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Providing another spectacular model for understanding speciation and radiation, the origin of the gastropod species flock in Lake Tanganyika (with an estimated age of approximately 12 Myr) remained enigmatic to date. Although, for a long time, an in situ radiation was assumed, Lake Tanganyika could have functioned as a reservoir for ancient African lineages, implying that the now lacustrine taxa originiated elsewhere. However, the fluviatile gastropod fauna of adjacent river systems in Central and East Africa is only poorly known. Here, we provide conchological, anatomical, phylogenetical, and biogeographical data on the fluviatile genus Potadomoides Leloup, 1953, which was hitherto regarded as ancestral to the entire Tanganyika gastropod radiation. The type species Potadomoides pelseneeri is restricted to the delta region of the Malagarasi River east of Lake Tanganyika, whereas three congeneric species (Potadomoides bequaerti, Potadomoides hirta, and Potadomoides schoutedeni) inhabit the Congo River with its tributaries Lualaba and Luvua, west of the Tanganyikan Rift. We describe and document, with scanning electron microscopy, the ontogenetic development of embryos of this uterine brooder as well as the detailed reproductive anatomy. Phylogenetic analysis of 44 morphological characters (including adult and embryonic shell, operculum, radula, reproductive tract) for 15 paludomid taxa could not support monophyly of the Tanganyika species flock. Instead, we found two major lineages that colonized Lake Tanganyika independently, one comprising the Nassopsinae Kesteven, 1903 (= Lavigeriinae Thiele, 1925) with the riverine Potadomoides plus the lacustrine Lavigeria and Vinundu, the second comprising the riverine Cleopatra together with the rest of the lacustrine species (except for Tiphobia horei). The analysis identifies Potadomoides as paraphyletic, with the uterine brooder P. pelseneeri being the sister taxon to the uterine brooder Lavigeria plus the oviparous Vinundu, but not to the entire Tanganyika species flock. We reconstruct the independent evolution of an fluviolacustrine taxon Nassopsinae for which we evaluate the synapomorphic characters, in particular those of reproductive biology, and discuss systematic and evolutionary implications of repeated origin of (ovo‐)viviparity in these limnic Cerithioidea. Finally, we outline a hypothesis on the evolutionary history of Potadomoides in the context of the gastropod radiation in Lake Tanganyika. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 367–401.  相似文献   
Populations of the American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, have declined, but neither the causes nor the magnitude are fully understood. In order to evaluate historic demography, variation at 12 microsatellite DNA loci surveyed in 1218 L. polyphemus sampled from 28 localities was analysed with Bayesian coalescent‐based methods. The analysis showed strong declines in population sizes throughout the species’ distribution except in the geographically isolated southern‐most population in Mexico, where a strong increase in population size was inferred. Analyses suggested that demographic changes in the core of the distribution occurred in association with the recolonization after the Ice Age and also by anthropogenic effects, such as the past overharvest of the species for fertilizer or the current use of the animals as bait for American eel (Anguilla rostrata) and whelk (Busycon spp.) fisheries. This study highlights the importance of considering both climatic changes and anthropogenic effects in efforts to understand population dynamics—a topic which is highly relevant in the ongoing assessments of the effects of climate change and overharvest.  相似文献   
Pristionchus pacificus has been established as a nematode model system in evolutionary developmental biology and evolutionary ecology. Field studies in North and South America, Asia, Africa and Europe indicated that nematodes of the genus Pristionchus live in association with scarab beetles. Here, we describe the first account of soil‐ and beetle‐associated nematodes on an island setting by investigating the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean. Réunion has high numbers of endemic insects and is one among several attractive islands for biodiversity studies. Being of volcanic origin, Réunion is 2–3 million years old, making it the youngest of the Mascareigne islands. We show that beetle‐ and soil‐derived nematodes on Réunion are nearly exclusively hermaphroditic, suggesting that selfing is favoured over gonochorism (outcrossing) during island colonization. Among members of four nematode genera observed on Réunion, Pristionchus pacificus was the most prevalent species. A total of 76 isolates, in association with five different scarab beetles, has been obtained for this cosmopolitan nematode. A detailed mitochondrial haplotype analysis indicates that the Réunion isolates of P. pacificus cover all four worldwide clades of the species. This extraordinary haplotype diversity suggests multiple independent invasions, most likely in association with different scarab beetles. Together, we establish Réunion as a case study for nematode island biogeography, in which the analysis of nematode population genetics and population dynamics can provide insight into evolutionary and ecological processes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 170–179.  相似文献   
