible algae and then switched to macrophytes in mid‐summer. Nitrogen isotope ratios did not differ among species or early life stages, suggesting that larval and juvenile fishes use similar food resources, especially when restricted to isolated pools in summer.  相似文献   
Coral reefs have been more severely impacted by recent climate instability than any other ecosystem on Earth. Corals tolerate a narrow range of physical environmental stress, and increases in sea temperature of just 1 °C over several weeks can result in mass coral mortality, often exceeding 95% of individuals over hundreds of square kilometres. Even conservative climate models predict that mass coral bleaching events could occur annually by 2050. Unfortunately, managers of coral‐reef resources have few options available to meet this challenge. Here, we investigate the role that fisheries conservation tools, including the designation of marine reserves, can play in altering future trajectories of Caribbean coral reefs. We use an individual‐based model of the ecological dynamics to test the influence of spatially realistic regimes of disturbance on coral populations. Two major sources of disturbance, hurricanes and coral bleaching, are simulated in contrasting regions of the Caribbean: Belize, Bonaire, and the Bahamas. Simulations are extended to 2099 using the HadGEM1 climate model. We find that coral populations can maintain themselves under all levels of hurricane disturbance providing that grazing levels are high. Regional differences in hurricane frequency are found to cause strikingly different spatial patterns of reef health with greater patchiness occurring in Belize, which has less frequent disturbance, than the Bahamas. The addition of coral bleaching led to a much more homogenous reef state over the seascape. Moreover, in the presence of bleaching, all reefs exhibited a decline in health over time, though with substantial variation among regions. Although the protection of herbivores does not prevent reef degradation it does delay rates of coral loss even under the most severe thermal and hurricane regimes. Thus, we can estimate the degree to which local conservation can help buy time for reefs with values ranging between 18 years in the Bahamas and over 50 years in Bonaire, compared with heavily fished systems. Ultimately, we demonstrate that local conservation measures can benefit reef ecosystem services but that their impact will vary spatially and temporally. Recognizing where such management interventions will either help or fail is an important step towards both achieving sustainable use of coral‐reef resources and maximizing resource management investments.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment is increasingly modifying community structure and ecosystem functioning in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In marine ecosystems, the paradigm is that nutrient enrichment leads to a decline of seagrasses by stimulating epiphytic algal growth, which shades and overgrows seagrasses. This ignores the potential for herbivores, which graze upon epiphytic algae, to partially or wholly counter such nutrient effects. We conducted a field experiment to assess the role that the trochid gastropod Calthalotia fragum plays in reducing nutrient impacts on the seagrass, Posidonia australis, in an urbanized Australian estuary, Botany Bay, Sydney. In a field experiment, where nutrient loading and grazer density were orthogonally manipulated, nutrient enrichment failed to promote epiphyte biomass or diminish growth and primary productivity of P. australis. To the contrary, nutrient enrichment enhanced photosynthesis of the seagrass in plots where the grazer was present at higher density. Epiphytic growth was negatively affected by increased C. fragum density, while P. australis shoot growth was positively influenced. Thus, in this study system, grazing appears to play a much greater role in determining seagrass primary productivity and above‐ground growth than moderate nutrient loading, suggesting that the interaction between grazers and nutrients depends on the relative levels of each. Our study contributes to a growing body of literature suggesting that effects of nutrient loading on benthic assemblages are not universally negative, but are dependent on the biotic and abiotic setting.  相似文献   
Very little is known of how disturbance affects community assembly rules. We examine this in three disturbance states in each of two ski areas on southern New Zealand mountains. Theory suggests that a community will become progressively more spatially organized during recovery from disturbance. Firstly, different patches of the community should become more similar through time, but this was seen in only one of the two areas and even then only examining species presence/absence. Secondly, it has been suggested that spatial autocorrelation will be stronger in less‐disturbed conditions, that is, there will be a stronger pattern of more distant patches being more dissimilar in species composition. This was generally borne out. However, the method indicated more point randomness in less‐disturbed sites. Assembly rules might be seen in species abundances. Previous work has found maximum evenness of abundances in later successional communities, but the pattern here was the opposite: high evenness in the most disturbed communities. The literature suggests that in undisturbed communities the distribution of species abundances (relative abundance distribution) will be general lognormal, and we further argue that the identity of the species across occupying rank positions in that distribution should be more consistent (rank consistency). Both predictions were borne out in one area, but neither in the other. Many workers suggest that niche‐based assembly rules will be stronger in undisturbed communities. However, there was only weak evidence of constancy in species richness. Local species assemblages tended to contain a relatively constant representation from different morphological/taxonomic guilds (guild proportionality) and this was significant in some tests, but contrary to theory this effect occurred mainly in the most disturbed sites. It is concluded that there is only limited truth in the frequent assumption that community structure is stronger in undisturbed, equilibrium communities.  相似文献   
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