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DNA-binding response regulators (RRs) of the OmpR/PhoB subfamily alternate between inactive and active conformational states, with the latter having enhanced DNA-binding affinity. Phosphorylation of an aspartate residue in the receiver domain, usually via phosphotransfer from a cognate histidine kinase, stabilizes the active conformation. Many of the available structures of inactive OmpR/PhoB family proteins exhibit extensive interfaces between the N-terminal receiver and C-terminal DNA-binding domains. These interfaces invariably involve the α4-β5-α5 face of the receiver domain, the locus of the largest differences between inactive and active conformations and the surface that mediates dimerization of receiver domains in the active state. Structures of receiver domain dimers of DrrB, DrrD, and MtrA have been determined, and phosphorylation kinetics were analyzed. Analysis of phosphotransfer from small molecule phosphodonors has revealed large differences in autophosphorylation rates among OmpR/PhoB RRs. RRs with substantial domain interfaces exhibit slow rates of phosphorylation. Rates are greatly increased in isolated receiver domain constructs. Such differences are not observed between autophosphorylation rates of full-length and isolated receiver domains of a RR that lacks interdomain interfaces, and they are not observed in histidine kinase-mediated phosphotransfer. These findings suggest that domain interfaces restrict receiver domain conformational dynamics, stabilizing an inactive conformation that is catalytically incompetent for phosphotransfer from small molecule phosphodonors. Inhibition of phosphotransfer by domain interfaces provides an explanation for the observation that some RRs cannot be phosphorylated by small molecule phosphodonors in vitro and provides a potential mechanism for insulating some RRs from small molecule-mediated phosphorylation in vivo.  相似文献   
Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are zinc proteases that cleave SNARE proteins to elicit flaccid paralysis by inhibiting the fusion of neurotransmitter-carrying vesicles to the plasma membrane of peripheral neurons. There are seven serotypes of BoNT, termed A-G. BoNT serotype A and serotype E cleave SNAP25 at residues 197-198 and 180-181, respectively. Unlike other zinc proteases, the BoNTs recognize extended regions of SNAP25 for cleavage. The basis for this extended substrate recognition and specificity is unclear. Saturation mutagenesis and deletion mapping identified residues 156-202 of SNAP25 as the optimal cleavage domain for BoNT/A, whereas the optimal cleavage domain for BoNT/E was shorter, comprising residues 167-186 of SNAP25. Two sub-sites were resolved within each optimal cleavage domain, which included a recognition or active site (AS) domain that contained the site of cleavage and a binding (B) domain, which contributed to substrate affinity. Within the AS domains, the P1', P3, and P5 sites of SNAP25 contributed to scissile bond cleavage by LC/A, whereas the P1' and P2 sites of SNAP25 contributed to scissile bond cleavage by LC/E. These studies provide insight into the development of strategies for small molecule inhibitors of the BoNTs.  相似文献   
The tumor suppressor protein p53 plays a key role in maintaining the genomic stability of mammalian cells and preventing malignant transformation. In this study, we investigated the intracellular diffusion of a p53-GFP fusion protein using confocal fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. We show that the diffusion of p53-GFP within the nucleus is well described by a mathematical model for diffusion of particles that bind temporarily to a spatially homogeneous immobile structure with binding and release rates k1 and k2, respectively. The diffusion constant of p53-GFP was estimated to be Dp53-GFP=15.4 microm2 s-1, significantly slower than that of GFP alone, DGFP=41.6 microm2 s-1. The reaction rates of the binding and unbinding of p53-GFP were estimated as k1=0.3 s-1 and k2=0.4 s-1, respectively, values suggestive of nonspecific binding. Consistent with this finding, the diffusional mobilities of tumor-derived sequence-specific DNA binding mutants of p53 were indistinguishable from that of the wild-type protein. These data are consistent with a model in which, under steady-state conditions, p53 is latent and continuously scans DNA, requiring activation for sequence-specific DNA binding.  相似文献   
Ticks are the main vectors of rickettsiae of the spotted fever group, as well as of a variety of other Rickettsiales, including bacteria of the genus Anaplasma, that might cause diseases in humans and animals. Here we present the result of a survey for ticks and for tick-associated Rickettsiales in the Emilia Romagna region (Northern Italy). The study was focused on ticks collected from wild-hunted animals. Out of 392 ticks collected from these animals, 282 (72%) were identified as Ixodes ricinus, 110 (28%) as Dermacentor marginatus. The former was found on four vertebrate species, whereas the latter appeared more specific for wild boar. The presence of rickettsiae was demonstrated in 22.5% of I. ricinus (57/253) and in 29% of D. marginatus (32/110). Five ticks of the species I. ricinus were also positive for Anaplasma phagocytophilum (2%). In addition, we collected ticks by dragging in a natural park of the same region. All of the ticks captured by dragging were identified as I. ricinus. Thirty-six out of 200 analyzed ticks proved positive for Rickettsia monacensis and R. helvetica (16.5 and 1.5%, respectively). Our results highlight that that ticks present in wild areas, widely exploited for recreation and hunting in Emilia-Romagna, represent a risk for the transmission of spotted fevers and anaplasmosis to humans.  相似文献   
