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The interactions of the essential divalent cation, Zn2+, with the binary complex formed between glycerol dehydrogenase (glycerol:NAD+ 2-oxidoreductase, EC and its coenzyme NADH have been examined by fluorescence spectroscopy. Both the metallo and non-metallo form of the enzyme bind the coenzyme NADH. The addition of Zn2+ ions to a solution of the binary complex formed between metal-depleted enzyme and NADH results in a rapid increase in fluorescence emission at 430 nm. This has been used to determine the on rate for Zn2+ to the enzyme/binary complex. A dissociation constant of 3.02 +/- 0.25.10(-9) M for the equilibrium between Zn2+ ions and the enzyme has been determined.  相似文献   
A simple, rapid and sensitive method of determining cerebrospinal fluid IgG is presented. The procedure depends upon the fact that spinal fluid gamma globulin, and two of its components (IgG and IgM) will precipitate latex particles in proportion to their concentration, and that the optical density of the supernatant solution containing unprecipitated latex particles after centrifugation is inversely proportional to the concentration of these immunoglobulins. The method is sensitive to 50 nanograms, is inexpensive, requires 0.1 ml. or less of spinal fluid, and can be performed in minutes. Preliminary studies show that it compares favorably with results obtained by radial immunodiffusion.  相似文献   
Slade  Erin  McKechnie  Iain  Salomon  Anne K. 《Ecosystems》2022,25(3):548-566
Ecosystems - The historic extirpation and subsequent recovery of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have profoundly changed coastal social-ecological systems across the northeastern Pacific. Today, the...  相似文献   
The marine toad, Bufo marinus, has a broad natural distribution extending from the south-west of the USA to southern Peru and the central Amazon. It was introduced to several localities in the Caribbean and Pacific Oceans to control sugar cane pests. We sequenced 468 bp of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) containing the ND3 gene, and flanking tRNA genes from toads spanning the broad natural and introduced ranges. Consistent with the known history of introductions and expected effects of serial bottlenecks, mtDNA within introduced populations in Hawaii and Australia was uniform and most closely related to samples from eastern Venezuela and French Guiana. However, mtDNA nucleotide diversity in the geographic region spanning the source areas is also relative low (0.18-0.46%) and the absence of variation in the introduced populations precludes quantitative assessment of the reduction in genetic diversity. Unexpectedly, there was a large phylogeographic break (5.4% sequence divergence) within the natural range separating populations east and west of the Venezuelan Andes. We hypothesize that the two major lineages of B. marinus were isolated by the uplift of the eastern Andean cordillera which was completed approximately 2.7 Ma. Another species of the marinus group, B. paracnemis, had mtDNA paraphyletic, with marinus, being nested within the eastern lineage. Thus, at least one speciation event within the marinus group postdates the split within marinus. These findings suggest that the taxonomy of B. marinus should be re-evaluated and that the search for pathogens to control Australian populations should be conducted in populations from both lineages in the natural range.  相似文献   
AR Boobis  MB Slade  C Stern  KM Lewis  DS Davies 《Life sciences》1981,29(14):1443-1448
Cytochrome P-448 (mol wt 55,000 Daltons) from rabbit liver was purified to a specific content of 16.6 nmol/mg. Mice were immunised with this preparation, their spleens removed and dissociated lymphocytes hybridised with myeloma cells. Four monoclonal antibodies against cytochrome P-448 were raised and partially characterised. All four antibodies interacted with cytochrome P-448 in intact microsomal fractions and selectively immunoadsorbed cytochrome P-448 from solubilised microsomal preparations. One of the antibodies inhibited benzo[a] pyrene hydroxylase activity in a reconstituted system, one had no effect on activity and two increased activity. The possible applications of such antibodies are discussed.  相似文献   
A computational study is made of the conditional probability distribution for the allelic type of the most recent common ancestor in genealogies of samples of n genes drawn from a population under selection, given the initial sample configuration. Comparisons with the corresponding unconditional cases are presented. Such unconditional distributions differ from samples drawn from the unique stationary distribution of population allelic frequencies, known as Wright's formula, and are quantified. Biallelic haploid and diploid models are considered. A simplified structure for the ancestral selection graph of S. M. Krone and C. Neuhauser (1997, Theor. Popul. Biol. 51, 210-237) is enhanced further, reducing the effective branching rate in the graph. This improves efficiency of such a nonneutral analogue of the coalescent for use with computational likelihood-inference techniques.  相似文献   
