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The Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis breeds across the northern Palaearctic and northwestern‐most Nearctic, from northern Scandinavia to Alaska, extending south to southern Japan, and winters in Southeast Asia, the Philippines and Indonesia. Several subspecies have been described based on subtle morphological characteristics, although the taxonomy varies considerably among different authors. A recent study (T. Saitoh et al. (2010) BMC Evol. Biol. 10 : 35) identified three main mitochondrial DNA clades, corresponding to: (1) continental Eurasia and Alaska, (2) south Kamchatka, Sakhalin and northeast Hokkaido, and (3) most of Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu). These three clades were estimated to have diverged during the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene (border at c. 2.6 million years ago). Differences in morphometrics have also been reported among members of the three clades (T. Saitoh et al. (2008) Ornithol. Sci. 7 : 135–142). Here we analyse songs and calls from throughout the range of the Arctic Warbler, and conclude that these differ markedly and consistently among the populations representing the three mitochondrial clades. Kurile populations, for which no sequence data are available, are shown to belong to the second clade. To determine the correct application of available scientific names, mitochondrial DNA was sequenced from three name‐bearing type specimens collected on migration or in the winter quarters. Based on the congruent variation in mitochondrial DNA, morphology and vocalizations, we propose that three species be recognized: Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis (sensu stricto) (continental Eurasia and Alaska), Kamchatka Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus examinandus (Kamchatka (at least the southern part), Sakhalin, Hokkaido and Kurile Islands), and Japanese Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus xanthodryas (Japan except Hokkaido).  相似文献   
We measured two aspects of dispersal in the alpine Australian scincid lizard, Niveoscincus micolepidotus : (1) natal dispersal, i.e. shift in home range over the lizard's first year of life, and (2) breeding dispersal, i.e. shifts of home ranges between breeding attempts as adults. On average, displacements were surprisingly small. Female neonates dispersed about twice as far as did males in the same cohort (means of 12 m vs. 6 m). A female's natal dispersal distance was not correlated with her body size or our estimate of physiological performance (sprint speed). However, larger, faster-running male neonates dispersed further than did smaller, slower males. As was the case for neonates, adult females moved significantly further between breeding seasons than did adult males (14.2 m vs. 9.6 m). Because of a female's long gestation period (more than 1 year), two groups of females occur simultaneously in the population, non-ovulated (i.e. with yolking folicles) and pregnant females (i.e. approaching parturition). Females that were not yet ovulated showed a markedly stronger dispersal in response to high reproductive effort (i.e. clutch size in relation to body condition) than did pregnant females. In adult males, body size was negatively correlated with dispersal distance, suggesting that although males have overlapping territories, they exhibit an increasing level of site tenacity with age and/or size. Thus, selection for the relatively more pronounced site tenacity in adult males may have resulted in the more marked philopatric behaviour compared to females also as neonates.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 277–283.  相似文献   
We compiled chemical data and phytoplankton biomass (PB) data (chlorophyll a ) from unproductive lakes in 42 different regions in Europe and North America, and compared these data to inorganic nitrogen (N) deposition over these regions. We demonstrate that increased deposition of inorganic N over large areas of Europe and North America has caused elevated concentrations of inorganic N in lakes. In addition, the unproductive lakes in high N deposition areas had clearly higher PB relative to the total phosphorus (P) concentrations illustrating that the elevated inorganic N concentrations has resulted in eutrophication and increased biomass of phytoplankton. The eutrophication caused by inorganic N deposition indicates that PB yield in a majority of lakes in the northern hemisphere is (was) limited by N in their natural state. We, therefore, suggest that P limitation largely concerns lakes where the balance between N and P has been changed because of increased anthropogenic input of N.  相似文献   
Patterns of variation in five morphological traits in cardueline finches were analysed. Among species, bill characters were the most and tail length the least variable. Species differed primarily in terms of body size, whereas genera differed in terms of bill size. Cardueline finches were far less variable compared with the amount of variation expected under a model of neutral random drift. This indicates that this group of birds is under strong stabilizing selection pressure. This could conform to models of stasis where populations are thought to travel only between adjacent adaptive peaks separated by shallow valleys. Changes in body size are correlated with speciation, whereas changes in bill morphology are correlated with divergences leading to the erection of new genera.  相似文献   
  • 1 Hadena moths drink nectar from, pollinate, and oviposit into the flowers of the genus Silene. In the gynodioecious Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke (Caryophyllaceae), eggs were laid by Hadena confusa (Hufn.) females both in male phase flowers, which could not be pollinated by the moth at the time of oviposition, and in female phase and female flowers that allowed pollination.
  • 2 Flowers in which an egg had been laid had a lowered probability of receiving a second egg laid by another female during the same night.
  • 3 The degree of flower discrimination by the moth with respect to the presence of eggs was positively correlated with the proportion of flowers containing eggs.
  • 4 The oviposition behaviour of H.confusa is moulded by four factors: (1) a high probability of chosen male phase flowers later becoming pollinated by other moths, (2) the presence of conspecific eggs and risk for larval competition, (3) probability of presence of conspecific eggs also in neighbouring flowers, (4) capability of larvae to move to adjacent flowers.
MARIUSZ CICHON  MATS LINDÉN 《Ibis》1995,137(3):364-370
The relationship between the timing of breeding, offspring weight and offspring recruitment was investigated in two populations of Great Tits Parus major. In two of six seasons a significant negative correlation was found between laying date and fledgling weight, in three seasons the opposite was true and in one season no significant correlation existed between these variables. Offspring recruitment was quantified in five seasons, and late-nesting birds were found to produce significantly fewer recruiting offspring in two of these, the same two seasons when late fledglings had significantly lower weights. No significant correlation existed between the number of recruits and laying date in the three seasons when late fledglings were as heavy as or heavier than early fledglings. The potential detriment to reproductive success of lateness thus was offset when late-nesting parents managed to produce heavy young. Between-year variations in the seasonal pattern of reproductive success has previously been suggested to contribute to the maintenance of variability in the timing of breeding in Great Tits. In this paper we suggest that producing heavy offspring late in the season might be a proximate factor influencing the seasonal patterns of reproductive success. Producing heavy offspring late in the season is probably not a "strategy" but rather an effect of chance differences between years in the seasonal availability of food or the seasonality of other factors important for the nesting birds.  相似文献   
In Sweden, most patients are recruited into biobank research by non‐researcher doctors. Patients' trust in doctors may therefore be important to their willingness to participate. We suggest a model of trust that makes sense of such transitions of trust between domains and distinguishes adequate trust from mistaken trust. The unique position of doctors implies, we argue, a Kantian imperfect duty to compensate for patients' mistaken trust. There are at least three kinds of mistaken trust, each of which requires a different set of countermeasures. First, trust is mistaken when necessary competence is lacking; the competence must be developed or the illusion dispelled. Second, trust is irrational whenever the patient is mistaken about his actual reasons for trusting. Care must therefore be taken to support the patient's reasoning and moral agency. Third, some patients inappropriately trust doctors to recommend only research that will benefit them directly. Such trust should be counteracted by nurturing a culture where patients expect to be asked occasionally to contribute to the common good.  相似文献   
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