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The current geographical distribution of the ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) was shaped in large part by the glaciation events of the Pleistocene epoch (2.6 Mya–10 Kya). Previous efforts to elucidate the phylogeographical history of the ninespine stickleback in North America have focused on a limited set of morphological traits, some of which are likely subject to widespread convergent evolution, thereby potentially obscuring relationships among populations. In this study, we used genetic information from both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and nuclear microsatellite markers to determine the phylogenetic relationships among ninespine stickleback populations. We found that ninespine sticklebacks in North America probably dispersed from at least three glacial refugia—the Mississippi, Bering, and Atlantic refugia—not two as previously thought. However, by applying a molecular clock to our mtDNA data, we found that these three groups diverged long before the most recent glacial period. Our new phylogeny serves as a critical framework for examining the evolution of derived traits in this species, including adaptive phenotypes that evolved multiple times in different lineages. In particular, we inferred that loss of the pelvic (hind fin) skeleton probably evolved independently in populations descended from each of the three putative North American refugia.  相似文献   
1. Rising water temperatures under climate change are expected to affect the phenology of aquatic insects, including the mayfly Ephemera danica Müller which is widespread throughout Europe. 2. To assess temporal and spatial variability in mayfly emergence, E. danica were monitored at two thermally contrasting reaches in the River Dove, English Peak District over the period 2007–2013. Inter‐annual variations in growing degree days (GDDs) were modelled for an upstream site with intermittent spring flow supplementing main channel flow (Beresford Dale) and downstream site dominated by near constant discharges of cool groundwater (Dovedale). 3. A strong association exists between the emergence cycle of E. danica and GDDs at each site. Beresford Dale accumulated on average 374 more GDDs than Dovedale. After warm summers E. danica emerged after only 1 year in Beresford Dale but began to revert to a bi‐annual cycle after the particularly wet/cool year of 2012. In Dovedale, E. danica maintained a 2‐year cycle throughout the monitoring period in spite of the phenology changes observed 8 km upstream. 4. Data from the present study suggest that habitats near cool groundwater may provide important refugia for populations of insects, potentially delaying permanent shifts in phenology under climate change. However, an ability to detect changes in the thermal triggers and phenological response may be hindered by conventional spot sampling protocols.  相似文献   
1. Ecologists often make predictions about community richness and diversity using climate variables that include seasonal precipitation totals and mean daily temperatures. While means and totals can be effective predictors to a certain extent, the complexities of faunal–climate relationships might be over‐simplified through the use of coarse‐grained variables. 2. The goal of this study was to investigate less commonly studied climate variables, including indices of intra‐annual variation in the timing and intensity of precipitation events that might be used to predict butterfly richness across an elevational gradient. Data from a long‐term, single‐observer dataset at four sites in California were examined with Bayesian model averaging and structural equation modelling. Species‐specific responses to climate were compared with community responses at each site. 3. At lower elevations, it was found that the relative importance of climate variables shifted towards temporal patterns of precipitation, including the timing of the first storm event and the annual number of precipitation events. Heterogeneity among sites was apparent in the importance of specific weather variables, and temporal trends (across years) were detected for a small number of variables. Species‐specific results paralleled those obtained from analysis of species richness, thus suggesting a commonality of response to climate across site‐specific assemblages. 4. Models were improved by inclusion of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and El Niño‐Southern Oscillation indices, indicating that regional variables can profitably be included in faunal–climate relationship analyses. These results emphasise the need for researchers to examine climate variables beyond the most readily summarised means and totals.  相似文献   
Dependent offspring use specialized traits to attract parental care. In birds, this includes morphological ornaments (e.g. colourful plumage or mouthparts) that are associated with nestling condition and shape the allocation of parental care. Ornament expression often differs among broods, even after differences in individual condition are accounted for statistically. Understanding how this variation arises is important for understanding the information content of these signals, their functional importance, and their evolution. The present study used a cross‐fostering experiment to assess the relative contributions of parental effects to among‐brood differences in the mouth coloration of nestling house sparrows, specifically the carotenoid‐richness, overall brightness, and ultraviolet (UV) coloration of rictal flanges. The expression of carotenoid‐based coloration was explained by synchronous breeding, nest‐of‐rearing and nest‐of‐origin. Brightness and relative UV intensity, however, were explained only by synchronous breeding, and there was substantial unexplained variation in all three colour parameters. Among‐brood variation in mouth coloration, then, may primarily contain information about the environment in which offspring are reared. At the individual level, ontogenetic changes in the carotenoid‐richness and brightness of flanges positively reflected mass gain (a proxy for food intake). Larger and yellower chicks gained more mass, consistent with parental preferences for these traits. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 169–179.  相似文献   
