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Abstract.  1. Forest entomofauna retain high diversity, and examining beta diversity, or species turnover, among assemblages in a forest community is vital to elucidate the source of this diversity.
2. Under the DIVERSITAS in Western Pacific and Asia–International Biodiversity Observation Year (DIWPA–IBOY) project for simultaneously documenting biodiversity throughout the Western Pacific and Asian Region, 892 lepidopteran species (51 742 specimens) and 355 coleopteran species (11 633 specimens) were collected in 2001 by light traps in a cool–temperate forest in northern Japan.
3. This study evaluated the beta diversity of lepidopteran and coleopteran communities by ecological categories (i.e. trap location, forest strata, sampling days, and months), and assessed the habitat preferences of lepidopteran and coleopteran species.
4.  anova -like additive apportioning models were used to quantify the beta diversity among the categories. The models simultaneously provide assessments of whether species distributions are biased in favour of particular habitats.
5. Significantly high beta diversity was observed among months for both Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. The category of months corresponded fairly well to the number of specialist species detected in the category, although a remarkably large number of significant specialists in Coleoptera were observed on strata.
6. The high beta diversity and number of specialist species among strata in both communities indicate that stratification between canopy and ground, and seasonal variation, played major roles in species composition and the rich entomofauna in the forest. Highly mobile adults were influenced by the vertical spatial scale, as previously suggested for larvae.  相似文献   
To investigate the connection between demographic strategies and reproductive strategies of a polycarpic perennial herb, Trillium apetalon Makino, we conducted three studies. First, we monitored the fate of individuals and the flowering behavior of T. apetalon for 12 years and used a transition matrix model to analyze the demography of the population. The analysis revealed that it takes a long time for individuals to go through one-leaf stage in juveniles. Elasticity analysis showed that the survival of flowering individuals was a decisive factor in the dynamics of the population. Furthermore, we found that the average remaining lifetime of flowering individuals was high relative to the other three stages. Second, to elucidate the demographic consequences of organ preformation, we investigated the development of flower buds for future years. We observed three to six flower buds per rhizome, suggesting that flower buds for the next 3–6 years were ready in advance in this plant. Third, the results of breeding experiments clarified that although this species appears to have a substantial capacity for both inbreeding and outbreeding, inbreeding plays an important role in seed production, and that crossing experiments (direct cross-pollination and self pollination) yielded similar seed-ovule ratios to those obtained from open-pollinated individuals. Our three studies suggest that the adult survival and continuous flowering strategies of T. apetalon obtained from demographic analysis are closely interlinked with breeding systems and preformation of flower buds.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The gymnotiform electric fish, Eigenmannia, exhibitsextraordinary sensitivity to small timing differences betweensensory signals. The jamming avoidance response, gradual frequencyshifts of the electric organ discharges, requires the detectionof temporal disparities between sensory signals impinging upondifferent electroreceptors. This behavior occurs reliably evenwith temporal disparities being smaller than one microsecond.Since individual sensory receptors are not capable of encodingsuch minute timing with certainty, the high behavioral sensitivitymust, therefore, emerge from signal processing within the centralnervous system. Individual neurons, at the top of a well definedneuronal hierarchy have been found to be sensitive to temporaldisparities in the range of 1 microsecond. The response propertiesof these neurons as well as behavioral results suggest thatspatial convergence of sensory information plays a major rolein the emergence of this temporal hyperacuity.  相似文献   
The karyomorphology of 11 species of the genus Incarvillea Juss. is reported. The chromosome numbers of all species studied are 2 n  = 22. The interphase nuclei and prophase chromosomes were found to be of the simple chromocentre type and the interstitial type, respectively. The asymmetry of the karyotype of I. arguta (two populations) in subgenus Amphicome is type 2A. The karyotypes of Incarvillea s inensis var. sinensis , I.  s inensis var. przewalskii, and I. olgae in subgenus Incarvillea are of asymmetry type 3A. The remaining nine species and one variety in subgenus Pteroscleris are also of asymmetry 3A. Data on three species and one variety studied are first reports. This study indicates that karyotype variation at the diploid level appears to be the predominant feature of chromosome evolution in the genus Incarvillea . According to this study of karyomorphology, morphological characteristics and geographical distribution, it seems that the three subgenera should be regarded as three independent genera. The geography of the genus is discussed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 113–121.  相似文献   
  1. 1) When yeast cells grown anaerobically were adapted to aerobicculture in a normal medium, catalase formation was markedlyenhanced after the earlier stage of exponential growth of thecells. The same thing occurred with cells transferred from ananaerobic culture into a nitrogen deficient medium.
  2. 2) Thecatalase activity of aerobically grown cells declinedprogressivelyuntil glucose, which had been added to the mediumwas profoundlyexhausted. This decline was followed by a progressiverecoveryof activity to a normal level with the growth of thecells.Similar behavior of catalase was also seen at low concentrationsof glucose, except that an abrupt rise in activity was observedat the beginning of incubation. Even when cells which had declinedto a minimum of catalase activity were aerated in phosphatebuffer, they continued to synthesize catalase.
  3. 3) The patternof alteration of catalase activity during cellgrowth was accompaniedby a comparable pattern of alterationin respiratory capacity.On the basis of this finding, togetherwith the fact that antimycinA causes intensive depression incatalase formation, it maybe inferred that the formation ofthe respiratory chain conductsthe formation of catalase.
  4. 4) In the presence of ethyl alcoholas the carbon source inplace of glucose, a rise in both catalaseactivity and respiratorycapacity occurred from initiation ofincubation. This fact canbe interpreted to mean that the repressiveeffect of glucoseon catalase formation depends on the aerobiccharacter of thecells.
(Received February 26, 1968; )  相似文献   
A method for replacing the cell sap of Nitella with an artificialsolution was introduced. The technique, which is a modificationof KAMIYA and KURODA'S (1, 2), is applicable not only for isotonicbut also for hypertonic or hypotonic solutions. Photometricdeterminations of K+, Na+, Ca++ and Cl proved that thereplacement of the cell sap with the present method is satisfactory.The internodal cell of Nitella, whose cell sap was replacedwith an isotonic solution with a simple composition such asa mixture of KCl, NaCl and CaCl2, can be kept living at leastfor several days, sometimes even for more than one month. (Received September 6, 1963; )  相似文献   
The absorption spectrum of intact cels of Rhodotorula mucilaginosaexhibits three absorption peaks for carotenoids and a Soretband for cytochrome(s). The difference spectrum between thereduced and oxidized states indicates there are components ofcytochrome b, c(c1) and a+a3. However, the respiratory aspectof this strain differs significantly from that of baker's yeast,Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The respiratory capacity is strikinglyenhanced in the transition from the lag to the logarithmic phaseof growth, and is accompanied with a special increase in cytochromeoxidase. Addition of TMPD (plus ascorbate) in the presence ofglucose barely affects oxygen consumption of the cells duringthis period, whereas it markedly affects consumption in oldercells. Sodium azide slightly inhibits respiration in the courseof growth, except during this limited transitional period. Azide-insensitiverespiration is also seen in the mitochondrial fraction preparedfrom cells grown to the stationary state. A similar situationis found with antimycin A. Morphological investigations were carried out electron-microscopicallyon the cells of different growth stages. (Received September 16, 1969; )  相似文献   
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