嗜冷菌及耐冷菌是冷适应酶及生物活性物质的重要资源。本研究从内陆土壤筛得33株冷适应细菌,包括6株革兰氏阳性菌与27株革兰氏阴性菌。通过细胞膜脂肪酸分析表明,革兰氏阳性菌的膜脂肪酸主要为分支脂肪酸,推测分支结构是阳性菌膜脂的主要适冷机制。革兰氏阴性菌呈现了不饱和、分支、短链等多样的膜脂适冷调节方式。根据脂肪酸组分的多样性,选择并鉴定了17株嗜冷及耐冷菌分布在11个属中,细胞膜脂肪酸组成的变化规律与细菌16SrRNA的进化分布高度一致。研究还表明同为不饱和脂肪酸为主的革兰氏阴性菌呈现了不同的适冷机理。相关研究不仅阐述了冷适应细菌的细胞膜脂肪酸的适应机制,而且为相关适冷酶源的开发利用提供了宝贵的资源。  相似文献   
The western Palearctic ant, Tetramorium moravicum , is the only species of the large genus known to display two alternative social strategies: macrogyny-monoygyny (characterized by one large queen per colony) and microgyny-polygyny (multiple small queens per colony). The microgyne colonies of this ant are confined to the westernmost part of its distribution area and occasionally co-occur with macrogyne colonies. We investigated phylogenetic and geographical patterns in relation to social strategy by analysing 1031 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene of T. moravicum from the entire known species range. Phylogenetic analyses revealed two clear-cut lineages coinciding with the eastern and western populations, which probably were separated after the late Quaternary glacial periods. Geographical distance analysis suggested allopatric fragmentation of the two lineages. We hypothesize that the two lineages colonized Central Europe postglacially from two directions. The current distribution gap of 500 km between the tip of the eastern lineage, in the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary, and the western lineage, in Germany, was confirmed by hierarchical population analysis. Macrogyny-monogyny probably was the original condition in T. moravicum ; the alternative strategy of microgyny-polygyny may have evolved at the tip of the western lineage, as recently as the early Holocene.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 247–255.  相似文献   
Collection of cucurbit exudates from cut petioles has been a powerful tool for gaining knowledge on phloem sap composition without full notion of the complex exudation mechanism. Only few publications explicitly mentioned that exudates were collected from the basal side of the cut, which exudes more copiously than the apical side. This is surprising since only exudation from the apical side is supposedly driven by phloem pressure gradients. Composition of carbohydrates and pH values at both wounding sides are equal, whereas protein concentration is higher at the basal side. Apparently, exudation is far more complex than just the delivery of phloem sap. Xylem involvement is indicated by lower protein concentrations after elimination of root pressure. Moreover, dye was sucked into xylem vessels owing to relaxation of negative pressure after cutting. The lateral water efflux from the vessels increases turgor of surrounding cells including sieve elements. Simultaneously, detached parietal proteins (PP1/PP2) induce occlusion of sieve plates and cover wound surface. If root pressure is strong enough, pure xylem sap can be collected after removal of the occlusion plug at the wound surface. The present findings provide a mechanism of sap exudation in Cucurbita maxima, in which the contribution of xylem water is integrated.  相似文献   
Most of the methane (CH4) emission from rice fields is derived from plant photosynthates, which are converted to CH4. Rice cluster I (RC-1) archaea colonizing the rhizosphere were found to be the methanogens responsible for this process. Hence, RC-1 methanogens seem to play a crucial role in emission of the greenhouse gas CH4. We determined the community composition and activity of methanogens colonizing the roots of eight different rice cultivars after growth on both Italian rice soil and river bank soil, which contained different communities of methanogenic archaea. The community composition was analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and cloning/sequencing of the archaeal 16S rRNA gene and the mcrA gene coding for a subunit of the methyl coenzyme M reductase. When grown on rice field soil, the methanogenic community of the different rice cultivars was always dominated by RC-1 methanogens. In contrast, roots were colonized by Methanomicrobiales when grown on river bank soil, in which RC-1 methanogens were initially not detectable. Roots colonized with Methanomicrobiales compared with RC-1 exhibited lower CH4 production and CH4 emission rates. The results show that the type of methanogens colonizing rice roots has a potentially important impact on the global CH4 cycle.  相似文献   
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