In the laboratory, Amblyomma cajennense (Acari: Ixodidae) (Fabricius) larvae, nymphs and adults were exposed to Rickettsia rickettsii by feeding on needle-inoculated animals, and thereafter reared on uninfected guinea pigs or rabbits. Regardless of the tick stage that acquired the infection, subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected (confirming transstadial and transovarial transmissions) and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected animals, as demonstrated by serological and molecular analyses. However, the larval, nymphal and adult stages of A. cajennense were shown to be partially refractory to R. rickettsii infection, as in all cases, only part of the ticks became infected by this agent, after being exposed to rickettsemic animals. In addition, less than 50% of the infected engorged females transmitted rickettsiae transovarially, and when they did so, only part of the offspring became infected, indicating that vertical transmission alone is not enough to maintain R. rickettsii in A. cajennense for multiple generations. Finally, the R. rickettsii-infected tick groups had lower reproductive performance than the uninfected control group. Our results indicate that A. cajennense have a low efficiency to maintain R. rickettsii for successive generations, as R. rickettsii-infection rates should decline drastically throughout the successive tick generations.  相似文献   
Aims: To evaluate the usefulness of partial recA sequences for the identification of Aeromonas strains at the genotype level. Methods and Results: A partial recA sequence was obtained from 21 type or reference strains and 33 Aeromonas isolates, collected in the South of Switzerland from human, animal and aquatic environments. The 272 bp long recA fragments showed a mean interspecies divergence of 7·8% and allowed the classification of strains at genotype level. However, some discrepancies could be observed with other gene sequence based analyses in the classification of some strains. Conclusions: The 272 bp long recA fragment is a good molecular marker to infer taxonomy of members of the genus Aeromonas, even if the primers we chose for the amplification did not allow its direct sequencing. Significance and Impact of the Study: In the genus Aeromonas, nucleotide sequences of some protein‐encoding genes have already been evaluated as molecular markers to be used in taxonomical and epidemiological researches. This study suggests the usefulness of a recA fragment as a further sequence to investigate for these purposes.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence indicates that astroglial syncytium plays key role in normal and pathological brain functions. Astrocytes both in vitro and in situ respond to extracellular adenine-based nucleotides via the activation of P2 receptors. Massive release of ATP from neurons and glial cells occurs as a result of pathological conditions of the brain leading to neuroinflammation and involving P2X7 receptors. In this study, we investigated whether P2X7 stimulation on cultured cortical astrocytes promoted a differential activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), and whether the second messenger arachidonic acid (AA), which is also a key modulator of neuroinflammation, affected the P2X7-mediated MAPK phosphorylation. The results show that the synthetic P2X7 receptor agonist 2′,3′-O-(4-benzoyl)benzoyl-ATP (BzATP), induced a concentration-dependent phosphorylation of MAPK ERK1/2, JNK and p38. Stimulation of ERK1/2, JNK and p38 phosphorylation was also obtained by pathophysiological levels of extracellularly applied AA. Interestingly, a robust potentiation of ERK1/2 phosphorylation was elicited by co-application of BzATP and AA, whereas no differences were observed in JNK or p38 phosphosignals. The kinases activation showed a differential dependence on the presence of extracellular Ca2+. The potentiation of BzATP-mediated ERK1/2 phosphorylation was also observed in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) stably transfected with rat P2X7, but not in HEK cells expressing truncated P2X7 receptor lacking the full cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal or in those carrying the structurally related rat P2X2. AA and BzATP synergism in ERK1/2 activation was abolished by cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase pathway inhibitors.The result that ERK1/2-mediated transduction pathway is synergistically modulated by ATP and AA signalling depicts possible novel pharmacological targets for interfering with pathological activation of astroglial cells.  相似文献   
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