Female mate choice and the benefits of this behavior are criticalaspects of Darwinian sexual selection, but they are seldom documentedbecause it is difficult to identify the male trait(s) that femalesmay be seeking. We conducted experiments with grasshoppers (Melanoplussangutnipes: Orthoptera, Acrididae) to examine this behavior.Males that feed more intensively and select a diet mix thatpermits greater food intake (food intake per body mass per time)in laboratory trials were preferentially selected by females.These better foraging males on average provide greater paternalinvestment (greater spermatophore mass) to the female, whichincreases her reproductive rate (eggs produced per body massper time). However, paternal investment may not entirely explainfemale choice of better foraging males, because these maleswere still selected even if they had their food intake restrictedor had been allowed to recently mate, which reduces spermatophoreproduction. Furthermore, males change their mating strategyin response to female choice and the foraging abilities of surroundingmales. Poorer foraging males attempt forcible copulation ratherthan displaying and allowing female choice. A male will facultativelyswitch between these strategies depending on the foraging abilitiesof the surrounding males. While females attempt to reject forciblecopulation, forcible copulation reduces the frequency with whichfemales successfully copulate with better foraging males. Therefore,males that are less "attractive" to females adopt alternativemating strategies to counter female choice which would excludethem from mating.[Behav Ecol 7: 438–444 (1996)]  相似文献   
If endocrine active chemicals (EACs) adversely affect human development, then there must be evidence of effects in animal models at properly scaled levels of exposure during pertinent sensitive periods as derived from quantified exposures of the human fetus. Our recent studies attempt to address both effects and exposures. First Study: Dams were gavaged from Gestation Day (GD) 14 through weaning on Post-Natal Day (PND) 21 with either corn oil alone (unexposed controls) or Low DES (0.5?mg/kg BW); High DES (5.0?mg/kg BW); GEN (15?mg/kg BW); GEN + DES (GEN at 15?mg/kg BW and DES at 0.5?mg/kg BW). No treatments affected duration of gestation, litter size or birth anogenital distance / birth body weights ((bAGD/bBW) or ratios of bAGD/cube root of bBW of pups of either sex. The ratio of weaning AGD to weaning body weight (wAGD/wBW) differed significantly between the control group and each of the estrogenic treatments in both sexes with larger wAGD/wBW values associated with each of the estrogenic treatments. Males exposed to High DES and GEN alone exhibited earlier onset of puberty. Only females in the low DES group showed an earlier onset of puberty. At 50 to 70 days of age, the ratios of male reproductive organ weights/body weight were unaffected by estrogen treatment in all groups except high DES which increased testicle weight and decreased epididymis, seminal vesicle, and prostate weights. Initial vaginal cycle lengths were affected only in the high DES group. Thus low doses of DES and GEN at levels comparable to the upper range of human exposure affect some but not all markers of sexual development. Second Study: Amniotic fluid samples obtained at routine amniocentesis between 15 and 23 weeks of gestation were assayed by gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) analysis. The first group of amniotic fluid samples (n = 53) from 51 women were analysed for several xenobiotic EACs. Alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane, with a mean (± SD) concentration of 0.15 ± 0.06 (ng/ml), and p,p′-DDE, with a mean (± SD) concentration of 0.21 ± 0.18?ng/ ml, were detected in several specimens. Overall one in three amniotic fluid samples tested positive for at least one xenobiotic EAC. Another group of amniotic fluid samples (n = 62) from 56 women were analysed for phytoestrogenic EACs. The mean (± SD) concentration of daidzein and genistein in amniotic fluid were 1.14 ± 1.04 and 1.37 ± 1.00?ng/ml with maximum levels of 5.52 and 4.86?ng/ml, respectively. Overall, 26 and 34 of the samples had quantifiable levels of daidzein and genistein, respectively. Conclusions: One in three human fetuses were exposed to xenobiotic EACs and two of three human fetuses were exposed to phytoestrogenic EACs in utero. Our demonstrations that EACs have developmental effects in an animal model at levels of exposure that mimic those found in humans in North America during sensitive time-frames sustains concerns about potential adverse health effects of developmental exposures to EACs for the human fetus/neonate.  相似文献   
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