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Based on theories of mire development and responses to a changing climate, the current role of mires as a net carbon sink has been questioned. A rigorous evaluation of the current net C-exchange in mires requires measurements of all relevant fluxes. Estimates of annual total carbon budgets in mires are still very limited. Here, we present a full carbon budget over 2 years for a boreal minerogenic oligotrophic mire in northern Sweden (64°11′N, 19°33′E). Data on the following fluxes were collected: land–atmosphere CO2 exchange (continuous Eddy covariance measurements) and CH4 exchange (static chambers during the snow free period); TOC (total organic carbon) in precipitation; loss of TOC, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and CH4 through stream water runoff (continuous discharge measurements and regular C-concentration measurements). The mire constituted a net sink of 27±3.4 (±SD) g C m−2 yr−1 during 2004 and 20±3.4 g C m−2 yr−1 during 2005. This could be partitioned into an annual surface–atmosphere CO2 net uptake of 55±1.9 g C m−2 yr−1 during 2004 and 48±1.6 g C m−2 yr−1 during 2005. The annual NEE was further separated into a net uptake season, with an uptake of 92 g C m−2 yr−1 during 2004 and 86 g C m−2 yr−1 during 2005, and a net loss season with a loss of 37 g C m−2 yr−1 during 2004 and 38 g C m−2 yr−1 during 2005. Of the annual net CO2-C uptake, 37% and 31% was lost through runoff (with runoff TOC>DIC≫CH4) and 16% and 29% through methane emission during 2004 and 2005, respectively. This mire is still a significant C-sink, with carbon accumulation rates comparable to the long-term Holocene C-accumulation, and higher than the C-accumulation during the late Holocene in the region.  相似文献   
Abstract: Three thousand seven hundred disarticulated remains together with several articulated specimens of the Cambrian Series 2 ptychopariid trilobite Strenuaeva inflata Ahlberg and Bergström, 1978 have been collected from the Torneträsk area, northern Sweden. The material provides significant new data on the morphology, ontogeny, moulting and enrolment of the species. Two distinct morphotypes, possibly an expression of sexual dimorphism, are recognized. The morph with a pair of bulbs in the frontal area, interpreted as brood pouches, is considered to represent females. Statistical treatment of the length/width ratio in cranidia reveals isometric growth during ontogeny for both morphotypes. The transition from the meraspid to holaspid ontogenetic period has been established through recognition of the successive development of the number of thoracic segments in articulated late meraspides. Throughout its life cycle, Sinflata went through 11 meraspid degrees and at least 17 holaspid growth stages. Inferred moult ensembles and exuviae reveal the successive opening of cephalic sutures and the function of the rostral plate during exuviation. As in other ellipsocephalid trilobites in which enrolment is known, the pygidium and two or three thoracic segments of Sinflata are concealed beneath the cephalon (spiral enrolment) during complete enrolment.  相似文献   
Eriksson, M.E., Lindgren, J., Chin, K. & Månsby, U. 2011: Coprolite morphotypes from the Upper Cretaceous of Sweden: novel views on an ancient ecosystem and implications for coprolite taphonomy. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 455–468. Coprolites (fossilized faeces) are common, yet previously unreported, elements in the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) shallow‐marine strata of Åsen, southern Sweden. They are associated with a diverse vertebrate fauna and comprise at least seven different morphotypes that suggest a variety of source animals. Their faecal origin is corroborated by several lines of evidence, including chemical composition (primarily calcium phosphate), external morphology and nature of the inclusions. Preservation in a fossil coquina, interpreted as a taphocoenosis, suggests early lithification promoted by rapid entombment. This would have prevented disintegration of the faecal matter and facilitated transportation and introduction to the host sediment. The coprofabrics can generally be correlated to specific gross morphologies, supporting a morphology‐determined coprolite classification. Moreover, having been deposited under presumably comparable taphonomic conditions, variations in coprofabrics infer differences in diet and/or digestive efficiency of the host animal. Size and morphology of the coprolites imply that most, if not all, were produced by vertebrates and the largest specimens infer a host animal of considerable size. Two spiralled coprolite morphotypes yield bone fragments and scales of bony fish, suggesting that the producers were piscivorous sharks. Other coprolites contain inclusions interpreted as the remains of shelled invertebrates, thus indicating that they may have derived from durophagous predators and/or scavengers. The occurrence of small scrapes, tracks and traces on several specimens suggest manipulation of the faeces by other (presumably coprophagous) organisms after deposition. The collective data from the Åsen coprolites provide new insights into a shallow‐water Late Cretaceous marine ecosystem hitherto known solely from body fossils. □ Coprolites, vertebrates, coprofabrics, taphonomy, trophic levels, Upper Cretaceous, Sweden.  相似文献   
Soil processes in high-latitude regions during winter are important contributors to global carbon circulation, but our understanding of the mechanisms controlling these processes is poor and observed temperature response coefficients of CO2 production in frozen soils deviate markedly from thermodynamically predicted responses (sometimes by several orders of magnitude). We investigated the temperature response of CO2 production in 23 unfrozen and frozen surface soil samples from various types of boreal forests and peatland ecosystems and also measured changes in water content in them after freezing. We demonstrate that deviations in temperature responses at subzero temperatures primarily emanates from water deficiency caused by freezing of the soil water, and that the amount of unfrozen water is mainly determined by the quality of the soil organic matter, which is linked to the vegetation cover. Factoring out the contribution of water limitation to the CO2 temperature responses yields response coefficients that agree well with expectations based on thermodynamic theory concerning biochemical temperature responses. This partitioning between a pure temperature response and the effect of water availability on the response of soil CO2 production at low temperatures is crucial for a thorough understanding of low-temperature soil processes and for accurate predictions of C-balances in northern terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   
A new method is proposed to adjust allele frequencies when allelic drop‐out is common. This method assumes Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), and treats the problematic alleles as a one‐locus two‐allele system with dominance. By assuming that the homozygote frequency of the ‘recessive’ allele is measured correctly, we can back calculate the allele frequency of the ‘dominant’ allele, and adjust the heterozygote frequency accordingly. The drawback is that multilocus genotypes cannot be constructed and tests that use deviations from Hardy–Weinberg such as tests for bottlenecks become impossible. An example is given where a large homozygote excess (FIS = 0.44) is adjusted to a reasonable level (FIS = 0.046). The effect of scoring error was set in relation to sampling error and while FIS values can be seriously biased, FST values are not necessarily so, if scoring error and sample size are both low. As sample size increases, the effect of scoring error increases.  相似文献   
1. We assessed the terrestrial export of organic carbon, which effectively supported aquatic bacterial production (BP), from small boreal catchments during spring flood. We analysed stream runoff from nine small catchments with different proportions of peat mires and coniferous forests by monitoring the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flux in combination with conducting bacterial bioassays.
2. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that BP during 7-day-dark bioassays (BP7; μg C L−1day−1) was explained by both the quantity and quality (low-molecular weight fractions) of the DOC. BP7 can be used as a measure of export of terrestrial organic carbon that is highly bioavailable.
3. Total export of DOC during spring flood from the different catchments ranged from 20 to 27 kg ha−1 and was negatively correlated to forest cover (%). However, the export of BP7 carbon was positively correlated to forest cover and varied from about 0.1 kg ha−1 in mire-dominated streams to about 0.2 kg ha−1 in forest-dominated streams.
4. The high bioavailability of forest carbon suggests that forests are the main contributors of BP-supporting carbon in boreal streams although mires have higher area-specific export of DOC.  相似文献   
Petal venation in families related to the Asteraceae was studied by means of light microscopy. The group of study was delimited on the base of previously published molecular data and includes the Alseuosmiaceae, Apiaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Araliaceae, Argophyllaceae, Bruniaceae, Brunoniaceae, Calyceraceae, Campanulaceae sensu lato , Caprifoliaceae, Donatiaceae, Dipsacaceae, Escalloniaceae, Goodeniaceae, Griseliniaceae, Menyanthaceae, Pentaphragmataceae, Pittosporaceae, Sambucaceae, Sphenocleaceae, Stylidiaceae, Valerianaceae, and Viburnaceae. The Calyceraceae, Goodeniaceae, and Menyanthaceae are very similar to the Asteraceae in their petal venation. One feature common to these four families but not found in any other group is the prominent marginal veins entering the petal independently of the midvein, but meeting it at the apex of the petal. Other morphological data as well as gene sequence data suggest that these four families form a monophyletic group. The other investigated families show a wide array of venation types, but they are all very different from the Asteraceae. Typical for die Campanulaceae sensu lato is a densely reticulate pattern. The Dipsacaceae, Valerianaceae and some Caprifoliaceae are characterized by well-developed transpetal veins.  相似文献   
In a laboratory experiment interaction effects of UV-B and CO2 on photosynthesis and growth of the moss Hylocomium splendens were studied. The plants were exposed to two CO2 levels (350 ppm and 600 ppm) and three UV-B levels (no UV-B, ambient UV-B and that corresponding to 20% ozone depletion) for 5 months. The effects were recorded by measuring the photosynthetic response and growth of the plants. There was a statistically significant change in photosynthetic efficiency and maximum photosynthetic rates due to time and to enhanced CO2 concentration, whereas there was no effect due to UV-B. There was a decreased growth due to both UV-B and CO2 and an interaction effect on growth (in length). The UV-B dose corresponding to the ambient level had a larger reducing effect on growth than the highest UV-B dose. This was a counter-intuitive result and the following tentative interpretation was made: differences in the measured UV-A/UV-B/PAR ratios between the treatments could explain the result provided there was a non-linear response to UV over the range of irradiance levels used.  相似文献   
In most temperate-zone reptiles, as in many other ectothermic taxa, males emerge from periods of inactivity (e.g. hibernation) before females, a pattern referred to as protandry. In the large body of theory depicting its evolution it is assumed that as selection pressures on females moderate female emergence time, net sexual selection on males shifts male emergence time accordingly. This is because early-emerging males might (i) benefit from advantages in behavioural interactions (e.g. obtain more matings, better territories, or a higher social status), or (ii) produce and mature more spermatozoa before the mating season. These putative advantages of early emergence occur simultaneously in most temperate-zone reptile species, because sperm production and copulations occur soon after emergence from winter inactivity. Thus, it is difficult to distinguish between the two hypotheses. To do so would require a system in which behavioural interactions occur at one time of year and sperm production at another. The southern snow skink ( Niveoscincus microlepidotum ) provides such an example; adult males fight with each other immediately after emerging from hibernation, but examination of the testes and epididymes of males throughout the year show that males do not produce spermatozoa until around 3 months later. Thus, the 'behavioural interactions' hypothesis predicts protandry in snow skinks, whereas the 'sperm production' hypothesis predicts synchronous spring emergence in males and females. Our field data, collected over 5 years, show that emergence dates in spring are the same for male and female skinks. Hence, when the selection pressure for rapid sperm production is relaxed, we no longer see the protandric emergence pattern characteristic of most temperate-zone reptiles.  相似文献   
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