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Summary Coexistence of peptides in the small intensely fluorescent cells was demonstrated by immunocytochemistry for met-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y and dynorphin. In the extreme example, a single cell was immunoreactive to all 5 peptides examined. Four peptides coexisted in 8% and three peptides in 13% of SIF cells. In 10% of SIF cells no peptide immunoreactivity could be detected. The most prevalent peptide was met-enkephalin (in 46% of cells), then vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (45%), somatostatin (39%), neuropeptide Y (31%) and dynorphin (24%). Met-enkephalin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide coexisted most commonly (25%).  相似文献   
The preparations of sulfmyoglobin (sulf-Mb) by standard procedures have been found heterogeneous by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Presented here are the results of a comprehensive study of the factors that influence the selection among the three dominant isomeric forms of sperm whale sulf-Mb and their resulting detailed optical and 1H NMR properties as related to their detectability and structural properties of the heme pocket. A single isomer is formed initially in the deoxy state; further treatment in any desired oxidation/ligation state can yield two other major isomers. Acid catalysis and chromatography facilitate formation of a second isomer, particularly in the high-spin state. At neutral pH, a third isomer is formed by a first-order process. The processes that alter oxidation/ligation state are found to be reversible and are judged to affect only the metal center, but the three isomeric sulf-Mbs are found to exhibit significantly different ligand affinity and chemical stability. The present results allow, for the first time, a rational approach for preparing a given isomeric sulf-Mb in an optimally pure state for subsequent characterization by other techniques. While optical spectroscopy can distinguish the alkaline forms, only 1H NMR clearly distinguishes all three ferric isomers. The ring current shifts in the carbonyl complexes of reduced sulf-Mb complexes support saturation for a pyrrole in each isomer. The hyperfine shift patterns in the various oxidation/spin states of sulf-Mbs indicate relatively small structural alteration, and the proximal and distal sides of the heme suggest that peripheral electronic effects are responsible for the differentially reduced ligand affinities for the three isomeric sulf-Mbs. The first 1H NMR spectra of sulfhemoglobins are presented, which indicate a structure similar to that of the initially formed sulf-Mb isomer but also suggest the presence of a similar molecular heterogeneity as found for sulf-Mb, albeit to a smaller extent.  相似文献   
The influence of solvent isotope composition on 1H-NMR resonance position and linewidth of heme methyls has been investigated for a variety of high-spin ferric hemoproteins for the purpose of detecting hydrogen-bonding interactions in the heme cavity. Consistently larger hyperfine shifts and paramagnetic linewidths in 2H2O than 1H2O are observed for metmyoglobins and methemoglobin possessing a coordinated water molecule. The analysis of the dynamics of labile proton exchange in sperm whale metmyoglobin, and the absence of any isotope effects in the five-coordinate Aplysia metmyoglobin, indicate that the significant axial modulation of heme electronic structure by solvent isotope is consistent with arising from distal hydrogen-bonding interactions. The presence or absence of similarly large isotope effects on shifts and linewidths in other hemoproteins, depending on the presence of a bound water in the distal heme pocket, suggests that this isotope effect can serve as a probe for the presence of such bound water. The absence of any detectable isotope effect on either shifts or linewidths in resting-state horseradish peroxidase supports a five-coordinate structure with bound water absent from the vicinity of the iron.  相似文献   
Earlier studies in our laboratory have shown that C-6 glial cells in culture exhibit astrocytic properties with increasing cell passage. In this study, we tested the responsiveness of early and late passage C-6 glial cells to various cultures conditions: culture substrata (collagen, poly-L-lysine, plastic), or supplements for the culture medium, DMEM, [fetal calf, or heat inactivated (HI) serum, or media conditioned from mouse neuroblastoma cells (NBCM) or primary chick embryo cultured neurons (NCM)]. Glutamine synthetase (GS) and cyclic nucleotide phosphohydrolase (CNP), astrocytic and oligodendrocytic glial markers, were used. Cell numer and protein content increased exponentially with days in culture regardless of the type of the substratum or cell passage. Differences in cell morphology among the three types of substratum were also reflected on GS activity, which rose by three-fold on culture day 3 for cells grown on collagen; thereafter, GS profiles were similar for all substrata. This early rise in GS is interpreted to reflect differential cell adhesion processes on the substrata; specifically, cell adhesion on the collagen stimulated differentiation into astrocytic phenotype.Analogous to immature glia cells in primary cultures, early passage C-6 glial cells responded to neuronal factors supplied either from NCM or NBCM by expressing reduced GS activity, the astrocytic marker and enhanced CNP activity, the oligodendrocytic marker. Thus, early passage cells can be induced to express either astrocytic or oligodendrocytic phenotype. In accordance with our previous reports on primary glial cells, late passage C-6 cells exhibit their usual astrocytic behavior, responding to serum factors with GS activity. Moreover, whereas NCM or NBCM alone markedly lowered GS activity, a combination with serum restored activity. The present findings confirm our previous observations and further establish the C-6 glial cells as a reliable model to study immature glia.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Paola S. Timiras.  相似文献   
Summary Enzymatic activity was investigated in metal-binding proteins from rat epidermal cells. Tris-HCl buffer soluble and KSCN solubilized proteins were extracted stepwise from granular and cornified cells of 2-day old rat epidermis. Each extract was separately applied to a Cu2+ or Zn2– chelate Sepharose 6B column and the proteins were eluted with buffers of different pHs and finally with EDTA solution. Metal chelate-binding proteins were found in both soluble and solubilized proteins but there was a larger amount in the latter. Affinity of the proteins to bind with Cu2+ chelate was greater than that with Zn2+ chelate. In Tris-HCl buffer extract, histidase activity was detected in Cu2+ chelate-binding proteins, but not in Zn2+ chelate-binding proteins. Acid phosphatase, cysteine proteinase, dipeptidase, cathepsin D, -galactosidase, gelatin hydrolase, and superoxide dismutase did not bind to metal chelates although these enzymes, except acid phosphatase, were inhibited by Cu2+, but not by Zn2+. In contrast, KSCN solubilized metal chelate-binding proteins showed plasminogen activator, acid phosphatase, and gelatin and casein hydrolases while histone hydrolase did not bind to either chelate column. Since metal-binding proteins in rat epidermal cells have been shown previously to be histidine- and cysteine-rich proteins concentrated in keratohyalin granules, interaction of metals and the structural proteins with certain enzymes may be involved in the regulation of epidermal cell functions.  相似文献   
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