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A population of Common Blackbirds Turdus merula was studied to investigate the relationships between the presence of blood parasites and host morphometrics, a putative sexually selected trait (bill colour), and reproductive parameters. Haematozoa of four genera were detected and their prevalence was high. Infection was negatively associated with adult morphometrics: adults infected with Leucocytozoon were in relatively poor body condition and had shorter wings than uninfected birds. The bill colour of males infected with Plasmodium tended to be duller than that of uninfected males, and in females Haemoproteus infection was significantly positively associated with bill coloration. Haematozoan infection of females was unrelated to measured reproductive parameters, and there was no relationship between blood parasite infection and the provision of parental care.  相似文献   
Rituals that defuse immediate senses of danger can perpetuate senses of powerlessness. Ambiguous language used in defensive rituals can heighten people's senses of the risks they are confronting and also compel people to perform those rituals again in the future. In this article, I illustrate this argument by examining Fijian Methodist masu sema (chain prayers), which are conducted to defuse the dangers that beset society, including curses from demonic ancestors. I argue that Fijian cultural themes of present-day human powerlessness are generated largely by competition between Methodist and chiefly authorities. "Chain prayers" are attempts to negate the power of dangerous ancestors, but in requesting God's help, ritual participants cast themselves as powerless. Verbal ambiguity in chain prayers gives "demons" lives of their own, compelling their future circulation.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. In the dwarf Siberian hamster, Phodopus sungorus,the photoperiodic response can be modified by numerous environmentalstimuli, including social interactions, dietary, and climaticchanges. Photoperiodic information is processed in both themedial basal hypothalamus and the preoptic area. Transfer ofanimals from a long summer photoperiod to a short winter photoperiodresults in decreases in the concentration of both norepinephrineand dopamine in both of these brain areas. Results from thesestudies indicate that both dietary supplements and social interactionscan override the effects of day length on changes in brain neurotransmitters.Specifically, social interactions can override the decreasesin norepinephrine and dopamine in the medial basal hypothalamusbut not the preoptic area. Conversely, dietary manipulationsoverride the decreases in the preoptic area but not in the medialbasal hypothalamus. These results suggest that photoperiod isa general stimulus that depresses neurotransmitter activityin multiple brain areas including the medial basal hypothalamus,and preoptic area. Fine tuning information, such as dietaryand social cues, is then processed in very specific areas ofthe brain and can override the photoperiod induced changes inthese specific areas  相似文献   
MATT LAMKIN 《Bioethics》2011,25(4):185-191
Darker skin correlates with reduced opportunities and negative health outcomes. Recent discoveries related to the genes associated with skin tone, and the historical use of cosmetics to conform to racist appearance standards, suggest effective skin‐lightening products may soon become available. This article examines whether medical interventions of this sort should be permitted, subsidized, or restricted, using Norman Daniels's framework for determining what justice requires in terms of protecting health. I argue that Daniels's expansive view of the requirements of justice in meeting health needs offers some support for recognizing a societal obligation to provide this kind of ‘enhancement,’ in light of the strong connections between skin tone and health outcomes. On balance, however, Daniels's framework offers compelling reasons to reject insurance coverage for skin‐lightening medical interventions, including the likely ineffectiveness of such technologies in mitigating racial health disparities, and the danger that covering skin‐lightening enhancements would undermine public support for cooperative schemes that protect health. In fact, justice may require limiting access to these technologies because of their potential to exacerbate the negative effects of racism.  相似文献   
1. Larval amphibians are a dominant consumer in many freshwater systems, yet limited data on energy transfers between aquatic food resources and larvae and between metamorphosed larvae and adjacent habitats preclude an accurate assessment of their roles as links between aquatic and terrestrial food webs.
2. During 2003–04, we derived prey-specific assimilation efficiencies, analysed stomach contents, and intensively sampled ambystomatid salamander assemblages in four ponds to quantify the trophic basis of larval production. Using estimates of the contribution of each prey taxon to larval production, we constructed quantitative food webs and assessed variation in pathways of energy flow associated with emergences.
3. Overall, metamorphosed salamanders exported 3–8% of total prey production, required to account for total salamander production, to adjacent forest. Aquatic insects, zooplankton and amphibian prey were most important to energy flow associated with emergence; amounts of larval production attributed to each of these prey types shifted during development and varied among salamander taxa.
4. The majority of variation in the trophic basis of production among species was attributed to copepods (Cyclopidae) and three families of aquatic insects (Chironomidae, Chaoboridae and Culicidae). Dominant prey types contributing to the production of metamorphosed salamanders varied among ponds, representing different pathways for energy transfers between aquatic resources and forest habitats. These findings further our understanding of the ecological roles of amphibians and thus the consequences of amphibian declines and extinctions.  相似文献   
Durability and effectiveness against all genetic variants of a microbial species are hallmarks of so-called plant 'non-host' resistance. Highly effective immunity of monocotyledonous barley against the fungal powdery mildew pathogen, which is conferred by loss-of-function mutant alleles of the barley Mlo locus, likewise is a durable and broad-spectrum type of resistance. Although this was long considered as being a barley-specific phenomenon, recent findings indicate that mlo resistance can also occur in the distantly related dicotyledonous species Arabidopsis thaliana . Shared histological and phytopathological characteristics plus a conserved requirement for a set of genes in Arabidopsis mlo and non-host powdery mildew resistance indicate a potential common mechanism for these two seemingly distinct types of immunity.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic analysis of combined morphological, chemical and ITS/5.8S sequence data reveals that species of Ateleia are often more genetically than morphologically divergent, and that species thought to be most closely related morphologically are distant relatives within the genus. Ateleia shows niche conservatism, with most species confined to seasonally dry tropical forest in Central America and the Caribbean, and fewer species in the same biome in South America. Four independent transitions to wet forests may have occurred in the genus. The estimated ages of Ateleia lineages spanning Central and South America are either older or younger than the estimated age of closure of the Isthmus of Panama. The older dates clearly suggest that over‐water dispersal is responsible for the distribution of Ateleia that includes the Caribbean Islands. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 162 , 39–53.  相似文献   
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