The effects of environmental change on fecundity and mortality rates of ancient populations are likely to have influenced extinction patterns and biogeographical range shifts. To test for a relationship between environmental change and palaeodemographical change, the mortality profiles of late Pleistocene muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) from north Florida were compared with recent populations of the same species to assess the effect of the Pleistocene–Holocene transition on the demographics of this species, as well as a potential role in the extirpation of O. zibethicus in Florida during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition. At the older locality (Latvis‐Simpson: approximately 32 14C Ky BP), there is strong sedimentological evidence for late summer or autumn seasonal deposition. Most of the individuals in the youngest cohort were adults approximately 7 or 8 months old at death, suggesting that the breeding season had occurred in the fall or winter. This breeding schedule is similar to recent southern populations where breeding is most intense in the fall and winter, and unlike northern populations where breeding occurs in the spring. The inferred breeding seasonality is consistent with other evidence suggesting that the south‐east was warm and equable in the late Pleistocene. At the younger locality (Sloth Hole: approximately 12 14C Ky BP) muskrats exhibit faster dental wear and lower life expectancy, suggesting harsher conditions near the time of extirpation. Cooler temperatures, aridity, water table fluctuation, and human presence all comprise potential factors leading to a lower life expectancy during this time interval. The fossil record shows a potential for investigating links between climate change and the demographics of palaeopopulations. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 41–56.  相似文献   
Abstract Despite widespread concern about the ecological impacts of invasive species, mechanisms of impact remain poorly understood. Cane toads (Chaunus [Bufo] marinus) were introduced to Queensland in 1935, and have now spread across much of tropical Australia. One plausible impact of toad invasion concerns competition between toads and native frogs, but there has been no previous experimental evaluation of this possibility. We examined interactions between toads and a morphologically similar species of native frog (Cyclorana australis) by manipulating toad and frog densities within large outdoor enclosures beside a floodplain in the wet‐dry tropics of the Northern Territory. Toads differed from frogs significantly in dietary composition and feeding rates, even in comparisons controlling for body‐size differences between these two taxa. Perhaps reflecting the abundant insect biomass, manipulating anuran densities or the presence of the putatively competing species did not influence food intake or dietary composition. However, the presence of toads suppressed activity levels of native frogs. The degree to which the invasion of cane toads influences attributes such as the activity levels, food intake and dietary composition of native frogs warrants further study, but our study suggests that competitive effects are likely to be minor compared with other pathways (such as direct poisoning during ingestion attempts) by which toads can affect frog populations.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Wildlife managers traditionally monitored lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) populations using road-based lek surveys and assumed booming can be heard ≥1.6 km from a lek. To assess this assumption, we measured sound intensity (decibels) of booming lesser prairie-chickens. Our results indicated sound intensity 1.6 km from a lek would be less than or equal to the sound intensity of a whisper. Thus, 1.6 km is probably too great a distance for audible detection of booming in many conditions.  相似文献   
Cramer, B.D., Brett, C.E., Melchin, M.J., Männik, P., Kleffner, M.A., McLaughlin, P.I., Loydell, D.K., Munnecke, A., Jeppsson, L., Corradini, C., Brunton, F.R. & Saltzman, M.R. 2011: Revised correlation of Silurian Provincial Series of North America with global and regional chronostratigraphic units and δ13Ccarb chemostratigraphy. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 185–202. Recent revisions to the biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic assignment of strata from the type area of the Niagaran Provincial Series (a regional chronostratigraphic unit) have demonstrated the need to revise the chronostratigraphic correlation of the Silurian System of North America. Recently, the working group to restudy the base of the Wenlock Series has developed an extremely high‐resolution global chronostratigraphy for the Telychian and Sheinwoodian stages by integrating graptolite and conodont biostratigraphy with carbonate carbon isotope (δ13Ccarb) chemostratigraphy. This improved global chronostratigraphy has required such significant chronostratigraphic revisions to the North American succession that much of the Silurian System in North America is currently in a state of flux and needs further refinement. This report serves as an update of the progress on recalibrating the global chronostratigraphic correlation of North American Provincial Series and Stage boundaries in their type area. The revised North American classification is correlated with global series and stages as well as regional classifications used in the United Kingdom, the East Baltic, Australia, China, the Barrandian, and Altaj. Twenty‐four potential stage slices, based primarily on graptolite and conodont zones and correlated to the global series and stages, are illustrated alongside a new composite δ13Ccarb curve for the Silurian. Conodont, graptolite, isotope, New York, Ontario, series, Silurian, stage.  相似文献   
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is formed by the action of the enzyme myeloperoxidase on hydrogen peroxide and chloride ions. It has been shown to be highly bactericidal and cytotoxic by a variety of mechanisms, one of which, may be the modification of DNA. Previously we have demonstrated by GC-MS analysis that exposure of calf thymus DNA to HOCl causes extensive pyrimidine modification, including 5-chlorocytosine formation. Using GC-MS analysis, we now demonstrate the formation of an additional chlorinated base product, 8-Cl adenine. The addition of 50 μM HOCl was sufficient to produce a significant increase in this product. The reaction of HOCl with adenine in calf thymus DNA was shown to be rapid with the reaction complete after 1 min. pH-dependence studies suggest HOCl rather than its conjugate base (OCl-) to be responsible for 8-Cl adenine formation. Other commercially available chlorinated base products, 6-Cl guanine or 2-Cl adenine were not detected. Therefore, 8-Cl adenine might prove a useful biomarker for studying the role of reactive chlorine species (RCS) during inflammatory processes.  相似文献   
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